Gold Medal Sweet Wife, The President Spoiled Marriage 1314

Chapter 246: The Last Company


When North Jiangsu walked out of this company, Gu Niancheng called.

Gu Niancheng thought that Subei called to tell him that his work passed, and now he should celebrate happily.

Unexpectedly, as soon as he got on the phone, he heard Subei's angry voice.

"Gu Niancheng, do you really want to take control of me? I have already said that, unless I beg you, don’t intervene in my work. However, you completely regarded my words as deaf ears. I said. If you don’t listen, you have to kick it in. I know you are kind and want me not to look for a job so hard, but, do you know? Sometimes, good intentions do bad things, and it’s very disgusting!" Subei said It's unceremonious.

Gu Niancheng was completely blindfolded.

Just at the time they called, they realized that something was wrong when they applied for the boss of North Jiangsu.

He quickly called Gu Niancheng to explain the situation. Who knows, the other party's cell phone is already in the call.

He couldn't help sweating on his forehead, it was really over now.

Not only did it fail to help, or maybe it caused trouble for others!

Gu Niancheng listened to Subei's words, he was stunned for a long time, and the CIA reacted.

He wanted to explain to Subei, but he didn't know how to speak.

Because the facts were originally what Subei said.

He was afraid of losing northern Jiangsu, so he wished to send someone to stare at northern Jiangsu all the time.

However, his behavior has aroused deep disgust and resentment in northern Jiangsu.

"Nuan Nuan, I didn't mean it... You know, I'm sorry, you... I won't intervene in your future work, this time I was wrong!" Gu Niancheng thought about it for a long time before saying these things. In other words, his voice sounded very light and light, as if he didn't have any strength.

The anger of northern Jiangsu also disappeared.

To be honest, she also knew that she could not completely blame Gu Niancheng.

After all, he is still incompetent. If it wasn't for her that she couldn't find a job, Gu Niancheng felt sorry for her, and he would not act.

However, he lost his temper at him, and his emotions sounded very disappointed.

Northern Jiangsu was helpless and wronged.

She adjusted her emotions.

"Gu Niancheng, don’t feel uncomfortable. What I said just now was too aggressive. I know that you feel sorry for me, and I don’t want to suffer. However, I want to experience some things personally, so I can give it directly to others. The opportunities for this are completely different, do you understand?" Subei said.

"I understand! Nuannuan, it won't be anymore!" Gu Niancheng muttered.

Hearing Gu Niancheng's attitude, Subei suddenly didn't know what to say.

"Forget it, I shouldn't blame you. I don't have the skills, but I still insist on finding a job by myself. That's it. I'll hang up first, and you can work hard!" Subei finished speaking, and quickly hanged up. Phone.

She put the phone in her pocket, leaned against the wall next to her, and let out a deep breath.

She looked at the hot sun and despised herself in her heart, not knowing good or bad.

If it wasn't for Gu Niancheng to be so kind to herself, would she dare to talk to Gu Niancheng so unscrupulously?

There are countless people who treat Gu Niancheng respectfully.

However, he allowed himself to break ground on his head.

Not because he likes himself.

At the thought of this, Subei blamed itself and felt heartbroken.

Love, she felt that she could not give Gu Niancheng.

However, if he helped himself in this way, he would only make himself feel more guilty.

She stood still thinking for a long time, and finally shook her head violently.

Now is not the time for her to blame herself, she should cheer up and find a job.

It is now the last one in the morning. If she doesn't hurry up, she will be off work in a while.

Subei shook his head, looked at the information of the last company as he walked, and walked towards their company.

The last company is called Xingchen.

Their main business is furniture production and processing, as well as some interior decorations. They make beautiful things, so they are named Stars.

In fact, they used to be just a small furniture store, but later expanded to their current scale.

Speaking of which, in Nancy City, it is now a little famous.

Thinking of this, Subei put away the newspaper and walked forward.

Give it a try first, in case she can!

When Subei arrived at the door of the stars, he looked a little hesitant.

She thought, if she enters this time, she will be eliminated in the end like other interviews this morning.

She felt that she had to reflect on it this afternoon, instead of insisting on continuing to be eliminated and destroying her self-confidence.

Thinking of this, Subei took a deep breath, gathered courage, and walked inside.

Asked if the interview location was on the fifth floor, Subei quickly moved towards the fifth floor.

However, as soon as she walked into the elevator, she found a men's wallet inside.

It feels thick, and there should be a lot of cash inside.

Moreover, you can see from the outside of the wallet, there are several bank cards inside.

Subei frowned, without thinking, opened the elevator directly and walked to the front desk.

She handed the wallet she found to the front desk so that she must help find the owner before rushing to the interview.

However, when she entered the elevator just now, she discovered that the elevator was broken and could be opened, but it could not rise.

Subei sighed helplessly, opened the elevator and went out, and changed to another one.

When she reached the fifth floor and saw that there were only two people in front of her, Subei was taken aback. Could it be that she was wasting too much time, and now there were only two people left.

Subei was a little curious, so she stepped forward and asked.

Only then did I know that this company's interview is different from other companies.

The requirements for your academic qualifications and experience are very high. If you ask about it, if it doesn't work, you will be eliminated directly. The interview speed can be said to be against the sky.

Subei is dumbfounded, isn't it, there are still such interviews.

Don’t you look at other aspects of the interviewer’s abilities!

Subei couldn't help frowning when he heard the conversation between the two people.

The first two people discussed a few sentences, and neither seemed to have any confidence or courage in themselves.

The door to the interview was opened, and a young man walked out.

He has a frustrated expression on his face.

"You still don't have an interview. It's too difficult and the requirements are too strict. I have the right major and graduated from Nantah University. They all dislike my lack of experience. It's not a place where people come. Let's go!" The man, while talking, walked outside.

When the two people in front of Subei heard each other's words, the expressions on their faces also became frustrated.

They whispered, whispered a few words, and they all followed the man who had just come out and left.

Subei stood in place for a long time, and finally, she mustered up the courage, opened the door of the interview, and walked inside.

She wants to see how difficult this interview is!

However, as soon as Subei entered, he was shocked by the scene inside.

A smiling woman stood there.

"Hello, I am President Ren's secretary of Xingchen. My name is Xiao He. Now, I will interview you!" Xiao He said with a smile.

Subei couldn't help being influenced by her smile, and the whole person became relaxed.

"Well, hello, my name is Su Nuan, and I am today's interviewer!" Su Bei said with a smile.

The beauty named Xiao He nodded.

"Well, which university did you graduate from and what major did you study? Please answer!" Xiao He said with a smile.

She always maintained the same expression, as if apart from this expression, she would not show other emotions.

Subei looked at her and said.

"I am a graduate of Nancy Film and Television University, and my major is acting!" said Subei.

Xiao He smiled and nodded.

"Okay, I know your information. We will conduct the next round of tests and pick up the paper. You also know that you are applying for an assistant to the president. Usually, a lot of documents and information need to pass through your hands. You need to master a skill, picking up slips of paper and analyzing information. If you can pick up slips of paper persistently and put them in the right place, if you can persist to the end, perhaps, you will be the new assistant of our president! "After Xiao He finished speaking, he opened a door next to him and let Subei walk in.

Su Bei was stunned for a second, and quickly stepped forward.

As soon as she entered, she was stunned.

The floor in the room is full of paper strips. Everyone is divided into a grid. They are busy picking up the paper strips, analyzing the information, and placing them in the small grids next to them in corresponding positions.

Su Bei looked at all this, his scalp was a little numb.

It is estimated that these papers will last for two days and two nights, and they will not be finished!

It’s just that, for work, I’m fighting!

Thinking of this, Subei bowed his head, began to pick up the note, and followed the instructions given.

She bent over and got up. She repeated this action countless times, feeling that time was slipping away bit by bit, and more and more people gave up.

Northern Jiangsu continues to persevere.

In the end, she was left alone in the grid, and Subei was still insisting.

She must rely on her ability to find a job.

She would not give Lu Nan any chance to laugh at herself.

She wants to prove that she can do it!

Subei didn't know why she cared so much about Lu Nan's views, why she had to be so stubborn to prove her ability.

She wants to tell Lu Nan by action that she can do without Gu Niancheng!

In the end, Subei was a little dizzy, but she still insisted.

Suddenly, a bell rang.

Su Bei saw that Xiao He opened the door and walked in.

"Ms. Su, you have passed this interview. Let's start the next interview!" Xiao He said.

Subei nodded happily, and walked out quickly.

Xiao He asked her to sit on the chair opposite to him and began to ask her some very simple questions.

For example, when she usually does something, she will first think and do it.

North Jiangsu feels that this kind of problem is very approachable, and it feels like chatting with two good friends.

The more she answered, the more confident she was, and the more she spoke, the more excited she became. The whole person looked dazzling.

After Subei's interview, Xiao He nodded heartily.

"Miss Su, you have been admitted, congratulations, and thank you for your outstanding performance, our company needs you to join!" Xiao He said with a smile.