Gold Medal Sweet Wife, The President Spoiled Marriage 1314

Chapter 203: My heart hurts


"No, Lu Nan, it's not what you think it is. I didn't intend to keep it from you! I planned to tell you tonight! But..." Subei cried out sadly, unable to even speak. Up.

"But you didn't expect that Su Nuan said it in advance, right?" Lu Nan looked at Subei, suppressing his inner anger.

He didn't want to blame Subei.

However, Su Han and Su Lin had been by their side for so long, and Subei had so many opportunities to tell themselves the truth.

But she didn't!

She keeps hiding herself.

She said that she was going to have a showdown with herself tonight.

However, he no longer knew whether he should believe it.

If Su Nuan didn't speak today, would she be forced to speak?

Lu Nan turned around and glanced at Su Han and Su Lin.

He has always liked these two children very much, and they feel very kind.

However, he never expected that they were the biological children of northern Jiangsu.

Subei has been lying to himself.

Lu Nan looked at Subei with anger, he felt that his emotions were out of control.

Subei looked at him and couldn't help but shed tears and shook his head.

"Lunan, don’t be like this. I really didn’t mean it. I never thought of lie to you. Things developed like this. I didn’t expect that when we got married at the beginning, we didn’t intend to go on in the long run. We have all discussed, and we will get a peaceful divorce in the future. However, we didn’t expect that we would fall in love with each other. So, at the beginning, I don’t think you need to know these things. After all, sooner or later, I will be separated. Later, I fell in love. You, I began to worry and worry. If I don’t love you, how could I have such a worry and will not tell you for a long time! Lunan, you are being treated like this..." Subei said, reaching out to draw Lunan’s. arm.

Lu Nan jumped away suddenly.

Subei was stunned. She looked at Lu Nan sadly, and her tears flowed more ferociously.

Lu Nan felt sorry for her tears, but he could not accept concealment and deception.

Lu Nan looked at Subei as if he was looking at a stranger.

Gu Niancheng couldn't stand this scene anymore.

He stood up abruptly.

"Lu Nan, you are a man, why can't you calm down and listen carefully to Subei's explanation. If she doesn't love you, she won't make compromises and let her children not follow her. You are like you, she I will be disappointed in you too!" Gu Niancheng said angrily.

Lu Nan's eyes flashed suddenly.

"Gu Niancheng, do you know that Su Han and Su Lin are children from northern Jiangsu?" Lu Nan asked gloomily.

Gu Niancheng felt very uncomfortable.

"Yes, I knew it a long time ago, but it was just an accident. I promised to help Subei keep it secret!" Gu Niancheng said quickly.

Lu Nan suddenly laughed mockingly.

"Subei, you are so good. Gu Niancheng knows that Su Han and Su Lin are your children. As a husband, I don’t know anything. I was still wondering why you often run upstairs to the opposite apartment. , Why do you have such a good relationship with these two children? Now, I have all the names, it turns out that they are the closest people to you. After all, they are a piece of meat that fell from your body. If you don’t love them, who can love What about them!" Lu Nan was angry, and he spoke a little bit unscrupulous.

It seemed that only this way could he vent his anger.

Northern Jiangsu shook his head in pain.

"No, it's not like that, Lunan..." Subei said sadly.

Lu Nan's eyes were red, like an angry lion.

He shouted angrily towards northern Jiangsu.

"It's not like that. That's it. I forgot to ask. The house where Su Han and Su Lin live is under the name of a man named Shang Guanyu. Who is he and is he your lover? Or is he the child? His biological father, Subei, I am so disappointed in you!" Lu Nan said solemnly.

Subei's tears are like broken beads.

"Lu Nan, can you calm down? Shangguanyu is my cousin, my aunt's son, why do you think of me this way, do you get along these days, in your heart, I am such a woman?" Su Bei looked at Lu Nan heartbroken.

Lu Nan was calm.

"In my heart, what kind of person are you? Do you think you have deceived me on such a big thing, can I still believe that you are different from the outside?" Lu Nan said out of control.

Subei stared at Lu Nan, as if disappointed to despair.

She suddenly laughed sarcastically.

"Yes, I deserve it, I shouldn't fall in love with you, otherwise, so many things won't happen, Lunan, I was wrong..." Subei said ironically and desperately.

Lu Nan's heart suddenly panicked.

He knew that he just couldn't accept it. He needed a time to digest this matter.

Now he is not suitable for confronting Subei.

Sometimes when people are out of control, what they say is extremely hurtful.

Lu Nan looked at Subei, he had no time to speak.

Suddenly, Su Han and Su Lin got up from their chairs.

They crossed the northern part of Jiangsu, rushed directly to Lu Nan, and started punching and kicking at him.

With red eyes, Su Han kicked Lu Nan vigorously with his short legs.

"Bad guy, who told you to scold my mommy, at a loss I returned to your company as an information system supervisor, I hate you!" Su Han said, the more he hits.

Su Lin also had red eyes and looked at Lu Nan angrily.

"Fortunately, I called you Uncle Lu, how can you treat my mom like this, can't you see how good she is to you? I shouldn't sell the patent to someone like you, let alone help your real estate The company has weathered the storm, you are so bad!" Su Lin said, biting Lu Nan's leg directly.

Lu Nan was in pain, but he couldn't deal with the child.

Subei stared at Su Han and Su Lin, stupidly dumbfounded, the whole person seemed silly.

When she reacted, she heard Su Lin's tender voice.

"Brother, I bit his leg!" Su Lin said crisply.

Subei seemed frightened.

She quickly stood up, pulled the two little guys over, and put them in her arms.

"Lu Nan, children are unintentional, don't be angry with them, they just care about me too much!" Su Bei said sadly and aggrieved.

Lu Nan's eyes were red, and he took a deep look at Subei before turning to leave.

Northern Jiangsu was taken aback.

Seeing Lu Nan stepping out of the box, she reacted.

Lu Nan actually left like this!

Subei took a sudden step, but suddenly covered his heart uncomfortably.

My heart hurts!

"Lunan..." she yelled weakly.

Lu Nan's footsteps paused slightly, but immediately, she saw Lu Nan's footsteps moving farther and farther.

Northern Jiangsu knew that such a thing had happened, and Lu Nan certainly couldn't let it go.

It is impossible for him to accept it all at once.

However, letting Lu Nan leave like this, she had an instinct.

It seems that in this life, I will never see it again.

Subei took a deep breath. Regardless of the pain in her heart, she chased it out. She was going to explain to Lu Nan.

Seeing Subei chasing out, the few people in the box looked at each other.

They don't know what to do.

It's been a long time since Subei went out, Gu Qianying stood up worriedly.

"No, I have to go and see. Sister Beibei is in a bad mood now, and Mr. Lu is angry again. If something happens, it's not good!" Gu Qianying finished speaking and walked directly outside.

Gu Niancheng thought for a while, and Ye Tingluo followed out.

Su Han and Su Lin, stepping on their short legs, followed them quickly.

As soon as a few people walked out of Xuanyuan Tower, they saw Subei fainted on the side of the road.

Gu Niancheng panicked suddenly.

He rushed up quickly and lifted Subei from the ground.

Subei held her heart and opened her eyes vaguely. She spoke weakly without looking at the person in front of her emotionally.

"Lu Nan... My heart hurts... Don't be angry, listen to my explanation, OK... I..." Before finishing speaking the Subei dialect, he fainted.

Gu Niancheng hugged her up in distress.

Ye Tingluo stood behind them, eyes a little red.

She is not jealous of Sister Beibei, but she feels so uncomfortable in her heart.

Since meeting Gu Niancheng for the first time, she blushed and her heart beat, until later we were together and got along for a long time.

She just knew that she was in love with this man.

However, all the signs he showed showed that he was in love with Subei, and he had no chance.

Ye Tingluo felt so uncomfortable.

But at the moment, she is more worried about Subei than this.

After suffering such a blow, I don't know what Beibei Jie will wake up.

Moreover, Lu Nan left directly like this, and he didn't know if he could accept this matter.

As early as when Lu Nan was concealing the identity of the two children in northern Jiangsu, she had been trembling for fear that Lu Nan would know.

Gu Xiying looked at Subei in Gu Niancheng's arms, anxiously worried.

"Mr. Gu, it really doesn't work. Let's take the people to the hospital first. I think Beibei is unconscious and unconscious!" Gu Qianying said worriedly.

Although Su Han and Su Lin, the two little guys seem sensible and smart.

However, they are children after all.

Seeing Subei fainted, the two little guys cried and threw themselves down next to Subei.

"Mummy, what's the matter with you? Wake up quickly!" Su Han said, tears falling down, Gu Qianying and Ye Tingluo who were watching were extremely distressed.

"Mommy, don't sleep, my brother and I will be obedient, don't want us!" Su Lin cried out of breath.

Gu Niancheng frowned fiercely. He looked at Subei's weakness and hugged her sideways.

He lowered his head to comfort the two little guys.

"Don't worry, uncle takes your mommy to the hospital, behave, don't cry, masculine man, bleed without tears!" Gu Niancheng whispered to them.

Su Han and Su Lin nodded obediently.

Although their tears still couldn't help streaming out, they had already stopped their voices.

Gu Niancheng hugged Subei and quickly walked towards the car.

Ye Tingluo and the two children followed Gu Niancheng into the car, and Gu Qianying drove her car and followed behind.

The car was driving fast on the road, and Gu Niancheng looked back at Subei as he drove.

Seeing her pale face, there are still tears that have not dried, Gu Niancheng couldn't help but squeeze the steering wheel.

Lu Nan, if you can't treat northern Jiangsu properly, I won't give in again! .