Gold Medal Sweet Wife, The President Spoiled Marriage 1314

Chapter 225: Leaving Nancy City


Just for a moment when Yun Fan was startled.

Lu Nan spit out two mouthfuls of water suddenly, and he slowly opened his eyes.

His handsome face is wrinkled together, and it can be seen that the pain on his face and his body should have been pained to the limit.

Otherwise, Lu Nan would not show such an expression.

"Save North Jiangsu, save Xixi!" After Lu Nan said these six words laboriously, his whole body collapsed.

Looking at this scene, Yun Fan suddenly felt a little sad.

"President, you first follow Doctor Fang to go back for treatment, and I will search and rescue Miss Su and Miss Xixi!" Yun Fan said firmly.

Lu Nan looked at him and shook his head stubbornly.

With all his strength, he tried to sit up.

As a result, he just fell halfway after sitting.

At this time, he fainted completely.

His face was extremely pale, he didn't know if it was soaked in rain or the wound was so painful.

Fang Pingyan looked at Yun Fan seriously.

"You go to search and rescue. It is best to search and rescue a large area. At least, one person must be rescued! Lunan's situation can't be dragged on any longer. I must send him to the hospital immediately!" Fang Pingyan said quickly.

"But, Miss Su and Miss Xixi..." Yun Fan looked embarrassed and hesitated.

He was afraid that he couldn't find anyone.

It's already more than eleven o'clock in the evening, the rain is so heavy, and the river has begun to skyrocket, and the water is undoubtedly looking for death.

Seeing Yun Fan's expression, Fang Pingyan took a deep breath.

"I am a doctor. It is my duty to save the dying and heal the wounded. I can't manage that much anymore. You go to save people first. I must take Lu Nan back to the hospital. If he asks him in the future, you will let him find me! Also, the situation is now It's so bad, I advise you, it's better to find the search and rescue team!" Fang Pingyan finished speaking, reached out and pushed Yun Fan out of the car.

He took a deep look at Yun Fan and said in a deep voice, "Drive!"

Looking at the RV in the distance, Yun Fan clenched his fist fiercely.

He turned and faced his next man.

"Start search and rescue, if we can't save people, we don't even think about going back!" Yun Fa finished, quickly organized the search and rescue work.

At the moment he fell into the water, he only noticed the direction of Lu Nan's drop, so he would rescue Lu Nan the first time.

However, during his efforts to save Lunan, another car rushed to where the water did not know.

To be honest, what Yun Fan said was very deadly, but he himself did not have the confidence and courage to rescue people from the water.

The rain continued to fall, and there was a tendency to get bigger and bigger.

A high-level private hospital in Nancy City.

The doctor looked in front of him, the gentle and gentle gentleman in Nancy, standing in front of him like Shura at the moment, his legs couldn't stop shaking.

"Mr. Gu, what I said is true. I really can't help it. This young lady, she did not suffer much trauma, but she is pregnant! I can try my best to keep the fetus, which is pretty good. Besides, according to my preliminary estimation, there seems to be a problem with her heart, but I did not do a careful examination. I suggest you go to a large hospital or, preferably, go to a foreign hospital with advanced technology. Judging from my many years of medical experience, it is estimated that there is no treatment for this disease in China, so you should ask another expert!" After the doctor said, he sighed helplessly and turned to leave.

Gu Niancheng looked at the woman on the hospital bed, and a touch of distress flashed in his eyes.

He had a heart attack in northern Jiangsu, why he hadn't heard of it before.

It's just that when she fainted last time, she seemed to be covering her heart with her hands.

Gu Niancheng blamed herself. If she found out earlier, she would be able to take her to the hospital last time. Could this be avoided?

Moreover, Subei is still pregnant now, she is pregnant with Lu Nan's child!

In Gu Niancheng's heart, there are mixed flavors!

He stood there for a long time, and finally spoke to Lin Feng outside with a deep voice.

"Lin Feng, get ready, we will fly to the United States immediately!" Gu Niancheng said.

"Okay, sir, I will go now!" Lin Feng finished speaking and quickly turned and left.

Lin Feng was a mercenary who accidentally rescued Gu Niancheng when he was traveling in Africa.

Later, Gu Niancheng learned that Lin Feng was a very good mercenary king, and his injuries were only designed by a trusted person.

Gu Niancheng rescued him, he followed Gu Niancheng in order to repay his gratitude, and he usually helped him do some things that couldn't be on the stage.

Looking at the closed door of the ward, Gu Niancheng's expression was deep.

It seems that some things can only be dealt with after the United States.

On rainy nights, a private jet took off slowly at this private hospital in Nancy.

Lin Feng frowned and reported to Gu Niancheng.

"Sir, the rain is too heavy, and accidents are prone to happen if you forcefully take off!" Lin Feng said respectfully.

Gu Niancheng glanced at him lightly.

"Lin Feng, I have to leave Nancy City tonight, otherwise, I may not be able to leave tomorrow, do you understand?" Gu Niancheng's tone seemed calm, but he carried an unquestionable strength.

Lin Feng stood in front of Gu Niancheng, frowning deeply, thinking about how to leave.

Gu Niancheng thought for a while.

"Lin Feng, you should have seen such scenes countless times. Every time you go out on missions, how do you deal with it when it rains? Your experience is richer than mine. I believe that tonight, you will surely let me. You left Nancy City safely, right?" Lu Nan said quickly.

"It can be, but I'm afraid that in case, when we set out on a mission, we are prepared to die at any time. This is different from you!" Lin Feng said after thinking twice.

Gu Niancheng took a deep breath.

"I can't take care of so much anymore. Now, it's up to you to fly the plane. No matter what, leave here first!" Gu Niancheng said quickly.

Lin Feng's eyes flashed.

"Okay, sir, you sit firmly, I'm going to fly the plane!" Lin Feng finished speaking, and turned to the cockpit.

Gu Niancheng looked at his back, turned and walked towards a bedroom.

On the bed in the bedroom, Subei was pale, his hands covering his heart involuntarily.

She was still losing liquid on her hand.

Gu Niancheng walked over slowly, placing Subei's hand in his palm.

He said silently: Subei, from now on, I will take care of you. You must be obedient. Your congenital induced heart disease is caused by Lunan's stimulation. From now on, we must stay away from him. ,OK? I must help you heal the disease and take care of you, you and your children!

Gu Niancheng's hand was touching Subei's belly, and his expression was a bit weird.

The plane slowly lifted off, Gu Niancheng glanced at the rainy night outside the plane, and continued to turn his head to look at Subei on the bed.

Central Hospital.

Fang Pingyan was in the operating room, and he looked nervously at the person on the hospital bed.

He has carefully checked Lu Nan, and the contents of the car have been inserted into his lungs. If he wants to save him, he must be operated on immediately.

However, no one signed Lu Nan at the moment.

Fang Pingyan could only call Lu Xiangyuan.

However, he called for a long time, and no one answered.

Fang Pingyan really couldn't take care of that much.

He said to the assistant doctors and nurses around him.

"When the operation started, I was responsible for what happened. He is a good friend of mine. I can't just watch him accidentally!" Fang Pingyan said quickly.

After speaking, the doctors and nurses were in their respective positions, and the scalpel held by Fang Pingyan glowed brightly.

Fang Pingyan took a deep breath and tried to calm himself down.

Outside the operating room, three large characters lit up during the operation.

By the Nanxi Bridge, Yunfan organized a search and rescue team, and kept salvaging on the speedboat.

However, one hour passed, there was no one, and two hours passed, there was still no one.

The rain slowly stopped, and search and rescue work became easier.

However, the person is still not found.

As time passed by, the sky in the east gradually turned white.

Yun Fan's eyes were full of red blood, and he stayed up all night.

However, to no avail.

He did not find Subei, nor did he find Luxisi.

He didn't know how he would deal with Lu Nan.

Thinking of Lu Nan's situation, his life and death still unknown, Yun Fan's heart became heavy.

In his heart, it was as if a heavy stone was pressed, and he couldn't breathe heavily.

Fang Pingyan called last night and Lu Nan's operation was finished.

However, he is now in a coma and needs to wait for a while to carefully observe the situation.

In fact, people who survived Fang Pingyan's surgery have no chance of another accident.

However, Lu Nan's situation was serious this time, Yun Fan thought, not afraid of 10,000, just in case.

Plus, he hasn't been found alone now.

According to Yunfan's understanding of Lu Nan, the first thing he did when he woke up was definitely to find someone.

Yun Fan was anxious like an ant on a hot pot.

However, in the following period, he still found nothing.

Lu Nan woke up two days later.

When he woke up, in the ward, he saw his father Xiangyuan and his mother Sun Jingyi.

There are countless old Mu Nianying.

Mu Nianying watched Lu Nan wake up, she glanced at Lu Nan, turned around and walked outside the ward.

Lu Nan's heart sank suddenly.

He didn't even notice that grandma's health was getting worse and worse now.

He struggled, trying to sit up, but was held down by Sun Jingyi.

"Xiao Nan, be obedient, your grandma just feels uncomfortable, Xixi hasn't found it now, she feels uncomfortable, don't make her angry anymore!" Sun Jingyi said sadly.

Lu Nan was lying motionless on the hospital bed.

"Xixi didn't find it, what about Subei?" Lu Nan asked.

Sun Jingyi was silent, she said nothing.

Lu Nan closed his eyes in pain, he thought, he already knew the result.

I blame myself. If he were not lying in the hospital bed, he would go crazy and he would have to find Subei and Xixi.

But now, it's too late to say anything.

Lu Xiangyuan stood in the ward and said nothing from beginning to end.

Tears flowed out as soon as Mu Nianying walked out of the ward.

She covered her mouth and walked outside the hospital.

She is so old that she still has to endure the pain of losing her grandchildren. She is really afraid that she won't be able to survive the next second.

Mu Nianying was crying sad.

She is already trying to control her emotions.

However, she ran outside for fear that she would cry in the ward. .