Gold Medal Sweet Wife, The President Spoiled Marriage 1314

Chapter 302: Organ Donation


Although Su Yuntian felt something was wrong, he still wanted to know.

"What I mean, Mr. Su doesn't have to ask more, because you will know what's going on when you come to the hospital!" Lu Nan said in a deep voice.

Su Yuntian thought for a while.

"Well, ten minutes later, I will go to the entrance of the Central Hospital and come to see you!" Su Yuntian finished speaking, hung up the phone, and quickly went downstairs.

Su Yuntian drove quickly and headed towards the central hospital.

He stopped the car, just opened the door and walked out, he saw Lu Nan standing in front of the hospital with a solemn expression.

Su Yuntian's eyebrows jumped.

What happened to make Lu Nan so serious.

He settled down and quickly walked towards Lu Nan.

"President Lu, what happened, why are you looking for me?" Su Yuntian asked.

Lu Nan looked at Su Yuntian, he could not bear to speak.

Su Yuntian has always loved Su Nuan, even if Su Nuan commits evil, he is more guilty, but his parents' love is innocent!

Lu Nan took a deep breath.

"Mr. Su, come with me!" Lu Nan turned around and walked towards the hospital.

He took Su Yuntian to the corridor of the operating room of the hospital.

At both ends of the corridor of the operating room, the lights in the two operating rooms were on.

Su Yuntian's heart had already sunk.

"President Lu, what do you mean?" Su Yuntian asked.

Lu Nan looked at Su Yuntian.

"What I mean is very simple, let you make a choice. Do you want your daughter to live, or just watch, they both die!" Lu Nan said calmly.

At this moment, he didn't know what tone to use to speak to Su Yuntian.

Because he knew that no matter what he said, it was cold and merciless to Su Yuntian!

"What do you mean?" Su Yuntian's emotions were completely agitated.

Lu Nan brought him here, making him faintly, feeling a trace of ignorance.

"Well, since you want to know the truth, then I will tell you!" Lu Nan looked at Su Yuntian and said solemnly.

"In the operating room on my left, there is Subei, and in the operating room on the right, Su Nuan lies. Don’t you know, today, Su Nuan is frantic and wants to die with Subei, she uses The knife intimidated Subei and threatened me. In order to save himself, the two people scrambled. Su Nuan fell from the top of the building. I desperately caught Subei’s foot and finally rescued her. But, Her heart had a problem due to various reasons! The doctor said that a year ago, she had a heart transplant operation. During this year, Subei was not by my side. I don't know at all!" Lu Nan said coldly.

Su Yuntian heard Lu Nan's words, instantly standing unsteady.

He didn't even know that the two daughters had returned to Nancy City.

This year, he didn't have any news from the two of them. Now, there was news just now, but do you want it? He is facing such a situation.

This is not damaging his heart!

Su Yuntian covered his face with painful hands, and his whole body was extremely embarrassed.

"Lu Nan, tell me why this happened, Xiao Nuan and Beibei, since they are back, why didn't they go home, why did they kill each other so much? What is all this for!" Su Yuntian squatted in pain On the ground, the whole person cried silently.

Lunan saw a man and cried like this in front of him.

His heart was suddenly sour.

Although Su Yuntian was not good to Subei before, but if the two daughters had accidents at the same time, no matter how profitable people were, they would be extremely painful!

"President Su, don’t do this, and I don’t want to lie to you. Su Nuan doesn’t want to go home because she has a facelift like Subei and stays by my side. She should be afraid that you will recognize her and expose her identity. So, she chose not to go home. As for Subei, you can't blame her. If it weren't for losing her previous memories, she would be afraid that she would not be cruel, she would not be able to do such a thing! As for why they are so selfish Killing each other, I think, President Su should be able to guess it. Su Bei remembered the past, Su Nuan jumped over the wall and threatened the north with a child. Su Bei had to be coerced by her. In the end, it will lead to the present situation!" Lu Nan said solemnly, his tone was like the dull and depressing atmosphere of the hospital.

Su Yuntian was on the ground, leaning against the wall and squatting for a long time before he stood up tremblingly.

After all, it was the chairman of a company. Although he was extremely sad, he still tried to persevere.

"Lunan, tell me, what do you want me to do now! Isn't it, my two daughters are not saved!" Su Yuntian closed his eyes and said in pain.

Lu Nan took a deep look at him, and he wondered whether Su Yuntian would donate Su Nuan's heart to Subei.

If he is unwilling, even if it is coercion and temptation, he will use this heart to rescue northern Jiangsu.

Thinking of this, Lu Nan looked at Su Yuntian's gaze more solemnly.

"I tell you the truth, Su Nuan is dying from the twenty-odd floor, and can't live for more than an hour. However, as long as a heart that is close to her body's various indicators in North Jiangsu, she will be able to survive again, and Su Nuan’s heart is the most suitable heart right now. She and Subei are twins. According to common sense, there must be no problem. Now the time is urgent, and I don’t want to go around with you. Su Nuan will definitely not be able to live anymore. Moreover, Subei If there is no suitable heart, she can survive today at best. President Su, you are Su Nuan’s father. With her heart, you have the right to make decisions. Both Subei and Su Nuan are your daughters. I hope you can do it. Make a wise choice!" After Lu Nan finished speaking, he looked at Su Yuntian solemnly and stopped talking.

Su Yuntian took a step back abruptly.

pick one of two!

Two biological daughters can only choose one, this is not his life!

Moreover, this alternative is full of irony.

Or, both daughters will die! Or, only Subei can survive!

But, in any case, his warmth can't survive?

Su Yuntian took a step backward in pain, leaning against the wall, painfully unable to say a word.

Lu Nan looked at Su Yuntian coldly.

Don't force him to hurry up, there are still more than ten minutes, one hour will be there, I hope he can think clearly.

Su Yuntian leaned against the wall for a long time before he seemed to slow down.

"Lu Nan, can I go see Xiao Nuan?" Su Yuntian asked.

Lu Nan nodded.

Step by step, Su Yuntian walked toward Su Nuan's operating room.

He slowly opened the door, and when he saw the face on the hospital bed, he remembered Lu Nan's words.

He suddenly burst into tears in two lines.

"My child, why are you so stupid? For a man, you don't care about anything. Even if you have a plastic surgery, but you end up like this, why bother!" Su Yuntian looked at Su Nuan and said in pain.

Su Nuan's body was filled with various tubes.

This is Lu Nan's explanation. For Su Nuan's heart and prolong her survival time, she must not stop her breathing before the operation.

Su Yuntian reached out and touched Su Nuan's face, his hands trembling.

He didn't know how he was going to tell Yun Jin that his daughter is now being punished like this!

Su Yuntian looked at Su Nuan for a few minutes.

Suddenly, he turned around abruptly and walked out to the operating room in pain.

Lu Nan stood still at the door of the operating room, as if waiting for a word from him at any time.

Su Yuntian glanced at Lu Nan and closed his eyes.

"Where is the organ donation agreement, I will sign it, you can arrange surgery for Subei as soon as possible!" Su Yuntian said in pain.

Although Lu Nan's face did not change much.

However, he was relieved in his heart.

He was afraid that Su Yuntian was unwilling to let Su Nuan donate his heart.

Yun Fan had already brought the agreement prepared by the hospital, and Lu Nan handed it directly to Su Yuntian.

Su Yuntian tremblingly signed his name on the agreement.

"I beg you to watch the operation in Subei, I will go now!" Su Yuntian finished speaking and turned around and left.

He walked faster and faster, becoming more and more embarrassed.

He couldn't stand himself, watching one daughter's heart being transplanted into another daughter's body.

Although he knew very well, even if Su Nuan's organs were not donated to Subei, she would not survive.

However, in his heart, it hurts terribly.

That is his own flesh and blood!

How willing is he!

Looking at Su Yuntian's embarrassed back, it seemed that he was several dozen years old in an instant, and his whole person was very old.

Yun Fan frowned, somewhat worried.

"President, do I want to see President Su? I feel that his condition is very bad!" Yun Fan said.

Lu Nan shook his head silently.

It took a long time before he spoke.

"No, you are going. You can only make him think about this. Let him be alone, slowly and calmly!" Lu Nan said.

Yun Fan nodded.

"I see!" Yun Fan said dullly.

"Don't be stunned, let Fang Pingyan prepare for surgery!" Lu Nan said quickly.

Yun Fan's expression immediately became solemn.

He agreed, and went to Fang Pingyan.

At the beginning of the operation, Lu Nan stood at the door of the operation.

Although he decided to do it decisively.

However, when Subei was really facing the issue of life and death, his heart was trembling.

If something happened to Beibei, what should he do?

Having received a heavy blow, that kind of nightmare, he really didn't want to do it a second time.

Lu Nan stood quietly at the door of the ward, but his heart was already extremely nervous.

His palms were all sweaty, and no one could understand his mood at the moment.

Su Han and Su Lin, Lu Nan originally wanted Lu Xixi to take home.

However, the two little guys seemed to have the same premonition, staying at the door of the hospital, reluctant to leave.

Lu Nan was helpless, so they could only follow Lu Xixi and sit quietly on the chairs in the corridor outside the operation.

Lu Nan stared at the three big characters during the operation, silently in a daze, not knowing what he was thinking.

Suddenly, there was a rush of footsteps.

Lu Nan turned his head abruptly and saw at a glance, coming toward Gu Niancheng aggressively.

Gu Niancheng looked crazy.