Gold Medal Sweet Wife, The President Spoiled Marriage 1314

Chapter 267: Little tadpoles are looking for mother


Before Su Han could answer, Su Lin spoke cheerfully.

"Daddy, Mommy tells us the story of the little tadpole looking for his mother!" Su Lin said excitedly.

Su Han nodded afterwards.

"Yes, mommy told us about tadpoles, looking for mom, we two are like tadpoles, we have been looking for her, yes, daddy, mom said, the bed you gave her She likes it very much!" Su Han said with a smile.

Lu Nan nodded and put Su Han on the sofa. He looked up at Su Nuan.

"Beibei, what happened today..." Lu Nan wanted to apologize to Su Nuan, but before he could finish speaking, Su Nuan interrupted him.

"What's the matter today, Lu Nan, what are you talking about? Now that you have returned, take your two children and go back to bed. They are still young and can't sleep too late. You are tired from work, so go early. Rest!" Su Nuan said, thanking the guests behind closed doors.

Lu Nan was startled.

He whispered to Su Han.

"You and Xiao Rin will go to the inner room to play first, I will say a few words to your mommy, and we will go home!" Lu Nan said.

Su Han nodded obediently, and ran towards their previous room with Su Lin.

Seeing the two children closing the door, Lu Nan spoke.

"Beibei, what happened today is that I am wrong. Don't be angry, okay?" Lu Nan apologized sincerely.

He thought about it all afternoon today. The person in North Jiangsu at home was the one he wanted after searching for a year.

A year ago, he hated Su Nuan so much. Now, even if she reappears in front of him, no matter how much she has changed, the damage she has done to Subei in the past cannot be erased, and he can’t just because of her changes. , It had emotions that she shouldn't have.

Seeing Lu Nan apologize, Su Nuan was already softened.

However, thinking of Gu Niancheng's advice today, she immediately put away the expression she had just revealed.

She looked at Lu Nan with a cold face.

"You don't have to apologize to me. What you do and what you do is your own freedom. I really can't control it, and I won't bother!" Su Nuan said coldly, as if he didn't want to say anything to Lu Nan.

Lu Nan heard Su Nuan's words, and then looked at her attitude, panicked.

It was like this when Subei was unhappy before.

"Beibei, don't be angry anymore. I was wrong. This kind of thing will definitely not happen in the future. I will really change it. Don't be so cold, okay?" Lu Nan looked at Su Nuan sincerely. .

Su Nuan had already laughed in her heart.

It turned out that Gu Niancheng's method really worked.

"Lu Nan, you really don’t have to embarrass yourself like this. Just do what you want to do. I won’t stop you. You want me to go back to China and I will come back. Now I am entangled with Su Nuan again, although I I may feel a little uncomfortable in my heart, but I can also bear it. After all, I have forgotten what happened before. In my heart, you are not much different from the passerby. At most, you tell me that you are my former lover. There are two children, I can only say, I really like them, maybe this is because of the blood connection. As for you, you don’t need to apologize to me for what you do in the future, because there is nothing to do between us!" Su After Nuan finished speaking, he stood up.

"Lunan, you don't have to say anything anymore. I want to sleep. Let's just do it from now on. I won't embarrass you, and you won't embarrass me!" After Su Nuan said, Su Han and Su Lin ran out of the room inside. .

Lu Nan looked at Su Nuan embarrassedly.

In front of the child, he is not easy to say anything.

Although he was also a little puzzled, in one afternoon, this Subei in front of him seemed to have become the Subei of a year ago.

However, her attitude of rejecting herself thousands of miles away made him really powerless.

I don't want to think about that much anymore.

"Well, Beibei, you go to bed earlier, I'll go to bed with the baby first!" Lu Nan finished speaking, and left with Su Han and Su Lin.

On the way back, Su Han looked at Lu Nan innocently.

"Daddy, what did you say to Mommy, why don't you let us listen!" Su Han asked.

Lu Nan looked at his son, before he could answer, Su Lin went on to raise another question.

"Daddy, I heard you apologize to Mommy, did you do something wrong!" Su Lin asked.

Lu Nan was stunned.

Son, are you really okay when you question me like this?

You two geniuses with high intelligence, go to listen to your mommy's tadpoles and find your mother, don't you have the slightest sense of disobedience?

Su Han looked at his daddy, stupid, and didn't say a word.

"Daddy, what's wrong with you? Is it uncomfortable? Is it because I asked Xiao Rin to make you feel sad? Okay, let's not ask any more. This is a matter between you adults, and you can handle it yourself. Well, it's just that you have to treat Mommy well. I see Mommy. When we leave, her attitude is very cold. Generally, don't make Mommy angry. Women always want to coax, you know?" Su Hanyu said earnestly.

Lu Nan walked, almost staggering to the ground.

He looked at his son like an alien.

Baby, how do you know that women are going to coax!

How old are you!

Seeing Daddy looked at himself with a shocked expression.

Su Han turned and looked at Su Lin.

"Xiao Rin, are there flowers on my face?" Su Han asked.

Su Lin shook his head.

"No!" Su Lin answered very seriously.

"Why is Daddy looking at me so weirdly?" Su Han continued to ask.

"I have to ask Daddy himself!" Su Lin replied.

The two people talked like no one, seeming to treat Lu Nan as air.

Lu Nan was a bit speechless, but didn't say anything.

After Su Nuan's words, his mood that finally calmed down seemed to begin to roll again.

Back at home, Lunan settled down with the two little guys to sleep, and then he took a bath and went to bed.

He lay on the bed, trying to fall asleep, but, all night, he almost stayed up all night.

In his mind, the expressions of Subei and Su Nuan constantly appeared.

Lu Nan felt that he was finished.

He used to feel that he was not a person who was bothered.

However, it was only today that he thoroughly felt that he had developed a different kind of emotion towards women outside of Subei.

On the one hand, Lu Nan felt guilty, but on the other hand, he felt that northern Jiangsu had changed.

He tried to control his thoughts so that he didn't think about it anymore.

However, the more he controlled, the more confused he felt.

He felt that if this continued, he would be crazy sooner or later.

Lu Nan's face was particularly ugly when he went to work in the morning.

As soon as he got out of the elevator, he saw Subei approaching smilingly.

"Morning, President!" Subei said with a smile.

Lu Nan was taken aback, he nodded.

"Morning!" Lu Nan finished speaking and walked towards his office.

Subei pursed his mouth. Why is he so cold and ignorant? Is it because he is the president?

Subei made a face at the glass and quickly walked to the bathroom.

She is in a good mood today and doesn't care about it!

After Subei's interpretation, she was about to get up when she heard two people coming in from outside.

They walked and talked.

"Have you heard that yesterday, the president ran out holding that person's new assistant!" Jia said with a smile.

"Really? How come I haven't heard such a big gossip!" B was surprised.

"Where is it that you didn't hear it? The president ordered not to let gossip. Otherwise, you can get fired!" A said.

"That woman is really amazing. On the first day, she made the president treat me differently!" B said.

"No, we have been with the secretary for so long. In terms of appearance and beauty, we are no worse than her. I don't know what kind of charm the woman used. Otherwise, how could the president look at her!" Jia was disdainful. Said.

"Yes, it's a pity, but I heard that the woman the president has been looking for this year has returned, and it's in our company!" B said.

"Really, does the president dare to be so presumptuous and not afraid of being angry? After all, I have been looking for it for so long!" A said.

"Who knows this? Maybe I got it, so I don't want to cherish it! We really don't understand the world of these rich people!" B said.

"I don't want to understand either, I just want to ask the new special assistant, what exactly did she use to teach me something so that I can go out and catch a beetle-in-law!" Jia said with a smile.

B also laughed mockingly.

Subei sneered.

She opened the bathroom door and went out.

"Okay, as long as you ask me, I will definitely teach you one or two! But you have to kneel down, call the master, and knock your head twice, okay?" Subei said with a smile.

The two women discussed outside looked like they had seen a ghost. Why are there still people in the bathroom!

Moreover, unbiased, they are still the people they discuss.

A smiled and looked at Subei.

"Um, Sute, I'm really embarrassed. The two of us didn't mean it, we just talked casually. It's all hearsay. Don't be angry. We also listened to other people's words. Don't worry about us!" Jia Gan said with a smile.

B quickly echoed.

"Yeah! We really said it casually! Don't be angry!" B also said.

The two sang and apologized to North Jiangsu.

Subei also didn't bother to pay attention to them.

"In the future, remember to make irresponsible remarks behind others, and see if the Lord is around!" Subei finished speaking, and quickly walked out.

As soon as he got out of the bathroom, he saw Yun Fan looking for himself anxiously.

"Su Nuan, you can be regarded as showing up, if you don't show up again, you probably won't see me!" Yun Fan said bitterly.

Northern Jiangsu was taken aback.

"What's wrong? What's going on, why is your look so ugly?" Subei said.

"Don't mention it, the president didn't sleep well last night. He looked ugly and scary today. I made him a cup of freshly ground coffee. He said what kind of smell I made. I guess, he drank your coffee yesterday. , I like it, you go and cook for him!" Yun Fan said.

Subei breathed a sigh of relief.

"It turned out to be such a big deal. See what you said is so serious. I'm going to make coffee now!" Subei finished speaking and walked towards the pantry.