Gold Medal Sweet Wife, The President Spoiled Marriage 1314

Chapter 263: Long memory


Lu Nan sneered.

"Heh! Gu Niancheng, I think you think too much, I think Su Nuan, at most, the boss's concern for subordinates, I will steal her from you, unless I have a brain disease!" Lu Nan said coldly.

Gu Niancheng glanced at Lu Nan.

"Are you sure, you'd better remember what you said today. If you forget, I don't mind helping you keep your memory long!" Gu Niancheng said gloomily.

Lu Nan looked at Gu Niancheng with disdain.

"I said that I am not interested in Su Nuan, and I can't steal her from you, but Gu Niancheng, give me a long memory, I am afraid you are not qualified!" Lu Nan said coldly.

The anger in Gu Niancheng's eyes had not dissipated yet, he looked at the unruly Lu Nan, and his heart suddenly became even more angry.

A year ago, Lu Nan and Subei were together, but he didn't cherish Subei well. Now, he is here to protect Subei.

He has already changed Subei. Why, this man still refuses to let Subei go.

He looked at Lu Nan, suddenly fisted, and hit it directly.

Lu Nan was unprepared, he was punched in the jaw, and the pain instantly made him violent.

He looked at Gu Niancheng, and went back without saying a word.

He kindly sent Su Nuan to the hospital, but instead of thanking him, Gu Niancheng didn't thank him, but did something to him. He really didn't know what to do!

Since he is going to fight, he will stay with him to the end!

The two of them, you punch me and kick me, and after a while, they are already fighting each other, and they should not have sex.

Lu Nan kicked Gu Niancheng's hem, and Gu Niancheng slammed into hiding.

As a result, Lu Nan kicked it with another foot.

Gu Niancheng had to roll over and fell to the ground.

As soon as he was about to get up, Lu Nan bullied himself up.

Gu Niancheng was taken aback, he simply lay on the ground, stretched out one leg, and tripped Lu Nan.

Two people fell to the ground, you punched me with one punch.

For a while this is on top, and for a while, it becomes another.

After Yun Fan paid the fee, Gu Niancheng should have come too.

As a result, as soon as he went upstairs, he saw Lu Nan and Gu Niancheng, the two fighting each other in an imageless manner.

The suit jacket on her body had long been thrown aside by them.

Yun Fan frowned helplessly.

God, what do these two masters want to do today? Are they making a fuss in the hospital?

Thinking of Fu Xue's clever eyes, Yun Fan couldn't help shook his head.

If this goes on, sooner or later the young dean will be alarmed.

He quickly walked over, trying to pull the two on the ground away.

Who knows, neither of the two chief executives is willing to cooperate.

As soon as Yun Fan's hand stretched out, it was opened.

He went to pull Gu Niancheng, and as a result, Gu Niancheng flashed, Lu Nan's fist suddenly hit him in the face.

Yun Fan sucked in pain.

He was extremely depressed!

He is here to fight, not to be beaten. The two are the masters. When beating people, don't you know to look at them!

Thinking of this, Yun Fan stood aside dullly and watched.

He doesn't fight anymore. Both of them are angry. If he rushes forward, it is not himself who suffers.

He just watched here in silence to see when they could fight!

Yun Fan watched for two minutes.

Suddenly, the ward door opened.

Yun Fan was startled, he turned around abruptly and saw Subei frowning and watching all this.

"What are you doing?" Subei tried to raise his voice, but he was still weak.

However, when her voice sounded, Lu Nan and Gu Niancheng unanimously stopped their hands.

The two glared at each other, got up quickly, and patted the dust on their bodies.

Subei frowned.

"You two want to fight, and choose a quiet place. You don’t know that this is a hospital. You are ethical! You are somehow legendary people who often appear in your financial news. Look at your current image. Don’t Talking about a legend, you can't even bear the character of a normal person!" Subei was very angry.

Gu Niancheng and Lu Nan were like elementary school students undergoing training. Their faces were red and white, but no one spoke to refute Subei's words.

Subei said that it was a bit stagnant.

"Forget it, wherever you like to go, don't make a fuss in front of my ward, I'm upset looking at it!" Subei finished speaking, and turned to return to the ward.

Gu Niancheng suddenly rushed over.

Subei looked at him in surprise.

He grabbed Subei's hand.

"Nuan Nuan, I was wrong just now. I shouldn't have a fight with Mr. Lu, but I also care about you. I thought you fainted because Mr. Lu, so there was a bit of disagreement between the two people's words, and the fight started , However, I assure you that we absolutely did not cause any bad influence. Just as soon as we started, you came out!" Gu Niancheng quickly explained that he was afraid that Subei would be angry.

Yun Fan opened his mouth speechlessly.

It is also said that there is no bad influence. Did they just start it? Standing here, he can watch a good show for a few minutes, OK!

Subei frowned and looked at Gu Niancheng.

"What you said is true?" Su Bei asked.

Gu Niancheng nodded repeatedly.

"It's absolutely true!" Gu Niancheng said affirmatively, his face was not red and his heart beat, Lu Nan and Yun Fan, the two insiders lied to their faces.

Subei gave him a cool look.

"Since there is no effect, then continue to stop, I will go back to sleep first!" Subei finished speaking, and turned to go back to the ward.

Gu Niancheng grabbed her.

"Nuan Nuan, how are you... how are you? There is nothing wrong with your body, right?" Gu Niancheng asked concerned.

Subei shook his head.

"No problem, I feel pretty good!" Subei said disapprovingly.

Gu Niancheng frowned.

"Then why did you faint? Is there any discomfort in your body?" Gu Niancheng asked.

Lu Nan also pricked his ears, wanting to hear the feeling of Subei.

Subei shrugged casually.

"It's okay, it's impossible. Do you want me to say that my body is uncomfortable, and I am about to die? I won't lie to you. I really don't know. When I sent the documents to Mr. Lu, I felt a little confused It's comfortable, so I fainted, that's it!" After Subei finished speaking, he didn't mean to stop at all, and turned his hand and put his hand on the doorknob.

Gu Niancheng took her hand.

"Well, let me accompany you. When you are well raised, the doctor will check it. I'll go through the discharge procedures for you!" Gu Niancheng said with a smile.

Subei hooked his lips and smiled unclearly.

"Then you can go through the discharge procedures now, because I feel that I am almost in good health now!" After Subei finished speaking, he broke away from Gu Niancheng's hand and walked towards the ward.

Looking at the figure of Subei, Gu Niancheng's eyes flashed with sadness.

Lu Nan also turned around, planning to leave.

At this moment, a crisp voice sounded.

A female nurse pulled Fu Xue over.

"The dean, these are these two people. They were fighting in the corridor. They were fighting fiercely. We dare not step forward to stop them!" the female nurse said anxiously.

Fu Xue came here step by step.

Lu Nan and Yun Fan were stunned.

Yun Fan looked towards Fu Xue.

Subei's hand that was about to close the door also froze.

She coldly looked at the situation in front of her.

The head of the hospital was alarmed, and Gu Niancheng was ashamed to tell himself that he and Lu Nan had just beaten him twice.

If this is really the case, how could someone see him and call the dean of the hospital.

Fu Xue came over, pointed at Gu Niancheng, and pointed at Lunan.

She turned to look at the female nurse.

"Are you talking about these two people fighting?" Fu Xue asked.

The female nurse nodded repeatedly.

"Yes, they are indeed fighting!" said the female nurse.

Fu Xue nodded.

"Then why was he beaten in the face?" Fu Xue said curiously, hoping that someone would give her some answers.

Yun Fan was stunned.

He immediately stood up and explained.

"Dean Fu, don't think too much about it. I was accidentally hurt when I was pulling a frame. It has nothing to do with me!" Yun Fan said very simply.

Lu Nan glanced at him contemptuously.

Yun Fan looked at Lu Nan innocently and smiled, his expression seemed to say, President, I was hurt by you!

Subei looked at Gu Niancheng coolly.

The questioning gaze was undoubtedly saying, didn’t you mean that you just started to fight, even the people who were fighting with each other were hitting easily. When you lied, did you blush?

Gu Niancheng lowered his head uncomfortably.

God, he just didn't want to make Subei angry, so how could he recruit this little dean.

This little woman is really very difficult!

Lu Nan saw Fu Xue, although he was a little embarrassed about his fight just now.

However, he still asked Fu Xue.

"Dean Fu is here!" Lu Nan said.

Fu Xue smiled and nodded.

"Yeah, I'm here, I'm afraid I won't come, you will tear down my hospital!" Fu Xuepi said with a smile.

Lu Nan suddenly fell silent.

Fu Xue smiled and looked at everything in front of her.

"Okay, I'm just here to take a look. Since you are fighting, I can't say anything. There is nothing here that can damage you, so you wink! I'm leaving now!" Fu Xue finished. She winked at the female nurse behind her and asked the other person to follow her away.

Who knows, as soon as she turned around, she saw Su Nuan running towards her.

Fu Xue smiled, isn't this the one who is really sick!

Su Nuan suddenly changed her expression when she saw Fu Xue as if she had seen a ghost.

Fu Xue smiled, glanced at her, then sideways, and glanced at the few people behind him.

This woman looks so similar to the woman at the door of the ward.

It seems that this is the sister in her mouth!

The moment Su Nuan saw Lu Nan, it was as if she saw a savior, and there was no one in her eyes.

She ran up excitedly and hugged Lu Nan's arm.

"Lu Nan, you have to call the shots for me, that woman actually arrested me and put me in the ward of a mentally ill patient. Fortunately, Assistant Yun arrived in time and rescued me. You must not spare her, okay? "Su Nuan looked at Lu Nan aggrievedly, and said excitedly.

Look at her, if Lu Nan doesn't agree to her, she will be able to cry like a baby here in the next second.

Fu Xue raised her eyebrows.

When did Lu Nan provoke such a problematic master?

Su Nuan looked at Fu Xue fiercely.

Although she knew that Fu Xue was the director of this hospital.

However, she has Lu Nan by her side, so she can still be afraid of this little dean!