Gold Medal Sweet Wife, The President Spoiled Marriage 1314

Chapter 234: Only Mommy Follows


Lu Nan watched the three people play very happily.

He stepped forward quickly.

"Beibe..." As soon as he shouted out, Su Nuan shrank his shoulders subconsciously.

Su Han immediately stood in front of Su Nuan.

"Daddy, keep your voice down. Don't scare Mommy. Mommy doesn't think of the past. We all have to take good care of her!" Su Han said seriously, like a little adult.

Su Lin took Su Nuan's hand with a happy magic.

Lu Nan felt that he was satisfied in this way.

To be able to see Subei and two children happy is his greatest wish.

He is also working hard to suppress the weird feeling in his heart.

"Okay, you guys have been playing for a while. I will take you to dinner now. After dinner, I will discuss something with your mommy by the way, okay?" Lu Nan asked the two little guys.

Su Han and Su Lin nodded obediently.

"Daddy, as long as Mommy agrees, we will have no problem!" Su Lin said with a smile.

They looked like only Mommy was obedient, making Lu Nan a little helpless.

He smiled.

"Well, then, let's just listen to your mommy!" Lu Nan finished speaking and looked at Su Nuan with a smile.

"Beibei, let's go to dinner now. After dinner, I have something to tell you, okay?" Lu Nan said.

Su Nuan nodded.

"Well, in fact, to tell you the truth, I saw two children, and there seemed to be something in my heart, which was pulling me inexplicably and approaching them. I could feel that I was very close to them before. , How can I like them so much now, let's go to dinner first, and after dinner, I want to talk to you too!" Su Nuan said.

Lu Nan nodded.

The four of them went downstairs and ate lunch at the nearby Chinese restaurant.

Lu Nan said to Su Han and Su Lin. Although the two little guys were reluctant, they looked at Su Nuan's expression, reluctantly.

However, they still went upstairs very well.

Lu Nan found a secluded and elegant place and sat down with Su Nuan.

"Nuan Nuan, didn't you say that you have something to tell me?" Lu Nan said.

Su Nuan smiled.

"Let's talk about it first. Didn't you say that there is anything you want to discuss with me?" Su Nuan said with a smile.

Lu Nan thought for a while.

"It's like this, Beibei, now, you have seen the two children, I think, this kind of emotional pull between you can't be said clearly in one or two sentences, I may go back to China, I hope you Being able to follow me and return to China together, even if you can’t accept me now, you can always be with the children. I know, this idea, although a bit difficult, after all, you are used to living here, and this job is just now I found it, but I still want you to think about it. The child will be really sad without you, and I will be sad if I can't see you!" Lu Nanrou said.

Su Nuan's expression was very light.

However, no one knew that her heart was already extremely excited.

It has been more than two years since I met Lu Nan.

In the past two years, she thought day and night, not a moment without looking forward to Lu Nan's confession to herself.

Now, occupying the identity of Subei, sitting in front of him, listening to him say that he needs himself, and he would be sad without himself.

She really couldn't control her emotions anymore.

Su Nuan lowered his head and adjusted his emotions for a long time.

"Lu Nan, I think, I can consider this matter!" Su Nuan whispered.

Lu Nan stood up from the sofa in an instant, and he looked at Su Nuan in surprise.

"Beibei, can you really think about it? I'm really so happy!" Lu Nan said incoherently excitedly.

"Then Beibei, when will we leave? I'm really happy that you can go back with us. In this case, our family of four will never have to be separated again!" Lu Nan looked very happy.

Su Nuan twitched her mouth slightly.

"Lunan, in fact, I have lost my memory all this year, and I have always wanted to know who the mysterious person who saved me is. In this way, I can ask him where my home is and where are my relatives. Now, it’s hard to be found by you guys. I also want to go back to the place where I lived and take a look. Maybe I can still think of some things before. Moreover, I am also very reluctant to have two children. As for you, I’m sorry, I have forgotten what happened before. Perhaps, when I slowly remember, I think I will find the feeling of loving you again. Now, what I have to consider is that I just got a job and I just went to work, so I quit. This is very detrimental to my working life and Selina's work, so I still need to think about it!" Su Nuan explained to Lu Nan clearly.

Lu Nan nodded.

"Beibei, I know your concerns now. What I want to say is, I can help you solve these problems. After I solve this problem, can you go back to China with me?" Lu Nan asked .

Su Nuan thought for a while, she nodded slowly.

"If this problem can be solved perfectly, of course I have no problem, and I can't bear to bear on my children. I have said that although I have forgotten a lot, most people cannot understand the feeling that mother and child are connected!" Su Nuan is sensational. Said.

Lu Nan suppressed his excitement.

"Well, I'll take care of this matter now. It is estimated that tomorrow, we can leave New York together!" Lu Nan said happily.

Su Nuan glanced at Lu Nan.

"So fast?" she said.

Lu Nan nodded.

"Actually, these are trivial matters. The key issue is that as long as you agree, I can take you away at any time. You don’t have to worry about this problem at all. In our cooperation with Tower lover this time, I can propose to exchange employees and understand each other. This cooperation lasts for three years. I think, if I ask you to come to our company, the people in your company will not disagree!" Lu Nan said with a smile.

Su Nuan nodded, it turned out to be so.

"Okay, then this matter, I will trouble you, after returning to China, I will thank you very much!" Su Nuan said seriously.

Her every move was pretended to be very effective.

Lu Nan only felt that he was not right. In other respects, he felt that it was extremely good.

After all, Beibei found it.

Lu Nan arranged tasks for Yunfan and asked him to negotiate with the people of Tower Love, to implement the exchange of employees as soon as possible, and to understand the brand.

He went to tell Su Han and Su Lin the good news.

Su Nuan told Lu Nan that if she had to leave these two days, she would go back and pack her things.

Lu Nan personally took her home.

When he saw Su Nuan's residence, he couldn't help but blame himself for being sad.

Su Nuan's residence is very simple.

She told Lu Nan that she didn't have much money, and it was very good to be able to rent such a house without sleeping on the main road.

Her words made Lu Nan feel uncomfortable in her heart.

After sending Su Nuan back home, Lu Nan stayed for a while before returning to the hotel.

He stood in the hotel lobby waiting for the elevator.

As soon as he got down from the elevator, he saw Gu Niancheng holding a baby, and Subei was following him. They looked anxiously running outside and almost hit Lu Nan's body.

Lu Nan couldn't help frowning, what's the matter, so violent.

It's just that the moment he glanced at the baby just now, he seemed to see that the little guy's face was very red and red.

It should be that the child is sick, otherwise, the two of them would not be so embarrassed.

Lu Nan thought for a while and couldn't help shaking his head.

After that, he turned upstairs.

Outside the hotel, Lin Feng drove a car quickly, and Subei and Gu Niancheng hurried into the car.

Looking at Gu Zisu in Gu Niancheng's arms, Subei almost cried.

She slept for a while, and after having that dream, she woke up and took a bath.

When she came out of the bathroom and dried her hair, she found that Gu Zisu was still sleeping.

In fact, it is normal for children to sleep a lot.

However, Gu Zisu has slept for too long today, which is a bit abnormal.

Su Bei felt something was wrong, so she hurried to touch the child's body, and it was really hot.

Su Bei was frightened immediately, she hurried to call Gu Niancheng, and the two rushed to send the child to the hospital in a panic.

In fact, Gu Zisu's body was already weak. When Subei was pregnant, her body was so bad that she insisted on keeping the baby.

Subei sat in the car, watching Gu Zisu's face flushed, she couldn't help crying.

After finally getting to the hospital, she hung up on the emergency room, waiting outside in a hurry, and the doctor checked the little guy.

After the doctor's examination, he gave Gu Zisu an infusion.

He looked at Subei and Gu Niancheng and was very polite.

"How did you become the parents of your child? The child was sent to the hospital after being scalded like that. If it is later, I guess the child will have pneumonia!" the doctor reprimanded.

After speaking, he said some precautions before leaving with his head shaking.

As soon as the doctor left, Subei became soft.

She fell into Gu Niancheng's arms and started to cry.

Gu Niancheng comforted her softly.

"Don’t cry, Nuan Nuan, it’s not your fault. Shiso has been in poor health since you were a child. You are careless today, and you can’t blame you if you didn’t pay attention. Don’t blame yourself. We have to take care of Shiso. You Don't be sick, be obedient, don't be uncomfortable!" Gu Niancheng said.

He comforted for a while, and the look of Subei was better.

Gu Zisu's fever subsided until midnight.

Subei was lying on the side of her hospital bed and fell asleep.

Gu Niancheng went out to breathe, and when he came back, he saw this scene.

He looked at Subei distressedly and put a blanket on her.

Late at night, Subei tightened the blanket on his body.

Gu Niancheng has been standing by, silently looking at her.

The next day, Gu Zisu's fever finally subsided.

In the afternoon, when Subei went to the airport, he covered the little guy tightly.

When boarding the plane, Subei saw Lu Nan, Su Nuan, Su Han and Su Lin.

I don't know why, when she saw the two children, there was a familiar feeling in her heart, accompanied by a sour, uncomfortable dull pain.

It's just that when Su Han and Su Lin looked at her, they looked hostile.

Northern Jiangsu is a bit innocent, why do they think of themselves this way.

Have you offended these two children before?