Gone With the Wind

Chapter 29


For Fu Cuo, the CTR Conservatory of Music is the place where dreams come true, and it is also the starting point for realizing dreams. However, when he actually arrived at the academy, he found that there are still many places that are different from what he imagined. The school itself occupies a small area and only has one student dormitory. The specifications are quite high, and the accommodation fee is not cheap. Fu Cuo and Tan Si didn't know until they reported to the school that most of the students shared a room outside.

The senior who showed them the way on the day of registration heard that they took the CTR exam because of Shitou, so he laughed: "Another pair of people who have been deceived, Brother Shitou's alma mater is not CTR, he just attended a refresher class here, not a serious CTR Graduation." He said gloatingly and looked back at the two people who had been hit hard, "I have deceived a lot of ignorant young people~"

The ignorant youths Fu Cuo and Tan Si looked at each other in dismay. The moment they learned the truth, they were still a little stubborn in their hearts, and they were not willing to believe it. After all, between idols and strange seniors, it is more trustworthy to be an idol.

However, this idol is the guitarist of a certain group, a person who is known to be out of tune, and then one day AK showed them an interview video of Stone, and the rebellious guitarist was asked in the program, "It seems that many people rush I want you to apply for the CTR Conservatory of Music", he slapped his legs and laughed loudly: "Really? I didn't graduate from CTR! I only have a high school diploma!"

The hostess couldn't believe it: "Isn't CTR your alma mater? Didn't you say it yourself?"

Shi Shi seems to have regained his long-lost memory: "I seem to have said so, but I said it casually. I mean that CTR has nurtured me. She is a foster mother, not a biological mother!"

The hostess choked for a long while before saying, "Then Salinger's alma mater is Berkeley, right?"

"That's for sure!" Shitou seemed unsure halfway through, "But speaking of which, I haven't seen his degree certificate from Berkeley. Maybe he is also a liar, and he deceived us all hahahaha!"

Brother Shitou laughed in the phone, and AK laughed out of the phone, tears came out, pointing to Shitou on the screen and said to Fu Cuo and Tan Si: "Your idols are too casual, just play like this Is it the mind of an ignorant teenager?!"

This incident had a certain impact on the hearts of Fu Cuo and Tan Si. Originally, the two of them still held the beautiful vision of telling their idols that "we applied for the CTR Conservatory of Music because of you", but they did not expect the inspirational story to become made a joke...

But regardless of whether CTR is Shitou's alma mater or not, it is true that its pop music major is second to none. The well-known alumni on the school wall account for almost half of the domestic musicians. After only one month of enrollment, Fu Cuo felt that his whole person was opened The school also often holds campus music activities, and amazing performances can often be heard in the streets and alleys. If Brother Shitou hadn't been deceived, maybe he and Tan Si wouldn't be standing here, standing at the top of the best music school in the country. in the school.

It’s just that the expenses are really high, the tuition is not cheap, and you have to settle the accommodation and meals yourself. Tan Si and AK rented a house together, and the rent was even cheaper than the student dormitory. Fu Cuo rented a cheap apartment by himself. The elevator is less than 30 square meters, and the location is farther than the houses of Tan Si and AK, but the rent is much cheaper. He carries his guitar to and from school, apartment, and part-time restaurant every day. The school finds a venue or goes to a familiar bar where Tan Si works and plugs in an electric to play, but he always feels that without Sui Qingchi, he can't call it West Wind, he is just taking Sui Qingchi's class.

It's only been a short month, and he misses his lead singer very much.

During the National Day holiday, the three of them had originally planned to go back to meet Sui Qingchi. They had already bought their tickets, but AK suffered from acute gastritis. Fu Cuo and Tan Si had to take turns to accompany AK in the hospital. The next morning, the situation in AK was much more stable. Fu Cuo went downstairs to buy breakfast, and sent Sui Qingchi a Wechat message to explain the situation. When he got into the elevator with his things in his hands, he received a reply from Sui Qingchi, only a "hmm", There is also a red envelope of 1,000 yuan.

He looked at the red envelope in astonishment, forgot to get off the elevator when it arrived, so the people who came after him went downstairs together, retreated to the corner and typed with one hand: We are not short of money for the time being, you keep it for yourself.

Sui Qingchi didn't reply for a while, and after a while, he directly sent a screenshot with an account balance of tens of thousands. Fu Cuo was caught off guard in the elevator and laughed out loud. Such a rough style is very cool.

Really lacking everything, except for the middle school boy who is not short of money... He stared at the screenshot, feeling a little complicated involuntarily. of it

Sui Qingchi: What did you say

Fu Cuohui: Anything is fine, for example, ask me about CTR Academy.

I thought I just wanted to talk to you, don't be so cherishing words like gold...

The elevator door opened with a "ding", Fu Cuo walked out with the flow of people, and WeChat also popped up.

— How are you doing then

He stopped, looked down at this sentence, and didn't get out of the way until a wheelchair passed by behind him.

He didn't go back to the ward right away, he took his breakfast and walked to the place where there were few people at the end of the corridor. He was already ready to talk to Sui Qingchi about the college. For this reason, he had inquired about the situation of the Vocal Music Department in advance, but was asked It was me who had a thousand words in my mind, but in the end I only sent a simple voice: Very good, how about you

In fact, he was more worried about Sui Qingchi. Although he left his hometown, he was with Tan Si AK anyway. As long as he thought of Sui Qingchi becoming a person again, he was afraid that he would come back to life again, especially when Sui Qingchi's words became more and more serious. The less, or when you obviously don't want to talk more.

The inpatient building slowly got busy in the early morning. Fu Cuo stared blankly at the young couple helping them in and out of the ward. When WeChat suddenly rang, he lowered his head and opened it. The screen lit up and saw a photo sent by Sui Qingchi. A bowl of noodles, topped with boiled peas and a fried egg, was at the noodle shop he had brought Sui Qingchi to.

Sui Qingchi: I just finished my run and I'm eating noodles. I'll talk to you after I'm done.

Fu Cuo looked at the photo and smiled. It was just a bowl of noodles, and he posed for a photo. It seemed that he was not in a bad mood.

So he can rest assured.

AK was alive and kicking after only two days of hanging in the hospital. The 1,000 yuan transferred by Sui Qingchi was used to pay part of the hospitalization fee, and there was still a lot left, so Fu Cuo saved it as the band's activity expenses. When I came back from the restaurant that day, I saw a new self-service card issuing machine when I passed the bank entrance. I thought it would be better to separate my personal account from Xifeng's account, so I applied for another bank card. When he was about to set a password, he remembered what Sui Qingchi said when he was drunk that day, his mind became hot, and he entered Sui Qingchi's birthday without even thinking about it.

Press the password twice, and then click confirm. In the bright and deserted corner of the 24-hour bank, the feeling is very strange, as if it is locked with this date in one click.

When I returned to the apartment with this new card, I realized that this card is for Xifeng. The password must be told to Tan Si and AK, and also to Sui Qingchi. Lying in the stuffy room, I feel so stupid In the end, he could only confiscate his bank card, and this card with Sui Qingchi's birthday as the password was kept for his own use.

On the second day, Fu Cuo didn’t have to go to the restaurant to work part-time. During the National Day, the CTR Conservatory of Music also had a lot of activities, and there were free performances in the auditorium every day. Whether it was pop music, rock music or classical music, Fu Cuo wanted to listen to it if he could. It was good to be with Tan Si, but in the morning Tan Si said that he was going to Xiubeisi, and the guy from AK stayed at home and slept with his head on the grounds that he was recovering from a serious illness, so he went alone.

He spent almost the whole day in the auditorium. He listened to the chamber orchestra playing Brahms in the morning and jazz in the afternoon. He only had dinner at noon and went to the library to read a book. It's dark, and it's raining heavily outside.

Fu Cuo borrowed an umbrella from the library. After getting off the bus, he ate fried rice at a restaurant at the station. It was almost nine o'clock when he arrived at the apartment. When he was collecting the umbrella downstairs, he happened to meet the senior from the next room coming downstairs. After saying hello, Fu Cuo was about to go upstairs with an umbrella, when the other party stopped him suddenly: "Oh, by the way, a handsome guy came to see you and sat outside your door waiting for you all afternoon."

Fu Cuo froze for a moment: "Looking for me?"

"That's right," the neighbor senior shrugged, "Unless you don't call Fu Cuo."

Fu Cuo was at a loss. When he turned on his phone, he didn't see anyone contacting him on WeChat. Who would sit outside his door all afternoon...

"He's a good-looking boy," said the senior while holding an umbrella, "but he's a bit withdrawn. I asked him to wait for you in such a heavy rain and he didn't care..."

Fu Cuo raised his head abruptly, thinking he couldn't do it, turned his head and ran upstairs without asking more questions.

Standing at the entrance of the corridor on the second floor, the whole corridor is only lit with a dim light in the center. Sure enough, at the end of the long balcony, someone is sitting with his head buried in the door, silently like a black cat. The floor of the corridor was wet, and it was still drifting in. The weather forecast said that the temperature would start to drop from today. As expected, there was a cool breeze on the balcony.

Fu Cuo walked towards that figure in disbelief.

The boy was wearing a large silver-gray and white three-color T-shirt. He sat outside his door with his knees bent, his head buried in his arms, and he didn't move at all, as if he was asleep.

He couldn't see his face. Fu Cuo didn't know why, but he could recognize Sui Qingchi just by looking at the part of his neck exposed from behind the collar and the arm resting on his knees.

The T-shirt Sui Qingchi was wearing was a hip-hop style, with half-length but wide cuffs. Fu Cuo thought of the wind leaking in, so he was cold for him. He put the umbrella aside, squatted down and shook him awake: "Sui Qingchi, wake up!" Awake!"

Sui Qingchi woke up with a shake, raised his head with a frown, and when he saw him, he loosened his brow again, and sighed: "You're back?"

That tired "I'm back" made Fu Cuo feel indescribably contradictory. I don't know whether to be touched by his appearance here after traveling thousands of miles, or angry at his crazy behavior of going his own way.

"Why are you here?" he asked, "Why didn't you call me?"

Sui Qingchi leaned aside for a while and stood up, and said in a flat tone, "I want to give you a surprise."

Fu Cuo also stood up, and said helplessly, "You want to scare me..."

"Really, it was really a surprise..." Sui Qingchi's eyelashes drooped, and his voice sounded a little tired. When he saw Fu Cuo's umbrella leaning against the door, he picked it up and put it under the large T-shirt. The shoulders shrank almost imperceptibly, "Take me in, I'm a little cold."

Fu opened the door by mistake and turned on the light by the door. The ceiling lamp with unstable voltage flashed twice before turning on. Sui Qingchi followed him into the room, put the umbrella aside at the door, and looked at the place. A small one-bedroom. Sui Qingchi is already as tall as Fu Cuo, but looks longer with longer arms and legs. Although this room is 28 square meters, it is spacious for one person to live in, but the space is not high enough. Fu Cuo always feels that Sui Qingchi is going in. It looks even shorter here.

He opened the closet and took out his own clothes and handed them to Sui Qingchi: "You go take a shower first."

Sui Qingchi looked down at the clothes Fu Cuo handed over, raised his hand to take it, and asked in a low voice without raising his head, "Shall I use your towel?"

Fu Cuo nodded, and Sui Qingchi turned around and went into the bathroom. Looking at his back, Fu Cuo felt that Sui Qingchi was in a low mood.

Sui Qingchi went into the bathroom for a while and Fu Cuo didn't hear the sound of water. Just wondering, he heard Sui Qingchi say from behind the door: "It seems that there is no water..."

He just remembered that when he left in the morning, he saw a water cut notice posted downstairs, saying that the water would not come until one o'clock in the morning.

"I forgot to cut off the water until early in the morning," Fu Cuo said, "You should change into my clothes first."

After rustling in the bathroom for a while, Sui Qingchi opened the door and came out, wearing his long-sleeved T-shirt and jeans. The two were about the same height, but it fit them well. Clothes, turned around and looked around: "It seems that there is no washing machine here?"

Fu Cuo stepped forward to take the clothes in his hand, and put them back in the bathroom: "Take it to the laundry room for washing tomorrow." Thinking again, "Do you have anything in your pocket?" He put his hand into the pocket of Sui Qingchi's jeans, There was nothing but a slightly wrinkled ticket. Fu Cuo was surprised to see that the time on it was 6:45 in the morning. Didn't he arrive very early

"Does the water often stop here?" Sui Qingchi asked outside.

Fu mistakenly threw the ticket and walked out: "Occasionally."

Sui Qingchi walked to his computer, pulled out the chair and sat down, leaned back on the back of the chair, gently stroking the armrest of the chair, probably because of the rain, his black hair was tangled on his forehead, and he looked a little sad.

Seeing that his hair was wet, Fu Cuo went to the bathroom and got a dry towel for him. Sui Qingchi took a look and said, what are you doing? Fu Cuo said to wipe his hair, Sui Qingchi took it listlessly, wiped it on his head twice before returning it to him, Fu Cuo looked at him in the same way, Sui Qingchi also looked up at him with a towel, With a puzzled look on his face, Fu Cuo took the towel, opened it and wrapped his head in it, and said while wiping, "I don't have any blowing wind here, so you can make do with it."

The wrap made Sui Qingchi approach Fu Cuo's chest abruptly, and the rain made the smell of washing powder on Fu Cuo's clothes stand out. He bowed his head. He followed goodness like a stream, and lowered himself as much as he could wish for.

Fu Cuo's hand wiping his hair gradually stopped, and before he knew it, Sui Qingchi's head was lowered to his chest.

He supported Sui Qingchi's head, feeling that the weight on his chest was heavier than AK's big head: "... What's wrong? Are you uncomfortable?"

"Have you... kissed before?" Sui Qingchi asked suddenly under the towel.

Fu Cuo thought he had heard it wrong, so he blushed and asked, "Who are you talking about?"

"Speaking of you," Sui Qingchi raised his head, with a sleepy expression, but his tone was ruthless, "and the girl who walked with you today." I thought to myself, even if you are dating, as long as you still If you haven't kissed her, it doesn't count for me.

Fu Cuo was stared at by Sui Qingchi, and it took him a long time to think about it. When he was going to the library at noon, a girl asked him for directions, and he took her there just as he happened to be on the way, so Sui Qingchi had arrived at school at that time

"When did you come to my school?"

Sui Qingchi had stubborn eyes and said nothing.

Fu Cuo took a deep breath: "Sui Qingchi, I haven't dated anyone. That girl is just a passer-by who asked me for directions. I don't even know her name."

The room fell silent all at once, an awkward kind of silence. Sui Qingchi relaxed her brows, raised her neck unconsciously, and the towel slipped off her head. Fu Cuo bent down to pick up the towel that fell on the floor, and patted it: "Are you stupid? It's only been a month. Which playboy fell in love with you?" so efficient?"

Sui Qingchi was dizzy at first, but at this moment, he only felt that he was in a desperate situation, and he was a little ashamed of his childish words and deeds: "Really, I think you can..."

"That's you," Fu Cuo said, "I'm not as attractive as you." He took the towel and turned back to the bathroom, but Sui Qingchi suddenly grabbed his wrist.

Sui Qingchi looked up at him: "Then have I attracted you?"

There was a distance of about one meter between the two of them, Sui Qingchi leaned slightly to grab him, and stretched his long legs in his direction intentionally. There was still a distance between the bodies, but Fu Cuo felt as if he was surrounded by Sui Qingchi's strong smell, his mouth was dry and his size was in chaos.

Sui Qingchi stared at Fu Cuo, but the other party didn't say yes or no, just stood there as if his soul had been taken away. This is the first time in his life that he likes someone so much, just because he wants to see this person, no matter how far the distance is, he can cross. He will be secretly happy, ecstatic.

"Fu Cuo," he grabbed the other person's hand and got up from the chair, "Have I attracted you?"

When Sui Qingchi got up, the chair and the floor made a low grinding sound, his voice was like a heavy bass shaking his limbs, and Fu Cuo felt as if he was being burned, until Sui Qingchi raised his hand and pressed it on his head. Afterwards, that hand was still visibly trembling, and even the movement of tilting his head to kiss her was green and clumsy.

It was the first time for Fu Cuo to be so close to Sui Qingchi. The scene of their first encounter on the bus flashed through his mind, and the melody of "Beautiful" was in his ears. The tip of his nose touched Sui Qingchi's pretty bridge of nose, seeing his long eyelashes drawn down, and seeing his eyebrows showing every detail, no matter how rational and restrained he was, he was here The ultimate beauty was defeated before...

There is an open window behind Sui Qingchi. They are on the second floor, and passersby can see them as long as they look up, but Sui Qingchi is not afraid. Fu Cuo was shocked by the lonely courage from this person, and hugged him hard. the other side.

In the distance are Guangsha buildings in the night, and the sea of lights is bright and warm. In this simple cheap apartment, Fu Cuo embraces Sui Qingchi's young and fiery body. He only feels that this is the center of the world, and there is a whole planet. heartbeat.