Gold Medal Sweet Wife, The President Spoiled Marriage 1314

Chapter 208: Struggling in despair


Subei stretched out his hand to hold her, and temporarily suppressed the grievances and sadness in his heart.

"Tingluo, I heard from my sister that you always think for the good. You didn't tell Gu Niancheng, how did you know that he would definitely not like you? If you tell him, you like him, if he refuses you, neither You may hate you. Believe me, you are such a kind and sincere girl. President Gu will definitely not hate you. Don't think too much about it. No matter what Gu Niancheng thinks, Sister Beibei will not like him, and you too I know, in my life, Hu may never love again!" Su Bei said calmly.

Ye Tingluo raised her head, with tears still hanging on her eyelashes.

"Sister Beibei, I'm sorry, at this time, your mood is definitely not much better than me. I shouldn't say these things to make you uncomfortable!" Ye Tingluo sniffed and said.

Subei smiled and shook his head.

"Nothing, Sister Beibei is not as fragile as you think. I still have Xiao Han and Xiao Rin. They are still waiting for me to take care of them. Besides, you can tell me the things in your heart because you trust me and I comfort you. It should be. Stop thinking about it in the future. If you really like it, try to chase after it!" Su Bei said.

Ye Tingluo nodded.

"Well, thank Sister Beibei, for your support, it works better than anything else. I will stop myself from being so cowardly. I will try my best to pursue my own happiness, but, Sister Beibei, you have to be happy too. I can see that Mr. Lu is a bit out of control today. When people are angry, what they say and do cannot be taken seriously. Don't be too uncomfortable." Ye Tingluo said.

Subei nodded.

"Well, I know what you said. Okay, it's not early now. Go back to sleep!" said Subei.

Ye Tingluo nodded and got up.

"Then Beibei sister, go to bed earlier!" Ye Tingluo said with concern.

Subei nodded.

After Ye Tingluo returned to the room, Subei sat in the living room for a while, then returned to the room.

She lay on the bed, trying to make herself fall asleep.

However, after sleeping for a long time, she didn't feel sleepy at all, but became more and more awake.

Lu Nan’s words were like inserting a steel knife in her heart. She was so hard to suffer. As long as she breathed a little, she seemed to be able to touch the wound and make herself more painful.

Nevertheless, he prayed secretly in his heart.

I hope that things will turn around. To be honest, let her and Lu Nan pass by like this, she is really unwilling to be reconciled.

Just like this, Subei opened her eyes, thinking about these empty things, until five o'clock in the morning, she fell asleep.

When Ye Tingluo called Su Han and Su Lin to get up, Su Bei heard the sound and woke up.

Ye Tingluo was stunned when she walked out of the room.

"Sister Beibei, you slept late last night, do you want to go back and go to bed? I have already prepared breakfast. Let Xiaohan and Xiaolin have something to eat. You can eat it later when you heat it up!" Ye Tingluo said.

Subei shook his head.

"No, I'm going to eat now. After eating, I have the strength to go to work!" said Subei.

Ye Tingluo was a little surprised.

"Sister Beibei, you take a break today, wait for two days, and then go to work!" Ye Tingluo said.

Subei looked a little indifferent.

"It's okay, I still have to go to work, I'm down, who will pay me a salary!" Su Bei said jokingly.

Ye Tingluo watched her laugh as usual, and she seemed to be okay, so she couldn't help but worry.

"Sister Beibei..." She yelled, and Su Han and Su Lin walked out of the room as soon as they were about to speak.

The eyes of the two little guys were red, as if they had cried.

Subei's expression suddenly became tense.

"Xiaohan, Xiao Rin, what happened to your two eyes?" Su Bei asked worriedly.

She thought that Su Han and Su Lin cried all night because of what happened last night.

She never imagined that the two little ghosts had already started investigating what happened five years ago.

Su Han gave a dry smile.

"It's okay!" he said with a smile, and rubbed his sour red eyes.

Su Lin glanced at Su Han contemptuously.

"Mummy, when I look at your expression, I know that you are thinking about it again. We stayed up late to play games last night, so we became like this ghost today. What is breakfast? Let's have something to eat. We must go back and get some sleep. That's it!" Su Lin said quickly.

Subei glanced at them suspiciously, and said nothing.

After breakfast, Subei went out.

Su Han and Su Lin entered the room again.

Ye Tingluo felt weird.

It's weird in northern Jiangsu. The two children seem to be weird. Last night, such a big thing happened obviously, but they all seemed to be innocent.

Ye Tingluo shook his head in confusion, and rushed to the studio after picking up casually.

As soon as Su Han and Su Lin, the two little guys got into the room, they started discussing what happened five years ago.

"Five years ago, we investigated the male classmates of Mommy's male classmates and the men who had been in contact with her. Now that we have eliminated those that are impossible, it seems that there are only two people left!" Su Han said.

Su Lin nodded.

"Yes, a Li Yunkai, he is Mommy's ex-boyfriend. If you say that he has something to do with Mommy, I also believe that, after all, it used to be a boyfriend and girlfriend, and Mommy seems to be alone with him except Uncle Lu. However, although this person’s reputation is extremely bad, if our biological father is really him, I can also understand why Mommy left so resolutely, such a man, don’t worry!" Su Lin said analytically.

Su Han nodded.

"Yes, you are right. I think so too, but there is another person who is also suspicious. Five years ago, when Mommy was scolded very badly and was kicked out of the house, That night, the man who was with her, this man, was also very suspicious. Although it was designed by Su Nuan and Mommy’s best friend, we also investigated last night. The identity of this man is very unusual. We After searching the surveillance system, we didn't find any clues. Now, we can only investigate one by one. That night, the man in the hotel found the suspect!" Su Han said seriously.

Su Lin nodded.

"That's for sure, but Li Yunkai can't relax here. We are now looking for Li Yunkai while looking for suspects. No matter which one is found first, we will do a paternity test. After all, science is more convincing!" Su Lin said.

Su Han nodded, and the two of them sat in front of the computer and started looking for clues again.

Although the two of them couldn't go out, they both started posting tasks on the computer, and hundreds of people were already helping them find someone and check the news.

In this world, as long as you have money, you can sit at home, and there will naturally be someone to help you do what you want to do.

Su Han and Su Lin are looking for their biological father at the same time.

Subei was sitting in the office. She stared at the script. Everyone thought she was reading the script.

However, only she knows what she is doing.

She was in a daze, her mind was messed up, far from being as calm as it seemed on the surface.

Subei stared at the script, and finally fell asleep.

When he woke up again, Subei was woken up by the phone.

She shook her head vigorously, trying to wake herself up, and then answered the call.

"Hey, Gu Niancheng, do you have anything to do with the call?" Su Bei asked.

Gu Niancheng heard her voice, as if there was nothing unusual.

He paused.

"That's it. I want to make an appointment with you for dinner at noon. I don't know if you have time?" Gu Niancheng asked.

Subei nodded.

"Yes, where or where, you send me a message and I will come on time." Thinking of what Ye Tingluo said to him last night, Subei felt that he had an obligation to do something.

Gu Niancheng was obviously happy when she heard her promise.

"Okay, then I'll wait for you!" Gu Niancheng finished speaking and hung up the phone.

Subei stood up, washed his face, sobered himself up, then picked up the phone.

Gu Niancheng had already sent her the time and location.

Subei looked at the phone and couldn't help being in a daze.

She doesn't know what's wrong recently, it was obvious that such a big thing happened yesterday.

She was clearly uncomfortable.

But when she sat there, she fell asleep like that.

Is it really that she is too tired recently.

Subei couldn't help frowning, holding his bag and walking outside.

Subei went downstairs. As soon as she walked out of the elevator, she saw Yunfan and Lu Nan standing next to the door of the president's exclusive elevator.

Subei opened her mouth, she wanted to say something.

However, when he saw, Lu Nan glared at Yun Fan, who was standing beside him. With the smile on Subei's face on Yun Fan's face, he immediately stiffened.

Things like that happened last night, and now, it seems that Yun Fan has become very embarrassed when he meets him.

That's right, who made him Lu Nan's assistant!

A self-deprecating smile rose from the corner of Subei's mouth.

It seems that Lu Nan really does not intend to accept her concealment.

As soon as Subei thought about this, the elevator next to it came down.

Lu Nan looked indifferent, he stared straight ahead, as if he hadn't noticed Subei at all.

He and Yunfan walked into the elevator, while Subei was still standing stupidly at the elevator entrance.

She told herself not to be sad, not to be sad.

However, at the moment Lu Nan ignored her, she was still suffocated with pain.

She even asked herself, why do people fall in love with another person, don't you know that there is no eternal love, forever?

They are all fools, squeezing their heads and wanting to be the one who gets hurt in the end.

The smile on Subei's face is very transparent.

At this time, Gu Niancheng's phone rang again.

Subei quickly answered.

"I'll be here soon! Wait a minute!" Subei said quickly.

"Subei, I'm downstairs in your company, I'll drive and take you there!" Gu Niancheng said.

Subei was stunned. Downstairs in the company, that said, Lu Nan should have seen Gu Niancheng when he came back from outside.

At this moment, Subei's mood began to become complicated again.

She comforted herself that Lu Nan was so indifferent to herself because she saw Gu Niancheng.