Gone With the Wind

Chapter 20


The Acoustic version of "Beautiful" was a big success. After the performance that day, AK proposed to hold a celebration banquet to eat hot pot. Tan Si said you should lose weight. What kind of hot pot should you eat in the middle of the night. AK put his arms around Sui Qingchi's neck: "It's reasonable, after the young master joined Xifeng, we haven't had a serious meal together yet! There must be a ceremony for the transfer of football stars. After eating this meal, we will be friends from now on." People of the West Wind!"

When he said this, Tan Si did the same thing, just looked at Fu Cuo, Sui Qingchi was hugged by AK's neck forcefully, and also raised his eyes to look at Fu Cuo, Fu Cuo saw that Sui Qingchi actually wanted to hold this celebration banquet...

"After eating this meal, I will be a member of Xifeng from now on" or something, it probably hit the stomach of the second-year boy...

Then the group headed for Ye Hot Pot Restaurant. It is said to be a hot pot restaurant, but in fact it is a shed built on the side of the road. Sui Qingchi followed Fu Cuo into the plastic shed, curious and surprised at the same time. So many people didn’t go home to sleep in the middle of the night, so they sat in a dirty place. On the plastic stool, eat and drink shirtless, as if you don’t have to get up to go to work in the morning...

Fu Cuo drew a stool for him, leaned the guitar bag against the table and sat down by himself, Sui Qingchi pulled the stool and sat down beside him, looking around with his head propped up.

A rich second generation like Sui Qingchi seldom eats in this kind of place, Fu Cuo thought, this place might be more exciting to him than the noodle restaurant last time.

Hot pot Fu Cuo ordered the bottom of the mandarin duck pot. AK asked why he ordered clear soup. Fu Cuo wanted to say that Sui Qingchi couldn't eat spicy food, but when he came to his mouth, he changed his words: "He has to protect his throat."

AK looked at him with tut-tut: "No way, I didn't see you asking the scum to protect your throat before eating hot pot with the scum?"

Tan Si knocked on the melon seeds and shrugged: "His voice doesn't need to be protected."

AK gave a thumbs up: "Brother Tan, in terms of ingenuity, I still admire you."

The bottom of the pot was served, and the beer that AK asked for was also served. AK stood up and quickly poured wine into Fu Cuo and Tan Si's cups. Sui Qingchi also handed over his own cup, but he just didn't pour it to him.

He said "Hello", and AK put the bottle aside and said, "I'm sorry, young master, my brothers are all eighteen, and you are still two years younger, so you can't drink."

Sui Qingchi put the cup on the table "dangling": "Who made the rules?"

AK glanced at Fu Cuo and said, "Captain. If you have a problem, you can beat him up."

Fu Cuo looked at the two of them, and said to himself... In fact, only he and Tan Si are really eighteen years old. He is three months older than Tan Si, and because of some reasons, he studied a little later. AK is three months younger than Tan Si. He will only be eighteen years old during the summer vacation, but he already treats himself as if he were eighteen years old. However, he really thinks that Sui Qingchi is only sixteen years old and it is better not to drink alcohol, so he said: "Or you should drink Coke."

AK and Tan Si held back their laughter with their heads down.

Fu Cuo turned to ask the boss for a can of Coca-Cola, opened it and put it in Sui Qingchi's hand, and smiled at him.

Sui Qingchi lost his temper at the man's laughter, looked at the red soda can with drooping eyelids, brought it to him slowly, and said in his heart: I'm convinced.

AK was a little curious while eating hot pot, and asked, "Master, why are you studying a year later than others?"

Fu Cuo looked at Sui Qingchi. He was also curious about this question. Sui Qingchi turned sixteen in November last year, which meant that he was a year late in studying. Normally, children from his family would only study early, not late. of.

Sui Qingchi's hand holding the vegetables paused, and said, "Is it a big deal to be a year late? Am I stupid?"

AK burped: "Wow, you're still stupid? Then we're all pigs!"

Then this topic was just revealed, Fu Cuo casually picked up the food, thinking it would be better to leave it, feeling that Sui Qingchi obviously didn't want to continue talking about it.

The chopsticks and Sui Qingchi's colander bumped into each other unexpectedly. Fu Cuo looked up for a moment, seeing Sui Qingchi looking at him, and realized that Sui Qingchi's spoon was for him. Blindly fished in the pot and found nothing...

The boy looked at him with rare sincerity, and even a little... enthusiasm? Fu Cuo said "thank you" and picked up a few pieces of beef in the colander. He glanced at Sui Qingchi while he was eating. . It feels a little strange to be taken care of by a boy younger than himself, Fu Cuo bit the beef that Sui Qingchi scooped up, thinking with his cheeks burning.

After the celebration banquet, Fu Cuo and Tan Si didn't drink much wine, AK was already drunk so much that he couldn't walk straight, and he couldn't get a car in the middle of the night, so Fu Cuo had to fight with Tan Si on the left and right of the noisy AK Walking, Sui Qingchi followed behind them. When passing through the park in the middle of the street, AK saw a bench and was as excited as seeing a bed, yelling to take a rest when he couldn’t walk anymore, and Fu Cuo was also tired from helping him, so he and Tan Si helped him over and simply sat down Take a break. An iron bench, three boys and two musical instruments, once stuffed, it was full. Sui Qingchi walked over, glanced at the three of them speechlessly, and had no choice but to sit on the armrest next to them, waiting for them to rest.

"I'm so thirsty." AK leaned his head back on the chair, looking at Sui Qingchi who was the only one who didn't drink, "brother? Maknae? Buy some water for the brothers."

Sui Qingchi ignored him at all, and played with her mobile phone with her head down.

AK looked at Tan Si and Fu Cuo pitifully, and asked, "Aren't you all thirsty?"

Tan Si closed his eyes and leaned against his bass, and didn't answer him. Fu Cuo also felt that his throat was a little dry, so he said "a little", and then heard Sui Qingchi sigh, put his phone in his hands and stood up, and left a sentence "I'm going to buy water," and left with a resigned attitude.

AK was dumbfounded, and shouted inarticulately at Sui Qingchi's back: "Why do you buy it when he's thirsty, and pretend you're deaf when I'm thirsty?!"

Fu Cuo wanted to say "thank you", but Sui Qingchi had already walked away, his shoulders sank immediately, AK's big head had already leaned up, and he fell asleep after a while, Fu Cuo heard snoring like a dead pig , raised his head helplessly, the moon in the sky with a ring of rough edges, emitting a strange and dreamy light, reminded him of the eyes of the Abyss King.

Sui Qingchi is really the same as the Abyss King, with the same sensitivity and recognition of life, even if he is so familiar with AK, he still has a number in his heart, Fu Cuo thought with a smile, his name is now ranked first The one in front of AK is like being awarded a championship medal by Sui Qingchi, which is worthy of gratitude.

When Sui Qingchi came back from buying water, his three eighteen-year-old brothers were already sleeping in a ball on the chair. He stood there with two bottles of water, touched the back of the chair, and said, "Hey, do you still drink water?"

The only answer to him was the sweet snore of AK.

He put the water directly on AK's body, and his action was not too polite. The mineral water bottle hit AK's stomach, and the big-headed drummer let out an "oh", but he didn't wake up.

The other bottle was gently placed on Fu Cuo's lap.

When he got up, he knocked down the guitar bag on the chair with his elbow, Sui Qingchi held it up, picked up the guitar bag and put it on the ground to lean on. When he bent over to get up, his eyes fell on Fu Cuo's sleeping side face in a strange way, and then he stopped up.

The smell of beer and hot pot seems to have disappeared suddenly, and the sleeping guitarist teenager exudes a sweet and greasy smell that seems to be only effective for him under the moonlight. Sui Qingchi thought of the day when he raised his mobile phone among the boiling crowd, and the camera only framed this person, he thought it was because he was the only one who liked his appearance, he was the only one who had invited him to dinner, and he was the only one who helped him After blocking the wind, he is the only one who always smiles at him gently, but in fact it's more than that...

But what are the other reasons, he can not say.

With great confusion and curiosity, suppressing the inexplicable heartbeat, the boy lowered his head little by little, like a wild cat eagerly raising its paws to sneak up on humans after they are asleep, but what he uses to sneak up is not paws, but lips .

At that moment, his mind was almost blank. If there was a flash of thought, it would probably be that at that moment he suddenly wanted to know how the "kissing" scene would look like. He didn't really want to kiss, but just suddenly rushed The untimely and unexplainable curiosity drove him to bow his head again and again until there was no more light between the two faces, only a dim and ambiguous shadow remained...

Then I heard a "click" sound from behind.

The crisp sound of taking pictures from the mobile phone brought Sui Qingchi back to his senses. He raised his body and turned his head to look. Several sneak photographers came out of the shadows and flaunted their mobile phones at him. Sui Qingchi had already guessed who they were before he could see the faces of the three of them clearly. For those guys who got a major demerit because of him, it would not be so easy for them to forget Liang Zi, it was because of his carelessness.

Before the candid photographer could open his mouth, he walked over with a gloomy face and asked directly, "What do you want, tell me."

The boy holding the mobile phone looked at him and laughed. They came out of the Internet cafe in the middle of the night, and they happened to see Sui Qingchi who was across the road, and followed him for a short distance. He didn't expect to take such a wonderful picture, and he couldn't help it. Looking behind Sui Qingchi: "I didn't expect you to be gay?"

Sui Qingchi frowned, he was not gay, but he didn't want to argue with them about this kind of issue.

"If you don't speak, it's the default?" The boy glanced at the phone's photo album and raised it towards him, "Actually, it's a pretty good photo~"

Sui Qingchi saw himself in the photo, even though he was from the back, even though he lowered his head and blocked Fu Cuo's face, it was still an obvious stealing kiss, no matter whether he succeeded or not. He didn't expect to see all this from the perspective of a third party to be so blatant and shameful, and he felt a little confused when he stared at the photo.

"We can delete the photos," the boy put away the phone, "but there are conditions."

Sui Qingchi looked at him: "What condition?"

He must agree to any conditions, and Fu Cuo cannot see this photo. he thought.