Gold Medal Sweet Wife, The President Spoiled Marriage 1314

Chapter 204: Su Nuan was humiliated


Gu Niancheng looked at Subei and thought to himself.

If Lu Nan is not good to Subei this time, he will not let Subei follow Lu Nan's sadness again.

Gu Niancheng's car was extremely fast.

Suddenly, Subei's body shook forward abruptly, and she opened her eyes slightly.

After she saw everything in front of her clearly, she realized that she was in Gu Niancheng's car.

She turned her head and looked weakly at Gu Niancheng.

"Gu Niancheng, what's the matter, why am I in your car?" Su Bei asked.

Gu Niancheng looked at Subei and explained to her while driving.

"Subei, you just fainted at the entrance of Xuanyuan Tower. When we came out, Lunan was gone. I rushed to take you to the hospital. Gu Qianying followed, and she was in the car behind." Gu Niancheng said.

Subei frowned.

She remembered that before she fainted, she saw Lu Nan as if getting in the car.

After a while, she seemed to see him come back to hold herself, she was still talking to him!

In short, her consciousness is very vague.

However, now she doesn't want to go to the hospital at all.

Subei shook his head.

"Gu Niancheng, you can drive back to the apartment in the city center, I don't want to go to the hospital now!" Subei said.

Gu Niancheng couldn't help frowning.

"But, Subei, your health is not good. You fainted at the entrance of Xuanyuan Tower just now. Why don't you check it, let us all rest assured!" Gu Niancheng said, he was afraid of Subei. He refused to go, and he drove everyone on.

However, he underestimated Subei's determination not to go.

Northern Jiangsu shook his head resolutely.

"Gu Niancheng, I understand your worries, but I know my own body better than anyone else. I'm fine. I'm going back now. Could you please send me to Gu Xiying. I'll call her and tell her!" What Subei said is beyond doubt, and his attitude is very firm.

Gu Niancheng looked helpless, and he could only nod his head in the end.

"Okay, then I will send you back now, but you must take care of your body. If you have time, go to the hospital, okay?" Gu Niancheng asked.

Subei nodded.

"Well, I listen to you. When I am free, I will go by myself. Now, I just want to go home!" Subei said.

Gu Niancheng nodded and turned the car around.

Subei called Gu Qianying.

Gu Qianying watched the car in front of her turn around. She was puzzled. She immediately picked up the call from Subei.

"Sister Beibei, you are awake!" Gu Qianying said excitedly.

Subei nodded.

"Well, I woke up. Actually, I know my body. There is no big deal. When you care about me so much, I am really touched, but now I don’t want to go anywhere, I just want to go home. Qianying, you should go home first, and rest early after you go back. I will be filming tomorrow, so I will go home directly!" said Subei.

Gu Xiying was still not at ease.

"Sister Beibei, are you really okay, if you feel unwell, don't be aggressive, if you fall, think about the two children!" Gu Qianying said.

Subei nodded.

"I see, I'll hang up first, so go back and rest early!" Subei finished speaking, and quickly hung up the phone.

Ye Tingluo looked at her worriedly.

"Sister Beibei, are you really all right?" she asked.

Subei gave her a blank expression.

"I'm fine, I'm fine now, and I'm not as fragile as I thought. Since there is a problem, I will rise to the challenge, and I will find a way to solve it. Don't worry, I will not give up a little bit of follow-up. Lu Nan's opportunity to explain, it's you, don't worry about me!" Su Bei said.

Seeing her expression so calm, Ye Tingluo was suddenly speechless, not knowing what to say.

Gu Niancheng has remained silent since turning around.

Send Subei, Ye Tingluo, and Su Han and Su Lin to the apartment in the city center.

He bid farewell.

"Subei, then I will go first. Take care of yourself and your children. If you have any questions, call me as soon as possible!" Gu Niancheng said.

Subei nodded.

"I will!" she said.

Gu Niancheng looked at Subei like this, suddenly didn't know what to say.

He winked at Ye Tingluo, and Ye Tingluo took the initiative to walk towards him.

He turned and walked to the side.

Ye Tingluo quietly followed behind him.

After walking a long distance, Gu Niancheng turned around.

He looked at Ye Tingluo blankly.

"Presumably, you can guess what I am looking for for you!" Gu Niancheng said.

Ye Tingluo nodded.

"Probably a little bit!" Ye Tingluo said.

Gu Niancheng nodded thoughtfully.

"After I left, with Subei, only you can take care of her. The two children are still young. If something goes wrong, you should call me as soon as possible. Don’t hesitate, and take good care of her. Subei, don't let her be stupid. If she goes to Lu Nan, you should call me in time. Otherwise, she will break down with Lu Nan and I am afraid that something will happen to her!" Gu Niancheng said seriously.

Ye Tingluo nodded, her eyes were a little red.

Although she knew that even if Gu Niancheng didn't say anything, she would do it.

However, Gu Niancheng was so concerned about matters in North Jiangsu, she still felt very uncomfortable.

Sometimes, she would ask herself why she likes Gu Niancheng.

When she liked Gu Niancheng, she knew that the person he liked was Subei!

However, her brain was broken at the time, and she liked it without hesitation. Now it seems that regretting is useless!

Ye Tingluo washed her nose, she looked up at Gu Niancheng.

"Mr. Gu, don’t worry. I am more concerned about Beibei’s affairs than anyone else. Beibei has a kindness to reinvent me. I won’t just watch her accidentally. Now you can go back without worry. , I will contact you as soon as possible if there is anything!" Ye Tingluo finished speaking and took a deep breath.

It turns out that as long as you say something, there is nothing you can't say.

Although she was telling the truth, her heart still throbbed when she said it.

Gu Niancheng nodded.

"Well, then you go upstairs first, and I'll go back!" Gu Niancheng said.

Ye Tingluo nodded.

As Gu Niancheng was walking by the car, he turned and looked at Subei.

"Subei, go upstairs and get a good night's sleep, and everything will be fine tomorrow!" After speaking, he looked at the two little guys beside Subei again.

"Xiaohan, Xiao Rin, you have to listen to your mommy, uncle is leaving first!" Gu Niancheng said gently.

Su Han and Su Lin nodded solemnly, like two little adults.

"Uncle Niancheng, don't worry, we won't annoy Mommy, you go home first!" The two little guys spoke in unison, which was very distressing.

Gu Niancheng nodded, then turned into the car.

When his car left, Subei, Ye Tingluo, Su Han, and Su Lin went upstairs.

Subei stood in the living room and looked at the opposite apartment building without saying a word.

Ye Tingluo knew that Subei must be thinking about Lunan.

However, Lu Nan and Subei are in such a situation, will he go back to the apartment building opposite at night?

She shook her head helplessly and turned to cook for Subei.

Subei didn't eat any food in the evening, so she got some food first so that the child could eat some with her.

Su Han and Su Lin knew that Mommy was in a bad mood, and the two little guys sat on the sofa obediently, looking at Subei, not daring to say a word.

At Subei Station, no one knew what she was thinking.

Su Han couldn't stand it anymore.

He stood up and walked towards northern Jiangsu.

Subei was thinking about something, and suddenly felt that his sleeves were being pulled.

She looked down and saw that her son was pulling her hard.

She looked at Su Han faintly.

"What's the matter? Xiaohan!" Su Bei said.

"Mommy, I know you are in a bad mood, but your health is not good. You go and sit on the sofa first, okay? If you keep standing like this, I'm really scared, you will faint!" Su Han said worriedly.

Seeing her son's worried little face, Su Bei suddenly felt that as an adult, she was really ignorant, and even wanted her son to worry about herself.

She nodded.

"Xiaohan, don't worry about you and Xiao Lin, Mommy will be fine, because Mommy knows that no matter what time, you two will be with Mommy!" Subei said earnestly.

Su Han grabbed Subei's hand.

"Then Mommy will prove it to us, go sit there and rest, okay?" Su Han said.

Subei looked at it and nodded helplessly.

"Okay, Mommy listens to you. This proves it to you. It's just that you and Xiao Rin must also be obedient. Don't think about what happened tonight, otherwise Mommy will be very worried! "Subei said.

Su Han nodded.

"Well, Mommy, I won't, and Xiao Rin won't either!" Su Han said.

Subei nodded in relief and walked towards the sofa.

She sat on the sofa in a daze.

Su Han and Su Lin originally wanted to tell her a joke to make them happy.

However, they understand Subei, if she is sad, to reassure them, sometimes she will force a smile, which is the last thing they want to see.

The two little guys walked away consciously, leaving Subei a quiet environment.

At the same time, in a small alley at the entrance of Xuanyuan Tower.

From time to time, there were women's groans, painful screams, and the sound of men cursing.

Everything tonight was a nightmare for Su Nuan.

She thought that as long as she explained everything to Lu Nan, explained that Subei lied and concealed that she had children, Lu Nan would be soft-hearted and show mercy to her men.

Not only that, maybe he will choose himself in order to repay the North.

In this way, will her dream come true soon?

Unfortunately, it was not until she was dragged out of Xuanyuan Tower and dragged into this small alley by a group of strange men that she deeply felt how outrageous she was.

They treat themselves like a plaything insulting.

In her life, she had never been so painful.

Because she heard that two men watching the wind at the entrance of the alley said that it was Lunan’s order.

Obviously he told him the truth, why should he treat himself like this!

Su Nuan was in pain, her eyes were scarlet, looking at the man who was ups and downs.