Gold Medal Sweet Wife, The President Spoiled Marriage 1314

Chapter 49: Just subordinates


Lu Nan took a deep breath, and he slowly said, "Sixi, don't pretend to be confused with me. The matter between me and Subei is the photos you took with a private detective!"

Luciss was speechless, her voice was crying, and she yelled aggrievedly: "Brother...not what you think..."

Lu Nan really didn't want to be fierce to Lu Xixi, he loved Lu Xixi so much since he was a child, and always thought she was an obedient child.

However, he never expected that she would like herself, they are brothers and sisters!

Moreover, she even did such a thing now.

Lu Nan said helplessly: "Sixi, this is the last time I told you this way, some obsessions, since you know that they are wrong, you should let go of them early. Don't be obsessed, don't do anything like this in the future, I There is a limit to tolerance!"

Lu Nan finished speaking and hung up.

Listening to the busy tone on the phone, Lucissi hugged the pillow directly and burst into tears.

In the evening, it was originally time for dinner at the northern and southern roads of Jiangsu Province.

However, because such a thing happened in the morning.

Therefore, when Sun Jingyi called Lu Nan, Lu Nan told her directly that he would not go home with Subei for dinner if he had something to do at night.

Sun Jingyi was a little bit lost, but she could also understand.

After all, his son is the president of the company, and he needs to worry about many things.

When Lu Nan finished the phone call with Sun Jingyi, he heard a knock on the door.

He said lightly: "Come in!"

Yun Fan pushed in.

Lu Nan raised his eyebrows slightly: "Didn't you let you make an announcement and hold a press conference? Why are you back?"

Yun Fan said: "President, the internal announcement of the company, I have already released it. Anyone who discusses this matter will be expelled. However, you may need to go there in person at the press conference. Otherwise, it will be difficult to have it. Persuasive!"

Lu Nan thought for a while, and Su Bei's angry eyes suddenly appeared before his eyes.

She stared at herself, as if blaming him, since she was unwilling to disclose their identities, but she still wanted to blame her.

A trace of self-blame flashed across Lu Nan's face.

He looked at Yun Fan and said, "In this way, you should prepare first, and I will be there soon. When that happens, I will personally explain to the reporters!"

Yunfan glanced at Lu Nan with a worried expression: "President, you are not afraid. Now that you say so, if your relationship with Miss Su is exposed again in the future, how can you justify your own words at that time!"

Lu Nan stretched out his hand and rubbed his forehead with a headache, and said helplessly, "Let's talk about it then!"

Yun Fan sighed: "Well, then I will go now!"

Subei is sitting in the office reading the script.

The company just issued an announcement saying that it was not allowed to discuss her and Lu Nan's affairs.

She couldn't help but feel a little funny. Can such a thing be managed?

The most difficult thing in this world is gossip.

Spit can sometimes drown people.

Subei flipped through the script and felt a little upset.

She was just about to get up and look for a book.

Sun Lili knocked on the door and came in.

Subei looked at her in surprise: "Lili, what's the matter?"

Sun Lili quickly walked to her side: "Anne, you turn on the computer and watch the press conference quickly!"

Northern Jiangsu was a little surprised: "When was the press conference?"

Sun Lili looked at her helplessly, and it seemed that she really didn't care about her own affairs at all.

She said: "Zong Lu is holding a press conference at this meeting, saying that it is to give you the truth. I wonder if he is going to announce your identity and rectify your name!"

Subei twitched the corners of his mouth, the smile on his face was a bit ironic.

Lu Nan rectified her name, it is probably a fantasy.

What Lu Nan minds most is that he says in public that he is his wife.

However, she was also very curious about what kind of truth he wanted to give to the public.

Subei and Sun Lili turned on the computer and watched the press conference being held.

Obviously it was a press conference related to entertainment reports, but the order at the scene was maintained very well.

The reporters asked questions methodically.

"Mr. Lu, what is the relationship between you and Miss Anne?"

Lu Nan said blankly: "It's the relationship between subordinates!"

As soon as Lu Nan finished speaking, Sun Lili subconsciously looked at Subei, and found that Subei's expression had not changed, and she was relieved.

She said a little bit upset: "What, how can Mr. Lu say that? Why can't he tell your identity? If this is the case, is it possible that you still can't stop the crowd?"

Subei stared at the computer ironically: "The relationship between him and me is about to end sooner or later. If you say it, it will only increase your troubles. It is better to say nothing!"

Sun Lili couldn't help shook her head and continued to look at the computer.

The reporter then asked: "Then Mr. Lu, since you are in a subordinate relationship, why did you get such a clear picture when you went to dinner together at night?"

Lu Nan glanced at the reporter calmly, then slowly said: "You have also seen it. The photos are very clear. In the photos, Anne and I did not act excessively at all. They just simply finished eating and relaxed!"

He paused, and then said: "Anne is a famous gold broker. She was dug into Star Entertainment by me. She was originally a member of our company. I originally planned to pick her up, but she was low-key. I don't like being too public, so I invited her to dinner in private. Do you have any questions?"

Immediately a reporter asked: "Mr. Lu, even if this meal was to pick up the dust, what happened to Anne getting out of your car, early in the morning, don't tell us, this is also the special care of the president to the employees!"

A chill flashed across Lu Nan's face, but his expression was still very calm.

He calmly said: "Well, everyone may not know this. Anne’s residence was prepared by the company. Before she returned to China, the apartment was bought under her name. She has been living since she returned to China. There, I happened to be a neighbor. I couldn't make it to work that morning, so she just took a ride!"

Lu Nan said that his face was decent, so that people could not see the slightest trace of lying.

Everyone nodded suddenly, it turned out that this is the truth!

After Lu Nan finished speaking, he also asked Yun Fan to display the real estate certificate of northern Jiangsu and the proof of the time of buying the house on the big screen behind him.

At this time, everyone was speechless.

The evidence has been laid there ironically, and there are still people who dare to say anything.

Lu Nan looked at the reporters in the audience politely. He stood up calmly and said calmly: "Thank you reporters for being here today and participating in our press conference. This is the truth I want to give you. I have something to do first. Take a step!"

After Lu Nan finished speaking, he turned and left, leaving the rest to Yun Fan to handle.

Sun Lili, who was sitting in front of the computer, was already stunned.

She couldn't help but complain: "This is okay, when did you buy this house, Anne, do you live there?"

Subei shrugged innocently, spreading her hands: "The ghost knows where this house came from. I never knew it. Under my name, such an apartment suddenly appeared!"

Sun Lili looked at her curiously: "Then when you returned to China, the company didn't arrange a car for you and a place to live?"

Subei thought for a while and said, "Yes, but I rejected it. Of course, I don't know how things will develop into this way. Otherwise, I should accept it at that time!"

Sun Lili couldn't help sighing: "I finally know why you are so sure. Lu will never disclose your identity. He could lie so seriously and falsify the evidence so true. If it weren't for me, I would have known the truth. If it is, I almost believe it!"

Subei smiled sarcastically, "Isn't it, it's just that he did the right thing, concealing the relationship with each other was originally the premise of our agreement, and I didn't bother to have anything to do with him!"

Sun Lili nodded, not knowing what she thought, she shook her head helplessly.

Subei spoke to her, and she got up and left the Subei office.

The top floor of Shengshi, the president's office.

Lu Nan looked at the man in front of him blankly, and said unhurriedly, "Why does Mr. Gu have time to come to our prosperous world?"

Gu Niancheng smiled calmly, sitting there, looking at his temperament, he gave people the feeling of a son like jade.

Look carefully, his eyebrows are picturesque, and his appearance is exquisite and expensive. If he was born in ancient times, he must be a pretty young man.

He spoke slowly, his voice indifferent like the wind: "I happened to be passing by here today. I would like to find a way to talk about business. I wonder if there is always interest in the road!"

Lu Nan smiled and looked at Gu Niancheng without a smile: "Then you have to look after the business in the head of the president, what does it mean!"

After speaking, he looked at Gu Niancheng faintly and was silent.

Gu Niancheng is a well-known smiling fox. If Tianhong and Shengshi Group are the two major commercial pillars in Nancy City, one north and one south.

Then, Gu Niancheng's Yuncheng Group is enough to form a three-legged posture.

Gu Niancheng looked at Lu Nan and smiled without saying a word.

After a long while, he quietly said: "I heard that there were some scandals coming from Mr. Lu today, so I will go upstairs to join in the fun and see if there is a chance for cooperation!"

Lu Nan's eyes suddenly drenched, and he looked at Gu Niancheng coldly: "What does Mr Gu's words mean?"

Gu Niancheng smiled indifferently: "Don't be angry, please sit down and listen to me to finish!"

Lu Nan looked frosty, he looked at Gu Niancheng blankly, waiting for his next words.

Gu Niancheng spoke slowly: "I heard that some time ago, Gu's family in the north of the city had offended Mr. Lu because of something. I don't know if it is true?"

Lu Nan's eyes flickered as he meant to look at Gu Niancheng. Could it be that he already knew the identity of Subei?

However, Lu Nan turned to think about it, Yun Fan did something very clean that day, and no one should know.

With that said, Gu Niancheng was testing herself, trying to probe her attitude towards Gu's family.

Thinking of this, Lu Nan's expression slowly unfolded.

He calmly said: "It's a little friction, but it doesn't matter!"

Gu Niancheng's expression changed slightly. He clearly got the news that Lu Nan had a conflict with Gu Shengze at the Emperor Hotel.

Later, because of Lucissi, he fought in a cafe in a shopping mall in the city center.

Could it be your own side, the news is wrong?