Gone With the Wind

Chapter 28


If it wasn't for Tan Si to smooth things over that day, I really don't know how it would end. After the performance, AK was still thinking about supper. Fu Cuo could see that Sui Qingchi was not interested at all, but if everyone just went home to wash and sleep, maybe Sui Qingchi would bring this bad mood to the next day. God opened his eyes.

He turned around from the co-pilot and asked Sui Qingchi in the back row: "What do you have for supper?"

AK widened his eyes, looked at Fu Cuo first, and made sure that Fu Cuo was not looking at himself but was asking Sui Qingchi, and then at Sui Qingchi: "Why did you ask him? Didn't he say casually?"

Sui Qingchi could see Fu Cuo's expression from the reflection on the car window, that tenderness and consideration belonged to him this time, but he was still very unhappy, pretending that he didn't know he was asking him, and didn't even say "casually" .

AK curled his lips at Fu Cuo, meaning "Look", and then glanced at Sui Qingchi: "What's wrong, master? You shouldn't be licking a dog today?"

Sui Qingchi raised his shoulders, and AK moved his butt in fright, but Sui Qingchi just pulled up the earphones and put them on.

Fu Cuo turned around, he was no stranger to this kind of Sui Qingchi, before their relationship became familiar, Sui Qingchi had always been like this, if he didn't want to talk to you, he would never say a word to you, even though he I don't know where I provoked him.

What I ate that day was crayfish, and AK was alone on the table peeling and eating prawns, enjoying himself, while the other three ate with great satisfaction.

When AK was concentrating on eating shrimp, Sui Qingchi took his wine glass and drank. Fu Cuo saw it, but didn't stop him. Sui Qingchi drank it in front of him, even though he didn't make eye contact with him throughout the meal. , but the action of taking the wine is very blatant, with a kind of secret provocation. Fu made a compromise. If he wanted to drink a little, it shouldn't matter much. At worst, he would be sent back when he was drunk.

AK wiped his mouth with a paper towel, only to find that his wine glass was empty when he turned around: "I'll go, Sui Qingchi, who will allow you to drink my wine?"

Sui Qingchi frowned with a headache on his face and said, "Don't take it further away."

"Hey, why are you like this? You didn't reach the age of eighteen and you agreed not to drink alcohol. What's wrong with you..."

"Okay," Sui Qingchi interrupted him irritably, "I drank it all, do you want me to spit it out?"

AK leaned over to look into his eyes, and seeing the slight redness in the corners of his eyes, he gloated: "Just watch, you'll be drunk soon!"

Sui Qingchi snorted, not paying attention to the power of beer. He held the empty wine glass in his hand, staring at the little reflection of Fu Cuo on it, not knowing why he didn't want to talk to this person, but yearning for him to talk to him, that kind of longing was as uncomfortable as heartburn.

After drinking for three rounds, AK was already drunk on the table, tilted his head, and asked Sui Qingchi with his tongue out: "Master, why do you keep forgetting your words today?"

Sui Qingchi put his hands on his forehead and muttered: "... I haven't smoked marijuana, so you don't care if I forget the words or not.

Fu Cuo can't laugh or cry, well, let's get drunk once.

AK kept poking Sui Qingchi's body with his finger: "You must be jealous of other girls who only kiss Fu Cuo and don't kiss you!"

The more Fu Cuo listened, the more awkward he became. He pulled AK back and sat down, and said, "Okay, poking him again will make him angry."

Sui Qingchi climbed into place like a snail in a reflex arc, let go of the hand supporting his forehead, and asked AK: "What did you just say?"

AK clapped him on the shoulder and said loudly, "I said you are just jealous!"

Sui Qingchi's whole body was swayed backwards, and Fu Cuo thought it was really going to be hot, but Sui Qingchi just let go of his frowning brows, looked at Fu Cuo on the opposite side, and blinked in a daze, Ask: "How does he know?"

This was the first time that Sui Qingchi looked at him during the whole meal. Fu Cuo was caught off guard by the question, but Sui Qingchi was obviously drunk, and asked with innocent eyes and a surprised face. He probably didn't know what he was doing. say what.

"It's not that people don't want to kiss you." AK fell back on the back of the chair, the old god said authentically, "It's because you sometimes look too fierce, you have to learn to be gentle..."

Sui Qingchi lowered his head and sighed helplessly: "Learn, I'll learn."

AK waved his hand again: "Oh, you can't learn it, you are not that material..."

"I'm a top student, there's nothing I can't learn." Sui Qingchi said.

When he said this, his drunken eyes looked up at Fu Cuo again, Fu Cuo had no choice but to nod, as if he had accepted a promise inexplicably.

AK remembered something again, and sat up with a smile: "Hey, you said that Fu Cuo fell last time, it was because it was raining and the ground was slippery, and he went downstairs. Today is a sunny day, and the ground is so dry that it can smoke , you can wrestle upstairs, how did you do it hahahaha, can I write about this on Weibo?"

Sui Qingchi nodded with a splitting headache.

AK pointed at Sui Qingchi, and rushed to Fu Cuo and Tan Sixiao: "This guy is really drunk, and he can agree to this!" Then he leaned over the chair and asked Sui Qingchi, "Master, master? Your bank card password?" How much is it?"

Fu Cuo couldn't stand it anymore, and pushed his chair back: "Enough."

Sui Qingchi was so sleepy that she almost collapsed, so she said "Birthday..."

After hearing this, AK burst out laughing loudly, leaning on the table and squatting under the table with a smile.

Tan Si patted Sui Qingchi on the back and said, "You can't set the password as your birthday, it's too easy to guess."

"I'm not stupid," Sui Qingchi raised his eyelids and glanced at Fu Cuo across the table, then closed his eyes again, and said, "It's his birthday."

After speaking, he lay down on the table and didn't get up again.

Tan Si's eyes widened, and he looked at Fu Cuo in astonishment. Fu Cuo looked at the back of Sui Qingchi's head, completely at a loss as to what to do.

What Sui Qingchi said at the wine table, Fu Cuo and Tan Si remembered, but Sui Qingchi himself and AK didn't remember. Facing Sui Qingchi, Fu Cuo felt more and more guilty. He had already led him away from the established life track once, and he was afraid that he would lead Sui Qingchi away again. Him, that was simply unforgivable.

Before this, Sui Qingchi's life has been lonely and alone, so he may have mistaken friendship for love, so he is overly attached to him. When he sees a bigger world and meets more and better people , he will understand that this kind of attachment is nothing.

Flash forward to June, the day when the college entrance examination ended, Fu Cuo walked out of the examination room with countless candidates, and saw the bustling crowd outside the school gate. Parents were waiting eagerly. There was a long queue of vehicles parked on the side of the road. From today on, his life will begin Another stage, although no one sent each other, no one reminded.

Tan Si's mother and AK's parents both came that day. Seeing the two friends being greeted by their family members, Fu Cuo quietly walked around from the crowd.

Walking through the crowd, I suddenly heard someone calling his name: "Fu Cuo!!"

There were so many people and cars outside the school gate, and the sound was so noisy, but Sui Qingchi's penetrating voice still reached him like a gust of breeze, without hindrance.

His heart skipped a beat, he followed the prestige, and at the other end of the crowded crowd, he saw the young man's arms raised towards him, and the next second, Sui Qingchi stepped onto the flower platform beside him, that movement was like him on the stage At that moment, Fu Cuo felt that something was ignited in his chest.

With uncontrollable excitement, he quickened his pace, crossed the vast crowd, and walked towards the young man on the flower platform. He saw Sui Qingchi also jumped off the flower platform, slanted his shoulders and pushed through the crowd and walked towards him. For a moment, neither of them knew what to say. The parent next to him was asking how his child was doing in the exam, and Sui Qingchi blurted out, "How was the exam?"

"It's okay," Fu Cuo said, "Functionally." Such an ordinary sentence, never thought that there would be a day when it would be said, let alone said it to Sui Qingchi.

Sui Qingchi nodded, he was wearing a thin white hoodie that was a little bit see through, with a gray racer vest showing through, with his hands in his pockets, he didn't know what else to say.

"Is there any water?" Fu Cuo asked.

"Oh," Sui Qingchi turned around and took out a light green water glass from his backpack, and said, "I drank it..."

Fu Cuo took it before he finished speaking, unscrewed it and drank it.

He doesn't know what kind of feelings he has for Sui Qingchi, sympathy, love, admiration, pride, liking, it's too complicated, unlike his feelings for Tan Si, which are simple and deep, unlike his feelings for AK, which are sincere And firm, they are intertwined with each other, it is no longer clear in one or two sentences, but if they are love, at least at this moment, it seems that there is nothing wrong with it.

He held the water glass in his hand, as if he was holding a part of Sui Qingchi. He imagined that it was what Sui Qingchi drank just now, and he had also drank it himself. He didn't think about the cliché metaphor of indirect kissing What satisfied him was the fact that he used Sui Qingchi's water glass. If possible, he would like to share everything in the future with this boy, water glass, clothes, room, quilt, and time.

After the college entrance examination, there was a brief carnival. He wrote many songs and gave them to Sui Qingchi to write the lyrics. As for the relationship, neither he nor Sui Qingchi made any further progress. Sui Qingchi wrote the lyrics for one of his songs, the name is "Ordinary". When he saw the lyrics, he felt the same way. He found that no matter what his feelings for Sui Qingchi were, he hoped that Sui Qingchi's life would be Being able to be "ordinary", as he wrote in his lyrics, having an ordinary day, an ordinary love, an ordinary family. He hoped that he could be ordinary, ordinary, and live his life simply, no longer in the second grade, no longer withdrawn, and no longer suffer criticism and blows.

In July, Fu Cuo and Tan Si received the admission notice from CTR as they wished. AK came to celebrate with them. Sui Qingchi, who was randomly plucking the acoustic guitar, also put down the guitar, looked at the three of them and said "Congratulations".

Fu Cuo turned his head, and after Sui Qingchi said "Congratulations", he lowered his head again, picked up the guitar, and plucked the monotonous strings.

In August, the three of them were going to another city. He left the acoustic guitar to Sui Qingchi, and he didn't say it was for him. If it was a gift, it would be too solemn, and Sui Qingchi might not I don't accept it, so I just keep it with him, and it's something I share with him.

That day at the train station AK kept complaining: "Sui Qingchi is heartless! He didn't even know he came to see us off!"

Until they got in the car, Sui Qingchi didn't show up, nor did he make a phone call. Not long after the train pulled out of the platform and was running in the lush wheat fields, Fu Cuo's cell phone rang suddenly, and he took it out. It was the lyrics sent by Sui Qingchi:

You always say I'm not cute

It's so hard to even say goodbye

I just don't want to explain

I don't think it needs to be said, you understand

Also try hard to learn to change

Also try hard to practice gentle eyes

just really clueless

no one to blame

Is it impossible to go back in time tens of thousands of years ago

No words and no lies to decorate

I just have this monotonous body

hug you close

Is it impossible to go back in time tens of thousands of years ago

I don't know how to write if I want a love

I would also use wordsless songs then

sing love that never fades

Even the seas turn into mulberry fields my love

won't change

After he finished reading the lyrics sentence by sentence, WeChat popped up again.

Sui Qingchi: See you in a year.