Gold Medal Sweet Wife, The President Spoiled Marriage 1314

Chapter 194: Lunan I love you


In Subei's heart, the warm touch moisturized her heart.

She wanted to immediately, at this moment, to see Lu Nan.

She picked up the phone and just about to call Lu Nan, Lu Nan's phone number came in.

"Beibei..." He shouted very softly.

The voice was low and hoarse, making Subei's heart throbbing like an electric shock.

"Well! Lunan..." Subei responded in a soft, low voice.

"Can you all see it?" Lu Nan asked.

"I saw it!" Subei nodded and said softly.

"You don't blame me for being reckless. You just made our identity public without asking for your opinion?" Lu Nan asked.

Subei shook his head.

"How come, it's too late for me to be touched, why can I blame you, Lu Nan, you are so kind, I know, you did this to protect me!" said Subei.

Lu Nan finally breathed a sigh of relief.

He had always been anxious before, and when he asked Subei, he was very cautious, just for fear that Subei would be angry.

After all, before Subei, they were unwilling to let others know their identities.

He also used this to threaten Subei to go upstairs and have lunch with him!

"Beibei, you are not angry, I am so happy that I can stand in front of you, help you solve problems, and still move you, how lucky I am!" Lu Nan said emotionally.

Northern Jiangsu is a bit helpless.

"Lunan, what are you talking about? If you do this, it's too late for me to be happy. How can I be angry with you? Everything you do for me makes me very touched. At this moment, I especially want to see you!" Su Bei said helplessly.

Lu Nan was a little excited.

"Beibei, wait for me, and I will go home immediately!" He said quickly.

Subei spoke quickly.

"No! Lu Nan, although I want to see you, but now is your working time, you should work hard, I will wait until noon, come to the company to find you!" Subei said a little shyly.

She had never been so proactive before.

However, Lu Nan now, everything he did, made her want to get close to him.

"Bei Bei, you are so kind!" Lu Nan whispered.

There seemed to be a gentle smile in his voice.

Subei's little face blushed.

"Lunan, I love you!" As soon as she finished speaking, she immediately hung up the phone.

She sat down on the sofa, her face flushed.

She even said to Lu Nan just now that she loves him.

Subei clutched his little heart and felt it beating very powerfully, as if it still felt that kind of faint pain.

Most importantly, it seems that in the next second, his heart will jump out.

Subei was a little out of breath, she clutched her heart, fell on the sofa, her body shrank into a ball.

After a long delay, she was slightly better.

Last time she and Lu Nan went to the hospital for an examination, but the doctor did not say that there was a heart problem!

Why does my heart hurt so much!

Northern Jiangsu is a bit puzzled!

However, thinking of what he said just now, Lu Nan would definitely continue to ask questions.

She picked up the phone and saw the WeChat message from Lu Nan.

Lu Nan: Beibei, why did you hang up? I didn't hear what you said just now. I want to hear it again!

Lu Nan's tone had a kind of coquetry, like a child.

Subei was a little helpless, and sure enough, a child lived in every man's heart.

Subei: Oh, it's not that I hung up the phone, but the phone suddenly ran out of power.

Subei's face was not red and not beating, and she continued to edit the news.

Subei: I didn't say anything just now. As for what you heard, I don't know that. Besides, if you don't say a good thing twice, you should understand it!

After sending the message, Subei stared at the phone and couldn't help but smirk.

Lu Nan frowned, this little woman, he got up and went downstairs with the car key.

Lunan: I don't care, I will listen to you to say it again, if you don't say it, I will go home now, I am already on the way back.

Subei suddenly started from the sofa.

Subei: Lunan, you work hard. You are not allowed to come back. Otherwise, you won’t see me when you come back. I will go out now. You must be overwhelmed by your brain and rush back. See you at noon, okay?

Lu Nan had already rushed to the parking lot. Seeing her news, he shook his head helplessly.

This little woman, she said so, what else can he do!

Forget it, just leave it to her.

Lu Nan: You have said so, I can only return to the company, but Beibei, you must come over at noon, otherwise, I will not be able to even work this afternoon, and, one day, I will pay Will let you say those three words willingly.

Subei: Well, it’s always good to have a dream, if it comes true! Come on! juvenile.

Seeing the news from Subei, Lu Nan couldn't laugh or cry.

Lunan: Okay, I will come on, girl, wait for it!

The two said a few words, Lu Nan went upstairs to work.

Subei began to clean up. She put on light makeup and planned to go to the company to find Lunan at noon.

On Su Nuan's side, she drove the car extremely fast.

Once at the entrance of Su's Villa.

She parked the car, and after getting out of the car, she did not walk in directly, but stood at the door.

She held the phone in her hand and adjusted her expression for a long time before she stepped in.

When she walked into the house, Yun Jin and Su Yuntian were sitting in the living room waiting for her.

Yun Jin looked worried and worried.

Seeing Su Nuan's unlovable expression, she was suddenly heartbroken.

"My little Nuan, what's the matter with you? Come to mom now, why did you make yourself like this? If anything goes wrong, you just go home. There are still me and your father at home, why are you? Can you treat yourself like this!" Yun Jin said, looking at Su Nuan distressedly.

The next second Su Nuan burst into tears.

"Mom, I don't want to be like this either, but Lu Nan has already closed all my drama roads, and I really can't live anymore. If this continues, it won't take two days. I guess the people in the entire entertainment industry. , Will forget me! My future star dreams will all be broken!" Su Nuan said very sadly, and she secretly glanced at Su Yuntian.

Su Yuntian looked at her.

"Since you don't have a career, then stay at home. I and your mother, there is no problem raising you. If you are a girl, you don't have to go out and work hard. It's good to see people's faces!" "Su Yuntian said blankly.

Su Nuan suddenly panicked.

The script shouldn't be played like this, shouldn't Dad feel sorry for himself very much!

After all, she has become so downhearted now. .

"Dad, how can you say that? Being a star has always been my biggest dream. I want to be popular all over the world, but I didn't expect that I will become like this now. Dreams are my life. Dad, you can't do this to me, I will really be desperate!" Su Nuan couldn't help crying.

Su Yuntian couldn't help frowning.

"Don't cry. If you are not an actor, there is nothing wrong with it. Besides, you are not in the entertainment industry and can't remember you. Look at your video, and you think, such behavior, who else can't remember you? Is it?" Su Yuntian said, throwing the tablet at hand over.

Su Nuan was a little puzzled.

Once she opened it, it was a web video.

She clicked to play, and as a result, she was shocked immediately.

How can this be, why is it like this.

What she did at the gate of Shengshi Group yesterday was all photographed and posted on the Internet.

She was embarrassed, like a shrew, yelling at people in the street.

Su Nuan even saw that Subei was not far from the door of the company, watching the scene she was torn with others.

Su Nuan suddenly hated him and wanted to hammer his chest.

Why is this, she is so embarrassed, why is she seen by this woman!

She is not convinced!

Seeing Su Nuan's gloomy expression, Su Yuntian couldn't help frowning.

"Xiao Nuan, I don't think you are aware of your mistakes now. Dad is indeed very material and powerful. Before, I always thought that I could find a good partner for you and Subei. This is the case. , I can still help Dad’s company. I found out now that my previous ideas were so wrong. How did you become like this now? You are not well-known. If you go out to listen, how do other people think of you!" Su Yuntian said angrily.

Yun Jin hugged Su Nuan distressedly.

"Okay, don't say anything, what kind of daughter has become, and if you are so fierce to her, she will be sad too!" Yun Jin still favors Su Nuan.

Su Yun weathered the teacup to the ground.

"You also said, if it weren't for you, could Xiao Nuan become like this? It was your spoiling that made her like this. As she is now, you have at least half the responsibility, and you still have the face to say!" Yun Tian will be angry, and his anger will be transferred to Yun Jin.

Yun Jin's angry chest kept rising and falling.

Seeing that the two are about to fight.

Su Nuan hurriedly reached out and pulled Yunjin.

"Mom, I know I was wrong. Don't quarrel with Dad, I will be sad!" Su Nuan pretended to be very sensible.

Yun Jin yelled angrily.

"Su Yuntian, take a look, you are so despising your daughter, she is still thinking about us wholeheartedly, do you think you are worthy of being a father?" Yun Jin said angrily.

Su Yuntian stood up suddenly.

"Yes! I am not worthy, you are worthy! If you are worthy, you will not let your daughter become like this now. She can do anything at home, but if she wants to be a star, then she must care about her external reputation, dare you say , You didn't cause all this!" Su Yuntian said angrily.

When the two people saw it, they were about to quarrel out of control.

Su Nuan stood up suddenly.

She holds a blade in her hand.

"Okay, stop arguing, if you continue, I will die in front of you!" Then, she took the blade and cut her wrist a bit.

Yun Jin and Su Yuntian panicked suddenly.

"Xiao Nuan, don't get excited, my mother, our old husband and old wife, I just quarrel casually, because you don't mean you, don't do stupid things!" Su Yuntian, you look at Su Nuan anxiously. I was afraid that she would do something stupid.