Gold Medal Sweet Wife, The President Spoiled Marriage 1314

Chapter 272: The knife is poisonous


Lu Nan stepped on his back.

His voice was harsh.

"Li Yunkai, I'll say it again. You can figure it out that your father's death was not because of me. Even if I didn't buy Li's real estate, your company would have only one way to go bankrupt. Your father will still find short-sightedness when he arrives." , As for your mother, she became a vegetable because of your father, if you even impose this on me, I think you are simply sick! She has become a vegetable now, or I use money to raise her, I hope you can figure out the situation. In today's matter, you hurt my employee. I will never let it go!" After Lu Nan finished speaking, he grabbed the knife from Li Yunkai's hand.

He picked up the phone and called the security personnel.

Li Yunkai's mouth could not stop cursing.

"Lu Nan, you don’t have a cat crying and a mouse fake compassion. I don’t know you yet. If there is no interest in the real estate of Li’s family, how can a business-minded person like you look at it? It’s as bad as you said, how could you have the ability to bring it back to life, you killed our family, and now you’re still slanderous here, Lunan, barefoot, not afraid to wear shoes, anyway, I’m alone now, no one of me Don't be afraid, the big deal is that we will lose both!" Li Yunkai shouted in anger.

Lu Nan looked at it and sneered.

"If you want to hurt both sides with me, you are not qualified!" Lu Nan finished speaking, and a group of security guards ran towards this side.

They grabbed Li Yunkai's arm and clamped it.

"Send it to the Public Security Bureau. Let Yunfan handle the specific problems. It's best to let him stay in there for a few more years. I will send Su Te to check the injuries first. After you go out, don't say anything!" Lu Nan finished. , Several security guards nodded quickly.

Lu Nan quickly thought of Subei walking.

"Are you all right?" Lu Nan asked.

Subei shook his head.

"It's okay, it just hurts!" Subei said, clutching his arms.

Lu Nan looked at her now as a little woman, and then thought about how she was when she was picked up by Gu Niancheng in the rain yesterday afternoon, his heart was extremely tangled.

"Nonsense, I saw it all scratched. Can it hurt? Why are you so brave? I'm a man. It's okay for me to get a knife. Why do I need you to protect me from the knife!" Lu Nan said angrily.

He was very sure that if this woman really had an accident because of saving himself, he would really regret it for a lifetime.

"Come, let go, let me see how the injury is?" Although Lu Nan was a bit fierce, his tone was rare and gentle.

Subei pouted and stretched out his hand to show him.

Lu Nan saw the blood on his arm and his white shirt was stained with blood. A feeling of distress suddenly rose in his heart.

Subconsciously lowered his head and glanced.

As a result, the bloody color suddenly made her a little weaker.

"I... can't do it!" After Subei finished speaking, his body fell softly.

Lu Nan was completely dumbfounded.

What was going on? He took a look just now, the wound was not very deep, it just scratched a bit.

It's just that the knife is very sharp, although it is not deep, the blood is a little bit too much and needs to stop the bleeding.

But why did she faint!

Is it possible that the knife is poisonous?

At the thought of this, Lu Nan's face was immediately ugly to the extreme.

Before he could think about anything, he hugged Subei directly and got into his car.

The car was speeding along the road.

Lu Nan turned around to look at Subei without even trying.

On her arm, she has been simply bandaged.

It's just that, why is her face so pale? Is something really wrong?

Lu Nan was anxious.

He ran the red light all the way, finally reached the hospital, and hurriedly sent Subei to the emergency room.

Lu Nan waited outside anxiously.

It took a long time before the doctor came out.

Lu Nan grabbed the doctor.

"Doctor, how is she?" Lu Nan asked anxiously.

The doctor looked at Lu Nan angrily.

"In this case, there is really no need to go to the emergency room. Isn't it just a knife cut a bit of skin? You can find a doctor and stop the bleeding. Why is it so troublesome!" The doctor looked at Lu Nan. It seems a little puzzled.

Looking at the doctor, Lu Nan was also extremely confused.

"Doctor, no, listen to me, she fainted, and I suspect that the knife that hurt her is poisonous!" Lu Nan said very seriously.

Li Yunkai wanted his life, this was a vendetta, even if it was so vicious, it was not impossible.

The doctor gave Lu Nan a weird look.

"I said this gentleman, you have watched too much martial arts drama, and the knife is poisonous, why don't you say that she has suffered internal injuries!" the doctor said angrily.

"Then why did she fainted?" Lu Nan was very angry. Is this doctor a quack?

Ren obviously fainted, but she said it was all right.

The doctor rolled his eyes.

"Don't you know that she is faint and bloody? I have given her an infusion, and I should be able to wake up soon!" the doctor said.

Lu Nan shook his head stubbornly.

"No, it should not be the case. I think her face is very pale. I have done a simple dressing for her. The blood loss should not be that serious. She must have a physical problem. Can you help her to check again!" Lu Nan insisted.

The doctor glanced at Lu Nan, and she turned and looked at the ward.

"Well, for the sake of your sincerity, I will check it again!" After the doctor said, he walked towards the ward.

She bent over, felt Subei's pulse, and looked at her tongue again.

For a long time, she got up.

"Sir, she didn’t have any major issues. It was just her menstrual period. So, her face was pale. Of course, it could also be due to excessive blood loss. It’s just that it’s not an injury. It could also be her menstrual period. Block, there is a problem, so I have to go to the gynecology department to take a look!" said the doctor.

Lu Nan was immediately stunned.

The pale face is because of the menstrual period.

She fainted because she fainted with blood.

Is fainting blood also inherited?

Lu Nan clearly remembered that a year ago in northern Jiangsu, he was almost hit by a car because he rescued Lu Xixi and a little boy.

It was because of her menstrual period that she fainted when she saw the blood on her pants.

Su Nuan was also fainted, and the shock caused to Lu Nan by this news was no less than the shock of the stock market.

He looked deeply at the person on the bed, his expression unpredictable.

At such a juncture, she would actually save herself regardless of her life.

Such a thing cannot be regarded as a coincidence at all. Of course, it is impossible to think that someone designed and arranged it in advance.

Why should Su Nuan treat him so well?

Why on earth!

Lu Nan was puzzled.

He looked at Su Nuan, she had disturbed her mind.

Now that she has saved herself like this again, Lu Nan no longer knows how she will face her in the future.

Just when Lu Nan was thinking about things, a cell phone ringing suddenly came from the hospital bed.

Lu Nan was startled, he quickly looked at the person in the hospital bed.

The bell kept ringing, Lu Nan thought for a while, walked over, put the phone in Subei's coat pocket, and took out his mobile phone.

Looking at the three words Gu Niancheng on the screen, Lu Nan's fingers seemed to be stiff, and he couldn't click anymore.

He thought for a while, and finally shut down.

Subei fainted, and even slept well.

I didn’t sleep well because my stomach hurts last night, so I just got a good night's sleep today.

She slept until three o'clock in the afternoon before waking up.

When she woke up, she looked at the whiteness all around, suddenly a little at a loss.

Where is she?

In her peripheral vision, Lu Nan was asleep on the sofa.

Her thoughts slowly returned, and she remembered that Lu Nan had to look at the wound on her arm before she fainted.

However, he was a little dizzy.

So, I fainted directly.

Worse, Gu Niancheng still let himself go to fetch things!

He fainted, he must have called himself.

Northern Jiangsu looked for mobile phones everywhere.

Suddenly, a sleepy voice sounded.

"Are you looking for this?" Lu Nan held Subei's cell phone and raised it in the air.

Subei was startled.

"Why is my mobile phone in your hands?" Subei said angrily.

"It keeps ringing, so I let it stop making noises!" Lu Nan said confidently.

Subei's expression froze.

"What did you say, you let it stop... You turned it off?" Su Bei said in surprise.

Lu Nan nodded.

"Yes, I just want you to have a good night's sleep. Did I do something wrong?" Lu Nan said disapprovingly.

Su Bei didn't want to talk to him anymore.

She couldn't help shaking her head.

"It's over. Niancheng can't find me. I will definitely be very worried!" Subei muttered to himself as he turned on the phone in Lu Nan's hand.

The phone rang and was picked up.

"Nuan Nuan, where are you? Why can't your phone get through, are you okay?" Gu Niancheng said anxiously.

Su Bei's face was a bit ugly at once, with an expression of guilt on his face.

She looked at her bandaged wound and thought about it.

"It's okay. I'm outside now. My phone accidentally fell into the water. It was just repaired. The cloud assistant asked me to go to another company to fetch a file. This is a trade secret. I won't disclose it to you. In short, you too Don't worry!" Subei said quickly.

When Gu Niancheng heard her say this, he finally breathed a sigh of relief.

"Well then, I have already helped you get the customized items in your car, so you don't need to go there anymore." Gu Niancheng said.

Subei nodded.

"Well, I see, if it's okay, I'll hang up first!" Subei finished speaking and hung up the phone.

Lu Nan looked at her with a smile.

Subei looked at him with a guilty conscience.

"You...why are you looking at me!" Subei said fiercely.

"I think you can lie quite well, your wounds can be concealed, after you go home, can you still lie?" Lu Nan said coolly.

Northern Jiangsu stammered a bit.

"I want to... I want you to take care of it! I have my own way!" Subei said bitterly.

"Could it be, your solution is to let the wound heal in one afternoon?" Lu Nan said slightly ironically.

Subei was angry.

"Lu Nan, what are you proud of? I didn't get hurt because of you. I can't help it now. It's because of you!" Su Bei said angrily.