Gold Medal Sweet Wife, The President Spoiled Marriage 1314

Chapter 139: Goldfish Spit Bubbles


Subei: Well, that's it, he asked for processing capital and bonus!

Lu Nan: He must be dreaming!

Subei: Dreams are still necessary, if they come true!

Lunan: No! What he was doing was daydreaming!

North Jiangsu: Table sauce purple! Don't you care about your subordinates, do you make a little expression for your color-loving friends?

Lu Nan: Do I have any friends who care about color and love?

Subei: Isn't it there?

Lu Nan: Who am I?

Subei: Me!

Lunan: Can you please?

Subei: I've rolled my eyes countless times. Okay, let's stop talking. I got into the elevator and there is no signal!

Lu Nan: Hmm!

Lunan stood in the parking lot. After waiting for less than two minutes, Subei came down.

Lu Nan reached out and hugged Subei.

Subei shoved him embarrassedly.

"What are you doing! It's still in the parking lot, let's get in the car first!" Sulby whispered.

Lu Nan nodded and helped her open the car door.

After the two people got in the car, they quickly left the parking lot.

Subei didn't notice, Ye Ran in the corner filmed this scene.

Ye Ran's reputation is already bad. Although Subei agreed to Ye Tingluo, he didn't continue to pursue Ye Ran and asked her to continue filming the scene.

However, few people have dared to use her.

She could still participate in a commercial cocktail party like today.

But this time, she didn't even receive an invitation.

She is not like Su Nuan, there is a Su family behind her, behind her, there is nothing!

Therefore, although Subei let her go.

However, she hated Subei even more.

Looking at the photos on the phone, Ye Ran gave a vicious smile.

Northern Jiangsu is actually entangled with Lu Nan.

This shameless woman, see how she will deal with her slowly in the future.

She must make Subei worse than her current situation!

Ye Ran thought viciously while squeezing the phone in his hand.

At this time, the phone rang suddenly.

She quickly connected, Su Nuan's angry voice rang in the phone.

"Ye Ran, what can you do? Ask you to send me a dress. You have been so slow. It's been a long time since you haven't come. Didn't you say that you are near here?" Su Nuan said angrily.

Ye Ran came back to his senses.

She was a little surprised when she saw Subei and Lu Nan hugged just now. She completely forgot that she was here to give Su Nuan clothes.

"Okay, I'm in the underground garage, and I'll be up right away, but I don't have an invitation card, so I can only send you to the reception door, and you can come out and pick it up by yourself!" Ye Ran said.

"Okay, I see! Stop talking nonsense! Come up!" Su Nuan's voice was full of impatience.

Ye Ran hung up the phone, with a terrifying look on his face.

One day, she will step on all these people!

Lu Nan drove his car all the way towards the apartment in the city center.

Subei sat in the co-pilot and sent a message to Su Han and Su Lin.

Subei: Baby, are you asleep?

Su Han: No, I am helping the big devil to improve the computer information system of the Shengshi Group. I feel that their system is very insecure!

Su Lin: I haven't slept either, Mommy, I'm working on a project, I guess you don't understand it, anyway, it's very complicated, I haven't slept well for several days!

Subei: I feel sorry for my babies. It’s late, go to bed early, and children can’t stay up late. As for the information system of Shengshi Group, it is not perfect at this time. After all, they have all come here so long ago. It’s not good! And Xiao Rin, mommy hasn't heard of any of those things you researched. If you can take your time, don't rush and embarrass yourself.

Su Han: Mommy, I have obsessive-compulsive disorder. When I see bad things, I always want to do my best, otherwise I can't sleep.

Su Lin: Mommy, technology is the primary productive force of human development, do you know? If I don't work hard, how can humanity develop!

Between the lines of Su Lin's words, they deliberately revealed a worried tone.

Subei couldn't help laughing, how could this joke be so funny!

With so many human beings, if he doesn't work hard, science and technology will not progress!

North Jiangsu: Good, good! I know that my darlings are the best, but Mommy still has to tell you to rest early, otherwise it will be bad for your health and you will be exhausted. Mommy will feel distressed!

Su Lin: Mommy, I will go to bed obediently, and you go to bed earlier too!

Su Han: Mommy, I'll do it tomorrow too. I'll go to bed first, good night!

Subei: Good night, dears!

Lu Nan drove the car, he turned his eyes slightly and saw Subei's face with a satisfied smile.

She stared at the phone and smiled stupidly.

Lu Nan was a little curious about who she was chatting with and why she was so happy.

"Bei Bei, who are you chatting with?" Lu Nan asked casually.

Subei was stunned.

Her expression was flustered.

"Um... Did I ask Gu Qianying to go home? She said that she met a funny person, and she just told me about it. I think it's very interesting!" Subei casually found an excuse and went over it in a perfunctory manner. .

Lu Nan nodded.

With Gu Qianying in Subei, he almost subconsciously remembered the events at the reception.

Li Yunkai, ex-boyfriend of northern Jiangsu.

He was suddenly full of curiosity about Subei's past.

However, he knew very well that he could not investigate, otherwise he would be angry if he let Subei know.

However, if you ask her yourself, she doesn't necessarily tell herself the truth.

Lu Nan sighed helplessly.

Subei seemed to perceive that Lu Nan was unhappy. She looked a little uncomfortable, but she didn't know what to say to alleviate the atmosphere.

The car finally reached the garage of the apartment.

When Subei got out of the car, he felt relieved.

She quickly walked into the elevator, who knows, Lu Nan strode Meteor to keep up.

Su Bei's heart was flustered, she always felt that Lu Nan had something in his heart.

Sure enough, Lu Nan opened his mouth as soon as the elevator door closed.

"Beibei, is Li Yunkai really your boyfriend?" Lu Nan asked in a deep voice.

Subei wrinkled his face.

How should she answer? She said that at the reception, it must be true!

However, she is very aware of Lu Nan's temperament, as long as she says it is true, Lu Nan will definitely be upset.

Subei thought for a while, and she laughed.

"Um... When we were in college, we were all too young. We were all for fun, and we didn't know what the other person was. Afterwards, I felt bad and we separated!" Su Beigan said with a smile, she didn't even know, she What are you talking about?

Lu Nan nodded.

He suddenly pulled Subei over and hugged him.

Subei felt that her breathing was a bit unsmooth. She stretched out her hand to cover her chest and felt her heart beating fiercely, accompanied by a faint pain.

Subei shook his head.

She must be really thinking about it, why the heart hurts, just because she is too excited.

She lowered her head, nestled in Lu Nan's arms, not daring to speak.

Lu Nan felt uncomfortable looking at her well-behaved appearance.

Li Yunkai, she should be her first man!

He has indeed been admonishing himself not to feel uncomfortable, not to compare himself with that kind of person, and not to think about the past of Northern Jiangsu.

However, he was uncomfortable in his heart and couldn't restrain it.

Lu Nan's hands became tighter and tighter, and he hugged Subei to breathe.

When the elevator arrived, she struggled to escape Lu Nan's embrace.

"I'm a little uncomfortable, I went in first!" Subei said, almost rushing out of the elevator and running towards the door.

When Lu Nan walked into the house, he found that Subei had entered the bedroom.

She closed her bedroom door tightly.

A trace of deep loneliness flashed through Lu Nan's eyes.

He stood in the living room and looked at Subei's bedroom for a long time before turning around and walking upstairs.

He felt a fire in his heart and he had to calm down.

Lu Nan went upstairs and plunged into the water. He suddenly felt that his whole body was cold.

Lu Nan swam around in the water.

He suddenly heard a noise on the other side of the swimming pool. He swam over and found that Subei had also come upstairs to swim.

Lunan quickly swam towards northern Jiangsu.

Subei was swimming, and suddenly he felt someone behind him.

She suddenly surfaced, and Lu Nan also emerged.

Subei looked at Lu Nan in surprise.

"Why are you here?" Su Bei was talking, with water still flowing on his head.

Lu Nan glanced at her lightly.

"Why are you here?" Lu Nan asked.

Subei's expression was slightly startled.

"I... I suddenly wanted to swim!" Subei said, looking for a very bad reason.

Lu Nan chuckled lightly.

"Really? Then I just want to swim, so I'm here!" Lu Nan Youyou said.

Subei swallowed.

"Then you continue, I will also swim away!" Subei finished speaking, plunged into the water and swam farther.

Lu Nan's eyes flashed, he stretched out his hand, rubbed his hair full of drops of water, and swam towards northern Jiangsu.

Two of you chased me and swam in the water for a long time.

Su Bei was exhausted, and she quickly swam towards the shore.

Lu Nan saw that Subei was planning to go ashore.

He speeded up and swam in front of northern Jiangsu in two or three strokes.

He floated in front of Subei, blocking Subei, preventing her from going ashore.

Northern Jiangsu surfaced.

She looked at Lu Nan angrily.

"Lu Nan, what are you doing?" Su Bei said with a small face.

Lu Nan gave her a deep look.

"Can't you tell? I'm swimming!" Lu Nan said.

Subei suddenly became angry.

When swimming, he just swims. Why does he keep following behind him? The whole swimming pool is so big, can't he go to other places?

Besides, he is floating in front of him now, what is this going to do again!

Northern Jiangsu hates this kind of road south the most.

She knows very well that Lu Nan must be in a bad mood at this time!

However, he was unwilling to speak out, and his performance every time was neither overwhelming nor overwhelming, leaving Subei deeply powerless and at a loss.

The more and more Subei wanted, the more angry.

In the end, she was so angry that she held a handful of water and splashed it towards Lu Nan.

Lu Nan didn't pay attention and was frightened by the sudden attack from North Jiangsu.

He subconsciously opened his mouth slightly.

Then, he took a sip of water off guard.

Lu Nan gurgled two mouthfuls, and water ran down from the corners of his mouth.

His handsome face was dark and heavy.

"Beibei! What are you doing?" Lu Nan said solemnly.

Subei's puffy face.

"You didn't see it, I'll splash you water, who made you abnormal!" Subei said angrily.

Seeing Lu Nan spit bubbles like a goldfish, she thought it was quite fun!