Gold Medal Sweet Wife, The President Spoiled Marriage 1314

Chapter 259: Flower Sea Syncope


Looking at the stubbornness of Subei, Yun Fan couldn't help shaking his head.

"Well, I really convinced you. I haven't seen a person with such a tendon like you. Look first, I'm going to eat!" After Yun Fan finished speaking, he turned and left.

Subei thought for a while, lowered his head and opened Yunfan's notebook, and looked at it carefully.

When Subei saw it sooner, he went downstairs to buy two breads and continued to go upstairs to look.

She was watching while eating bread.

It has been a long time, and she has never had such emotions.

These things that Yun Fan wrote are really too helpful for her now.

She was a little hungry and wanted to see more quickly.

While reading his notebook in northern Jiangsu, he was looking at it seriously.

Lu Nan took Su Nuan to the sea of flowers on the roof.

After he finished his meal, he brought Su Nuan to Huahai.

He had originally brought Su Nuan up to the top of the building to look for his memory. As soon as he entered the sea of flowers, Su Nuan's eyes really brightened.

Lu Nan looked at her intently, hoping to find a trace of the expression she wanted to start.

However, he stared at Su Nuan for a long time, her expression was nothing but surprise and joy.

Lu Nan couldn't help being disappointed.

Is he really eager to restore her memory? Why are you so disappointed!

When he first found Beibei, he didn't want it. She remembered the past.

But now, he discovered more and more that when this Beibei was not the person he fell in love with, she eagerly hoped that she would remember the past and return the familiar Beibei to herself.

Looking at Su Nuan's expression, Lu Nan felt bored, and the expression on his face was not very good.

Su Nuan was still looking at this endless sea of flowers.

However, she turned her head and saw that Lu Nan's expression was not right.

She spoke cautiously.

"Lunan, are you okay, the sea of flowers is very beautiful, I really like it, why don't you look very happy!" Su Nuan asked nervously, she was afraid that she was doing something on her own and causing Lu Nan. Upset.

Lu Nan shook his head dullly.

"It's okay, I'm not upset, it's just a little bored in my heart!" He said to Su Nuan.

He almost subconsciously did not tell Su Nuan that this was the place where he proposed to Su Bei, and it belonged only to the two of them.

He didn't want the third person to know the secret between them.

Su Nuan didn't want to say anything when she saw Lu Nan, she had no choice but to curl her lips.

"Well, don’t be bored. Didn’t you say that I have been looking for me for a year? Now that I have returned to you, the remaining problems in the future will all be a matter of time. Some things will come naturally. Don't worry!" Su Nuan lowered her head shyly, as if she was giving Lu Nan some hint.

Lu Nan looked in a trance, but he seemed to be thinking about something.

The person in front of him is really strange.

Before northern Jiangsu, this was not the case.

She never takes the initiative, telling herself that feelings will come naturally.

She was either shy and silent, or she suddenly told herself straightforwardly and bravely that she liked herself.

But now, the woman standing in front of her seemed to be two people.

Lu Nan rubbed his brows.

"Forget it, let's go sit there!" Lu Nan finished speaking, and walked towards the center of the sea of flowers first.

Su Nuan was stunned in place.

Could it be that she was too reserved, Lu Nan felt that she was so boring like this, that's why she was so disinterested?

Su Nuan stood in place and thought for a while, she quickly followed, smiled softly, stretched out her hand to hold Lu Nan's arm, and rubbed her roundness.

If Lu Nan can really cooperate with her hooking, then they would definitely not feel like doing such fun things in this sea of flowers.

Su Nuan thought, her face became coquettish and shy involuntarily.

Lu Nan paused, and suddenly his whole body froze.

She seduce herself so blatantly.

She would definitely not do this when she changed to the former Subei!

Lu Nan seemed to be frightened, and suddenly pulled Su Nuan's arm away, thinking about the softness in the center of the flower room and walked away.

Su Nuan was really puzzled this time. She stood in place, as if she had suffered some setbacks, her whole body was extremely frustrated.

What's wrong, what's wrong, this won't work, that won't work!

How did North Jiangsu and Lunan get along before!

Between lovers, there is nothing more than the spiritual level of communication. When it develops to the last step, isn't it just the bed?

Between the two of them, there were children, and now she also appeared in front of Lu Nan as Subei.

However, his various behaviors were clearly shown, and he rejected himself very much.

Why on earth!

Su Nuan was upset, unwilling, and wrote completely on her face.

She thought for a while, followed Lu Nan quickly, followed him quietly, without saying a word.

Lu Nan sat on the soft collapse in the middle of the sea of flowers, and she also sat quietly on the side, silent.

At this moment, Lu Nan felt extremely upset in his heart.

He didn't know what was wrong with him, why he would react like this.

However, he knew that he upset the people around him.

Lu Nan calmed down for a while, he thought.

People did everything possible to get them back. Even if she forgot something, her style of doing things is not the same as before.

However, he can't ignore her, he should firmly believe that she will remember the previous things and turn back to the kind and sincere woman.

Thinking of this, Lu Nan turned and looked at Su Nuan.

"Bei Bei, I was in a bad mood just now. I took the initiative to apologize to you. I feel a little irritable. Don't be upset, okay?" Lu Nan finished speaking and reached out to hug Su Nuan in his arms.

Su Nuan breathed a sigh of relief when Lu Nan apologized in such a sincere tone.

"Really? Are you really apologizing to me? Why do I feel that you are so impatient with me? We used to get along like this?" Su Nuan asked tentatively.

When Su Nuan asked, Lu Nan thought she was angry.

He quickly explained.

"Beibei, it’s not what you think. Don’t be angry. We used to get along. It’s not like this. How could I be angry with you? It’s just that I feel something is wrong. Maybe I haven’t slept well recently. Don’t think about it. !" Lu Nan explained quickly.

He didn't know how to tell the person in front of him that when he got along with her, there was something wrong, and he didn't feel like he had with Subei before.

However, despite this, he couldn't make the person in front of him sad.

Su Nuan breathed a sigh of relief when she heard Lu Nan's anxious explanation, and her expression became more relaxed.

He apologized to himself so anxiously and asked himself not to be angry, indicating that in his heart, he still cares about himself very much.

She smiled and shook her head.

"Lunan, I'm not angry. How could I be angry with you? I didn't think about it. I just blame myself. I forgot the past. I can't tell you about our past. But, in my heart, The feelings for you have slowly bred out. I believe that after a while, I will be able to fall in love with you and let us be well, okay?" Su Nuan said empathetically.

Lu Nan nodded and said nothing.

Su Nuan had actually realized that after entering the sea of flowers, some flaws were revealed.

In other words, his behavior, as Lu Nan expected, was too big.

Therefore, Lu Nan would have such a reaction.

She thought for a while, leaning her head on Lu Nan, and slowly pretending to be asleep.

After a long time, neither of them spoke. Lu Nan seemed to hear her, and she made a slight sound of sleep.

Lu Nan shook his head helplessly and placed it gently on the soft collapse.

It was a little boring to sit alone, so he sent a WeChat message to Yunfan, asking him to bring himself the documents to be signed in the afternoon.

Lu Nan: Yunfan, the documents you checked this morning, now bring me Huahai immediately, let me take a look now!

Yun Fan: President, I will be outside. It's just that Su Nuan should be in the office. I will ask her to bring you the documents. Do you think it's okay?

When Lu Nan saw the word Su Nuan, it flashed in his mind. She made coffee for herself in the morning, staring at herself while drinking, and her heart seemed to soften.

He clearly felt that now that he saw the word Su Nuan, he was not as annoying as before.

He thought about it and edited the information quickly.

Lu Nan: No matter who it is, just bring things up to me quickly. I'm here in the middle of the sea of flowers, and try to be as fast as possible!

Yunfan: Okay, President, I'll let Su Nuan bring it up for you.

After Yun Fan sent the message, he called Subei.

Subei just took a bite of bread and turned the page of his notebook, when the phone rang suddenly.

Su Bei picked it up and saw that Yun Fan came over.

"What's the matter? Assistant Yun, what's the matter?" Su Bei asked.

Yun Fan spoke quickly.

"Su Nuan, will you be in the office?" Yun Fan asked.

Subei nodded.

"Well, here, I bought something to eat and went straight upstairs, what can you do with me?" Su Bei asked.

"I finished my meal and planned to go out to buy something, but Lu always asked me to take the documents I checked in the morning to Huahai. He wants to read it now!" Yun Fan's tone was a little anxious.

Subei was stunned.

"Files? Is it the pile of blue folders on your desk?" Su Bei asked.

Yun Fan nodded.

"Yes, that's it. You can take it directly to the president now. I've already told him!" Yun Fan said quickly.

Subei nodded.

"Well, I see!" Subei said.

After she finished speaking, her mind was a little confused.

By the way, Yun Fan said just now, let him bring the files to Lu Nan to the sea of flowers!

You said toilets and conference rooms. Every company has this kind of place. As for Huahai, such a place, even a person who has no common sense, she does not know.

Could it be that this Shengshi Group, what else can't be different from other companies!

Subei thought for a while, paused, and continued to ask.

"By the way, Assistant Yun, where is the sea of flowers?" Su Bei asked in a puzzled manner. She was afraid that she would go out and ask. Not only would others not tell her, but she would also call herself a neurosis, or simply ask Yun Fan if she got it.