Gold Medal Sweet Wife, The President Spoiled Marriage 1314

Chapter 292: I am back


Su Nuan saw the doctor standing there, motionless, obviously acquiescing to her approach.

She smiled and knew that people nowadays are bullying and fearing hardship.

Su Nuan didn't have time to waste. When her goal was achieved, she quickly took out her mobile phone and called Gu Niancheng.

She simply told Gu Niancheng.

"That little secretary, when he gave me the bidding book, he was seen by Lu Nan. He now questioned me. I was desperate and could only choose to faint. Tell me, what should I do now? I can't stand it anymore. That's it!" Su Nuan said quickly.

Gu Niancheng's brows frowned instantly.

He thought for a long time before speaking.

"Su Nuan, your identity must not be known by Lu Nan now, otherwise I, what we did before, will be in vain!" Gu Niancheng said in a deep voice.

"I also know that I can't let Lu Nan know, but now even if he doesn't know, he will doubt me. I have to think of a way to let him dispel my doubts!" Su Nuan said eagerly.

Gu Niancheng frowned.

"Su Nuan, calm down a little now. You tell Lu Nan that you drop the bidding book, but you don’t want Subei to stay in the Shengshi Group. Of course, you said, you only fell in love with him because you fell in love with him. In doing so, let Jia Zhenzhen help you get the bidding book. Jia Zhenzhen was kind and helped you. As for Jia Zhenzhen’s death, you said you didn’t know, and your bidding book, the last generation of your company’s Wang Libin, threatened and gave it to him. At that time, I will find a way to make him bear all the charges, do you understand?" Gu Niancheng said.

Su Nuan thought for a while.

"Is this really okay?" Su Nuan asked.

Gu Niancheng nodded.

"Don't talk nonsense now, you can only do as I said, otherwise, the god Daluo will not be able to save you!" Gu Niancheng finished speaking quickly and hung up the phone.

While Su Nuan was talking with Gu Niancheng, Lu Nan also received a call from Yun Fan.

"President, the person who said that Su Te helped avoid suspicion, I have almost checked. He has handed over to Wang Libin. He has parents at home and a younger sister who is in college. He treats both his parents and younger sister very well. This is him. His family situation, his life is very simple, except that the company is at home, the only thing I have found is that his contact with outsiders is President Gu of the Cloud City Group. Therefore, it is very likely that Wang Libin is what we are looking for. That traitor!" Yun Fan said quickly.

Lu Nan lowered his head and thought for a while.

"Okay, I see, Wang Libin, keep a little bit, don’t let him reveal to the Yuncheng Group what the company shouldn’t be spread out, and also, you’re going to investigate Jia Zhenzhen’s death, forensic identification, Her head was inserted with steel. I think that ordinary people can't do such a brutal modus operandi. If you can find anything, tell me right away!" Lu Nan said seriously.

Yun Fan nodded.

"Okay, President, I'll check it out right away!" Yun Fan finished speaking and hung up the phone.

Lu Nan rubbed his eyebrows and looked up in the direction of the operating room.

He couldn't help frowning.

The doctor entered the operating room. He remembered that he was only with a little nurse at the time, and the little nurse came out shortly after entering.

However, the doctor still did not move.

Lu Nan suddenly became suspicious.

Just when he thought this way, he saw that the operating room door was opened.

Lu Nan walked forward quickly.

The young doctor came out.

He thought of the words that the woman told her to say, and the words that she said when she called.

He weighed in his heart for a long time, whether to call her and tell the man in front of him about the threats.

However, he thought again that when this man came, he was so anxious.

If he really cares about the woman inside, he must be the one who has suffered.

Seeing the doctor frowning in thought, Lu Nan thought that something terrible had happened.

He quickly stepped forward and looked at each other.

"How is she?" Lu Nan asked anxiously.

The doctor finally raised his head and glanced at Lu Nan.

He finally decided to do what Su Nuan said. He really didn't want to get involved in this kind of thing.

"The patient does not seem to be a serious problem, but her brain memory seems to have been damaged. I checked it and there should be no serious problem. Don't worry, I judge, after she woke up this time, I should be able to think of a starting point!" the young doctor said slowly.

A surprise flashed across Lu Nan's face.

"Really? Doctor!" Lu Nan asked eagerly.

The doctor nodded.

"Yes, I have already transferred her to the general ward, you just wait patiently!" The young doctor finished speaking, and hurriedly left this place of right and wrong.

Lu Nan's eyes finally slowly lit up.

Is she finally thinking about it? Does this mean that Beibei, who used to be, is finally coming back!

Thinking of this, Lu Nan felt that all his blood seemed to be burning.

Lu Nan quickly walked towards the ward.

He was in the ward, waiting for about ten minutes, Su Nuan slowly opened his eyes.

Looking at Lu Nan in front of him, Su Nuan looked particularly like him.

"Lunan, I'm back!" Her words made Lu Nan instantly, and her whole heart shrank.

He hugged Su Nuan.

"Beibei, I know that you will definitely not forget me. What happened a year ago was my fault. I shouldn't ignore your explanation and let my emotions dominate my emotions. It will be fine when you come back. , I miss you so much..." Lu Nan said affectionately.

Su Nuan was held by Lu Nan, and a successful smile flashed across her face.

She knew that Lu Nan would still accept herself in the end, as long as she could remember the past.

"Lu Nan, although I remembered the past, I have to explain to you about the bidding book this time!" Su Nuan looked at Lu Nan stubbornly, as if Lu Nan would not listen to her own explanation. I don't want to live anymore.

Lunan looked at her.

"Beibei, what are you talking about? Speak slowly, I'll listen!" It's been such a long time, and Lu Nan is so gentle to Su Nuan.

Su Nuan felt that she was dying of happiness.

She looked at Lu Nan affectionately.

"Lunan, in fact, I don’t want to mention the past. Since I’m back, I just want to go on with you! This time, I was wrong, although I didn’t think of it before. The things in the past, but, I am slowly attracted by you, maybe you don’t believe it, but, after losing my memory, I still fall in love with you, do you know? Seeing you being so good to Su Nuan, I am jealous, I am jealous I’m crazy, I never knew, and I would do that too. I took the bidding book to drive her away from the company. Jia Zhenzhen is a kind girl. She heard about my love for you. She wanted to fulfill me, so , I took the bidding book from Su Nuan and gave it to me. I thought that there would be no big deal, but I didn’t know, Wang Libin didn’t know where he got it. The bidding book was in my hands. He threatened me with Xiao Han and Xiao Rin, saying that if I disagree, he will find a chance sooner or later to kill the two children, Lu Nan, do you know? I'm afraid, I'm really afraid of you, it doesn't matter if something happens to me. , But, if something happens to the child, I will really die! So, I gave him the bidding book. I have been scared and dare not tell you. I didn't expect things to become like this!" Su Nuan cried and said.

Seeing her tears, like beads with a broken thread, Lu Nan seemed to feel the same as before.

He slowly calmed down.

"Then Beibei, have you ever thought that these things will kill Jia Zhenzhen, and what consequences will it bring to our company?" Lu Nan looked at Su Nuan and asked.

His expression was a little gloomy, and he didn't know what he was thinking.

Su Nuan lowered his head and said nothing.

After a long time, she cried and raised her head, tears falling on the sheets.

"Lunan, it was my fault. I killed Zhenzhen..." Su Nuan said with a heartbroken expression.

Lu Nan shook his head helplessly.

"Forget it, don't talk about it. Don't worry about this matter anymore. I will investigate. If Wang Libin really does these things, I will definitely not spare him!" Lu Nan said solemnly.

Su Nuan stayed in the hospital for an hour, feeling that there was nothing wrong with her health, and then left with Lu Nan.

Lu Nan sent Su Nuan home, saying that she had just remembered the past and let her have a good rest.

He also specifically called and asked the two little babies to accompany Su Nuan.

When Lu Nan returned to the company, Yun Fan hurriedly came to him.

As soon as he saw Lu Nan, Yun Fan's expression became particularly solemn.

"President, one good news and one bad news, I don't know which one you want to hear first?" Yun Fan asked.

Lu Nan stretched out his hand and rubbed his eyebrows.

"Don't buy it, just tell me if you have something!" Lu Nan said in an angry voice.

Yun Fan looked at Lu Nan helplessly.

"Well, let me tell you the good news first. Wang Libin went to surrender. He said that Jia Zhenzhen was murdered. He knew that Jia Zhenzhen gave the bidding book to Miss Subei. He used Su Han and Su Lin's safety. Threatening Miss Subei and asking her to give the bidding book to himself, and don’t talk nonsense. In the end, after the bidding book was in his hands, he was still worried. He felt that Miss Subei and Jia Zhenzhen must die before they can be broken. As for the clue in the middle, Miss Subei didn’t dare to do it lightly, so in the end, he chose the less eye-catching Jia Zhenzhen. As for the bidding book, he said that he knew the supervisor in charge of this project from the Yuncheng Group. To make some money, he did not expect that Jia Zhenzhen's death caused such a big wave. He saw that the matter could not be carried away, so he had to surrender himself, hoping to be able to deal with it lightly! Then, this case was closed like this, because of Jia Zhenzhen's There are indeed Wang Libin's fingerprints on his body, and these words he said sound like they have a certain degree of credibility!" Yun Fan said.

Lu Nan frowned.

Just as Beibei was in the hospital, Wang Libin threatened her exactly as he said.

However, he always felt that things were not that simple.