Gold Medal Sweet Wife, The President Spoiled Marriage 1314

Chapter 265: Gu is Mr. G


After Subei and Yunfan had finished speaking, they began to bow their heads to study and work.

Yun Fan glanced at her and started to work.

Su Nuan received a call from Mr. G as soon as he returned to the company.

Let her go to the Emperor Hotel.

She suddenly felt a little puzzled.

My own phone call to Mr. G, but Gu Niancheng appeared the fastest.

Also, Gu Niancheng seemed to be able to easily know what he reported to Mr. G.

Of course, Mr. G can also tell her that he told Gu Niancheng.

It's just that some things that happened before the contact are a bit too coincidental.

Also, I met Gu Niancheng when I was in the United States, and Mr. G was also in the United States at the time.

After I returned to China, I met Gu Niancheng again, and Mr. G happened to appear in the country by accident.


Thinking of this, Su Nuan felt that there were more and more coincidences he could think of.

She tidied up quickly, and hurried to the Emperor Hotel.

Su Nuan rushed to the designated room.

She pushed gently, and the door opened.

Su Nuan stepped in.

It's exactly the same every time we meet.

The curtains are generally pulled, and the light in the room is a bit dark.

This mysterious Mr. G still has a bronze mask covering his face, revealing a gloomy breath in the weirdness.

Su Nuan walked in and looked at the people in the dark carefully.

It seemed that his figure was similar to Gu Niancheng.

I haven't read it carefully before, but looking at it like this now, it really seems to be the same as Gu Niancheng.

Su Nuan's heart sank.

"Sir, here I am!" Su Nuan said.

"Yeah! Sit down!" The other party's voice was heavy, as if it was intentionally lowered.

Su Nuan thought for a long time, and finally decided, desperately.

"Gu Niancheng, I already know your identity. I don’t need to pretend to be a god. I know that you have helped me and saved me in this year. Now you have helped me return to Lu Nan. If you really need to Whatever I do, I will be obliged to cooperate. You don’t have to be in front of me and continue to cover up. I have already guessed your identity!" Su Wenhua said calmly, her expression is very calm, and she is talking very well. Sure.

Sure enough, the figure in the dark suddenly froze.

Gu Niancheng's face under the bronze mask was a bit ugly.

She actually saw through her identity.

Gu Niancheng thought about it for a while, and simply took off his mask without stopping.

Although Su Nuan had already guessed, when she saw Gu Niancheng's face, she was still deeply shocked.

It turned out to be him.

The man who has been controlling himself in secret is actually this man.

No wonder he has refused to allow himself to hurt Subei.

He loves Subei so much, how could he let himself hurt Subei!

All this seems to have been reasonably explained in an instant.

Su Nuan looked at Gu Niancheng and smiled.

I used to feel that Mr. G was very mysterious. Now that I know his identity, I don't seem to be so scared anymore.

"Mr. Gu, you are so resourceful, you are so unscrupulous in order to get the woman you like!" Su Nuan said with a smile.

Gu Niancheng snorted coldly.

"You haven't gone too far. You are not trying to get back to Lu Nan. Although I am helping you, but if you don't work hard, you won't be able to return to Lu Nan today!" Gu Niancheng said coldly.

Su Nuan smiled.

"That said, I have to thank Mr. Gu. For more than a year, thanks to your help, I hope we can continue to cooperate happily in the next time!" Su Nuan said with a smile on his face.

Gu Niancheng glanced at her faintly.

"Su Nuan, I ask you to figure it out. I will give you a difference. If we cooperate, it will only be bad in the end. You seem to have a brain, but in fact, you don't have a brain at all. In front of Lu Nan, how can you release yourself? What about your nature, do you really think that Lu Nan likes you Su Nuan? He likes it. He mistakenly thought you were the person from northern Jiangsu. I hope you can put yourself in the right position. Only in this way can we have cooperation. The possibility of going down!" Gu Niancheng said coldly.

Su Nuan was stunned.

"Then what should I do now according to Mr. Care?" Su Nuan asked.

"Don't worry, I called you over today, just because I don't want to watch you continue to be stupid, so I plan to find a way for you!" Gu Niancheng said.

Su Nuan didn't bother Gu Niancheng scolding herself.

After all, when he didn't know his identity, he received a lot of training.

Now, even if he knew his identity, he was still in an identity under his command.

Unless she wants to kill the net and fight with Gu Niancheng.

However, the fact is that they are a cooperative relationship and there is no need at all.

"Then Mr. Gu, according to your idea, what should I do next?" Su Nuan asked.

Gu Niancheng spoke coldly.

"What to do next, I have my own plan, but I didn't expect that you don't look so stupid, you can guess my identity!" Gu Niancheng said.

Su Nuan's face is a bit ugly.

"Mr. Gu, please don't talk nonsense, I hope you can tell me something useful!" Su Nuan said angrily.

In fact, she also felt that she was in a very passive position in front of Lu Nan.

When they first met, it seemed that Lu Nan was running after him.

But now, on the contrary, he is chasing Lunan by himself.

She desperately hopes that someone will show her a clear way.

Gu Niancheng looked at Su Nuan and sneered.

"Why, before I knew my identity, respectfully, now that I know my identity, I have begun to give me a temper! Su Nuan, you are so brave!" Gu Niancheng said coldly.

Su Nuan's body trembled suddenly.

"Mr. Gu, I didn't mean that. I just want to find a solution quickly. I am in a hurry, Mr. Gu, I hope you can forgive me!" Su Nuan quickly explained.

Gu Niancheng snorted coldly, no longer pursuing it.

"I used to let you learn and imitate Subei, but I forgot a very important thing, your IQ and Subei, the gap is too big, even if you are stupid, you still have to use your true temperament. , And, I warn you, to curb your arrogant temperament, Subei never did that, and she would not complain about it. If something goes wrong, she will only rely on her own ability and brain to hope you In the future, you can also grow your mind more, don't be sloppy in everything!" Gu Niancheng's words are very unpleasant.

Su Nuan's face turned pale and red.

However, she knew that Gu Niancheng's words were pertinent, and what he said was true.

Sometimes, I just can't control my feelings, the kind of vigor in my bones is lifted up, and I can't suppress it.

"I'll change it!" Su Nuan lowered his head and said dullly.

"Be louder, I can't hear it!" Gu Niancheng said coldly.

"I change, Mr. Gu, I must use my best willpower to control my temperament, and I won't do something out of control like today!" Su Nuan said loudly.

Gu Niancheng glanced at her and continued to speak.

"Since you have made up your mind to change, then I did not remind you in vain today. There is one last thing. You can no longer show your liking for him in front of Lu Nan. You have to know that you haven't remembered yet. Things in the past, if you do this now, it will only make Lu Nan hate you. Even if he likes the former Subei, let you toss like this for a few days, he will start to hate it. If you have to learn to stay away from him, people will be evil. Yes, as long as you leave him in the cold, he will definitely think, why do you do this, he will take the initiative to come up, when the time comes, you only need to ask, question him in a cold posture, why did you find you back? Don’t cherish you, so that’s it. You don’t need to do more messy things to show your intentions. This will only have the opposite effect, do you understand?” Gu Niancheng seemed to explain a fact to an idiot again general.

Su Nuan still couldn't believe it.

"Is this really okay?" Su Nuan asked uncertainly.

Gu Niancheng gave her a cold look.

His look showed the feeling, as if he didn't want to look at Su Nuan more at a glance.

"Is it alright? You will know if you go back and have a try. I am a man. I know men or you do!" Gu Niancheng said very impatiently.

Su Nuan lowered her head, condensed the hostility in her eyes, and nodded.

"Okay, Mr. Gu, I will definitely do what you said! It's just that I solved it here. On your side, the current state of Subei, I don’t think you are under your control at all. If she doesn’t Are you willing to leave Shengshi Group, have you thought of a good way?" Su Nuan asked.

Gu Niancheng thought for a while.

"Don't worry about this matter. I will definitely give you some instructions later. At that time, you only need to cooperate with me. We will try to prevent North Jiangsu from passing the internship period. As long as she can't become a regular employee and stay in Shengshi Group, then , The number of times she meets Lu Nan will also be greatly reduced, and it will be good for both of us in the future!" Gu Niancheng said blankly.

Su Nuan smiled.

"I know, but, in the end, I still have to say a few words, Mr. Gu is really a good method. In order to get the beloved woman, he can be so unscrupulous!" Su Nuan said with a smile.

Gu Niancheng's expression became cold.

"Su Nuan, it's not your turn to evaluate my business! You can go!" Gu Niancheng said coldly.

Su Nuan flattened his mouth indifferently.

"Then I'm leaving, Mr. Gu must remember the agreement between us and give me instructions at any time. Don't let Subei really stay in the Shengshi Group. That's not fun!" Su Nuan said.

"I see!" Gu Niancheng said impatiently, as if he didn't want to talk to Su Nuan any more nonsense.

Su Nuan smiled disdainfully and turned to leave.

The top floor of Shengshi Group.

Lunan Office.

It's been a child since Lu Nan came back from the hospital.

However, he can't help being in a daze.

He felt restless at the thought of the woman's pale face on the hospital bed.

He didn't know what was wrong with him.

That person is obviously Su Nuan, but why did he put all his due feelings for Subei on that woman!