Gone With the Wind

Chapter 19


Song Kai's smoking of marijuana was discovered. Although their high school was very chaotic, this kind of thing is not as good as fighting, drinking and smoking. The school expelled him. Fortunately, Song Kai's family is not bad. Almost no one knows the history.

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief after knowing that Song Kai transferred to other places, except Sui Qingchi. On the car going to the show that day, AK heard the news from Moments, and cursed: "It's good that the god of plague is gone!"

From the back seat came Sui Qingchi's gloomy words: "It's cheap for him."

AK turned his head, Sui Qingchi leaned on the back seat all the way and didn't move at all, he thought he was asleep, but he didn't expect his ears to be so sharp: "Master, we can't fight casually in the future!"

Sui Qingchi opened his eyelids, impatiently: "Do you have to deal with fighting?"

Just as he was about to say, "My mother doesn't dare to take care of it," AK pushed Fu Cuo towards him: "If you fight, ask the captain for instructions!"

Fu Cuo turned away his shoulders helplessly, Sui Qingchi glanced at him, put down his temper and leaned back in the back seat.

AK has more than 7,000 fans on Weibo. After Sui Qingchi's official first performance as the lead singer of Xifeng, the number of fans immediately soared to over 10,000. AK felt incredible: "Then there are not 1,000 livehouse audiences. How can this be over 10,000?" Yeah? Who bought us zombie fans?!"

Every time a performance ends, the video of the performance spreads like a virus on the Internet, helping them gain a large number of fans at the speed of light. Sui Qingchi's typhoon is very different from Song Kai. Song Kai is crazy and wild on stage. When he goes on stage, he will encourage the fans in the audience to interact with him. Everyone applauds and whistles to him, and the atmosphere is often enthusiastic. Sui Qingchi was completely different. He wore his favorite hooded sweater for several performances. Before going on stage, he put on his hat and sat alone in a corner, listening to music with his head down. Nao is like a band, but gradually everyone understands that Sui Qingchi needs to be given a space to be quiet before the performance. Xifeng's new lead singer has never been stage-frightened, but he is quite a sophomore. He has his own lonely little territory that cannot be violated.

Before the opening, Fu Cuohui would call him and pat him on the shoulder. Sui Qingchi took off his earphones and stood up, like a handsome young boxer with his hands in his pockets, silently standing behind him, waiting to take the stage. He didn't stand behind that microphone, didn't pull down his hat, no one knew he was the lead singer, fans took photos before they were about to go on stage, Sui Qingchi stood behind him with his head down, as if he was carrying An autistic younger brother who didn't wake up came to play live, and he couldn't tell he was the lead singer of the band. But when he pulled off his hood, his soft hair spread out like dust under the stage light, all the fans below fell silent, holding their hands on the side of their faces, staring at him obsessively, their eyes seemed to say: God The lead singer is a bit handsome...

When Song Kai was the lead singer, the fans they faced were like a group of restless men, but Sui Qingchi turned all the fans in the audience, regardless of gender, into innocent girls.

Fans couldn't believe it when they heard he was only sixteen. Standing on the stage, he is like the eye of a typhoon, often able to stop silently.

AK holds his mobile phone all day long to watch the number of fans increase, and smugly casts aside himself: "Why am I so vain..."

When AK was counting fans, Fu Cuo taught Sui Qingchi how to read notation. Sui Qingchi learned music very quickly. He was pleasantly surprised that he learned so quickly, but at the same time worried that he was learning too fast. Did he focus on the band? Here, my studies are wasted.

In the second mock exam before the senior high school entrance examination, Fu Cuo went to the junior high school to check the rankings. He squeezed into a group of junior high school students, and quickly found the word Sui Qingchi among the densely packed names on the list. In the first cohort, he was ranked 14th in the whole grade, which was a few ranks better than last time. The corners of his mouth curled up unconsciously, as if he was looking at his younger brother's grades, with a secret sense of pride. After all, Sui Qingchi is different from them, and no one can guarantee the future of the band. A top student like Sui Qingchi should make two preparations, otherwise he, the captain, will feel that he owes him.

When he squeezed out from the crowd in front of the list, AK patted him from behind: "Fu Cuo? What are you doing here? Stupid, the high school ranking is over there!"

He glanced at the opposite side, did not go over, and asked AK: "How many are you?"

AK giggled guiltily.

Fu Cuo sighed in his heart, the band really had to work hard.

Even if it is an underground band, there will be a special band manager responsible for contacting and organizing performances, but they are fledgling, and they are student bands, so they can't manage like a mature band, and they don't have much time to study. They gradually became famous in the circle, and some small livehouses were willing to let them perform first and pay later, and then a fan lent them a cheap place, and that fan opened a small bar by himself, and they went to it regularly Sing, only draw a very low venue rent.

Fu Cuo has been composing, but for a long time they only used three or four original songs for performances, and they still used some old songs whose copyright period has expired, and most of the time they sang The Beatles. He was worried that if Sui Qingchi spent too much time singing new songs with them, it would delay his preparation for the exam, so all the newly written songs were suppressed. AK saw the feedback from fans on Weibo, and urged him: "Oh, you also write something new, the fans are tired of listening to these songs."

Tan Si said: "There is no rush to create things."

"I know I can't be in a hurry," AK turned the drum stick and glanced at Fu Cuo, and said, "I'm just worried if you're exhausted..."

Fu Cuo put the guitar on his lap and said with a smile, "First of all, I have to be Jiang Lang."

"Why aren't you? You are!" AK pointed the drumstick at the guitarist, "Fu Cuo, you are our main creator, you have to be confident, I tell you!"

Tan Si shook her head amusedly: "I am quite concerned about steaming and cooking."

"You're not an idiot fan, mom fan and girlfriend fan, you choose one yourself!" Tan Si asked Fu Cuo again after AK had pissed off, "Then shall we sing these four songs again next week?"

"Well, let's leave it like this for the time being..." Fu Cuo said.

AK's face was full of unwillingness, and he looked back at Sui Qingchi who was sitting in the back reading a music theory book, and knocked on Sui Qingchi's book with a drum stick. Sui Qingchi put the book away without raising his head and said: "I listen to him."

Seeing that he was wearing earphones, AK muttered: "Do you know what we are talking about and you just listen to him?" At the end, he added a mischievous sentence, "Sui Qingchi, you are Fu Cuo's licking dog!"

Sui Qingchi immediately raised his head and glared at him.

AK was scared to death: "Aren't you listening to music?!"

Tan Si laughed at him: "You don't need to listen to music even if you wear headphones."

Fu Cuo looked at the three people laughing, and felt a little helpless in his heart. It’s really not a solution to always make a fuss about the performance. He stared at the guitar in his hand. The surface of the guitar was not so shiny. This guitar has been with him for two years, but it’s not him. The first guitar, the first guitar is an entry-level acoustic guitar bought online...

wooden guitar…

He suddenly had an idea, raised his head and said to the three of them: "The song won't change, let's change the accompaniment?"

If the lead singer was Song Kai, he would definitely not have thought of this idea of changing "Beautiful" into an acoustic version. When the instrumental accompaniment is weak, all Song Kai's shortcomings, range, intonation, and rhythmic flaws will be exposed, but Sui Qingchi...he is like a handmade piano, with a wide range and rich expressiveness. Cast it on him at will.

There is no acoustic guitar in the warehouse, but there is musical instrument software for the acoustic guitar in the mobile phone, so he temporarily tried to arrange it with the software, and slowed down the rhythm a bit. While clapping the beat on his crossed legs, the accompaniment hadn't formed yet, but when it came to the verse, he hummed along without thinking.

Fu Cuo immediately discovered how good Sui Qingchi's understanding of music was. Compared with the original version, the singing he used was more innocent and youthful, which completely changed the artistic conception of the whole song, becoming a song without A little bit of wildness, a song completely tamed.

Tan Si and AK were just listening in, unknowingly forgetting what they were doing, and they were just so attracted.

In the warehouse illuminated by the setting sun, the sound of nature was born among the ruins and dust...

It's so good, even without Fu Cuo's accompaniment, he can sing a cappella alone like this, the lead singer in the dream is nothing more than that. Tan Si touched the goosebumps on his arms and thought.

After playing, Fu Cuo put down his phone and looked at Sui Qingchi.

No one spoke in the warehouse, as if they were still immersed in the reverberation. Sui Qingchi put down her crossed right leg and asked them: "Is it OK?"

AK swallowed, and looked at Tan Si with an expression of "how the hell do you want to boast".

"...Master, does your mother know that you sing so well?"

After AK finished speaking, he realized that he had said the wrong thing. Sui Qingchi's jaw tightened a little, but he just lowered his head and didn't say anything.

He really likes to sing, but he didn't seem to realize this before, and he didn't know that his singing was really better than many people, even if he was better than many people, it seemed meaningless. In the sophomore year when he had nowhere to vent, he put all his energy on playing basketball. That is the field where he hopes to be better than many people. He smashed those who looked down on him with a slam dunk. Next, sing... I really never thought of conquering others in such a literary and soft way.

But he cared a lot about one person's opinion. Thinking of this, he couldn't help raising his head, and the corner of his eyes fell on Fu Cuo who was sorting out the accompaniment score with his head down.

Conquering one person feels like conquering the whole world.

After the rehearsal was over, Tan Si couldn't help but said on the way back: "It's great that he can be the lead singer of Xifeng."

Fu Cuo looked down at the shadow on the ground, while thinking about the arrangement, smiled and nodded.

"He would be a perfect singer if he wasn't the lead singer." Tan Si said with emotion.

At that time, he listened to Tan Si's words, and the two of them just felt lucky. It wasn't until many years later that he realized that the truth that Tan Si had unintentionally revealed was that Sui Qingchi could really live without them.