Gold Medal Sweet Wife, The President Spoiled Marriage 1314

Chapter 290: Solving the Difficulty of Rumors


Lu Nan instantly coldened his face.

"So many people are jammed at the door of the company, noisy, how decent they are, and if you have anything, go back and solve it!" Lu Nan said coldly.

Lu Nan has the prestige in the company.

As soon as he said this, no one made any noise immediately.

It's just that some people are still boldly questioning.

"President, Su Tezhu is Gu Niancheng's wife. She gave our bidding book to her husband to help Yuncheng Group. We have worked hard for more than half a month, and all our efforts have been in vain! You Say what to do? Give us an explanation in general!" An employee said angrily.

Suddenly, all the employees followed suit. .

"Yes, President, we are not convinced, we must expel Sute's help!" everyone said in confusion.

Lu Nan suddenly sank completely.

"You don’t understand what I said, right? I told you to stop. Since you want an explanation, then I will definitely give you an explanation, but you will immediately return me to the company, usually after a minute. , Still standing at the door of the company, and being seen as a giant panda, I will all be expelled, and I will never show mercy!" Lu Nan said fiercely.

When everyone heard Lu Nan's words, they immediately panicked.

They scrambled to squeeze into the company, fearing that they would be late, and were fired by Lu Nan.

One minute was up, and there were only three people left at the company door: Lu Nan Subei and Yun Fan.

Subei opened his mouth. After all, it was the president. The weight of what he said was different.

Looking at the security guards who are grimaceous, they should have been persuading them for a long time.

However, those angry employees didn't mean to constrain at all.

As a result, Lu Nan said a few words, and they ran into the company with their tails between them.

Perhaps this is the gap!

It's just that Lu Nan's identity is there, which is also human nature.

Lu Nan turned and glanced at Yunfan and Subei.

"Let's go, go in first!" Lu Nan said.

Subei nodded, and together with Yun Fan, followed Lu Nan and walked inside.

Just as Lu Nan stepped into the lobby on the first floor of the company, those employees who were still agitated just now obediently gave way from the middle.

Lu Nan walked directly inside.

Seeing the employees who were still arguing just now and wanting to ask for an explanation, they had already put their flags and drums off at this moment, and Subei was a bit stunned.

It's just right, they have put a lot of effort into this project.

If the bid for this project is successful, they will all get a share, but if it fails, it's just a bit regretful and the company will not treat them badly.

However, if they are expelled by Lunan because of a disturbance, they will get nothing. Not only that, they will be fired from Shengshi, and there will be very few companies in the future that are willing to accept them.

Lu Nan was silent for a full five minutes. In the hall below, no one spoke, all of them lowered their heads, for fear that Lu Nan thought that he was the one who led the trouble just now.

Lu Nan snorted softly. Just now, all of them were heroes. This time, why are they all persuaded!

"Let's talk, you guys were making noise at the company's door just now, what do you want to do?" Lu Nan asked.

"President, first tell us if Su Tezhu is Gu Niancheng's wife!" one person shouted.

Then someone followed.

"Yes, yes! President, if Su Tezhu is Gu Niancheng's wife, then she will avoid suspicion. After all, the land development rights in the south of the city are a project that we and Yuncheng are fighting for. Yuncheng Group We don't want us to get it, and we don't want to lose, but now his wife is in our team, what is this!" The last man seemed to be afraid that everyone was not emotional enough, and said with jealousy.

Lu Nan glanced at him coldly, and he immediately lowered his head.

Lu Nan looked at everyone present.

"Let's talk about it, what else do you have to say!" Lu Nan said unhurriedly.

"President, I have a question. Do you know the relationship between Su Tezhu and Gu Niancheng? If you know, why did you let her join the company and participate in our project team. We and Yuncheng Group, Although it's not a bad relationship, there is no good way to avoid each other's suspicion!" One of the female employees said pertinently.

Lu Nan nodded.

"Since everyone has expressed their thoughts, then I will definitely give you an explanation below, or to explain your doubts!" Lu Nan said calmly.

"First of all, Su Tezhu is the wife of Mr. Gu. However, what is the first requirement for employees of our company to fill in the confidentiality agreement? This has legal effect. If Su Tezhu violates this article, then she is If you have to go to jail, even if it is covered by the Yuncheng Group, but if you have no evidence and you are here to spread rumors for no reason, then Su Tezhe has the right to sue you for defamation, understand?" Lu Nan said in a deep voice.

The few people who talked about northern Jiangsu immediately lowered their heads, wishing to take back what they said.

Lu Nan looked at the employees in front of him coldly.

"Secondly, Su Te assisted Gu Niancheng with the bidding document for this project. I don’t know who took the lead. I would like to ask, what evidence do you have? Same as above. If there is no evidence, you can still sue You spread rumors to slander others, understand?" Lu Nan's voice was even harsher.

"Finally, I also believe that Su Techu will not do such a thing. You are her colleagues. I think you should also believe her. Our company is a large group. I don't want to After the incident, mutual suspicion is easy to cause civil unrest. I firmly don't allow such things to happen. If anyone takes the lead in the matter, I will be the first to expel him!" Lu Nan said decisively and sharply.

A large number of employees were suddenly silent.

Suddenly, just last time, he said that Subei wanted to avoid suspicion, what she was, the man suddenly spoke.

"President, we all believe in what you said, but our company lost the project. Su Te's help has the biggest suspicion. Why did you keep helping her speak, can't she stand up and say something? She was guilty of conscience, thinking that with the protection of the president, everything would be fine!" The man said sharply.

Lu Nan stared at this man fiercely. This time, this man must have been instigated by someone. After the incident subsided, he was the first to expel this man!

Subei looked at Lu Nan and helped himself to withstand so much pressure. Then he thought that it was very likely that Jia Zhenzhen had dropped his bidding book yesterday.

She suddenly gained a sense of confidence.

She believes that as long as she tells everyone that the bidding book was dropped by Jia Zhenzhen, ask the company to check it carefully. Finally, tell everyone that the bidding is successful and everyone's hard work is not in vain. It should be able to calm public anger!

She thought for a while and took a step forward.

Lu Nan gave her a surprised look.

Subei cleared his throat.

"Everyone, be quiet. It’s not that I want to be a turtle, not dare to come out and always give way to speak for me. It is really everyone’s emotions, too angry. Now, I want to tell everyone that I am responsible for bidding. However, I definitely did not take the bidding book that everyone worked so hard to make and give it to Gu Niancheng. Yesterday afternoon, after the president gave me the bidding book, I was just in the office and I was caught by Jia..." Subei just said Jia Zhenzhen, looking casually. At a glance, he froze.

Her eyes were fixed on the big screen not far away, as if she was pinched by the throat, making it hard to breathe.

She originally planned to say that Jia Zhenzhen asked her to find Yunfan. After she came back, the bidding book disappeared.

Although she has neglected her duty, the biggest responsibility is not with her, she is not a rape.

However, as soon as she said Jia Zhenzhen's name, she saw that a piece of news was being broadcast on the big screen not far away.

At around nine o’clock last night, a woman was killed in Huming Lane, Wei’an District, our city. After a reporter’s verification, the woman’s name was Jia Zhenzhen. She was a leading enterprise in our city and an employee of Shengshi Group. The woman was full of abuse. According to the forensic medical examination, the specific cause of death was that a steel needle with a length of cm and a diameter of 10 mm was inserted into the top of the head. The deceased was killed as a result. As for the specific cause of death, the police are further investigating...

Northern Jiangsu was completely dumbfounded when he saw this news.

The little girl who was still laughing with herself yesterday afternoon is now dead.

Even if she did something that is intolerable, it wouldn't be like this!

Who on earth did it!

Northern Jiangsu was stiff there, and the whole person seemed to be frozen.

Seeing her like this, an angry employee suddenly shouted below.

"Assistant Su, don't you want to defend yourself? Whatever you say, don't say it!" He has a very loud voice.

The person next to him also gave him a hand.

"Our company is dead, and it's still such a tyrannical method. Look at the president's face, how dark it looks, so stop talking nonsense!" the other party persuaded him.

The man was a bit reluctant, but he didn't say anything in the end.

Lu Nan also knows that Jia Zhenzhen did the job that the bidding book was dropped yesterday.

However, he never expected that Jia Zhenzhen would be killed overnight.

Lu Nan's expression was gloomy, dripping with water.

But Subei, after the words of the male employee, came back to his senses in an instant.

She looked at so many eyes in front of her, and suddenly she didn't know what to say!

Jia Zhenzhen is dead. No matter what is found now, there is no evidence. If she said it was Jia Zhenzhen, others would definitely think that it was a lie made up by her. Would anyone believe her?

Northern Jiangsu is a bit at a loss.

Suddenly, Lu Nan pulled Subei behind him.

"Don’t guess randomly. For this time, our Shengshi Group bid for the right to develop the land in the south of the city. Your hard work was not in vain. Therefore, all the rumors you have heard are that someone wants to undermine the unity of our company. If someone listens to the rumors, I will not be merciless!" Lu Nan said in a deep voice.

The employees in the hall were instantly excited when they heard Lu Nan's words.

"Really? Our company succeeded in bidding!"

"Yeah! Good, those words are probably rumours..."