Gold Medal Sweet Wife, The President Spoiled Marriage 1314

Chapter 393: Stun the high-level people


With a single sentence, Su Han clearly expressed his meaning.

He will only fire Liu Tao, as for the others, he will not move!

This makes it difficult for Liu Tao to sing alone.

At such a moment, everyone will only protect themselves wisely.

Since Su Han won't expel them, why should they shoot them out!

Liu Tao almost vomited blood with anger: "You yellow-haired boy, you are good, and if you have the means, I have thoroughly experienced it today!"

Su Han has already done this, and Liu Tao is definitely not possible, so he will continue to stay in the company.

He angrily picked up the dismissal letter and glared at Su Han: "You wait, I won't let you end well, and you, now that he can fire me, the next one can be any of you. Wait and see!"

After Liu Tao finished speaking, he left aggressively.

Su Han looked at everyone with a smile.

As soon as Liu Tao left, the forces he had gathered in the company completely fell apart!

Although he is also aware of the importance of Liu Tao to the company, he has his own solutions regarding the projects that Liu Tao has participated in.

He can take away secrets, but he cannot take away innovation.

No one knew that before he came to work at the company, he had taken the time to readjust and plan the projects that Liu Tao was responsible for one by one.

Originally, he planned to adjust these items when he came to the company.

At this time, pulling out a stubborn cancer is also killing two birds with one stone!

Watching Liu Tao leave, Su Han's smile slowly became warm.

However, Qi Weiwei behind him was cold all over.

For an employee with such a seniority, Su Han said no, so he didn't want it. Is it because he has outstanding ability and can easily grasp the overall situation, or is he just dumbfounded, knowing nothing, and doing nothing!

When Su Han asked Qi Weiwei to adjust the video, went to the personnel department, and fired Liu Tao, Qi Weiwei already felt terrified.

Unexpectedly, he did it step by step now.

In fact, the reason why Qi Weiwei came so late was because when she said that the president was going to fire Mr. Liu, the people in the personnel department looked at her like a lunatic.

She entangled for a long time before she was issued a letter of certification.

However, people have also said that even if I write you a dismissal letter, you will not be able to open Mr. Liu!

Qi Weiwei finally got the things, and now she has made the meeting room like this.

Watching Liu Tao leave, Su Han smiled more and more warmly.

Although everyone here is a bit afraid of his merciless temper.

However, many of them are convinced that when the company's project cannot be supported, this yellow-haired boy will finally ask Liu Tao to come back.

Before Su Han began to speak, they were all extremely confident about this.

However, for the next hour, they panicked completely.

Because Su Han suppressed everyone as soon as he spoke.

"Don’t worry, everyone. Although I fired Mr. Liu, you promise that you will not make unforgivable mistakes like him in the future. I can forgive you. Also, don’t worry about the projects Mr. Liu holds. , Because before I came, I had done all those projects again!" Su Han said calmly.

However, the executives were completely stunned.

An executive still didn't believe it a little bit: "President, have you done so many big projects by yourself?"

Su Han nodded: "Yes, I remember that I said at the beginning, I know everything. Don't try to fool me. Otherwise, the consequences will not be something you can bear. I'm not afraid you will know the big project in your mouth. , For me, it’s just two or three days, and I can get everything done. Moreover, when my project plan is sent to you, you will know the gap between you and me! over there!"

At this meeting, everyone was not shocked, their expressions were already shocked.

According to this, Su Han had already planned to fire Liu Tao before he came to the company.

Therefore, he did all the projects under him again, so that even if he left, it would not have much impact on the company.

This trick is simply too cruel.

They had only heard that Su Han was a genius before.

Everything is good, but they don't know it is so powerful.

Judging by his vowed manner and the projects he has done, it must be beyond the reach of ordinary people like them.

It seems that they will have to work hard in the future.

In case the president sees who is not pleasing to his eyes, he will re-plan all the projects in his hands, and then find an excuse to fire you.

The company will not have any losses!

This trick is simply terrible!

This person can afford a company!

Of course, everyone was just afraid and shocked Su Han like this.

However, none of them knew that in order to catch up with these projects, Su Han basically stayed up every day after returning home.

Before he came to the company, he had known some company situations, Liu Tao, he had to get rid of it, so he would fight like that.

Exactly, this can also give everyone a slap in the face.

Even so, he was not at ease, and the day before he went to work, he made a special visit to the field.

He never likes to fight uncertain battles!

Su Han looked at everyone’s wonderful expressions and smiled: "Don’t be too nervous, everyone. Next, I will redistribute the project Liu Tao originally held, and bring my completed project plan to You, I have also read, only one of the projects in Liu Tao's hands has been implemented, and the others are basically handed in a plan, and will not affect the progress of each project! As for the projects that have been implemented, we will be a little bit later. Just make a change and there won't be much loss!"

After Su Han finished speaking, he asked Qi Weiwei to take down the folder he brought before the meeting, and let the executives browse it first, and then print it out for them after the meeting, and let them take a good look!

Qi Weiwei quickly took the folder and handed it to the nearest executives.

To be honest, even Yun Fan never thought that Su Han would feel so absolutely and decisive.

Of course, he had planned this a long time ago.

However, this is often the most terrifying.

In about thirty minutes, the senior executives in the office, basically everyone, have generally browsed the plan prepared by Su Han.

They are no longer admired, but completely admired.

Before that, they only knew that the newly appointed president was only 21 years old. He was Lu Nan's eldest son. He was very smart. When he was a child, he seemed to be a genius named Lu Suhan.

Otherwise, they really don't know anything.

After all, Su Han has been abroad all these years.

However, they never expected that Lu Nan's son would be so powerful.

The project plan he made, and the ones made by them, there is a slight gap between them, it can be used as a specimen to observe.

Su Han had known for a long time that there would be such a result.

He chuckled softly: "Don’t have any psychological burdens. I will not impose my own requirements on everyone. I only hope that everyone can work together to bring Shengshi Group to a new height. , And, I repeat, Mr. Liu’s matter is just an accident. I intend to redo the project in his hands as an example for everyone. However, I did not expect that he could treat me that way. The above, the final result, everyone knows, in the future, the company will rely on the people, and I have no plans to change blood, so everyone can do it with peace of mind!"

After Su Han finished speaking, he looked at Yun Fan: "Vice President Yun, do you have anything else to say? If not, then let's end the meeting!"

Yun Fan shook his head, Su Han understood, he turned and stood up and walked outside.

The executives in the conference room are just like Petrochemical.

There was a six-hour meeting today. This 21-year-old, the yellow-haired boy in their eyes, taught them a good lesson.

Sure enough, the back waves of the Yangtze River pushed the front waves, and the front waves died on the beach!

Qi Weiwei followed Su Han, and the atmosphere didn't dare to gasp.

Although she felt that the man in front of him was a bit too cold-blooded.

However, his wrists are stiff, resolute and resolute, and his mind is simply unmatched!

While her heart was shaking, she also admired him.

Of course, no one can know that the reason why Su Han adopted such a method is because such a method is the most effective.

When he and Su Lin first took control of the Longxing Organization, they were hundreds of times worse than this situation.

Those people are all freaks coming out of the system, although they are not as powerful as him and Su Lin.

However, these people in the company are not on the same level.

Even so, they finally convinced them.

The abilities of him and Su Lin made Long Aotian optimistic, and the followers in the organization were willingly convinced!

Coming to the Shengshi Group, if he can't convince these people, then he has been a fool for all these years!

Seeing them all stunned and shocked, Su Han felt that it was really rare and strange.

Because this is just the tip of the iceberg.

When he came to the company this time, he planned to stand by.

Don't look at him carelessly, but in fact, everything is basically under his control!

He was also aware of this first fire, the more it burned, the better.

As for the company's employees to exchange blood, it is not that he did not consider it.

It's just that, now I can only comfort the senior management, I will not do this.

However, the fact is that a major exchange of blood is imperative, but it is necessary to boil the frogs in warm water, one today, understand one, so that it will not shake the foundation of the company again.

Those old employees are getting older.

It's also time to go back and take care of life.

He needs a new batch, young blood.

Otherwise, the company will not develop at all.

In Su Han's plan, the second fire is to change the blood of employees.

However, he knew very well that this matter can only be done silently and slowly, otherwise, it will cause a big backlash.