Gold Medal Sweet Wife, The President Spoiled Marriage 1314

Chapter 431: Escort


Zeng Zuofan nodded and counted the number of people: "Vice President Yun, we can start looking for people. There are 72 people in total. Only Secretary Qi and President Lu are gone!"

Yun Fan nodded: "Everyone spread out and start looking!"

In fact, the reason why Yun Fan gathered everyone together and asked each group of eight people to look for it together was to find the traitor, and the other was to let the traitor be in full view, and there was no way to harm Su Han and Qi Weiwei.

No one else returned the cash, but Yun Fan had noticed that there were a lot of bullet marks where the communicators of Su Han and Qi Weiwei were lost.

Among them, there was a bullet that went deep into the tree.

Yun Fan knew Su Han's ability.

However, the opponent has a gun after all.

Moreover, Yun Fan is merely skeptical right now, and he is not sure whether the person dealing with Su Han must be among them, or if someone wants to deal with Su Han and lie in ambush in Liupan Mountain ahead of time. None is known.

Now, let's find Su Han first.

Yunfan has asked Lu Nan for support.

Lu Nan took the people from the search and rescue team and drove over by helicopter.

I believe that within an hour or two, they should be able to reach the large grassland under the mountain.

Yun Fan hoped that he would find Su Han as much as possible before Lu Nan arrived.

He was originally in the company to escort Su Han, but he didn't expect that he would cause trouble when he came out to play once.

This is indeed his negligence.

Under the command of Yunfan, everyone began search and rescue.

Throughout the mountains and forests, one after another voice sounded: "Mr. Lu, Mr. Lu... Su Han, Lu Suhan..."

at the same time.

In the ditch on the back of Liupan Mountain, two people lay.

In fact, no one has ever come down here, and I don’t know that this so-called ditch has a very open terrain.

There is a steep slope next to it, and there is a large grassland below. Although it is not as large as the grassland on the front of Liupan Mountain, it can be considered relatively large if it can exist in this narrow ditch.

The two people lying here are not others, but Qi Weiwei and Zeng Zuofan who just rolled down.

Fortunately, in this ditch, there is no stone beach, but a piece of grass. Otherwise, the two of them would not be killed, and they would have to be thrown to death.

In fact, they were indeed lucky, because when they rolled down just now, there were a few small trees above the ditch, which blocked them and completely slowed down their speed. They fell to the grass without serious injuries.

Walking a long way forward from the grassland is Chunchun's flowing water.

Qi Weiwei was the first to wake up, although she was not injured by the fall.

However, after rolling countless times like that, she fell off, and she was stunned.

The first thing she woke up was to find Su Han.

You know, when they fell, Su Han blocked a shot for himself.

She knew very well that Su Han was behind her.

He pulled himself to hide from the bullet, and he was shot only if he didn't listen to him.

Otherwise, he would avoid himself, and the bullet would definitely enter his body.

Qi Weiwei got up on the spot, turned a half circle, and saw Su Han lying not far away.

She ran over and helped Su Han up.

Su Han's face was pale, obviously because of excessive blood loss.

Qi Weiwei thought for a while and shook Su Han vigorously: "Lu Suhan, wake up, wake up and tell me, what should we do now?"

Qi Weiwei shook for a long time.

Just when she thought that Su Han had completely fainted, and when she couldn't wake up, Su Han suddenly coughed twice: "Qi Weiwei, you are going to die, I just didn't get fainted, and I will be fainted by you!"

When Qi Weiwei heard that Su Han woke up, she suddenly felt less frightened.

She wowed and cried: "I thought you couldn't wake up anymore!"

Su Han smiled irritably, his voice was very weak: "I can't wake up, Qi Weiwei, thanks to what you thought, I am not dead, but my head is a little dizzy. This is intentional. Curse me!"

Qi Weiwei shook her head quickly: "I don't have it. I just feel that you may have been injured too badly, so you can't wake up. It was me who caused the damage. I was wrong! I shouldn't ignore you!"

Qi Weiwei said something emotional, Su Han frowned and looked at her: "Qi Weiwei, let go of your hand first, and your hand has pinched my wound!"

"Ah!" Qi Weiwei glanced down, she was pulling Su Han's injured arm.

She immediately blamed herself and said: "Lu Suhan, I'm really embarrassed, it's all my fault!"

"Don't be up to you, you quickly find a place, we two take shelter from the rain, I feel it is going to rain, the climate in this mountain is really hard to say!" Su Han said.

Qi Weiwei looked up, as if it was really going to rain.

"Well, you can lie down on this grass first, and I will look around!" Qi Weiwei said.

Su Han glared at her: "Qi Weiwei, I just hurt my arm, not my legs. You said it is the same as my half-body discomfort. Help me get up and the two of us will look for it together. Otherwise, Your head, I guess it's dark, and the two of us can't find a place! Now, we can only live here for the time being and think of a way for help!"

Qi Weiwei nodded: "This can only be done!"

The two got up and searched for more than half a circle. The rain began to fall before the place was found.

Su Han said dejectedly: "I am really afraid of something. Every time I come out with you, there seems to be nothing good! As long as it is a disaster, you can encounter heavy rain. Do you think you and me are hit by a hit?"

Qi Weiwei rolled her eyes: "The climate in the mountains is inherently volatile. What does this have to do with me and you? I said Lu Suhan, if you are injured, you can't be honest. There is so much nonsense. !"

Su Han had no feeling for Qi Weiwei's words. He didn't intend to talk to Qi Weiwei, but honestly and wholeheartedly looking for shelter from the rain.

In this deep ditch, the large piece of grass on the side of the stream stretches all the time and seems to be very long.

Qi Weiwei and Su Han had been walking for a long time, and found that there was still grass.

The rain was getting heavier, but Su Han and Qi Weiwei still did not find a place to shelter from the rain.

Qi Weiwei suddenly pointed to a tree growing diagonally on a steep wall not far away: "That tree is quite big, and it should be sheltered from the rain below!"

Qi Weiwei's voice sounded a little excited.

Su Han gave her an angry look and splashed her with cold water: "Did the rain ruin your head? Is that a good place to shelter from the rain? Believe it or not that you passed by now, and you were killed in minutes!"

Qi Weiwei stuck out her tongue, and she remembered that she can't shelter under the tree on rainy days.

She supported Su Han's uninjured arm, and the two of them continued to walk forward.

The light rain turned into moderate rain in a while, and seeing the possibility of becoming heavy rain, the bodies of the two of them were already soaked.

Su Han's wound was aching faintly, and his lips became paler and paler.

Qi Weiwei couldn't stand it anymore, she looked around anxiously.

Suddenly, she pulled La Suhan's arm in surprise: "Lu Suhan, is it a cave there?"

Su Han looked up and saw that it was indeed a small cave. It didn't look big. It should be a place for hunters to take shelter from the rain.

He nodded: "Let's go, let's go over there!"

Qi Weiwei happily supported Su Han, and the two quickly walked towards the small cave.

When I entered the cave, I discovered that it was not deep at all. An adult lay down, and his toes could not be exposed to the rain. However, the inside was quite spacious, and heating was not a problem at all.

Qi Weiwei looked at the small cave and couldn't help saying: "It was dug by someone, otherwise it's so small!"

Su Han couldn't help but glanced at her, a little speechless: "This must be dug by humans, it is impossible, you thought it was formed naturally, you can see the digging marks on this hole!"

Qi Weiwei spit out her tongue: "Well, you have a strong sense of observation! You stay here, I'll go out to get some dry firewood, and we live to keep warm. Otherwise, if it rains, the temperature in the mountains will drop rapidly. At night, we If you can't get out, you will be frozen to death!"

Su Han frowned: "I should do this kind of thing, so stay tuned!"

Qi Weiwei shook her head repeatedly: "You can't go, your arm is hurt like this, how could I let you out? Besides, it's raining now, you are injured, you can't get caught in the rain!"

"It's been raining just now, and I'm afraid it will happen. You made a fuss. I'm going to find dry firewood. There shouldn't be any problems. Just stay with me. I'm not as vulnerable as you think!" Su Han said.

Qi Weiwei still shook her head resolutely: "Actually, it has nothing to do with whether you are a man or whether you are fragile or not. You are injured because of me. How could I let you take the injury and get it in the rain? What about dry firewood, besides, it just rained, the dry firewood in the mountains is not easy to find. It is estimated that you can get a little under some big trees. You should just stay!"

Su Han looked at Qi Weiwei speechlessly: "You woman, why are you so stubborn? Just wait for it, you have to get out of the rain!"

Qi Weiwei stood stubbornly in front of Su Han: "My woman is so stubborn. If you don't let me go out today, I will fight you to the end!"

The two stood facing each other. The rain outside was getting heavier and heavier, and it felt like the creek in the mountain was about to skyrocket.

Su Han looked at Qi Weiwei helplessly. In the end, he chose a more compromised method: "Now it’s raining in the mountains, and you go out alone, I’m not relieved. When the rain becomes smaller, we will go out together. When the time comes, You are responsible for holding the dry wood. I am responsible for finding it. We come back before dark, light a fire, and dry the clothes for a while. What do you think?"

After listening to Su Han's words, Qi Weiwei's expression relaxed a little: "Well, just follow what you said. Actually, I am mainly afraid that I can't find the way, so I promised your request, you know! "

Seeing Qi Weiwei's dead duck's stiff mouth, Su Han smiled speechlessly: "Yes, it is you who are kind, kind-hearted, well-behaved and sensible, and you agreed to my request!"

Qi Weiwei knew that Su Han was teasing her like this deliberately, and her little face was still blushing.