Gold Medal Sweet Wife, The President Spoiled Marriage 1314

Chapter 156: karma


Gu Shengze looked at it and panicked.

He struggled hard.

"You are mistaken, how could I be involved in the intentional homicide case? I am the president of Rainbow Group. You will let me go!" Gu Shengze struggled desperately, his face was full of anger and unwillingness.

The police tightly restrained him and took him out of the meeting room, howling ghost jackal.

Looking at the shareholders present, Gu Niancheng opened their mouths in surprise, as if a duck egg could fit in their mouths.

He took a deep breath.

"Don’t be shocked, everyone, Gu Shengze did kill someone, and that person, not someone else, was my father, your former chairman. In order to become the chairman of Tianhong Group, Gu Shengze's wolfish ambition gave birth to such a vicious ambition. He thought, and killed my father. Today, I can also be regarded as clearing a malignant tumor for the Rainbow Group, and using proper means to avenge my father!" Gu Niancheng said awe-inspiringly.

All the shareholders in the meeting room seemed to be frightened.

They couldn't believe that Gu Shengze actually killed the old chairman.

The few people who supported Gu Shengze just now were shocked and ashamed!

After Lu Nan dealt with the matter here, he explained a few words to everyone and left in a hurry.

When Lu Nan returned to the hospital, Yun Fan had already handed the nurse to the police.

In order to ensure the safety of northern Jiangsu, Yunfan deliberately asked his subordinates to send people to the police station, while he stayed in the ward to protect northern Jiangsu.

Subei looked at Yun Fan curiously.

"How do you know that the nurse is a bad person?" Su Bei asked.

Yun Fan smiled. .

"With my eyesight, I still can't tell this kind of thing. The president found something wrong and asked me to come back to protect Miss Su!" Yun Fan said.

Subei glanced at Yun Fan with a smile, like a little fox.

"Yun Fan, do you have a girlfriend this year?" Su Bei asked.

Yun Fan scratched his ears embarrassedly.

"That... I have followed Mr. Lu all these years, and I haven't thought about these things!" Yun Fan said embarrassedly, his ears were red.

Subei nodded clearly.

"I know that although Lunan looks like Yushu is in the breeze, but every capitalist has a cannibalistic face that we can't see. Does he exploit you all day and make you unable to make a girlfriend with peace of mind? Right?" Subei said with a smile.

Yun Fan shook his head quickly.

"No, no! Nothing! I voluntarily followed the president before and after. No matter how hard and tired, I can stand it. What's more, the salary paid by the president is extremely high!" Yun Fan said a little shyly.

Subei was suddenly excited.

"That said, the salary he paid you is very impressive. How much is it? Tell me about it, and I will be an assistant for him too!" Subei smiled like a flower.

Yun Fan already had tears in his heart.

Miss Su, don't make fun of me, okay!

I look from the left to the right, there is a feeling that you will make me happy again, can we stop making trouble!

If you want money, just talk, Mr. Lu still has to go bankrupt and give you all his things!

Yun Fan looked bitter.

The door of the ward rang at this moment.

Yun Fan quickly walked over and opened the door.

The moment he saw Lu Nan, tears burst into his eyes!

Is the president here to save him?

As a result, seeing Lu Nan's dark face and gloomy expression, Yun Fan couldn't help swallowing.

What's going on here?

Is it very difficult to go to Tianhong Group today?

Logically speaking, it shouldn't!

But why does the president hold a face?

Yunfan was puzzled.

Of course he didn't know that Lu Nan's face was black because he was holding the mobile phone that Gu Shengze had left in the conference room on the way.

He watched all the way, Subei molested Yun Fan before he walked to the ward.

He knew everything in the ward.

Lu Nan looked at Yun Fan.

"I heard that Beibei wants to introduce you to a girlfriend?" Lu Nan asked coolly.

Yun Fan instantly felt chilly behind him.

What do you mean? I heard that in this ward, he and Subei are obviously the only people!

Is it possible that the president heard what a ghost said?

Yun Fan was frightened instantly.

Lu Nan threw the mobile phone in his hand to Yun Fan in a bad mood.

"Go, find the camera, and get it for me!" Lu Nan said.

Yun Fan understood in an instant, he took a look at the phone in his hand, and nodded doglegally.

"Okay, I'll go right now!" Yun Fan finished speaking, and quickly scanned the ward.

Lunan stepped towards northern Jiangsu.

Yunfan's efficiency is quite high. In almost three or two minutes, he found the miniature camera, quickly took it off, and went out.

Lu Nan looked at Subei.

"You were scared just now?" Lu Nan asked softly.

Subei shook his head excitedly.

"No, I guessed it a long time ago. Yun Fan came back because the caregiver had a problem. Yun Fan was there. What am I afraid of!" Subei said with a grin.

Lu Nan's heart was instantly congested.

Subei’s lines shouldn’t be, with you here, what am I afraid of!

Why does it become Yunfan when she speaks it out of her mouth?

Is Yunfan that important?

If it weren't for his command, Yun Fan would know that Gu Shengze had placed someone in the hospital?

Lu Nan looked at Subei with heart.

"Beibei, I asked Yunfan to protect you!" Lu Nan said that he had a deep heart and hoped that Subei could understand his painstaking efforts.

Subei nodded his little head.

"I see, you let Yunfan protect me, so if Yunfan is there, I'm not afraid at all!" Subei said with a smile.

Lu Nan felt that his heart had received another ten thousand crit in an instant.

Moreover, he asked for it entirely!

Lunan is very heartbroken.

"Bei Bei, do you know what I'm talking about?" Lu Nan asked helplessly.

North Jiangsu nodded happily.

"Of course I know! By the way, when will we be discharged? Did you go to the Rainbow Group today, did it go well?" Subei asked enthusiastically.

Lu Nan could see that during this period of time in northern Jiangsu, he was probably suffocated in the hospital.

She probably wished to put on her wings now and fly out.

Lu Nan looked at her angrily.

"Before answering your question, I must first correct it. It is when you are discharged from the hospital, not when we are discharged. Now, you can recover from the illness. It is estimated that discharge from the hospital will be a matter of two days. As long as the doctor agrees, I I will immediately help you with the discharge procedures. As for today, Rainbow Group basically develops according to our thoughts. Now, Rainbow Group is a subsidiary of Shengshi Group, and I will make it more powerful!" Lu Nan said ambitiously.

Subei looked at him with a smile.

"I believe you, it's certainly possible, but I still want to know if I can leave the hospital early, I'm going crazy, don't say, I am discharged from the hospital alone, if it has nothing to do with you, look at me During this hospitalization, didn’t you stay in the hospital all the time? Tell yourself, how different is it from your hospitalization. I still feel very unbearable watching you work in the hospital. So, can I leave the hospital now? Ah, I feel that I am really better!" Subei said, thinking about it again.

Lu Nan saw that something was wrong and immediately pressed her to the bed.

He looked at Subei seriously.

"Subei, please be honest with me and don't mess around. I'm afraid you are not intolerable. You are just trying to find an excuse to leave the hospital quickly, right? Also, as long as you are in the hospital, I will be happy to be You don’t have the heart to work in the hospital. I think it’s okay. In any case, don’t argue with me. Tonight, you must live in the hospital. Tomorrow I will ask the doctor to examine the wound for you. If possible, we will be discharged!" Nan said angrily.

Subei nodded quickly.

"Okay! This is what you said. If possible tomorrow morning, I will be discharged from the hospital. I can record this time. You must not deny it!" Subei said, taking out a cell phone from the quilt.

Lu Nan saw that the phone was recording.

Lu Nan almost vomited blood, how could there be such a little woman!

It's so naughty!

"Okay, hurry up and get a good rest. I will find a doctor to come over for an examination tomorrow morning!" Lu Nan said.

Subei was crying, and looked sullen.

Lu Nan looked at her speechlessly.

"Didn't I promise you that I will be discharged from the hospital tomorrow morning? Why do you still have this expression now!" Lu Nan said.

The grievances of northern Jiangsu are slumped.

"I know, but how do I spend this afternoon? It's really boring to be alone!" Subei said pitifully.

Lu Nan frowned.

"Or, ask Gu Qianying to come and accompany you. She hurt her back. Sitting and chatting with you shouldn't have any effect!" Lu Nan said seriously.

Subei shook his head.

"You think too much. Qianying left Nancy City yesterday afternoon. She said she was a little bored and wanted to go out for a walk! I couldn't help but agree to it, but I agreed for the time being. I know, in fact, she feels very uncomfortable. , I can't control her thoughts, I can only let her go out to relax!" Subei said, looking a little helpless.

Lu Nan thought for a long time, but didn't think of a way.

Seeing Subei's pitiful look, he said irritably.

"I can't find Lin Yihan to accompany you!" Lu Nan is really gone, so I think of children.

But, after all, Lin Yihan is just a child!

As soon as Subei heard Lu Nan talk about Su Han, she was instantly happy.

"Okay, okay, you ask him to come over, I really miss him a little bit, Lu Nan, you don’t know, I’m really boring and boring in the hospital alone!" Subei said very poorly. She looked at Lu Nan with watery eyes.

Lu Nan really couldn't resist her like this.

He nodded.

"All right! I'll call him for you now, all right!" Lu Nan said, picked up the phone, and called Su Han.

Subei looked at the mobile phone in his hand blankly.

"Can I tell him?" Subei looked at Lu Nan expectantly.

Lu Nan couldn't bear it for a moment, and directly handed the phone to Subei.

Su Bei instantly became elated.

Lu Nan is ashamed, this is multiple personality, otherwise, how could the change be so fast!