Gold Medal Sweet Wife, The President Spoiled Marriage 1314

Chapter 227: Replica of North Jiangsu


one year later.

New York, USA.

A woman in white is standing in front of floor-to-ceiling windows in a high-rise hotel apartment named Tower lover.

Looking closely, her expression and appearance are exactly the same as those of Subei a year ago.

She stood respectfully at the window, facing the man on the sofa in the room.

"Sir, can I shoot now?" the woman asked.

The man on the sofa leaned lazily on the back of the sofa, looking a little listless.

He faced the light, but with a green fox mask on his face, he couldn't see his appearance at all.

"Well, have you checked Lu Nan's whereabouts?" the man asked lightly.

"I have basically mastered it. It is reported that Lu Nan will come to New York, USA next week, along with his twin sons, Lu Suhan and Lu Su Lin. They come to the United States almost 12 times a year, every month. In the middle of the month!" the woman said quickly.

"Okay, very good, very good. Next, it's all up to you. You hibernated in the dark for a year, had plastic surgery, and suffered all kinds of pain and torture. During this year, you have been imitating Subei's all the time. Tone, movement, and living habits. Now, even if you stand in front of me with Subei, I may not be able to distinguish your identities right away. What's more, Subei and Lunan have not seen each other for a year. It’s hard for Lu Nan to recognize your identity! You just need to behave well!" The man finished this paragraph quickly and unhurriedly.

The woman nodded respectfully.

"Yes, sir, I will definitely live up to expectations!" The woman said very seriously.

The man nodded.

"Okay, I see, you can go out!" After the man said, he showed a lingering expression, as if he didn't want to say more.

The woman took a look, then turned and exited the room respectfully.

The woman was at the door of this hotel apartment, deeply behind the door panel, took a look, and finally turned and left.

Everything she has now is like a replica of North Jiangsu.

And her true identity is Su Nuan, who fell into Nanxi a year ago.

She was rescued by the mysterious Mr. G, and Subei did not know where she was taken.

In short, in this year, Northern Jiangsu has never appeared.

The person I met with just now was actually the mysterious Mr. G.

He seemed to have insight into everything.

He said, let Su Nuan not worry, and study hard to be a Subei. In this way, she will be able to appear next to Lu Nan as Subei a year later.

As for the real Subei, Mr. G even said, let her not worry, he will arrange it freely.

Su Nuan knows very well that if Mr. G is unwilling to tell her, it is better for her to ask less.

During this year, she was sent to a private hospital in the United States, where she had a six-month plastic surgery, which was not bad at all in northern Jiangsu.

Although this process was painful, the result made her very satisfied.

After the plastic surgery, she looked in the mirror and could hardly tell who she was.

She and Subei were originally twins, and they just wanted to be exactly the same, a hundred times simpler than the average person.

However, her face was scratched in the accident a year ago, and the plastic surgery process is still very painful and long.

After successfully undergoing plastic surgery in North Jiangsu, Su Nuan began to conduct imitation training for half a year to train all the movements and behaviors of North Jiangsu, including her tone and expression, style of dressing, and so on.

Now, after Mr. G's acceptance, he said that he can go to the teacher to complete the task.

And her task, which she has always dreamed of, is to accompany Lu Nan.

As his lover.

Now, as long as Lu Nan finds her by mistake and regards her as Subei, she is confident that she can follow Lu Nan and spend the rest of her life well.

Of course, the premise is that as long as Northern Jiangsu does not appear.

However, Mr. G said to reassure her, she can only listen to him temporarily.

Just think, one week later, you can see Lu Nan.

And he would think of himself as the person who was thinking about it, Su Nuan couldn't help being excited.

Half an hour after Su Nuan left, the door of the hotel room was opened.

The man walked out the door slowly and left in the other direction.

Los Angeles, USA.

In a private estate.

A woman who looked exactly like Su Nuan was sitting on the grass.

She looked at the baby in the stroller tenderly, her face full of tender motherhood.

She didn't know her name.

However, Gu Niancheng told her that her real name was Su Nuan.

Her face was slightly adjusted, it is said that it was because of a car accident a year ago, when three cars fell into the water at the same time.

After that, Gu Niancheng took her away.

When they left, she was already pregnant with Gu Niancheng's child.

This is a little girl. She and Gu Niancheng named her Gu Zisu.

It’s a nice name, and it's also connected to Gu Niancheng and her surname!

She is very satisfied with this name.

This little girl is only four months old now, but she is very cute.

She basically forgot about her past.

Because Gu Niancheng said that he fell into the water at the time, drowned for too long, and the brain did not supply enough oxygen for a long time, so he lost his memory.

She believed this explanation.

However, there is always a feeling of anxiety in my heart.

This kind of anxiety came from her nightmares at night. The people and things in her dreams were very different from the past that Gu Niancheng told her.

She didn't know whether to believe in dreams or Gu Niancheng's words.

Gu Niancheng has taken good care of her and Shisu over the past year, and she can't bear to doubt his words at all.

However, whenever he wanted to make affection with him, she subconsciously resisted.

She attributed everything to her dreams.

However, even if she thought so, everything Gu Niancheng had done for her could not be easily obliterated.

She remembered the first time she was awake after losing her memory.

She heard what Gu Niancheng and the doctor had said. She learned that her heart was not good. It was a congenital heart disease that required surgery.

However, she was pregnant.

The doctor and Gu Niancheng discussed the child's fate.

They did not expect that this matter would be heard by her.

She clearly remembered that when Gu Niancheng heard her and asked who she was, his face was shocked and unbelievable.

He didn't get over until she was determined to keep the child.

He was resolutely opposed at first.

However, he couldn't bear to plead.

She begged him to help herself keep the child.

In the end, he couldn't bear to look at himself sad, so he left the child.

Thinking of this, she couldn't help but shook her head.

Gu Niancheng is so good to herself, how could she easily doubt her!

She must have lost her memory, so she felt strange to the self he was talking about.

He said that he used to be a big star and did a lot of bad things.

However, he said that he fell in love with her because of her not bad nature, and finally stayed with her.

He also told himself that her previous badness in the eyes of others was nothing more than arrogance and domineering caused by the family environment.

I don't know why, but he feels so strange to the person he is talking about.

It feels like it's not my life at all.

She was sitting on the grass, a little sleepy.

She fixed the stroller next to her, lay on the moisture-proof mat, and fell asleep vaguely.

When she woke up again, she found that Gu Niancheng was already standing next to her.

He held the stroller with his hand and looked at himself softly.

She was a little embarrassed.

However, she remembered that she had had that dream just now.

In the dream, the man called himself over and over again, as if it was Beibei.

Correct! This is how the person in the dream calls himself.

Beibei, Beibei, he kept calling himself, as if he was sad.

However, whenever she wanted to see the other person's face clearly, the dream woke up.

She rubbed her forehead, feeling a little uncomfortable.

"Niancheng, when did you come back?" she asked softly, for fear of waking up the little guy in the stroller.

Gu Niancheng walked over gently and sat next to her.

"You just came back, why did you fall asleep outside? If you want to sleep in the future, remember to go back to your room!" Gu Niancheng rubbed her head and said with a smile.

She nodded and walked to the dream just now.

"By the way, Niancheng, I had a dream just now. I dreamt that the person in the dream kept calling me Beibei, Beibei, did I have such a name before?" she asked.

Gu Niancheng's expression suddenly became weird.

"What else did you dream of?" When he asked, his expression seemed a little worried and anxious.

She shook her head.

"It's nothing, what's wrong with you, I don't feel very comfortable!" She looked at Gu Niancheng worriedly.

Gu Niancheng smiled unnaturally and shook his head.

"How come, I'm fine. Just think of the dreams you said. Don't think about it. You say that you have dreams every day and night. You must be thinking about it. That's why you have such a dream. My name is Su Nuan, my nickname, Xiao Nuan and Nuan Nuan, I still like to call you Nuan Nuan, maybe the person in my dream calls you like this, but you are listening!" Gu Niancheng said with a smile.

The woman frowned and looked a little unhappy.

"Niancheng, I remember, I had a congenital heart disease a year ago. You said that it was an induced type. Then, what is the cause of my heart disease? Haven't you told me about it?" Asked eagerly.

do not know why.

During this period, especially after giving birth to Gu Zisu, she dreamed more frequently.

Her curiosity for the past is also becoming stronger and stronger.

She looked at Gu Niancheng seriously, waiting for his answer.

"This's been so long, why do you still remember it, didn't I say it? Your heart disease is already healed, you don't want to think about it anymore, there are... incentives I don't remember things clearly. It may be that I was pregnant at that time, maybe!" Gu Niancheng said hesitated, speaking incoherently.

She was a little puzzled, didn't she just ask casually.

How could he react so much.

She had an illusion, as if Gu Niancheng was hiding something from her.

Moreover, this matter is very important to her.

But why should he hide it from himself!