Gold Medal Sweet Wife, The President Spoiled Marriage 1314

Chapter 216: Start in the middle of the game


Celine glanced at Su Nuan.

"You help me, how can you help me?" Celine asked.

She looked at Su Nuan dubiously, as if she didn't believe that Su Nuan had this ability.

Su Nuan hooked her lips and smiled.

"You don't have to worry about that. Tomorrow at 8 o'clock in the evening, you let Lucy come to the Imperial Hotel, just say that Lu Nan has something wrong, she will definitely come, then, I will kill them all!" Su Nuan said viciously.

Celine's eyes rolled.

"They? Are you talking about... Subei and Luciss?" Celine asked.

Su Nuan smiled very gloomily.

"That's not the case. I can't forget the two of them now. It would be great to get rid of them all at once!" Su Nuan said quietly.

Celine suddenly felt a little numb in her heart.

She has an illusion that Su Nuan now seems to be crazy.

She couldn't see through her thoughts a bit.

The former Su Nuan was really a bit stupid.

However, it seems that during this period of time, her IQ has improved by leaps and bounds.

Celine thought for a while, it was always her idea to get rid of Lucissi.

Lucissi was dragging herself to see a psychiatrist all day, and it was annoying.

If she disagrees, she threatens herself and post a picture of her house on the Internet or show it to Lu Nan.

In either case, she couldn't accept it.

So now, she can only cooperate with Su Nuan first.

"Well, I will call Lucissi over tomorrow, but I hope you can do things more beautifully when the time comes. Don't be like last time. Not only did you not kill one in the end, but also let the family get a handle!" Celine said viciously.

Su Nuan gave her a gloomy look.

"You don't need to teach you, I know, well, you can go, I will contact you tomorrow, then, just follow the plan!" Su Nuan finished.

Celine gave her a heavy look and turned into the car.

Su Nuan watched Celine's car go away and couldn't help but snorted coldly.

She steps up, just about to leave.

Suddenly, there was a sound in the dark.

"Su Nuan, your wishful thinking is very good!" The man's voice, like a huge boulder, hit Su Nuan's heart.

Su Nuan turned around abruptly, but saw no one.

"Who? Where is who, don't pretend to be fools!" Su Nuan shouted.

There was a sneer in the dark.

As if mocking, Su Nuan was overpowered.

"You don't need to know who I am, you just need to know, I can help you!" The man's voice was full of weirdness.

Su Nuan took a step forward.

Suddenly, she saw a black muzzle and a man with a cyan mask.

"I said, don't let you go on, why are you so disobedient!" The man's voice was extremely gloomy.

Su Nuan took a step back subconsciously.

"Sir, I was wrong. Didn't you say that you can help me? Help me. I thank you. I will definitely thank you. Whatever you say, I will do what you say!" Su Nuan Said excitedly, seeing the muzzle, she tried to overcome her psychological fear.

The man with the cyan mask stood motionless in the dark.

"You can call me Mr. G. From now on, I can help you and get everything you want, but you must give me your soul completely, and do everything according to what I said. "The man said.

Su Nuan nodded quickly.


Flower room on the roof of Shengshi Group.

Subei was lying in Lu Nan's arms, her face was happy and sweet.

Lu Nan can completely let go of the child's affairs, and in the future, she will never deceive Lu Nan anymore.

Subei secretly swears in his heart.

She didn't know that a conspiracy was slowly approaching, completely changing the trajectory of her life.

Lu Nan held Subei in his arms, and he turned on all the lights in the flower room.

In the flower room, it seems like the daytime, the blossoming flowers are beautifully illuminated.

Outside the flower, night and starlight coexist.

Lu Nan took the remote control and suddenly opened the flower room.

The top of the flower room is divided into two, towards the two sides, slowly descending.

Without the barrier of the flower room glass, Subei sat completely between the heaven and the earth, feeling the fragrance of stars and flowers.

Lu Nan looked at Subei's joyful and cheerful expression, and the corners of his mouth couldn't help raising.

Lu Nan suddenly felt that everything would become better if he didn't struggle.

Subei was hiding from him, indeed, because he cared about him and was afraid that he would be angry.

In fact, if you want to understand, that's the same thing.

Lu Nan embraced Subei in his arms, quite a joy of being lost and regained.

The two of them wandered in the sea of flowers with the sky full of stars.

Later, Subei remembered what happened that night, only to feel that it was like a dream.

When both of them were in the flower room, Subei would fall asleep.

Suddenly, a gust of wind blew, and Subei couldn't help but shudder.

Lu Nan quickly raised the glass on both sides.

He turned on the air conditioner in the flower room, and the temperature slowly rose. After a long time, Subei's arm touched it, and it was not so cold.

The two stayed in the flower room for a while, and then left.

When he returned home, Lu Nan told Subei of his plan.

"Beibei, I want to redecorate our room!" Lu Nan said.

Subei looked at him in surprise.

"How to decorate?" asked Subei.

"That's it. Since I accepted Osamu and Rin, I don’t have the reason to let them live separately from us. I think so, let them live there first, and I will decorate this place to make room for them. Leave two rooms and let them move in so that we can live together!" Lu Nan said.

Subei pursed his lips.

In Lunan’s apartment, the usable mask is very large. In addition to a master bedroom, there are two guest rooms. In addition, all other places have been transformed by Lunan into a study room, which is full of bookshelves and books.

Sometimes, when North Jiangsu enters the library on the south of the road, there is an illusion of entering the library.

"Then there is no need to renovate. Two guest rooms can be moved in directly. They are not picky children. They have followed me these years. When we were in the United States, all three of us lived in a small house!" Su North said.

Lu Nan shook his head.

"That's not good. I want to give you the best, and naturally I also want to give them the best. In this world, isn't there a word called Aiwu and Wu? I want to make them happy. If that's the case, you will be happy too. Beibei, don’t worry, I accept them, and I will love them very much. I liked them very much. At the beginning, I just couldn’t accept your deception for so long. Gu Niancheng was right. I Since I love you, I have to accept your past, everything about you, and I love you. I won’t give up on you because you have children! Beibei, I have never been so superficial. At the beginning, I couldn’t get through this in my heart. One pass, please forgive me, okay?"

The northern part of Jiangsu was moved beyond the reach.

She stretched out her hand, hugged Lu Nan's waist tightly, and pressed her small face to his chest.

"Lu Nan, I love you!" Subei said emotionally.

Lu Nan stretched out her hand and raised her little face.

"Beibei, I love you too!" He said very seriously.

Immediately afterwards, he continued.

"Beibei, as for the decoration of the house, I will tell you my thoughts first. Listen to me. Some books in my study are unnecessary. I plan to tidy up and streamline the study. Books that are not needed. Donate them all, and divide the study into three big rooms, one for the children as a toy room, one as a study, and the other as our children’s room, OK, North and North!" Lu Nan said.

Subei was stunned.

Our children?

Lu Nan means that she and Lu Nan were born?

No, how could he think of this question!

Seeing the expression of Subei, Lu Nan guessed what she was thinking.

"Beibei, don't think about it. We want to pass the grandma's level and having a baby is the most effective way. I don't want to make you embarrassed or make grandma angry. She is so old, just want to Hug a great-grandson, besides, don’t you want to have another child? I will love Xiaohan and Xiaolin as my own children, but, Beibei, I also want to experience the joy of being a father and want to participate Can you understand the birth of a child?" Lu Nan said.

Subei nodded.

"I know, but my mood is a bit complicated, and I don't know how to tell you. When I calm down, think about it!" said Subei.

Lu Nan held her helplessly in his arms.

"Okay, then think about it. Tomorrow, I will let someone start decorating the house. The rooms of Xiaohan and Xiao Rin, I will also reconfigure them to suit their children's living, let them live, and more Comfortable and convenient!" Lu Nan said.

Subei nodded.

"Okay, you will decorate tomorrow. I will go back to bed tonight. If possible, I will give Xiaohan and Xiao Rin some ideological work. Although the children are younger, they are more sensitive than ordinary people. I'm afraid they are not willing. , Let me ask first!" Subei said with some consideration.

Lu Nan nodded.

"I understand, you can ask them first! If you go back, I will see you off soon!" Lu Nan said.

Subei pouted.

"I want to go back now!" Subei said.

Lu Nan couldn't help frowning, he hugged Subei in his arms, and when he tilted his body, the two fell on the sofa together.

Lu Nan's voice is hoarse and emotional.

"Beibei, we just made up today, do you want to leave so soon? Do you know? How much I miss you these past two days, my heart is thinking of you, my body is thinking of you, every cell in my body , I miss you, I miss that little woman named Subei!" Lu Nan said warmly.

Subei buried his head in his chest shyly.

She knew for the first time that Lu Nan could speak love words so much.

Lu Nan didn't allow Subei to avoid his gaze. He stretched out his hand and raised Subei's small head.

"Beibei, did you hear that? I want to stay with you for a while, even for a second, I am happy, you know? You are gone, in such a big room, I am the only one left, I My heart is full of loneliness. You left that night, and I sat on the balcony of the bedroom all night. Looking at the apartment opposite, I kept wondering whether you have slept and are you like me. ......" Lu Nan said, Subei almost cried, she stretched out her hand to cover Lu Nan's mouth.