Gold Medal Sweet Wife, The President Spoiled Marriage 1314

Chapter 232: Meet the strangers


Looking at this, dreamlike face in front of me.

Lu Nan felt that his heart was hurting.

No one can understand that feeling.

During this year, she must have suffered a lot when she was alone in a foreign country.

"Bei Bei, in this way, don’t think about the past problems. Leave them to me. With me, they will get better together. I will take you to meet two people now. Maybe you will remember the past when you see them. The matter, okay?" Lu Nan asked.

Su Nuan frowned and looked at him.

"Mr. Lu, you have asked me for so long, and I have answered you all the questions, but you haven't helped me out. What is the relationship between you and me? Why do you want to ask me these questions? , Just asked me so much, to be honest, I am at a loss now, please make it clear, otherwise, I will not be able to go with you, what if you are a bad person, what should I do?" Su Nuan When speaking, his expression was very alert.

Lu Nan's doubts were instantly dispelled.

This is just like Subei. Before doing things, always think clearly and ask to understand.

"Beibei, I am your husband! There are two children between us. Even if you forget the past, I can accept it. However, you must believe my words, my sincerity, and I have nothing to you. Malicious!" Lu Nan said sincerely.

Su Nuan looked at him gloomily.

"Husband? You are my husband. Why do you want me to believe you? Besides, you are my husband. Then you should know more about what happened to me a year ago. Can you take all my lost memories? Tell me?" Su Nuan looked straight at Lu Nan.

Lu Nan thought of the rainy night a year ago. His heart felt like being caught by something, and it hurt so much.

"Beibei, let's stop mentioning the previous things, okay?" His expression was very painful.

He didn't know how to tell the person in front of him, a year ago, she had an accident because of him.

He questioned her, did not believe her.

Then, the retribution came, and he lost her, only to realize that the two lovely children were actually their sons.

Su Nuan looked at Lu Nan's expression and couldn't help frowning.

"Mr. Lu, it's not that you want to ask me about the past, ask questions about things, ask questions about my memory, why now you say again, don't let me think about things before, tell me what you want to do? Yeah!" Su Nuan laughed mockingly.

Lu Nan was a little ashamed.

"Beibei, it’s not like that. I know, what I say now, you don’t necessarily believe me. After all, you have forgotten a lot of things, I can understand, but the children miss you very much. If you want, follow me. Go back and take a look at them, okay?" Lu Nan asked softly.

Su Nuan frowned, child, listen to Lu Nan, the two children belong to him and Subei.

Could it be said that the people of Mingsen Company actually dedicated northern Jiangsu to Lunan.

These idiots, at that time, had already involved North Jiangsu and Lunan.

Fortunately, she listened to Mr. G's words and asked Subei to leave Nancy in time.

Otherwise, if Lu Nan knew about the relationship between Subei and him, and knew that the two children were born in the spring breeze that year, then she would definitely treat Subei twice as good.

It's just that now this goodness can only fall on oneself.

Subei, let her stay cool and go!

"Mr. Lu, I believe that people sometimes forget some things, but emotions still have memories. You can take me to see them. Maybe, I can really think of something!" Su Nuan looked a little bit. Said secretly.

A hint of surprise flashed across Lu Nan's face.

"Beibei, I know, you will definitely agree, you are the best, I can't bear to feel sorry for my child!" Lu Nan said happily.

Lu Nan took Su Nuan back to the hotel.

The moment Su Nuan saw the child, the expression on her face was a bit stiff.

These two children really looked more and more like Lu Nan.

She is very fortunate now, her plan a year ago.

She looked at Su Han and Su Lin with a dazed expression.

"Mr. Lu, are they the children you are talking about?" Su Nuan asked stupidly.

Her expression is simply perfect.

Lu Nan nodded.

"Let’s call me Lunan from now on, don’t say Mr. Lu, I feel uncomfortable, and these are our children, Xiaohan and Xiaolin!" Lunan said.

Su Nuan looked at the two little guys blankly.

Lu Nan noted his son.

"Xiaohan, Xiao Rin, what's the matter? Are you dumbfounded? Call mommy now! I found your mommy!" Lu Nan said softly.

The eyes of Su Han and Su Lin instantly turned red.

They pounced directly, rushed to Su Nuan's side, and hugged her.

"Mummy, you finally came back, do you know? Baby this year, I miss you!" Su Lin said sadly.

"Mummy, when you were away, Xiao Lin and I were very obedient, waiting for you to come back, you are finally back now, don't leave anymore, okay?" Su Han said, very wronged.

They only paid attention to expressing their emotions without noticing the vicious meaning flashing in Su Nuan's eyes.

Although she wanted to stay by Lu Nan's side.

However, she felt that she did not have such a high tolerance for people, and could tolerate Subei's son, calling her mommy all day long.

However, she is also very aware that if she is not nice to these two children, it is easy to reveal flaws.

Just when Su Nuan was thinking about things, Lu Nan spoke.

"Xiaohan, Xiao Rin, don't get too excited, pay attention to your emotions, your mommy just came back, and she has forgotten some things in the past, don't scare her, you talk first, I'll go out and make a call !" Lu Nan said.

Su Han and Su Lin were stunned.

Su Lin's eyes were red, and he sniffed.

"How can Mommy lose her memory, she must have suffered a lot!" Su Lin said distressedly.

Su Han held Su Nuan and controlled his emotions hard.

Lu Nan finally breathed a sigh of relief.

This time New York was not in vain.

Beibei, I finally found you!

Seeing Su Nuan and Su Han and Su Lin hug together, Lu Nan turned and walked out of the room, bringing the door behind him.

He called Yunfan.

When Yun Fan received the call, he was a little puzzled.

The president has just found Miss Su, shouldn't the family celebrate it?

What will happen to the president at this time?

Yun Fan thought for a while and answered the phone.

"President, what's the matter?" Yun Fan asked.

Lu Nan thought for a while and sorted out his thoughts.

"That's it, Subei said. A year ago, she was rescued by a mysterious person and sent to a hospital in New York. Now, I ask you to check who this mysterious person is, if you can't find out. Yes, I always feel something is wrong in my heart!" Lu Nan said.

Yun Fan nodded.

"President, I know, but now that you have found Miss Su, you should put your attitude a little better now. Now that she has forgotten what happened before, you should chase her back again. Don't do things that force her. The tragedy of a year ago, don't happen again!" Yun Fan said worriedly.

Lu Nan nodded.

"What you said, I know that I won't make the same mistakes this time. You should investigate the mysterious person I said first. As for other things, don't worry about it!" Lu Nan said quickly.

After Yun Fan responded, he hung up the phone.

Lu Nan received his mobile phone and was about to turn back to the room.

At this time, he suddenly saw two people coming out of the elevator.

Lu Nan's eyes narrowed dangerously.

Su Nuan, Gu Niancheng, how can they be together?

The doubt in Lu Nan's heart drove him to stride over.

When Gu Niancheng saw Lu Nan, a trace of anxiety flashed across his face.

How could I meet Lu Nan.

Su Nuan had already met Lu Nan. He had already booked a ticket for this afternoon and planned to take Subei back to Nancy City.

Unexpectedly, it finally hit.

Lu Nan looked at Subei with an ugly expression.

He grabbed Subei's hand.

"Su Nuan, you dare to appear in front of me now!" Lu Nan said sharply.

Thinking of Su Nuan's crazy behavior on the rainy night a year ago, Lu Nan had the heart to kill her.

If Su Nuan hadn't gone crazy a year ago, everything might not have happened.

During this year, he was not only looking for Su Bei, but also Su Nuan.

What Su Nuan did a year ago was enough to make herself cut her a thousand times.

Looking at Lu Nan's fierce expression, Subei was a little scared.

She struggled twice and looked at Gu Niancheng next to her for help.

Gu Niancheng calmly took Lu Nan's hand.

"Lu Nan, what are you going crazy? This is not the country, put away your overlord style!" Gu Niancheng said dissatisfied.

Lu Nan looked at Gu Niancheng fiercely.

"Oh! I see, it turns out that Su Nuan disappeared this year, but was hidden by you! I remember you, wasn’t your relationship with Subei at the beginning very good? Don’t you know, it’s Su Nuan? Are you harming her? Do you do this now, are you worthy of North Jiangsu?" Lu Nan asked loudly.

During this year, he has been paying attention to the whereabouts of Gu Niancheng.

It's just that Gu Niancheng seems to be shifting the domestic market to the US in a big way this year.

The time of others in the United States is much longer than in China.

He originally thought that Gu Niancheng wanted to expand the company. After all, people like Gu Niancheng were too ambitious.

However, he did not expect that he actually hid Su Nuan in the United States.

This man's scheming can be described as unfathomable!

Gu Niancheng frowned unhappy.

"Lu Nan, what you said, I think, you should ask yourself. My relationship with Subei is at best a friend, but you don’t know. I was already a year ago at that time. I’ve been with Su Nuan. Nuan Nuan used to be a bit paranoid, but it’s not because of love. I like her because we are the kind of people who are loyal to love. We are together now and we have children. I I hope you can pay attention to your attitude. If you dare to treat Nuannuan, I will not be polite to you!" Gu Niancheng said quickly.