Gold Medal Sweet Wife, The President Spoiled Marriage 1314

Chapter 224: Involved in a terrifying conspiracy


Su Nuan didn't know what Mr. G wanted to do.

However, she knew very well that if she didn't do what he said, in the end, there was only one dead end.

She has done this, even if she shrinks, Lu Nan will find out the truth, she will not let her go!

Thinking of this, Su Nuan calmed down.

She quickly walked towards Subei and Luxisi.

She turned and looked at Liu Chenghu who was sitting aside,

"Liu Chenghu, help me get these two women in the car, remember to seal their mouths, I don't want to hear their noisy voices! Su Nuan said coldly.

Liu Chenghu's face was dark.

"Su Nuan, who do you think you are, actually came to order me, if it weren't for the money, you thought I would help you!" Liu Chenghu said fiercely.

Su Nuan gave him a blank expression.

"Liu Chenghu, Mr. G said it! Listen to me, and do what I said. Then, you can retreat with your brother!" Su Nuan said mechanically, as if sending orders.

Regardless, Liu Chenghu's expression immediately changed when he heard Mr. G.

He turned and looked at the men beside him.

"Do as she said!" Liu Chenghu said quickly.

Su Nuan's eyes flashed.

Sure enough, this Liu Chenghu listened to Mr. G's words very much. What is this sacred Mr. G, he is so capable.

Subei and Lu Xixi were grabbed from their chairs, and the two looked at each other.

What exactly do these people want to do, and who is the Mr. G they just mentioned?

Not allowing them to think too much, the two of them were pulled into a car next to the chemical plant and stuffed in.

Su Nuan took the car key, glanced at Liu Chenghu blankly, and turned directly into the car.

Su Nuan's car has just started.

Liu Chenghu received a new order.

Bomb a chemical plant!

Although it is raining, this place is a chemical factory after all, and people in the south of the road will not divert water to water the factory until they save people.

Therefore, Liu Chenghu quickly retreated, Su Nuan's car, as soon as he reached the bridge, he heard the chemical plant behind him.

"Bang!" A mushroom cloud appeared in the rain and fog, and the chemical plant was blown up.

Lu Nanxin on the other side of the bridge was suddenly dusted. He stepped on the accelerator and was about to rush into the car.

Suddenly, Jin Dong grabbed him.

"Look, what is that?" Jin Dong said hurriedly.

Lu Nan was taken aback, he saw Su Nuan driving towards the bridge in the rain.

Lu Nan couldn't care too much.

"Jin Dong, go to the bridge, I don't believe it, Su Nuan doesn't want to die, we try to block her on the bridge, otherwise we get off the bridge, the terrain here is open, there are people in her hands, we can't deal with it!" Lu Nan said quickly.

Jin Dong frowned.

"It can only be this way. At the beginning, we shouldn't arrange all people near the opposite chemical plant. In this explosion, we don't know how many people died!" Jin Dong sighed.

During his words, Lu Nan was already driving the car, heading towards the bridge.

Jin Donghe Lunan didn't see it. In the rainy night, not far from under the bridge, a black Lincoln parked there quietly.

It was supposed to be in Gu Niancheng in the west of the city, sitting quietly in the car.

His expression was dark and weird.

As soon as Lunan's car dashed onto the bridge, I saw Su Nuan's car appearing not far in front.

Through the rain curtain, Su Nuan watched the car driving towards him in the rain.

At this moment, her thoughts were suddenly empty.

What Mr. G, threats and other words, the people in the car, can't die, all became deaf ears in her mind.

She thought of the group of men in that small alley on her birthday. What they said was all instructed by Lu Nan. If it weren't for Lu Nan, how could the group of people ruin her like that.

There is also Subei, she is the culprit, and it is obviously Subei who deceived Lu Nan.

In the end, Lu Nan put all the accounts on her head.

She loves him so much, why should he treat himself so much!

At this moment, Su Nuan was crazy!

Since you can't get Lunan, instead of always being jealous of Subei, it is better to die together at this moment!

Su Nuan suddenly slammed on the gas pedal and went crazy, ramming towards Lunan. This bridge is only so wide!

Because this side is sparsely populated, the bridge has not been expanded and only has two lanes.

Lu Nan watched Su Nuan's car rushing over, and he had nowhere to dodge.

Thinking of Subei and Luxixi in the car, Lunan's eyes are scarlet!

At this moment, beside Lu Nan's car, a car suddenly rushed out.

It is estimated that her throttle hit the bottom all at once.

When she passed Lu Nan, she took a deep look at Lu Nan and ran into Su Nuan's car.

Lu Nan was stunned.


How could she appear here!

Celine glanced at Lu Nan and rushed towards Su Nuan without hesitation.

She silently said in her heart: Lunan, this is the best way I can love you. Since I can't get you, let me save you!

She has been watching the situation under the bridge.

She was a little worried, for fear that Su Nuan would go crazy.

Unexpectedly, Su Nuan was still crazy in the end, and she wanted everyone to bury her.

But how could she watch Lu Nan go to death?

She loves him more than life!

Perhaps Luciss said that she was paranoid, that she loved Lunan, and that she was crazy!

However, it doesn't matter, as long as she can die for Lu Nan, she will die well!

This is her love!

Seeing Celine's car and Su Nuan's car were about to collide with each other.

In Lu Nan's heart, a huge grief suddenly appeared.

Just at this critical moment.

There was a sudden explosion on the bridge under Celine's car!

The fire is overwhelming, and on rainy nights, it is especially gorgeous.

However, there is a cool tone in the beauty.

Celine's car was blown to pieces in front of Su Nuan and Lunan.

The cars on Su Nuan Road South were affected and all shook back.

The bridge collapsed.

Celine's car turned into scraps and fell into the South Creek.

The car in Su Nuan and Lunan also fell into the water uncontrollably like two leaves.

When Celine's car exploded, the fragments shot out, breaking Su Nuan's car window, and the fragments scratched her face.

The moment he fell into the water, Su Nuan's face was full of incredible expressions.

She did not expect that Celine would do this for Lunan.

Her love is moths fighting the fire and destroying themselves, or they are perishing together and cannot be obtained, nor can they be obtained by others.

However, Serine's love, although paranoid and crazy, is salvation and hope.

She tried her best to save the one she loved, and then she was torn apart by the bombing.

The moment the car fell into the water.

Lu Nan only has one idea, save North Jiangsu!

Jin Dong has only one obsession, save Xixi!

Subei looked at Lunan's car, Celine's sacrifice, she wept.

All this, I don't know what it was for and why it became like this again.

Lu Xixi's tears surged into a river.

She knew Celine was crazy, so she would persistently take her to see a psychiatrist.

However, at the end of the day, she was still willing to break her bones for the sake of her brother.

This kind of love is too hot and too strong, I am afraid that it will not be repayable for a lifetime.

At this moment, she was saddened by the ending of Celine, but she was also thankful for herself, letting go of her love for Lunan!

They shouldn't have such love.

Two cars, one behind the other, made a "fluttering" sound in the water.

When Yun Fan rushed to the scene, he had already seen this scene.

He quickly ordered people into the water to save them!

Lunan fell into the water and was affected by the fragments of Celine's car, and his whole person was stunned.

Jin Dong opened the car window just before the water fell.

As soon as he fell into the water, he pulled Lu Nan out of the window on the other side.

Seeing Lu Nan covered in blood, Jin Dong didn't know where he was hurt.

The rain is getting worse.

The river surged, and the people in the water seemed to be rushed downstream uncontrollably.

When Jin Dong saw Lu Nan next to him, he was heartbroken and left Lu Nan where he was.

Save Xixi first! Save Lunan again!

He believed that Lu Nan would be able to hold it!

Jin Dong quickly swam towards Su Nuan's car.

However, after he swam closer, the whole person was stunned.

Why is Lu Xixi alone in the car, and Su Nuan and Subei?

A second before Celine's car exploded, he clearly saw that Su Nuan was injured.

She was so badly injured that it was impossible to take Subei away!

So, now things are obvious, there is a pair of invisible hands, behind the development of things.

Su Nuan and Subei must have been taken away.

Across the water curtain, Jin Dong saw Yun Fan as if he had rescued Lu Nan.

Jin Dong thought that he could not leave Lucis here anymore.

There are too many things in Nancy City, too complicated!

He couldn't let Lucis get involved in this terrifying conspiracy.

He loves Luciss and doesn't want anyone to hurt her.

He can't manage that much anymore!

Jin Dong hugged Lucis and struggling to upstream to the other shore.

The river rose more and more severely, and Jin Dong traveled very hard.

On the other side, when Yunfan went into the water, he used a long rope to tow it. He found Lunan, sent a signal to the surface of the water, and was pulled by someone to swim to the other shore.

Compared with Jin Dong, Yun Fan has more than doubled.

Jin Dong hugged Lu Xixi and used all his strength to swim towards the shore.

Suddenly, a surge of water swept across, and Jin Dong was completely stunned. He was groggy in the water and rushed downstream.

However, from beginning to end, his hand has been holding Lucissi's hand.

After Lu Nan went ashore, Yun Fan quickly asked Fang Pingyan to treat him.

On the RV, Fang Pingyan quickly carried out simple first aid measures to Lunan.

Lu Nan's body was soaking wet, he could only roughly judge that Lu Nan's chest seemed to be pierced into something, his body was covered with blood, river water and rain, and his whole body soaked shrank.

Fang Pingyan looked at Yun Fan.

"You are responsible for saving people, Lu Nan must go to the hospital right now, otherwise, I can't guarantee his safety!" Fang Pingyan said solemnly.

Yun Fan froze.

He doesn't know what to do?

Now, Luxisi and Subei are still in the water.

One is Lu Nan's biological sister, and the other is Lu Nan's fate.

He couldn't imagine whether Lu Nan would go crazy if something happened to these two people!