Gold Medal Sweet Wife, The President Spoiled Marriage 1314

Chapter 230: Pass by


In the apartment, the man took off the mask of the green fox. It was Gu Niancheng's gentle face.

Compared with a year ago, he now seems to have a trace of hostility on his face.

A year ago, he set up the bureau.

He approached Su Nuan and asked her to design Subei, kidnap Subei, and attract Lu Nan's attention.

In fact, his real purpose is to take Subei to leave Nancy City.

Although the process was very risky, he did it all in the end, didn't he?

I don't know if it is destined that Subei has lost his memory.

Originally, if Su Bei had no memory loss, he also found a famous hypnotist and planned to hypnotize Su Bei, so that she thought he was Su Nuan.

Then, he carefully cultivated Su Nuan and asked her to return to Lu Nan as Su Bei.

In this case, Lu Nan estimates that he will not find the truth in his lifetime.

Gu Niancheng's gaze looked out the window with a heavy gaze.

The fly in the ointment now is that Northern Jiangsu wants to return to Nancy City.

In that familiar place, he always feels nervous, for fear that Subei wants to start.

Right now, he came to New York mainly to help Su Nuan and make her recognize Lu Nan perfectly.

In this case, Lu Nan's heart for finding someone should be able to converge a little, and he can also feel relieved, without having to hide Subei.

From now on, Subei will appear openly as Su Nuan.

They have a daughter named Gu Zisu.

Presumably, Lu Nan would not have thought that Su Nuan next to him would be the real North Jiangsu!

Gu Niancheng picked up the coffee on the coffee table, took two sips, and rubbed his forehead.

In the past two days, Subei has been irritating with him.

She refused to talk to herself, and was still blaming herself for what happened that night.

He had already said that she was humble, but she still refused to speak.

It seems that I can only wait patiently.

Gu Niancheng stood up and walked outside.

Before Su Nuan and Lu Nan met, he couldn't let Su Bei and Lu Nan meet, so as to prevent other incidents from happening.

He still went downstairs first to look at Subei.

Subei also stayed at this hotel with him this time.

Thinking of what would happen next, Gu Niancheng smiled knowingly.

After a year of searching, I finally found someone who I was thinking about.

Presumably, that scene was exceptionally touching and brilliant!

He smiled and walked downstairs.

After Su Bei woke up, he found that Gu Niancheng had not returned.

She frowned, planning to go downstairs to eat something.

As a result, as soon as she got dressed, she heard a knock on the door.

"Nuan Nuan, are you inside? I'll take you downstairs for dinner with Perilla!" Gu Niancheng said outside the door.

Subei thought for a while.

"Yeah!" She uttered this one single syllable and stopped speaking.

If possible, during this time, she really didn't want to talk to Gu Niancheng at all.

North Jiangsu opened the door, held Gu Zisu, and the three of Gu Niancheng went out to eat.

Just when they left the hotel, Lu Nan took Su Han and Su Lin downstairs together.

Lu Nan took two baby boys.

"Daddy will take you to dinner first. After the meal, you go to the room to play for a while. I have some work to discuss in the afternoon. After discussing the work, let's take a look in New York. Your Uncle Yunfan has already arranged someone for you. I'm looking for your mom, let's go out and have a look, maybe there will be some unexpected gains!" Lu Nan whispered.

He can only hold on to this kind of hope and keep searching.

He hoped that in his unconsciousness, Subei suddenly appeared in front of him just like that.

Lu Nan took the two children out of the hall, and Su Nuan walked out from behind a potted plant in the hall.

Mr. G said that Lu Nan should not be allowed to see her in advance, as she almost revealed her stuff just now.

She reached out and patted her chest, planning to prepare for the next interview.

Lu Nan finished eating and watched the two children fall asleep.

He just walked out of the room.

Yun Fan was already waiting for him at the entrance of the apartment. This afternoon, he and the Tower lover's people agreed that the place to talk about things was in a private club in this hotel.

When Lu Nan and Yunfan arrived, the project leader was already waiting.

The other party is a young and beautiful woman named Selina.

Looking at this Selina, Lu Nan suddenly fell into memories.

A year ago, Celine gave up her life just to save him.

He admitted that he used to hate her.

However, he did not expect that such a woman would die for him.

At that moment, he saw her love for herself.

He seemed to be unable to do anything except uncomfortable and sorry in his heart.

Because he can't give her the love she wants.

However, she died because of herself.

In Lu Nan's heart, there was only a deep condemnation.

Selina called Lu Nan, but Lu Nan didn't respond.

She shrugged, spread her hands helplessly, and looked at Yun Fan.

Yun Fa laughed awkwardly.

"Sorry!" He said to the other party.

Immediately, he pulled Lu Nan who was thinking.

"President, Miss Selina is calling you!" Yun Fan whispered in Lu Nan's ear.

Lu Nan suddenly recovered.

He looked at Selina sorry.

"Selina, I'm really embarrassed. I just remembered something. I didn't mean anything else. I hope you don't mind!" Lu Nan's expression was full of apologetics.

Selina looked at Lu Nan and smiled.

"Of course I don't mind such a small thing, but I'm very curious, what did Mr. Lu think of?" Selina said with a smile.

Lu Nan took a deep breath.

"A friend of mine is about the same age as you. My Chinese name is Celine. The pronunciation of your name is very similar to her, and I suddenly remembered it!" Lu Nan said.

Selina nodded thoughtfully.

"It turns out that this is the case, your friend, must be very important to you!" Selina said.

Lu Nan shook his head.

"It's not important or not, it just makes me remember very deeply!" Lu Nan Dandan said.

"Our names are so similar. At first glance, we are destined. When will Mr. Lu introduce us to you!" Selina said with a smile.

Lu Nan's complexion is a bit ugly.

"She is dead!" Lunan said.

Selina's face was suddenly full of apology.

"Mr. Lu, I'm really sorry, I didn't expect, sorry, sorry!" Selina shook her head and said sorry.

Lu Nan shook his head expressionlessly.

"It's okay, it's all the people and things from the past!" After he finished speaking, he looked up at the female assistant next to Selina.

The other person seemed to have been pregnant for a long time, as if he was about to give birth.

Lu Nan frowned.

"Selina, I see your assistant, it seems... is about to ask for leave, have you found an assistant? After all, our project requires long-term follow-up in the later stage. Your assistant is like this, I am afraid it will not work!" Lu Nan earnestly Said.

Selina laughed.

"Mr. Lu is very thoughtful. To tell you the truth, we have already thought of the problem you think about. Now, we are recruiting assistants. I believe that tomorrow, Mr. Lu will see my new assistant. Let's talk about it first. Let's work together!" Selina said.

Lu Nan nodded, and the topic of the two people began to enter the topic.

Talked about cooperation all afternoon.

After talking about cooperation, Selina invited Lu Nan to have a drink, but Lu Nan shook her head and refused.

Selina is very straightforward.

"What? Mr. Lu doesn't like me like this?" Selina said with a smile.

Lu Nan smiled politely.

"No, Miss Selina, don't think too much, I already have a wife, and my two children are still in the hotel, waiting for me to go back to accompany them!" Lu Nan said.

Selina smiled relievedly.

"I see, goodbye, Mr. Lu, see you tomorrow!" After saying this, she twisted her waist and left with amorous feelings.

Lu Nan shook his head and turned back to the hotel.

Gu Niancheng was afraid that Subei and Lunan would collide.

He took Subei to play outside for an afternoon. When it was evening, he asked Lin Feng to take a look at the hotel lobby in advance and confirmed that Lunan would not show up for the time being. Then he took Subei back to the hotel apartment.

The next day, Lu Nan and Selina had an appointment in the morning to discuss matters.

He plans to take his two children out in the afternoon.

In the morning, they get up early and go downstairs to have breakfast.

They finished their breakfast downstairs. Walk towards the elevator.

At the same time, in another descending elevator.

Subei looked depressed at Gu Niancheng.

"Didn't you say something is going on? Why have you been with me all the time? If you have nothing to do in New York, we can go back to China directly. If you don't want me to go back to China, you can just say it directly. You don't have to delay so much!" Subei Said unceremoniously.

She didn't want to talk to Gu Niancheng in the first place.

However, since he answered the phone yesterday and went out once, he has basically been with her and the child for the rest of the time.

She really can't figure it out, isn't he okay? Why is there so much free time?

He dragged so much, could it be just to prevent her from returning to the country.

In short, Subei is very depressed.

Gu Niancheng looked at Subei and didn't know how to explain it.

"Nuan Nuan, don’t think too much about it. In short, it’s not what you think. Let Lin Feng accompany you today and leave you here alone. I really don’t worry. I’ll go out to deal with things. After we’ve dealt with them, we will tomorrow , Return home the day after tomorrow at the latest, okay?" Lu Nan said.

After he finished speaking, Subei's complexion slowly improved.

Their elevator just opened, and the elevator next to it just closed.

In a second, they passed by.

The elevators of Lu Nan and Su Han and Su Lin slowly went up.

Gu Niancheng was going to have breakfast in the hotel, but Lin Feng told him that Lu Nan would go downstairs to discuss cooperation.

Gu Niancheng had to take Subei, hold the child, and go out for breakfast.

Subei is a bit speechless, and has to go outside for breakfast.

However, Gu Niancheng said that he knows a breakfast that tastes very good. They can't stay in New York for two days, so they can come and have a meal.

Su Bei thought that he would be able to return to China soon, and he didn't want to argue with him, so he could only agree.

After Lu Nan went downstairs, he went to Tower Love's private club with Yunfan.

After they arrived, it took a few minutes for Selina to arrive late.

She came first.

Lu Nan curiously looked at her alone.

"Where is your assistant?" Lu Nan asked.

As soon as his words fell, a woman opened the door and walked in.

Accompanied by Selina's smiling voice.

"My new assistant, help me order something to drink outside!" she said.

Lu Nan and Yun Fan, who were sitting in front of her, were completely shocked.

Northern Jiangsu!