Gone With the Wind

Chapter 34


Although Sui Qingchi took the college entrance examination a year earlier, he was still admitted to the Vocal Music Department of CTR College with the highest score among the current freshmen. Fu Cuo heard the news from the Vocal Music Department not long after Sui Qingchi entered the school. Everywhere in the grades, the highest score this year is ridiculously high. However, it was not Sui Qingchi who spoke on behalf of the freshmen at the freshman ceremony, but the number one in the pop music department.

During the rehearsal, AK was puzzled: "Master, why don't you speak up? You are the number one! Do they discriminate against handsome people?"

Sui Qingchi hugged the guitar and lowered her head to tune the strings: "I said I have speaking phobia."

AK said "ah": "Why? My brothers have never had such an honor in their entire lives!"

Sui Qingchi twisted the strings, put down Erlang's legs, put the acoustic guitar against the chair, stood up and said to AK: "I don't want such an ecstasy honor."

AK was choked speechless by him, watched Sui Qingchi get up and walk out, and asked "Where are you going?"


"You have to put your hands in your pockets when you go to the toilet. Is there a paparazzi outside this air-raid shelter to shoot you or something!" AK pouted from behind, and finally said to Fu Cuo, "He didn't even keep it from you in the first exam. It's not enough brother."

Fu Cuo smiled: "He thinks there is no need to say it."

Tan Si also smiled at AK: "Do you think he will come here to report to the three of us after getting the highest admission score? You are the only one among the three of us who can yell so that the whole community knows. Besides, speaking out by yourself and being accepted Can people compare if people spread out of the circle?"

AK pointed at him with a drum stick: "You two are scheming boys!"

Fu Cuo looked at the entrance of the air-raid shelter. This air-raid shelter is good everywhere, but it is a bit far from the nearest toilet. They have to go to the toilet in the teaching building of AK Art School, and it takes ten minutes to go back and forth. He brought over the acoustic guitar that Sui Qingchi had tuned, and plucked it. Well, although he pretended to tune it for so long, the tone was not at all right. He shook his head and sat down to help him tune it. Put it back in place.

It's fine if Sui Qingchi didn't go to the auditorium to speak, although he seems to be a lot more mature now, but he's still a secondary school student at heart, so I don't know what troubles will happen if he is asked to speak in the auditorium. Maybe you have the speech in one hand and put it in your pocket with the other...

In fact, when he first learned that Sui Qingchi was admitted with the highest score, compared to AK’s fuss, he was not so surprised, and thought that of course it was him. When we were eating together, he asked Sui Qingchi, "I heard that you are this year's admission Highest score," Sui Qingchi drank the soup and nodded calmly, said: "It seems to be," and looked up at him again, "What's wrong?"

There is clearly a desperately suppressed expectation in his eyes, expecting him to say something about it.

He didn't know what was going on, but he could see it just like this. He didn't know whether Sui Qingchi's protective color had faded, or he had developed the super power to see through him, so he didn't need to guess again and again, so he followed along. He said, "It's really amazing."

Sui Qingchi smiled, lowered her eyes, picked up the bowl of soup, and drank it without saying a word (satisfied).

Now I occasionally hear someone in the school say, "Sui Qingchi from the Vocal Music Department has a frighteningly high admission score." That kind of pride, but this time the object of pride is no longer Sui Qingchi, who is his junior and the lead singer of Xifeng, but Sui Qingchi, the lead singer of Xifeng, who is his boyfriend.

In the year when Sui Qingchi was away, they would also go to the bar where Tan Si worked to sing on weekends. The small blackboard outside the bar initially wrote the resident band Xifeng. After Sui Qingchi came to sing once on the National Day last year, they So the band's name was changed to "West Wind-1".

Fu Cuo still remembers the scene of Sui Qingchi's return to the weekend performance. In the evening, he squatted in front of the small blackboard and erased the "-1", and heard two female guests behind him asking: "Wow, are you finally getting fit? ?”

He nodded with a smile, and wrote Sui Qingchi's name on the back of the vocal on the band list. There was a "click" sound of a mobile phone taking pictures behind him. ?”

Fu Cuo glanced at the screen of the mobile phone, and his back was also captured. He was squatting there writing the word "Chi", and smiled: "Yes."

After a year's absence, many bar guests still remember Sui Qingchi and even come here for him. When Sui Qingchi was on stage, even Fu Cuo noticed that the voice in the bar was much lower than usual. Of course, it may be because Sui Qingchi's voice is too penetrating, and it is also overwhelming in a slightly noisy environment. sexually dominant.

But the gazes staring at him cannot be faked, and the applause for him cannot be faked. He is a real person on the stage, the king under the spotlight and behind the microphone.

When he left after singing the last song that day, the girl at the first table asked him, "So you won't leave anymore?"

Sui Qingchi packed up her things and said before leaving the stage: "Yes."

The microphone was turned off, but Fu Cuo still heard his voice, so concise and firm.

As for the future, they didn't have any doubts at that time.

Sui Qingchi is studying vocal music, and the tuition fee is expensive. Fortunately, he has a full scholarship, which covers most of the tuition fee. The rest and living expenses are supported by the band's income. The good news is that Xifeng has more and more fans. The bar is often full on weekends. Originally, one session on Saturday was added to two sessions on Saturday and Sunday. The boss also likes them very much. When there are some performance opportunities nearby, he will recommend them to go there, but the cost of the Livehouse is still unaffordable. Use as much as you earn, without too much balance.

It has been three months since I came here, and Fu Cuo noticed that Sui Qingchi hadn't even bought a single piece of clothing, and the mobile phone was still the one he used in high school. Although Sui Qingchi didn't tell him anything about water, electricity and other expenses, Fu Cuo can see that Sui Qingchi has been saving expenses. It is not an easy task, even if Sui Qingchi's will is extremely firm.

Not acknowledging his father, the mother of Xiaosan who was wandering around, he took the initiative to cut off contact with them, almost impatient, and wanted to take off before his wings were full.

Fortunately, he is not alone, Fu Cuo thought to himself, starting from the resident singing in the bar, one day it will help him really take off.

Although it is easier to sing in a bar than to live on the street, they have encountered troubles. They are an original band and have always prepared their own playlists, but sometimes customers ask for songs. Once a girl insisted on ordering Tang Du's "Ashamed", Sui Qingchi stood there frowning, Fu Cuo said: "I'm sorry, we don't accept song requests for the time being." The girl was very dissatisfied: "Why, it's not that I don't give money!" Sui Qingchi was very annoyed at being treated like a singer, but after all, she had matured a lot, and her expression didn't reflect it. She just raised the microphone and said, "Yes, I'll sing a song of 100,000 yuan." It's all blue.

"No more, right?" Sui Qingchi ignored her, turned her head and nodded to them, indicating the next song.

Although the girl was very angry, she didn't turn her head and leave. When Sui Qingchi sang the next song, she booed with her two companions below.

"There are only a few songs that have been turned over and over again. I guess they can't sing Tang Du's songs."

"After all, it's difficult."

Sui Qingchi didn't pay attention at first, and didn't even look at her. When she heard the "tattered band" and "the song is ugly and the singing is ugly", she finally couldn't help it.

During the gap after the song, he suddenly sang a short part of the chorus of "Ashamed" with an octave higher pitch. The high pitch that floated across the clouds and reached the stratosphere surprised the audience. Mei, Sui Qingchi's voice does not have the deep and vicissitudes of Tang Du, but a flowing graininess, but just for that passage, it can be said that it has completely surpassed the original singing.

When it was over, he put down the microphone, looked lazily at the three girls, and said in a low voice, "I owe me a hundred thousand."

The girls were stupefied with goosebumps all over their arms.

At the end of that night, Fu Cuo apologized to the boss because of the unpleasantness between the band and the guests, but the boss waved his hands and didn't take it seriously: "It's okay, the band, who doesn't have any personality, we I’m getting older, and I envy you young people who are full of vigor.” Finally, I asked them, “Actually, you are quite mature now, don’t you want to go to Livehouse to sing?”

A few people showed blushes, it's not that they hadn't thought about it, it's just that there is no such condition yet.

Only Sui Qingchi, who had been listening but not talking before, said at this moment: "Thought about it."

That sound was abrupt in front of the three of them who were ashamed to speak, but there was also a faint sense of chic and bravery, Fu Cuo looked at Sui Qingchi who was standing with his arms on the bar counter, and thought enviously.

The boss laughed, probably seeing their predicament, and said: "If you have any needs in this regard, I may be able to help. I have a friend who runs a livehouse. I will guarantee you that you can perform first and then share it with us." he."

"Really?" AK's eyes glowed with excitement, "Wow boss, you are really our benefactor!"

Although the words are a bit exaggerated, it is true. The boss has been helping them for a year here. Fu Cuo said "thank you" very seriously, and the boss patted him on the shoulder.

They chatted with the boss very late that day. The boss's surname is Yao. Everyone used to call him the youngest. He shook his head and laughed at himself: "The old guys in the band still call me the youngest at 41. I can't stand them..."

The boss belongs to the group of people who played bands earlier in China, and he also chatted with them about when he formed his own band: "There was no Internet before, it was a real underground rock, and none of the bands I knew at the time left In the end, when you reach the age when you want to get married and have children, everyone will be separated. After all, you have to eat. Do you feel pessimistic when I say that... "

Fu Cuo doesn't know what other people think, but he does have something in his heart. It's not so much pessimism as panic. He has always had a lot of confusion and uncertainty in his heart, and he has been oscillating between firmness and confusion. He just happened to be told bingo.

The boss smoked a cigarette, poured wine for each of them, and continued: "There is no need to be pessimistic. Look at our band. Only the bass player has really formed a band with me from the beginning, but the other three old guys We have been together for a long time, although we are married and have children, the band can only play in our spare time, we can’t take it seriously, but our friendship will always be there, we often sit down and talk about our youth, which is also very interesting,” said the eyes They all laughed, "I've never regretted it. If you start a band, you'll know when the time comes. No matter how poor you end up, you won't regret it."

This sentence, as well as the look in the eyes of the boss when he spoke, had supported Fu Cuo for a long time, and he still remembered it many years later, but it was no longer his support. He may not be able to figure it out until he dies, and wants to ask: Is this true? Does every band in the world think this way? Are they the only exceptions

When they left the bar that night, the subway was closed, and Tan Si said that it was only a bridge away, so let's walk back.

After I walked up it, I realized that the bridge was so long. After walking for a long time, I still couldn’t see the end. Like the bridge, I couldn’t see the end. The words in AK’s stomach seemed to be endless:

"Hey, do you think we will fail to make a band in the future, like the boss, some old men will set up a bar in the future, reminiscing about the past?"

Tan Si said: "Forty-one years old can't be called an old man."

"Isn't this relative... relative to the young master's age?"

"Don't call me young master in the future." Sui Qingchi, who hadn't participated in the conversation, said suddenly.

"Ah?" AK blinked, "Don't call the young master call you the master?"

Sui Qingchi glanced at him impatiently.

Tan Si said, "You can call him Lord if you want."

AK stared harder than Sui Qingchi, and finally said to himself: "But to be honest, if Xifeng really doesn't succeed, I think it's okay to be like a boss when he gets old."

Fu Cuo was a little surprised. He thought that AK was the most persistent towards the band. He didn't expect that he would suddenly become open-minded after hearing what the boss said.

Even Sui Qingchi raised his eyebrows and said, "I can't see it, you."

"Of course it's a last resort," AK said, "Anyway, as long as we brothers are still together!"

Fu Cuo smiled: "Your request is too low."

They walked for nearly forty minutes that day to finish the bridge. When they got off the bridge, Sui Qingchi looked around, and Fu Cuo asked him what he was looking for.

"Are there any piano repairers around here?" Sui Qingchi asked him.

"The guitar is broken?" Fu Cuo asked.

"Well, the bridge of the piano has come off the glue."

Tan Si said: "That acoustic guitar is quite old. I remember it was a plywood guitar. I bought it together for the sake of cheapness. It is better to replace it with a veneer for durability."

Fu Cuo nodded. He and Tan Si bought that guitar together when they were in high school. It is a miracle that it can be used for so many years. Sometimes Sui Qingchi didn't loosen the strings after playing, which would cause the piano board to be pulled up over time.

Sui Qingchi seemed a little hesitant, and AK shrugged at the side: "Buy a new one, it can't be repaired like that if you are old, musical instruments are what you pay for, and besides, you are not short of money."

Fu Cuo knew what Sui Qingchi was hesitating about. He was no longer the young master who could transfer thousands of dollars to the band for emergency.

"I'll come with you to take a look later," he said.

Sui Qingchi nodded.