Gold Medal Sweet Wife, The President Spoiled Marriage 1314

Chapter 247: Four Interview Questions


Subei was stunned.

No, it's so easy.

She felt that she had done almost nothing, and she was told that she had passed the interview, which made her feel that it was too unreal.

Subei couldn't help but think of the last interview.

If it weren't for Gu Niancheng to say hello, people wouldn't want her.

It's even more impossible, the attitude towards her is so good!

Subei was stunned. Could it be that this is another masterpiece of Gu Niancheng.

Thinking of this, Subei's expression cooled down.

"Miss, I don't think I am suitable for this job. You have found the wrong person. I don't want to rely on anyone to get this job. I will leave first!" Su Bei said coldly.

Xiao He is a little confused, what's the situation?

When most people get a job, shouldn't they all smile?

Why does this dear, she behaves so angry!

"Miss Su, have you misunderstood something? Our application is very user-friendly, but the requirements are also quite strict. You did not rely on anyone, but you, relying on your own strength to get the job. What are you talking about, I can't understand it!" Xiaohe said in a puzzled manner.

Seeing her suspicious expression, Subei was stunned.

Could it be that I made a mistake.

It’s just that this little secretary, He, doesn’t just seem to laugh!

She looks very beautiful in doubt!

At the beginning, she thought that Xiao He would have that expression!

"That's it, Secretary He, I didn't do anything, so I passed this interview. I feel very unreal. How can there be such an interview? I heard from them that this interview is very difficult, but when I came to my place, It doesn't seem to be the case. Is it my friend who greeted the people in your company and opened the back door for me. If this is the case, I think this job is still not suitable for me!" Su Bei stubbornly said, she The voice is decisive.

Xiao He was stunned. It turned out that Miss Su was worried about this problem!

She laughed.

"Ms. Su, you really misunderstood. The interview in our company was not as simple as you thought. It was really difficult. We examined four aspects of you, including honesty, courage, persistence, and self-confidence. I inspected one by one and found that you are really good, so I used you. In fact, when you first walked into the company, when you asked the interview location at the front desk, your interview has already begun! "Xiao He Said with a smile.

Northern Jiangsu was dumbfounded.

"What? The interview started at that time, but why don't I know anything!" Su Bei said in confusion.

Xiao He smiled very happily.

"Miss Su, you are really the stupidest, kindest, and unsophisticated girl I have ever seen. Our first hurdle, honesty, is the wallet in the elevator. In that elevator, there is actually a notice saying that the elevator monitoring is broken. If you fall, you can’t go up, so you can leave with your wallet. There are a lot of cash in that wallet. There are many people who have been eliminated at the first level!" Xiao He laughed Said.

Subei opened his mouth in surprise. It turned out that at that time, it was an assessment!

However, she didn't notice at all.

Seeing the bewildered expression of Subei, Xiao He knew how innocent this girl was.

"Also, after you go upstairs, the second level, the courage test, should begin. The three abstentions you saw are actually the other three interviewers of our company. This is just a game we did. Play, check if you have the courage to open this door after you have been hit hard. In fact, before you, many interviewees have already abstained and left!" Xiao He said, looking at Subei with a smile.

Northern Jiangsu has been completely encircled.

This is also a test they set up, it is simply, who can think of it!

"I didn't think of it at all, I guess, most people would not think of it!" When Subei spoke, his expression was extremely complicated.

Listening to what Secretary Xiao He said, she felt that she really seemed to have gone through a trial and error interview.

Xiao He smiled.

"Yes, it is precisely because many people have not thought that we will set up the interview questions in this way, we will do this, and by surprise, we can examine the most real thing! The third level, I think you should be clear, persevere, who can If you persist for a long time, whoever wins is the winner. When many people see so many pieces of paper, they think that only by categorizing them can they get the final interview opportunity. However, what he didn't expect was that we just imposed a time limit. Only the person with the longest persistence and the lowest classification error rate can be recruited by us. Those who can pass this level are often perseverance, but serious and careful. We will no longer doubt his ability to work!" He said with a smile.

On Subei's forehead, there was almost a word of service written on it.

When she went through these trials, she felt nothing.

However, when Xiao He explained, she felt that she really seemed to have gone through all kinds of dangers.

"Secretary He, this is the application method that any of you came up with. It's just too weird. I completely admire the five-body cast!" Subei said with emotion.

Xiao He smiled.

"It's the president of our star, it's Mr. He. He said, find him an assistant. Of course, he will come up with these exam questions! Isn't it great? When he first told us, we also felt it was weird. It’s just that after a real interview, he felt that his method not only examines his character, but also examines his work ability. In fact, the last few interview questions were actually made by him. He said such subtle problems. Only then can I see if a person is a person who thinks twice and does big things!" Xiao He explained to Subei with a smile.

Subei felt that he was almost blinded by Xiao He's smile.

"I think it's amazing!" When Subei spoke, his expression was a little dumbfounded.

She didn't even know that this thrilling interview was personally experienced, tested so many things, and she passed it smoothly in the end.

Xiao He chuckled lightly.

"You don't know. You were in the elevator just now, and you rushed to the front desk with your wallet. You didn't even read the notice in the elevator. You were afraid that the owner was worried, but several of my colleagues looked at them with admiration. They all said This year, such a girl is absolutely in short supply!" Xiao He looked at Subei with a hint of liking.

In fact, such a courageous, honest and kind girl, I am afraid that no one will not like it!

Subei smiled shyly.

As soon as she raised her head, she saw that the door of the interview room was opened.

Just now those three men who pretended to abstain from voting also walked in with a smile.

"Congratulations, Assistant Su!" They all said with a smile.

Subei smiled happily, as if the stars were shining in his eyes.

"Thank you, thank you for being merciful to my subordinates just now, I don't know, I have already started the interview!" Subei said with a smile.

She and the four interviewers said a few words and then walked out.

When Subei walked out of the interview room, he was relieved.

This time, she got the job with her own strength.

Even if someone said that she walked through the back door, she herself couldn't believe it.

Subei happily walked towards the elevator.

Lu Nan finished the meeting at the company in the morning, because several senior executives had disputes over the matter, so after they finished the meeting, the time agreed with Mr. Ren had already passed.

Lu Nan called to ask Mr. Ren, if it doesn't work, just this afternoon.

As a result, Mr. Ren said that he happened to be at the company and might have to go out for dinner at two o'clock.

Lu Nan thought about it, and rushed over just now.

After discussing cooperation with Mr. Ren, he plans to go downstairs and eat together, and then he will help Beibei pick a bed.

However, when the two of them reached the fifth floor, the elevator stopped.

President Ren was stunned. At this time, why is there still someone going downstairs? Shouldn't they go to work?

Subei looked at the elevator, his eyes gleaming with excitement.

She finally has a job!

As soon as the elevator opened, she stepped in.

However, when she saw the people in the elevator, she was completely stunned.

"Lu Nan, how could it be you?" Su Bei asked loudly, her voice surprised.

She never thought that she would meet Lu Nan here.

Subei's voice was extremely shocked, and there was a trace of deep guard in his expression.

Lu Nan couldn't help frowning.

"Su Nuan, why are you here?" When the two people were surprised, they asked the same question.

Mr. Ren thinks that he basically doesn't know the employees of his company.

However, looking at this, a strange and beautiful woman, and the other party still knows Lu Nan.

This surprised him a bit.

"Excuse me, are you..." Mr. Ren asked.

Lu Nan looked at the complicated situation before him and quickly stood up and spoke.

"Su Nuan, this is Mr. Ren from the Star Company. What are you doing here?" Lu Nan asked quickly.

Su Nuan was dumbfounded.

what? The strange man in front of him with Lu Nan turned out to be the boss of the stars.

She hurriedly lowered her head.

"Mr. Ren, I'm the assistant who just came for the interview. My name is Su Nuan!" Su Bei said with a smile.

She was very polite.

Lu Nan was startled, she really came out for an interview.

Mr. Ren suddenly realized that it was an interview.

Yes, the interview room was originally on the fifth floor.

He nodded.

"Has the interview passed?" he asked with a smile.

North Jiangsu nodded confidently.

"Passed, President, let me know that I am your assistant!" Su Bei said happily.

Mr. Ren nodded in satisfaction.

"It's fine if you pass, young man, come on!" Mr. Ren said with a smile. Those interview questions were all his questions. Those who can pass these levels are definitely not bad.

However, Lu Nan's brow furrowed deeply when he heard the conversation between the two of them.

Mr. Ren is afraid that he is not sure about the relationship between Su Nuan and Gu Niancheng. If he knows, would he still use Su Nuan?

Lu Nan hesitated, he didn't know whether he should tell Mr. Ren.

If he said, the job in northern Jiangsu must be gone.

If you don't tell me, the stars in northern Jiangsu will not be better.

As soon as Lu Nan thought of this, the elevator arrived and Subei happily ran out.