Gold Medal Sweet Wife, The President Spoiled Marriage 1314

Chapter 249: Bleeding incident


Subei was suffocating an anger in his heart.

If you change the person you are, it is obvious that you have already applied for the job. Finally, someone tells you that if you don't use it for work, you will get angry if you change it!

Subei is really dying of anger, and was fired before going to work. This is more disappointing than an interview failure, and even more shocking!

She spoke angrily.

"Xiaohe, why is this happening, you should always give me an explanation!" said Subei.

"Miss Su, don't embarrass me. I'm just a part-time worker. That's it, if I have already brought it, I will hang up first!" Xiao He finished speaking and hung up the phone quickly.

Subei was stunned, she was really fired like this!

She is not convinced!

What is the reason, I should always tell her!

Subei handed Gu Zisu to the aunt, and she went upstairs, changed her clothes quickly, and headed towards the stars.

She don't want to die unclearly!

Subei quickly walked towards the outside of the villa, she took a taxi and went straight to the stars.

When Subei arrived at Xingchen, he told the front desk that she had come for the interview in the morning and asked for Secretary Xiao He.

After a while, Secretary Xiao He went downstairs.

The look on her face was ugly.

At this moment, Subei deeply felt that Secretary Xiao He had such a rich expression.

She sneered and walked towards Secretary Xiao He.

Xiao He walked over and pulled her to the corner next to him.

"Miss Su, why are you here? I'm on the phone, haven't I already told you clearly?" Xiao He said.

Subei frowned and looked at her.

"Secretary Xiaohe, do you want to dismiss me like this for no reason? What exactly did I make wrong, you should always let me know clearly, I came today to ask for an explanation!" Subei is stubborn. Looking at Xiao He.

Xiao He sighed helplessly.

"Well, since you want to know so much, let me tell you, do you know Mr. Lu from Shengshi Group? Who is he? You should be clear. He told us Mr. Ren. We Mr. Ren gave this order. You should be clear now. It's not because you had a problem with your interview, so we don't want you. The reason is in other respects!" Xiao He said quickly.

Subei's eyes suddenly became cold.


It's Lunan again, why are there Lunans when I go there!

Isn't I just looking for a job?

He is a big president, and being such a villain really makes her very angry!

Subei's chest rises and falls, and she looks at Xiao He. .

"Secretary Xiao He, thank you for telling me this. I'm going to find Lunan now. I don't believe it. He can still be in Nancy. If he covers the sky with one hand, I don't believe it. I can't find a job!" Subei finished. , Left menacingly.

Xiao He patted his chest.

She said so, there should be no problem, Wan Yinan turned it around and asked them Ren Zong.

Xiao He looked embarrassed, she stood there for a while anxiously.

In the end, he had no choice but to go upstairs.

Subei left Xingchen and went straight to the Shengshi Group.

She arrived at the entrance of Shengshi Group and was blocked by the front desk and was not allowed to enter.

Subei stood in place angrily and refused to let in. She wanted to go in today.

Subei stood not far away, looked at it quietly for a while, and found a group of cleaners walked in. It seemed that they belonged to the cleaning company.

Subei saw the uniform of their company clearly, and left with a calm face.

After a while, when Subei appeared again, she wore the clothes of the cleaning company and walked towards the gate of Shengshi.

The security guard stopped her and asked her identity.

Subei's face was a bit dirty, and the security guard did not recognize it at all.

"Big brother, all the employees of our company just went in. I just went to the toilet and I was late!" There was nothing wrong with what Subei said, and the security immediately believed it.

After joining the company, Subei quickly walked to the bathroom.

She took off the clothes outside and walked towards the president's office.

As far as she knows, Lunan’s office should be at the top of the company.

Subei got on the elevator and directly pressed the top floor.

When he reached the top floor, as soon as Subei got out of the elevator, he was stopped by Song Linglong.

Song Linglong looked at Subei warily.

Su Nuan?

Didn't she disappear? Why is it here now!

"What are you doing?" Song Linglong said rudely.

Subei ignored her.

"Who are you, I don't know you, I'll find Lu Nan, and you will let him come out for me!" Subei said quickly.

Song Linglong frowned.

"Who do you think you are? If you ask our president to come out, our president will come out. Our president said, when you meet someone like you, you just blast it out without reporting it!" Song Linglong said mockingly.

Subei looked stiff.

"You...why did you not let me in? I tell you, I have to go in and have a look today, but I want to ask Lu Nan, why on earth did he start with my work, he is such a villain. Do you employees all know the behavior?" Subei was very angry.

Song Linglong listened to the clouds in the mist.

"Su Nuan, are you crazy, what are you talking about, I really don't know, why didn't the security guard downstairs stop you!" At this point, she was holding her mobile phone and was about to call the security guard.

Subei thought that she had just come up secretly, and she couldn't help but see Lu Nan, ask for an explanation, and be kicked out.

Seeing Song Linglong was about to call.

In desperation, Subei flew Song Linglong's mobile phone away.

The phone was in a perfect parabolic makeup and flew towards Lunan's office.

At this moment, Lu Nan's office door opened.

He heard noisy noises outside, and he seemed to be Su Nuan who had met in the stars at noon.

Lu Nan suddenly felt a little awkward to sit still, he had planned to go out to take a look.

As a result, as soon as he opened the door, before he could react, an unknown object appeared.

He felt a sharp pain in his nose.

Subei and Song Linglong not far away were completely dumbfounded.

Lu Nan's nose left a line of red nosebleeds.

Lu Nan felt wet, he reached out and touched it, it was all blood!

He gritted his teeth suddenly.

"Su Nuan!" Lu Nan called Subei's current name word by word.

Subei took a breath.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry! I didn't mean it!" Su Bei quickly explained.

Song Linglong didn't care about driving Subei, she rushed over to help Lu Nan find a tissue.

Lu Nan glared at Subei, and walked quickly to the bathroom. He flushed the blood by the sink, and then wiped it with paper. It took a long time to stop the bleeding.

When Lu Nan walked back to the office door, he saw Subei still standing there.

Lu Nan couldn't help but a burst of anger rose in his heart.

She still dared to stand here, do you want to be beaten?

Lu Nan said with a cold face, thinking of Subei's aggressive appearance, he said coldly.

"Why are you here?" Lu Nan asked.

Subei gave a dry laugh.

"Sorry, I just asked you to ask something. I didn't expect it to cause bloodshed!" Subei said embarrassedly, her arrogance is no longer arrogant.

Lu Nan snorted coldly.

"Come in!" Lu Nan said, and walked into the office.

When Song Linglong heard Lu Nan's words, she thought she had a hallucination.

When did the president's attitude toward this woman be so good? Is it because she disappeared for a while inexplicably?

In her puzzled look, Subei has followed Lu Nan and walked into the office.

Song Linglong could only shook her head helplessly, and walked towards her working position.

Subei entered Lunan's office and looked at the furnishings inside. A white light flashed through her mind.

She shook her head abruptly, feeling stunned, that familiar feeling seemed to be back again.

Here, she seems to have been here before!

Subei was uncomfortable for a long time, rubbing his head vigorously, only to feel better.

Lu Nan wiped away the blood on his face, and his nose stopped bleeding, so he turned to look at Subei.

Unexpectedly, she was rubbing her head and shaking her head, not knowing where and what to do!

Lu Nan gave a light cough.

"Hey, Su Nuan, what the hell are you looking for me? You look fierce, as if I owe you millions!" Lu Nan said angrily.

Subei smashed his mouth in embarrassment.

At the beginning, she did come with the purpose of asking for an explanation. She felt that she was innocent, and she had good reasons.

However, after hitting Lu Nan, she felt that her arrogance was suddenly weakened.

"Um... I just want to ask you, is the job I applied for today, is it something you disturbed me? You know, that's the first job I applied to successfully through my own hard work today. How about you? Being able to have such a small belly, because of personal grievances, revenge on me like this!" Subei said weakly.

She had rehearsed countless times in her heart on her way to the Shengshi Group. She felt that after she came, she must question Lu Nan very strongly.

As a result, when she said it now, it became this effect.

So, things are unpredictable!

She didn't expect that she would beat Lu Nan with a nosebleed.

When Subei spoke, he felt that his heart was guilty.

Lu Nan looked at Subei and snorted coldly.

"Can you do this?" Lu Nan said coolly.

Subei bit the bullet and deliberately increased the volume.

"What's the matter? Did I say something wrong? You are just a small belly, have you lost my job today? Secretary Xiao He originally let me go to work tomorrow, but in the end, you don't know what you said to Mr. Ren, I The work of the company immediately fell to the ground, dare you say that you did not do it!" Subei looked at Lu Nan with a cold face.

Lu Nan looked at Subei with a mocking expression.

"I said Su Nuan, when you are looking for a job, can you do some work ahead of time? If you blame Gu Niancheng, you can't blame others. Even if you are not fired today, you will still be fired, or just Being squeezed and suppressed by Xingchen employees, do you understand?" Lu Nan said disdainfully.

Subei frowned.

"What does this matter have to do with Gu Niancheng? Besides, I have done work ahead of time. I have a very thorough understanding of this company. Isn't it just making furniture, making and selling a one-stop shop? What's wrong? Why am I being suppressed, am I so bad?" Su Bei asked angrily.