Gone With the Wind

Chapter 42


Fu Cuo lowered his head and memorized the score, playing and revising with Tan Si, finally satisfied with the final arrangement plan, thinking about adding the acoustic guitar after Sui Qingchi came, and reuniting, but before Sui Qingchi came, Wait for AK to come.

As soon as AK came in, he saw the kettle on the ground. It was an extra-large travel kettle. Tan Si brought it with him every time he rehearsed. You didn’t need to look inside to know that it was hot tea: “Isn’t there water? What kind of water did the guy say he wanted to buy?” ?”

"Who?" Fu Cuo raised his head and asked.

"Sui Qingchi," AK lowered his head and took off the messenger bag and hung it on the chair, "When I came, I saw that he didn't come in from the station outside, and said he was going to buy water."

Fu Cuo frowned, a little puzzled.

"Is the song finished?" AK asked enthusiastically after sitting down.

Tan Si threw the mobile phone to AK, and he used the mobile phone to record when the two got together just now.

"This one?" AK clicked on the audio, shaking his head while listening, "Wow, it's ok... Is there an acoustic guitar here?"

The accompaniment of this song is basically completed by the fixed accompaniment of acoustic guitar, electric guitar, and bass. The acoustic guitar uses the simplest chords as a foundation, the electric guitar keeps repeating the main phrase of the whole song, and the bass is hidden under the electric guitar. Like the echo of the electric guitar, the drumbeat enters in the second verse, both are very simple, but the simpler it is, the more it can highlight Sui Qingchi's voice. In fact, when he was doing the demo, he also thought about adding piano and electronic music, but there is no way to use it live, but it doesn't matter, as long as Sui Qingchi is enough.

After hearing this, AK was full of praise: "Brother Cuo, I really admire you so much, you are the Salinger of our band!"

Fu Cuo doesn’t think he can compare with idols at all. Salinger is a person who is proficient in various musical instruments. In addition to guitar, bass, and drums, there are so many pianos, strings, and even wind instruments in his arrangements. It's not comparable to my own three-legged cat kung fu.

"Thank you," he put down the electric guitar, "please don't say such things in front of outsiders from now on."

"There's nothing you can't say. Salinger is only strong because he has a degree from Berkeley. If you can go, you won't be worse than him!"

Fu Cuo squatted on the ground to tune the speaker, but didn't speak after listening.

AK walked to the drum set and sat down, and picked up the drum with a ping-pong-pong.

Tan Si watched Fu Cuo adjusted the volume and stood up. Amidst the noise of AK drumming, he couldn't help saying, "Fu Cuo, Director Huang..."

He stopped before he finished speaking, Fu Cuo was puzzled, turned his head following Tan Si's gaze, and saw Sui Qingchi walking in from the tunnel entrance with his head bowed.

"I'll go! Young master, why do you walk like a cat, can you make some noise?" AK lifted the drum and looked up, and saw Sui Qingchi appearing expressionlessly at the door straddling the guitar bag, and said while clutching his heart.

Sui Qingchi walked in without saying a word, threw the mineral water to AK and Tan Si, Tan Si said "thank you", AK went to pick it up with a drumstick in his hand, almost dropped it, and complained "You Can you be gentle, throw a grenade in the air-raid shelter..."

With the last bottle of water left in his hand, Sui Qingchi hesitated, walked over and reached out to give it to Fu Cuo, then put down the guitar bag, sat down on the chair, glanced at Fu Cuo and Tan Si, and said, "Just now What did you say? Why didn't I say anything when I came in?"

Tan Si didn't want to cause trouble, so he pretended nothing happened and said "nothing".

Fu Cuo put down the mineral water, separated the score, and said to Sui Qingchi: "I just finished the arrangement, this time I want to add an acoustic guitar, you can try playing and singing."

Sui Qingchi leaned over and opened the guitar bag, looked up at him, with an imperceptible haze in his expression: "Didn't you finish the arrangement last night?"

Fu Cuo was taken aback by his question. He told him so yesterday, because Sui Qingchi went out for a long time alone in the cold night in order to give him space. At that time, he didn't think much about it, so he just said that Li: "Yesterday, there were still some places I didn't dig out well..."

"Okay," Sui Qingchi interrupted him, seemed a little irritable, frowned, then reluctantly let go, and said, "Give me the guitar score."

Fu Cuo handed the score of the acoustic guitar to Sui Qingchi, Sui Qingchi took it over, looked down, and frowned again.

"Is there a problem?" Fu asked wrongly.

"No," Sui Qingchi put the score aside. The guitar score is not difficult to memorize. He memorized it after reading it once, but he unconsciously exerted a little force when he put it down casually, and the score fell from the chair to the ground He was not in the mood to pick it up, so Tan Si bent down to pick it up and put it away. Out of the corner of Sui Qingchi's eyes, he saw Tan Si put the sheet music on the empty chair. When Tan Si got up, he picked up his bottle of mineral water and put it there. Stack on the sheet music.

There was no performance that day, it was just a routine rehearsal. Fu Cuo felt that Sui Qingchi was still a little weak. After all, he had to take care of the guitar, and he was annoyed after playing the wrong one. After the third time he made a mistake in the same place, he even cursed "* ", even AK was taken aback, and said: "It's not so young master, it's your first time playing, there's no need to be so irritable."

Tan Si also said, "Take your time."

Fu Cuo didn't say anything, took the guitar sheet music, and wondered if it was too difficult for Sui Qingchi to write the acoustic guitar part.

After the rehearsal, the four of them went to have dinner together. Fu Cuo noticed that Sui Qingchi had nothing to say throughout the whole process, so he just left the table early to help them settle the bill, then patted him on the shoulder and said, "I'll wait outside. You", walked out by yourself.

He might still be brooding over the fact that he dragged everyone down. Fu Cuo turned his head and looked outside the restaurant. Sui Qingchi, who was wearing a red sweater, walked to the side of the road and put his hands in his pockets, looking like he was about to Smoking, ended up just taking out a piece of gum and chewing it in his mouth.

On the way back, Fu Cuo remembered that the roll paper and soap at home were almost used up, so he said to Sui Qingchi, "Let's go to the supermarket."

Sui Qingchi nodded absently.

At the fork in the road, when Fu Cuo walked in the direction of the zebra crossing, Sui Qingchi asked in astonishment, "Where are you going?"

"Supermarket." Fu Cuo didn't know whether to laugh or cry.

Sui Qingchi let out an "oh".

The two went to the nearby Wal-Mart together. Fu Cuo put some daily necessities in the shopping cart. He didn't remember if there was anything else missing at home, so he asked, "What else should I buy?" , I didn’t see Sui Qingchi behind me, so I turned back wonderingly, only to see Sui Qingchi at the trolley case shop, a young man in an eye-catching red sweater stood there motionless, like a fashion store model in the wrong place.

He walked over pushing the shopping cart and asked, "What's the matter, do you want to buy this?"

Sui Qingchi saw him, smiled lightly, and said, "This one is too small and ugly, I'll buy a bigger one."

Fu Cuo couldn't figure out what he was thinking: "Want to travel?"

"Well," Sui Qingchi took the cart in his hand, pushed it forward by himself, the corners of his mouth curled up, "buy one that can fit you in."

The tone was light and playful, and Fu Cuo thought he was joking, but he didn't expect that Sui Qingchi really brought back a trolley case the next day.

At that time, he was eating instant noodles on the sofa, when the door opened, Sui Qingchi came in wearing a knee-length dark blue woolen coat and carrying a silver trolley case, which made him a little dumbfounded.

Sui Qingchi stood the trolley case by the door, walked in, took off the expensive overcoat that looked brand new at first glance, threw it on the bed, walked to the kitchen counter, and asked, "Is there any flour left?"

Fu Cuo got up and helped him take a bag of instant noodles and put them in a bowl, and asked, "Why did you buy these?" It's spring, isn't it hot to come back in that suit

Sui Qingchi plugged in the electric kettle, stood leaning against the kitchen counter, and asked, "Does it look good?"

When he spoke, he raised his eyebrows slightly. For a moment, Fu Cuo couldn't figure out whether he was asking whether he looked good or that dress. He looked back at the coat thrown on the bed. The coat looked very expensive, with crisp fabric and a hem. But elegant, regardless of seasonal factors, the scene where Sui Qingchi walked in wearing that dress was like taking a pictorial for a magazine: "Good-looking is good-looking..."

"Just look good." Sui Qingchi nodded, and took the seasoning packet from Fu Cuo.

Fu Cuo glanced at the silver trolley case by the door again, and said, "I have the case at home."

The sound of "home" made Sui Qingchi's heart tremble a bit, the hand that tore the seasoning packet paused, he lowered his head and rolled his throat, and said, "It's too small, it's not enough to hold."

"Where do you want to travel?" They have only been back for a month, and it is long before the holiday.

Sui Qingchi looked up at him, and asked calmly, "Is there anywhere you want to go?"

Fu Cuo didn't know how to answer, he didn't want to travel anywhere, but if Sui Qingchi wanted to go somewhere, he was willing to accompany him: "I'll do whatever you want."

When he spoke, he smiled as gently as water, and the water in the kettle gurgled behind him. Sui Qingchi felt like a hot spring in his heart. The water flowed through his limbs, and he knew whether he was warm or not. He wanted to say did Tan Si know? When are you going to tell me? Or are you afraid to tell me because I'm too unpredictable to make you feel safe

Fu Cuo waited for Sui Qingchi to say a place name, any place is good, at this time the electric kettle made a "click", and Sui Qingchi lowered his head to lift the kettle, and slowly poured boiling water into the bowl, melting the seasoning packet, he lowered his head I moved my head and moved the corner of my mouth, and said: "I am an impulsive person, you know, sometimes after watching a movie or listening to a song, I will want to buy something, don't think too much." Put the kettle back, He looked over Fu Cuo's shoulder, looked at the overcoat on the bed, and raised his chin, "The clothes are fine, after the box, they will be used anyway in the future, so it's not a waste."

"So you bought these because you wanted to travel?" Fu Cuo became more and more confused.

Sui Qingchi covered the noodle bowl with a lid, put both hands on the kitchen counter, stared down at the bowl of noodles, and said, "I don't want to go anywhere now."

I just want to eat enough, wear warm clothes, and love enough.

That night, Fu Cuo suffered from insomnia. He closed his eyes for a long time and couldn't fall asleep, so he opened them again and looked sideways at Sui Qingchi beside him. But lying down, he knew that Sui Qingchi was not asleep, because Sui Qingchi did not look like this when he fell asleep, either with his legs pressed against his legs, or with his arms around his waist.

I want to call him, but think about it or forget it, maybe I will soon fall asleep.

People in love will gradually become like each other. He doesn't know if it's true, but since when, he seems to be more and more like Sui Qingchi, becoming sensitive and suspicious, sensitive to Sui Qingchi's every move , Suspicious of every change in his mood, as long as Sui Qingchi behaves wrongly, he will look for clues that something is wrong with him like a headless chicken. Sui Qingchi doesn't like to express, but he often posts on Weibo, he feels confused When he was in a mood, he would flip through his Weibo to see what he liked, what he retweeted, what song he was listening to, what the lyrics were...

Sui Qingchi hasn't posted on Weibo for a long time, and he didn't like it. Today, he posted a song he was listening to on Weibo, which is "Don't go away" by Oasis.

Fu Cuo also added this song to his playlist. He listened to it while pulling the handrail in the subway, eating noodles in a noodle shop, but he still didn’t know anything. It was like looking at a lake below through the clouds. You can see the sparkling light, but you can't see the turbulent dark tide.

Maybe it doesn't make any sense at all, Sui Qingchi likes Oasis, it's not like he doesn't know. He also once got into a fight with someone who laughed at Oasis for being unqualified because of this, and came back with a head full of blood, and shaved his head for the stitches.

It's funny to think of this, and even staring at the back of Sui Qingchi's head didn't feel that he was sulking anymore, remembering the month when he just finished stitching, his head was covered with bruises, and Sui Qingchi's hair was very soft, so he touched it with his hand. Like a thriving piece of short dog fur, thinking so, he closed his eyes happily.

The next morning Sui Qingchi had no class, Fu got up by mistake, Sui Qingchi's hand was still on his waist, every morning he would wake up Sui Qingchi when he put Sui Qingchi's hand back, not today. Except, just after lifting it, Sui Qingchi let go of his hand.

Fu Cuo got out of bed, came out of the bathroom after washing, and saw that Sui Qingchi, who had been sleeping by the bed before, was already lying on his stomach in the middle of the bed. He was only wearing a gray vest, with his arms pressed out of the quilt, and his sleeping position was quite domineering. Because he didn't want to wake him up, Sui Qingchi opened the refrigerator without opening the curtains. There was still the last cup of yogurt and the last egg left in the refrigerator. Why did I forget to buy these when I went to the supermarket yesterday. He shook his head, didn't take the yogurt, took out the eggs, put them in the egg cooker, and walked out the door by himself.

When he entered the subway station, someone patted him on the back, it was the brother from the room next door.

"See if you were listening to the song and didn't call you." The senior brother walked to him.

"It's okay, I only hung up on one side." Fu Cuo said with a smile.

The two got on the subway while chatting, and the senior brother asked, "Sui Qingchi has no class today?"

"He is in the afternoon." Fu Cuo said.

The senior brother nodded, the carriage closed, and when the train started, he couldn't help but said: "There is something I think I should tell you."

"What's the matter?" Fu Cuo became nervous when he saw the familiar constipated expression of the other party, for fear that he was going to introduce someone to him again.

"Let me ask first," the brother said, "Have you decided to go to Berkeley?"

Fu Cuo froze for a moment: "... how do you know?"

"Old Huang called you to the office that day, and everyone guessed it. There are only two places, and one of them is probably for you." The brother said, "Actually, I met Sui Qingchi at the art school that day. , You haven't told him about it yet, but I accidentally missed it. I think he seems very unhappy like that, so there's nothing wrong with it... "

After hearing this, Fu Cuo stared at him with astonishment on his face. When the announcement of the train's arrival sounded, he was dazed and said, "...are you telling him that I'm going to Berkeley?"

"Yeah," the senior brother felt ashamed, "I thought you had already said it, and I didn't think much about it..."

The door on the left side opened, and a girl behind him patted Fu Cuo on the back: "Please give way..."

The opposite train roared into the station, but Fu Cuo didn't give way, but said "Brother, let me go back" to the senior, turned around and hurriedly squeezed out of the train from the crowded passengers.

The senior brother was puzzled, he stretched his neck and shouted out the door: "Aren't you going to school?"

The car door slammed shut his shout inside, and he watched the young man with the guitar bag pass through the sardine-like crowd, and slid in sideways before the door of the opposite train closed, the door was just in front of He closed it behind him, making him sweat a little.

There are usually not many people on the train in this direction in the morning, and the passengers are all sitting in the vacant seats. In the whole train, only Fu Cuo is standing at the door, holding the handrail, watching the train shuttle through the dark tunnel.

The silver trolley case was for him, as was the dark blue full fur coat, because the guy thought Boston would be colder in the winter than it was here.

My heart is like mixed tastes.

I rushed back to the apartment, and before I opened the door when I went upstairs, I heard the sound of an acoustic guitar coming from behind the door. It's not even eight o'clock yet, unexpectedly Sui Qingchi has already woken up, he is practicing the song "You Come to the Ferris Wheel with Puzzled Style". Sui Qingchi learned the guitar from him, and he doesn't play it very well. This song has more accompaniment on the acoustic guitar than the electric guitar, and he needs to play and sing. Fu Cuo is a little annoyed. Qing Chi is really a bit reluctant.

Standing outside the door, he heard that Sui Qingchi flicked the wrong place, and there was a lot of silence behind the door, it didn't take so long to replay it, it was the many seconds when Sui Qingchi scolded himself. After a while he played the bar again, this time more slowly, without repeating his mistakes.

With a soreness in his throat, Fu Cuo took out the key and opened the door.

Sui Qingchi was wearing a large black hooded sweater, nestled on the sofa, holding the acoustic guitar in his arms, looked up and saw him, a little surprised, sat up a little, and asked:

"Did you forget something?"

Fu Cuo looked at him. In fact, he didn't have to come back. He just called and sent a message and said, "You made a mistake, I won't go to Berkeley." But he really didn't expect, never expected that such a small misunderstanding, such a ridiculous oolong, that Sui Qingchi had already spent thousands of dollars on it, which was obviously nothing, would suddenly be made so serious by him …

He walked in, closed the door gently behind him, took off his guitar bag and stood it by the door, saying:

"I'm not going anywhere."

The room suddenly fell silent, Sui Qingchi froze, staring at him with wide eyes.

"There is no such thing as I want to go to Berkeley for further study," Fu Cuo said, "Director Huang recommended me a place, but I refused at that time. So I don't think it's necessary to tell you."

Sui Qingchi who was on the sofa turned her back and left the sofa completely, and was asked, "You refused? Why did you refuse?"

"There is no reason, I never thought about going." Fu Cuo said, "What will you do if I leave, what will you do with West Wind?"

Sui Qingchi stared at him in disbelief, threw the guitar aside and stood up: "Fu Cuo, are you fucking stupid?! Do you know how rare this kind of opportunity is?!"

"No matter how rare it is, I can't be so selfish. What will you do if I leave, what will you do with West Wind?"

"It's only a year, I can wait for you for a year, AK Tan Si can also, what's the big deal?!" Sui Qingchi roared in a deep voice, and he stared at Fu Cuo, "When did this happen? Already Have you decided on a good candidate? Is there any chance to save him?"

Fu Cuo took a deep breath: "Sui Qingchi, it's not as simple as you think, and the opportunity is rare, so you just don't want to go, as for the others, they just wait, it's not that simple... Besides, it's not that easy to go abroad to study. Such an easy thing."

Sui Qingchi looked at him and asked: "... Is it because of money?"

Fu Cuo didn't answer. Money is indeed one aspect. Although the tuition fees for advanced studies are borne by CTR College for them, the living expenses for studying in the United States for one year are not small. There is no student apartment for advanced courses, and the rent of the house alone is very difficult for him now. At first glance, it seems like a pie in the sky, but after thinking about it, it is clear that it is not an option for him at all.

"As long as you want to go, I'll find a way with the money." Sui Qingchi said.

Fu Cuo knew that he would say this, and also guessed the decision he made at the cost of pride when he said this sentence: "Sui Qingchi, you were quite rich when I met you, but now you and I Similarly, I don’t have much money in my pocket, so please don’t pretend to be a rich young master.” He said, “I may not have told you, but in fact, I prefer you who have no money now.”

Sui Qingchi looked a little startled.

Fu Cuo said: "I never thought of going to study by myself at all, leaving you here to wait for me, Xifeng has finally improved, let me go at this time, would you do this if it were you?"

Sui Qingchi kept her mouth shut and did not speak.

Fu Cuo said: "You can't either."

The room was quiet for a while, and the tense tension finally dissipated. Sui Qingchi silently helped up the acoustic guitar lying face down on the sofa, and put the neck down. He said at the beginning that he should treat this guitar well. Yes, he was really helpless for such a self.

"You think I'm glad you stayed?" he whispered.

"Aren't you happy?" Fu Cuo said, "Then what are you listening to Don't go away?"

Sui Qingchi looked up suddenly, like a young man who was caught off guard and his thoughts were exposed, his expression was too embarrassing to hide.

The room was so quiet, but not so quiet, Fu Cuo could still hear the song reverberating fiercely in his ears.

So don't go away

Say what you say

But say you'll stay

Forever and a day...

Immediately of my life

Cos I need more time

Yes I need more time

Just to make things right

Sui Qingchi never expected that he had pretended to be considerate for so long, but was betrayed by a song, and those righteous words before suddenly seemed so weak, so ridiculous.

But he decided to embrace the embarrassment, anyway, Fu Cuo saw through everything.

Walking towards the entrance with bare feet, the room is not big, two boys over 1.8 meters, it only takes a few steps to get close to each other, and it only takes a deep breath to smell each other's scent.

Fu Cuo watched Sui Qingchi walk in front of him. The black sweater Sui Qingchi was wearing was big and loose, which gave him the illusion that this person would hug him gently. The warm black enveloped him suddenly, and only then did he feel the strength from the twenty-year-old Sui Qingchi's body.

It's the kind of youthful and enthusiastic hormone, but it's something that the same young self doesn't have.

Sui Qingchi hugged the person in his arms hard, he was really embarrassed, but how grateful he was, thanked this person for seeing through him, he was actually extremely selfish, he said that the opportunity was rare, why didn't you go, you are It's not stupid, it's all fake.

How much I wish I could become that false self, but for the rest of my life, it may be an extravagant wish.