Gold Medal Sweet Wife, The President Spoiled Marriage 1314

Chapter 50: Elevator failure


For a time, countless thoughts emerged in Gu Niancheng's heart.

But in the end, he suppressed them one by one.

Even if there is no conflict between Lu Nan and Gu's family, as long as there is a matter of cooperation of interests, he will probably consider one or two things.

Gu Niancheng smiled suddenly, and slowly said, "Presumably these things are just hearsay. The main purpose of my search for Mr. Lu today, I still want to know if Mr. Lu is interested in Tianhong Group?"

Lu Nan looked at Gu Niancheng thoughtfully. It turned out that he was here today to find his own purpose!

To be honest, because of the North Jiangsu incident and Gu Shengze's trouble finding Lucisi in the mall, he originally planned to attack the Rainbow Group.

I just didn't expect that now there is an additional ally.

If this is the case, then why would he not do it!

Lu Nan smiled faintly: "Mr Gu said and laughed, Rainbow Group, which is originally a big group in Nancy City, if you eat it in one bite, you might die!"

Gu Niancheng smiled deeply: "That's why I invited Mr. Lu to join me!"

Lu Nan looked at him and curled his lips: "Does Mr. Gu do not know the truth that one mountain cannot accommodate two tigers? If we join forces to swallow Rainbow Group, do you think that once this three-legged economic model is broken, Nancy Is it possible for the city’s shopping malls to stabilize?"

Gu Niancheng looked at Lu Nan earnestly: "Since Mr. Lu has proposed it, I might as well say that the development model of Rainbow Group will sooner or later be eliminated. Taking advantage of its commercial value now, we might as well start early. !"

He paused, and then said: "As for the problem that Mr. Lu is worried about, it is actually not a big problem. Shengshi Group is a large multinational group. How can we compare it to small groups like us? And, as far as I know, Jin Dong’s Ling Wind Group, one year later, will also be stationed in Nancy City. At that time, the business balance model of Nancy City will naturally be broken. Therefore, we have the best time to make a move now!"

Lu Nan looked at Gu Niancheng intently, no wonder he could start from scratch and make the Yuncheng Group bigger and better.

It seems that before he does things, he has made enough preparations.

He smiled slightly: "After listening to Mr. Gu's analysis, I seem to have a sudden heart attack, but today is short of time and we are about to leave work. We might as well make an appointment and discuss the plan next time. How about?"

Gu Niancheng smiled like a spring breeze: "Mr. Lu's words are just what I want, then we will talk next time, I will leave first!"

Lu Nan let out an "um" and said to the door of the office: "Yun Fan, send it to Mr. Gu!"

Yun Fan nodded, and followed Gu Niancheng to the elevator.

After walking a few steps, Yun Fan suddenly frowned.

My stomach turned over, as if I had eaten something bad at noon.

Yun Fan embarrassedly hugged his belly, and his expression looked very uncomfortable: "President Gu, my stomach is a little uncomfortable, or else, wait for me first, and I will see you later!"

Gu Niancheng smiled gently: "It's okay, you go to the bathroom, don't worry about me, I can go downstairs by myself!"

Yun Fan glanced at him gratefully and rushed towards the bathroom.

Gu Niancheng chuckled and walked towards the elevator.

North Jiangsu Office.

Soon after Sun Lili left, Subei's cell phone rang frantically.

Subei glanced at it, it was an unfamiliar number.

She looked surprised.

However, after thinking about it at last, Subei still got on the phone.

As soon as she connected, Ye Tingluo's hurried voice rang on the phone.

She said: "Sister Beibei, you finally answered the phone. It's okay. Xiaohan doesn't know what he ate. Now he has a terrible stomachache. I'm about to send him to the city hospital. I'm afraid there is a big problem. , I will call you quickly!"

Su Bei's expression changed in an instant, she picked up her bag casually, got up anxiously, and walked toward the office door.

She said worriedly: "Tingluo, you send Xiaohan to the hospital first, and keep the scene steady. If you have any problems, call me in time. If the condition is really serious, you can let the doctor make a decision first! I am responsible for any problems. Come here soon!"

Ye Tingluo almost cried in a hurry: "Well, hurry up, Sister Beibei, Xiaohan's painful face turns white and blue, I'm afraid..."

Subei nodded: "I know, I will be there as soon as possible."

Subei hung up the phone and pressed the elevator anxiously.

After all, Ye Tingluo is only a college student with no social experience. It is natural to be afraid of such things.

Subei stared at the elevator intently. The elevator finally reached the sixth floor. Subei stepped in without even thinking about it.

Seeing the man in the elevator, Subei was stunned.

She hadn't seen Gu Niancheng before, and when she first saw him, she just felt good-looking, as if she had walked out of a painting.

She thought that Su Han was still suffering from the illness at the moment, and she lowered her head subconsciously to conceal her inner panic.

Suddenly, the elevator trembled suddenly.

After "rubbing", the elevator stopped, stuck on the third floor and couldn't get up.

The elevator was instantly dark.

Northern Jiangsu wanted to cry without tears for an instant. Is this a power outage?

She was anxious like an ant on a hot pot, Xiao Han was still waiting for her to take care of her, how could she drop the chain at a critical moment!

Su Bei was so anxious that she almost cried, if Su Han had a long and two shortcomings, she would definitely hate herself to death.

In the dark, she fumbled and walked to the elevator door and patted hard: "Is there anyone? There is a power outage, and there is a problem with the elevator. Come and save someone!"

She filmed for a long time, but no one outside responded.

There was a bit of disappointment in northern Jiangsu. As soon as she stopped tapping the door, she heard a faint sound in the corner: "Press the alarm bell for help..."

The voice was extremely faint, giving Subei a very unreal feeling.

However, it was this sentence that reminded her thoroughly.

She was really anxious and messed up, and even forgot the most basic way to ask for help.

Subei quickly turned on the flashlight of his mobile phone and rang the alarm bell.

After the alarm bell went on, Subei said in a hurried tone: "The elevator is broken. We are trapped in the elevator Lili. Come on and help us out!"

The other party quickly replied: "We will start to check where the elevator problem is, and rescue you. Don't worry, please wait patiently!"

Subei looked helplessly at the invisible elevator, panicking.

She walked around in the elevator anxiously.

At this time, the weak voice sounded again.

He said: "Don't worry, sit down and wait for a while, someone should come to rescue us soon!"

Subei shook his head helplessly, but didn't know what to say.

The other party is in a different situation from her. Xiaohan is sick, and she is still waiting for herself to go to the hospital!

Seeing that Subei showed no sign of stopping, the other party did not continue to speak.

It's just that after a while.

Subei heard a rapid panting sound, and felt as if he couldn't breathe out, the kind of breathing sound that a critically ill patient would make.

Subei was taken aback. She was too anxious just now and didn't pay too much attention.

She remembered that when she first got on the elevator, the other party was a young man.

Moreover, he does not look so weak!

She tentatively said: "Sir, are you okay?"

The other party spoke slowly, as if trying to suppress some kind of pain: "The the...the air...too stuffy, I have...asthma..."

Although the other party didn't say it completely.

However, Subei understood what he meant.

He has asthma, no wonder his voice sounds so weak.

Subei thought for a while, she calmly turned on the phone to light up, and took out a bottle of air cleaner from her bag.

Then, she quickly walked to the man.

With the faint light of the mobile phone, Subei could see that his face was pale and his lips were already blue.

She was a little ashamed at once, the other party was sick, and even comforted herself in turn.

She quickly took the air cleaner and sprayed it around the man.

As she sprayed it, she said, "Spray this air cleaner, you should feel better. I think the person they rescued should be coming soon."

Gu Niancheng was suffering from breathing, he nodded slowly, then stopped talking.

The speed of the rescue team is very fast.

After waiting for about five minutes, Subei heard footsteps outside.

She heard someone standing at the elevator entrance and asking them: "There are people inside, can you hear me?"

Subei quickly stood up and walked to the elevator door: "I can hear it, how long will it take before we can get out? Here, there is a person who suffers..."

Before I finished speaking the Subei dialect, I heard the man in the corner of the elevator uttering desperately: "No!"

Subei let out a surprise, stopped the voice, turned and walked to him.

She spoke softly: "Sir, what's the matter with you? Is it something uncomfortable?"

Gu Niancheng shook his head: "Don't...don't...tell...they...there are...there are...patients!"

Although he is not a public figure, his influence in Nancy is not small, and he does not want the outside world to know that he suffers from asthma.

Subei was stunned, but since the other party asked for it, she couldn't say anything.

The people outside the elevator heard that there was no sound inside, and they suddenly said with anxiety: "Miss, how are you all? Why are you suddenly not talking?

Subei said: "It's nothing, hurry up, the elevator is a bit dark and it makes people feel very uncomfortable!"

The other party nodded: "We will do it as soon as possible!"

Next, Subei sat next to Gu Niancheng, observing his condition while anxiously waiting for rescue.

She didn't even know what happened to Xiaohan after she went out?

There is no signal at all in the elevator, which is really anxious.

Although Gu Niancheng didn't know what was wrong with Subei, he could still feel her anxiously getting angry.

He wanted to comfort Subei, but he felt that the strength in his body was constantly being lost, and he could only weakly lean on the elevator.

After waiting for about ten minutes, Subei finally saw a ray of light coming in.

The elevator is open!

Subei was excited just about to run out.

As a result, as soon as she stood up, she thought of the man with asthma in the elevator.

Su Bei turned around again, helped Gu Niancheng up, and the two of them walked outside.

The rescuer asked Subei: "I’m okay with the two of you, how about... I’ll take you to the hospital first?"

Although Subei wanted to fly to the hospital immediately, she was still a little worried about Su Han's exposure to the rescue team.

She shook her head: "I'm fine, or you can send this gentleman away!"