Gone With the Wind

Chapter 52


This matter was not decided on the spot. Afterwards, Fu Cuo asked Tan Si what he thought.

"I just want to give Xifeng a bigger stage." Tan Si drove the car. In the night, the traffic was a little congested, and he walked slowly along the bridge. Chi Chi, but you deserve a bigger stage."

Fu Cuo shook his head and said, "I'm not that worthy."

"You deserve it." Tan Si nodded.

"actually… "

"Is it because of Sui Qingchi that you don't want to participate?" Tan Si interrupted him.

Fu Cuo turned his head to look at the people around him, Tan Si turned his head and looked at him with a smile, Fu Cuo took a deep breath, as expected, he couldn't hide anything from this person.

Tan Si said: "It was because of Sui Qingchi that I wanted Xifeng to participate. We were too young at that time, and people would make a lot of mistakes when they were young, immature, impulsive, and speechless. But I think everyone deserves a chance to correct their mistakes, and you should give him a chance, give yourself a chance, and give us a chance."

Fu Cuo looked ahead, and the red taillights flashed on the bridge, like police lights, which was also the color of support at Sui Qingchi's concert. It is a dangerous and charming color.

The company also supports their participation. During the meeting, Peng Shuai said: "Our company is incomparable with those big companies. Maybe we don't have much resources for you. I also think this is an opportunity. As long as you decide to participate, the company will definitely support you. "

Fu Cuo didn't know whether he was persuaded by Tan Sihe and the company, or deep down in his heart, he was actually eager to see Sui Qingchi again. After three years, everyone has matured a lot. He wondered if they really wanted to see Sui Qingchi again. I was too young and too easy to go to extremes, which made things so tragic. Now I can finally calm down and explain all the contradictions clearly.

In the eyes of the public, maybe Sui Qingchi's label is still the second in middle school, arrogant, frivolous and arrogant, but after all, he has been in the entertainment industry for three years, and his experience in these three years may be more than the four of them combined , he may be more cynical, but he must have grown a lot.

There's no reason they're still the same. He suppressed all anxiety and told himself this.

Xifeng participated in "Band Frenzy", and Sui Qingchi was one of the three star judges of "Band Frenzy". Since the audition, they have encountered a lot of trouble, not from the program group or other bands, but from Sui Qing Chi's fans, Fu Cuo and Tan Si have long been mentally prepared, but AK and Fan Fan are not tolerable. Fan Fan responded to Sui Qingchi's fans at the beginning, saying Qing Chi brother, but he didn't let it go. The voice of laughing at his imitation subdued, and then he probably couldn't take it anymore, and simply quarreled with Sui Qingchi's fans.

"How about my singing skills? I accept any comments from Brother Qingchi, but it's really not up to you to comment! Who do you think I am? I've become a fan of a genius and think I'm a genius too?"

This Weibo post was posted in the early hours of the morning, probably thinking that the rest of the band would not notice if they were asleep. Unexpectedly, Fu Cuo was not asleep, so he just came across this, and immediately sent Fan Fan a WeChat message: Delete the Weibo.

Fan Fan: They are so disgusting! My Weibo is not too much! I won't delete it!

Fu mistakenly flipped through that Weibo, and it had been captured by Sui Qingchi's fan screenshots, and it was useless to delete it. He rubbed his brows and said to the WeChat channel: "Keep this one, don't do it again in the future." Messed up."

Fan Fan still refused to accept, gritted his teeth and held back his anger in the voice and said: Captain, I don't think rock and roll people should be so cowardly!

Fu Cuo: Does offending the judges mean you don't want to be discouraged

Fan Fan: I'm not scolding Brother Qingchi, but his fans! I don't understand, fans' grievances are the same thing, they are both the lead singer of Xifeng, so they must treat me like this? !

Fu Cuo looked at this sentence and didn't know what expression to use. He thought for a long time, and finally said: "Fan Fan, I know you like Sui Qingchi very much, but he is no longer the lead singer of Xifeng. Don't always think that he and Xifeng What is the relationship? I told you that we are not enemies, and we have no deep hatred, but after all, we have different ideas and parted ways. We have not contacted each other for three years, and we have not even had mutual relations. To be clear, we are strangers now. His It is normal for fans to do anything to us, it is impossible for him to come out and uphold justice for you."

This voice was sent out for a long time, but Fan Fan never replied.

Fu Cuo put down his phone and wondered if his words hurt him. Fan Fan has been calling Sui Qingchi Brother Qingchi on various occasions. He is a very naive kid. As for the fan psychology, as a fan, I especially hope that one day I can get a response from my idol, knowing that he is on my side, there is nothing wrong with it, but this will only make others feel that Xifeng is seeking relationships, and the world is more complicated than they imagined. Too much.

Of course, these are nothing, the day after tomorrow is the first day of the primary election, for him, the pressure of facing Sui Qingchi's fans is far lower than facing Sui Qingchi himself.

In addition to Sui Qingchi, there are two other judges, one is a representative of early domestic bands, the old guitarist of Totem Band, and the other is Sasha, an overseas Chinese indie rock musician. The combination of these three people is obviously to evaluate the band from the musician's ability, creative ability and singing ability. Maybe Sui Qingchi will not be satisfied with Fan Fan's singing skills, but at least don't let Sui Qingchi comment on his performance ability , Fu Cuo thought mockingly to himself.

The next day, Weibo reposted pictures and videos of Sui Qingchi arriving at the airport in City S. Sui Qingchi was wearing a reflective black hooded sweatshirt, a gray T-shirt, sunglasses, and earphones around his neck, surrounded by bodyguards. Surrounded by crowds, fans screamed loudly with their mobile phones in the video, the scene was once very chaotic, the fans who took the video were crowded and dangling, Sui Qingchi didn't stay in the camera of his mobile phone for a few seconds.

It seems that there was a commotion at the airport that day, and many fans fell down in the crowd, which aroused heated discussions on Weibo.

——Whether Sui Qingchi has never been to City S or what, see if these fans are going crazy!

- He seems to have never been to S City...

—Going to check, I really haven’t been here, there is no city S in the five cities that started singing, and they said they will come again next year.

——Sui Qingchi's fans are really a cancer in the circle, they are so unqualified to pick up the plane back and forth!

—Among the fans in the fan circle, Sui Qingchi's fans are definitely the most superior. They look down on this every day and look down on that. I think they have the lowest quality in the fan circle!

—Because Sui Qingchi is not an idol, the way he is a singer, fans innately feel that he is higher than his idol, and he looks better than his idol, which is enough for them to embarrass.

—And Sui Qingchi is very proud, which idol dares to be as proud as him? I met Sui Qingchi for work reasons. He is not playing big names, but he is very arrogant. Sitting with him makes you feel overwhelmed. It is very uncomfortable. It is really not enough to be a superstar, and you already have a superstar aura field! Moreover, his manager is super abnormal. In the outline, only music-related questions are allowed, and everything else is crossed out. Our fashion magazine is not professional in music, how many music-related questions can we ask him

—What kind of rumors are you making? I asked about the concept of love before, and he answered them all.

—That was when we first debuted, now you can ask him another question

—Be proud of your favor, be proud of your talent.

—The fans chased downstairs of the hotel, it was so noisy!

— Upstairs was in a hotel with Sui Qingchi, a rich man!

—Marriott, it has exploded on the Internet~

Fu turned off Weibo by mistake, and stood by the window, from which he could see a corner of the Marriott Hotel building. The hotel where Sui Qingchi stayed was exposed, not because of fans chasing cars, but because he himself took a photo in front of the window of the hotel suite, which was a Ferris wheel, and was quickly picked out of the hotel location.

The photo of the ferris wheel has been deleted, and he can imagine how irritable Sui Qingchi was when he deleted the photo.

But maybe...

It's been three years, and he's really not so sure...

Rich man, Marriott, is this the life you want

The audition for "Band Frenzy" is initially screened through the performance videos that the bands submitted to the organizer when they signed up. The 100 selected bands will conduct the first on-site selection at the Cultural Center of S City. On the first day, dozens of bands came to the scene, from all over the country, and even overseas bands.

When they arrived at the cultural center in the company car, there was already a sea of people outside, there were bands waiting to enter, but more fans came to support. For safety reasons, vehicles cannot enter the venue and can only be parked outside. After getting off the car, a group of people walked in under the instructions of the on-site staff. The passageway for the band to enter the venue was blocked by a fence. Fans crowded behind the railing. When they followed other bands and walked in, they heard fans yelling their name.

Both AK and Fan Fan were very pleasantly surprised, and they walked over to clap hands and take photos with fans with smiles on their faces.

"Fu Cuo Fu Cuo!" A fat girl wearing black-rimmed glasses stepped on the railing and shouted vigorously.

She seemed to have something to say, Fu Cuo walked towards her, the girl grabbed his sleeve, leaned closer and whispered like a machine gun: "I heard that there are three judges, be careful not to choose Sui. The light passage!"

Fu Cuo didn't even know where she got the news from. The girl pushed her glasses and looked at him seriously and urgently, and said, "I don't mean anything else, just..." Fu Cuo nodded at her and said, "I understand." ".

The girl's lenses were fogged up from sweat or tears, and she still didn't forget to say to them: "Come on! I want to see West Wind go further! To be known by more people! We will be crazy about Amway after the competition starts!"

The girl's voice was trembling with excitement, and Fu Cuo was really moved by the trill, and even a little ashamed. Since when did she gradually become content with the status quo, but the fans hoped so much for them to improve to the next level? .

At this moment they were more rock people than he was.

When queuing up to pass the security check, there was a commotion in the crowd outside the venue, and many voices shouted Sui Qingchi's name one after another.

A dark blue commercial vehicle directly drove into the arena, and AK had an eye-opening look: "Isn't it true that all vehicles are not allowed to enter the arena? Why do you have special treatment?"

Fan Fan stretched his neck and looked in that direction: "How do they know it's brother Qingchi's car?"

AK rolled his eyes: "You are stupid if you say you are stupid. These frontline fans don't know anything. They know what Sui Qingchi eats for three meals and how many times he went to the toilet!"

"Ugh!" Fan Fan rubbed his arms with a chill.

The two were still discussing passionately, but Fu Cuo was not as relaxed as his teammates. From the first time the fans yelled "Sui Qingchi", his heart began to fluctuate. Three years is still too short, it is not a time to see him again without any disturbance.

Tan Si yelled "Fu Cuo" before he came back to his senses.

"Let's go." He nodded to Tan Si.

Entering the infield, a very special arrangement has been made for the scene. There are three stages separated from each other, and the partitions around the stage are also very high. The situation inside cannot be seen from the outside. It is a bit like several independent studios. Fu Cuo didn't expect to be hit by the female fan. Three channels, red, green and yellow, were set up on the scene, and each channel corresponds to a celebrity judge. But the problem is that it is not known which channel corresponds to whom. Choose the channel you want to go to.

AK was in trouble: "Where shall we go?"

Fu Cuo looked at the red channel and said, "Go to the green one."

Fan Fan echoed: "I also think green is good, green looks safe! Red looks scary!"

Fu Cuo actually didn't know which aisle Sui Qingchi was in. He only hoped that Xifeng would not bump into him at this stage. After all, if Sui Qingchi was the only judge, both parties should be very embarrassed, and he was not sure that he would be able to behave normally in front of him. play.

The band assessment is much slower than the singer assessment, because the instrument needs to be adjusted first, and there will be five minutes of preparation time, but the star judges can veto it during the band performance. The first batch of bands to undergo the assessment soon came to a conclusion. If the light above the aisle lights up as a circle, it means they passed, and if it lights up as a cross, it means they didn't pass.

The first band to pass was the yellow channel, then the red channel, and the green channel didn't see the light on for a long time. In an hour, only two bands failed to pass the yellow channel, and the pass rate of the red channel was more than half. The green channel has only passed one band played by Dum so far.

AK was a little apprehensive, and asked Fu Cuo in a low voice: "It's over, shouldn't the choice be wrong?"

Fu Cuo knew what he meant by asking. They all wanted to avoid Sui Qingchi as much as possible. Could it be that Sui Qingchi was in the green passage? At this moment, not only did he think so, many bands also speculated quietly, because Sui Qingchi had always given people the impression that he was not easy to get in touch with, and he really seemed to be the type who would be harsh on players.

The outside public doesn't know much about Sui Qingchi's band experience, but this is no secret among underground bands. Fu Cuo also knew that it was not his own illusion. From the moment they appeared in the cultural center, Xifeng became the object of everyone's attention. The passing rate of the green channel is so low, and everyone has already decided that the judge is Sui Qingchi. You can imagine what everyone is thinking at the moment, and they may suspect that they chose the green channel because they knew Sui Qingchi was there in advance, and Sui Qingchi as Xifeng The former lead singer of , will definitely open the door for them.

There is only a wry smile left in my heart, I really can't argue with it, even jumping into the Yellow River can't wash it away.

Dumdan is a very good band. If you have to reach their level to pass the test, it is no wonder that the players in the green channel are a little bit unconfident. Soon it was Xifeng's turn. When they stood up from the stands, the whole venue suddenly fell into a subtle silence. For the first time, Fu Cuo felt a strong sense of uneasiness. Pat him on the shoulder.

Suddenly there was a few applause from the direction of the stands behind him, and gradually more people applauded and cheered. Fu Cuo turned and looked at everyone in the stands, and understood that there are people who support them, but this thing cannot be forced.

Walking into the aisle, his palms were already sweaty. Sui Qingchi probably didn't know that they were coming to participate in the competition. He didn't dare to think about what Sui Qingchi's expression would be when he suddenly saw each other again after three years. Sui Qingchi is not a person who can hide his expression, he will definitely write all his emotions clearly on his face...

The passage leading to the stage is very short, and there is a 90-degree corner in front of it. Fu Cuo wandered around and walked to the last one unknowingly. Seeing Fan Fan walking in the front with a little excitement, he took the lead to turn the corner, and the stage was just around the corner. The front unfolded, and Fu Cuo was the last to see the stage furnishings. The stage was not big, and drums, keyboards and other musical instruments were simply placed on it.

Originally walking in the front, Fan Fan, who seemed a little impatient, suddenly stopped at the entrance of the stage. AK and Tan Si also stopped. Fu Cuo was the last one to come over. Not knowing what the reaction of his teammates meant, his heart beat like a drum. Walking forward, he was also taken aback when he raised his head.

There are three judges on the opposite side of the stage. The guitarist of the Totem Band is sitting in the middle, and the assistant judges are sitting on both sides of him.

Without Sui Qingchi.

His nerves suddenly relaxed, and he was almost happy.

Pharaoh jokingly said: "What's the matter? Your expressions are so strange. There are so many bands here, and your expressions are the strangest."

Without even thinking about it, Fan Fan said, "We thought it was Sui Qingchi..."

AK rolled his eyes at Fan Fan's neck from behind.

Pharaoh asked, "Huh? Why did you think it was him? Don't you want it to be him?"

Fan Fan seemed to sense AK's white eyes, so he could only smirk and shut up.

"Is he okay, is it so scary?" Pharaoh asked the two assistant judges on the left and right, both of them laughed and said nothing, and Pharaoh said, "He chose red."

The pass rate of the red channel is actually not low. Fu Cuo really didn't expect it to be Sui Qingchi, the Sui Qingchi who would tear down others in front of the guitar shop owner and think he was right when they played wrong.

They prepared the band's new song "Fight of the Beast" for the primary selection that day. The previous tense atmosphere suddenly eased, and Fu Cuo felt that everyone in the band was very relaxed. The final decision on whether they go or not is Pharaoh, but he also discusses it with two assistant judges.

The three judges hardly discussed this time, and West Wind directly became the second band to advance in the green channel after Dum played.

"Wow, you guys..." Pharaoh leaned on the back of his chair and applauded emotionally, "It's great, I like it so much, whether it's singing, playing or singing, you are a very mature band, I actually listen to friends I’ve mentioned you guys, but I haven’t heard your songs yet, all in all it’s...very good, you deserve to go further, come on!”

This praise came a bit too unexpectedly. It was already rare luck to be able to advance. Hearing the affirmation from the seniors made Fu Cuo feel for the first time that it was right to participate in this competition.

They didn't see Sui Qingchi that day, although they knew that he was just behind the red passage, and were criticized and feared by so many bands outside, they didn't know anything.

The two-day primary election was not broadcast directly, and it will not be broadcast on the Internet until the second round is recorded in the studio. During this period, Shuai Peng received a call from the TV station, telling them to go to the studio of the STV building for a rehearsal.

The four arrived at the TV building ahead of time, but were told they had to wait another hour, because Sui Qingchi and the others were still rehearsing, Fu Cuo was stunned for a moment, Fan Fan immediately became excited, turned around and asked them with wide eyes:

"Brother Qingchi is rehearsing? Wow, are they going to perform too?"

AK told him to sit still, but Fan Fan couldn't sit still at all, he said he wanted to go out to open his voice, and he said he needed to go to the toilet, and he never came back after going to the toilet.

AK called and no one answered, he couldn't help complaining: "Where did this kid go?"

Tan Si said helplessly: "He ran to meet an idol by chance. He won't answer your call."

There was an embarrassing and helpless silence in the lounge, Fu Cuo could only take a deep breath, and stood up on his knees: "I'll take him down."

When he went out, he asked a staff member about the floor of the "Band Frenzy" rehearsal studio. He planned to go up the stairs, but when he passed the elevator, he found that the elevator had already come down. There were only three staff members waiting for the elevator, so he turned around and walked outside the elevator. After a while, the elevator door slid open with a "ding".

A lot of people came out of the elevator. Fu Zuo felt his heart skip a beat. He realized that the person walking out was obviously the artist's bodyguard and assistant. It was too late to turn around at this time. Inside the elevator, he was wearing a simple dark gray T-shirt. The tall and handsome young man in the shirt did not come out immediately.

Sui Qingchi's eyes were staring at him, but he quickly looked away, followed the assistant out of the elevator, lowered his head slightly when passing him, and even deliberately walked to one side when getting out of the elevator, but even if he let him Out of a large space, the three staff also waited for him to walk a certain distance before stepping into the elevator.

Fu Cuo felt that Sui Qingchi walked around him and left, because the air-conditioning of the central air conditioner was blocked by Sui Qingchi behind him, and a faint smell of men's perfume wafted over, and he quickly left far away. Fu Cuo numbly followed the staff into the elevator, stood at the door and turned around, reached out and pressed the door close button, watching Sui Qingchi and his party walk away.

When the elevator went up, the two female staff chatted in a low voice:

"He's very low-key, and his clothes are so simple."

"A good figure looks good in anything."

Probably because there was an outsider like him in the elevator, the two female staff talked very restrainedly.

Fu Cuo had imagined the scene of seeing Sui Qingchi again countless times, and he was always the one off stage, but he never expected that it would be such an occasion, there was no distance between the two of them, and the two of them were so embarrassed.

He still didn't have the courage to stop him, so he thought, let's talk with music.

Three days after the rehearsal, the official competition started. 50 bands and nearly 200 people were arranged to sit in the huge preparation room. They could not see the stage, but there was a TV screen in the preparation room, which would broadcast live the scene. When the TV signal was connected, everyone paid attention. Fu Cuo saw that the auditorium and media seats were full of audience. They had already stepped onto the stage during the rehearsal. The studio was very large and the stage lighting was gorgeous. The orchestra pits on both sides have everything from string instruments to wind instruments. Although it is an online talent competition, the specifications are made according to the standards of TV programs. From this issue onwards, every performance of the band will be performed live 300 public judges, 100 media judges and three star judges voted.

Right now, the judges' seats are empty, and the host is giving the opening speech. Hearing that the opening performance is performed by three star judges, the audience can't hold back their excitement, and even the contestants in the preparation room are a little excited After a while, someone said: "Pharaoh, Sasha, and Sui Qingchi, if it weren't for this show, it would be impossible for these three people to perform together."

In the preparation room, except for those sitting in the front row, most people stood up. Camera No. 1 showed the front view of the stage. Pharaoh was the first to go on stage with an electric guitar, followed by Sasha, and finally Sui Qingchi, the loudest young king.

The stage lights dimmed, and the scene was surprisingly quiet, except for the occasional cough or two from the direction of the auditorium.

The chatter of the violin department suddenly sounded, and the drums rumbled like cannons. Sui Qingchi, wearing a red motorcycle jacket, stood under the countless beams of light, and sang the first line "Put on your aint". The contestants all screamed, there was applause and whistles, and more than one person even turned their heads to look at them. This feeling that Sui Qingchi sang on stage but they were paid attention to by others was very strange, Fu Cuo could only pretend not to see it.

Pharaoh's electric guitar is not old, Sasha is not only a keyboard player, but also re-arranged this song, but Sui Qingchi is the soul and focus of this Live.

Fu Cuo stared at Sui Qingchi in the camera without blinking. He was so handsome, full of hormones and charm. If it wasn't because he was too young and lacked a sense of precipitation, he would be a real superstar.

Sui Qingchi didn't have much interaction with the audience on stage. He never relied on body language to stir up emotions. His voice was a booster. If you want to cry, you have to cry, and if you want to tremble, you have to tremble. As soon as he made a sound, he brought people to the battlefield filled with gunpowder. Just the action of pulling the microphone off the microphone stand, and the movement of walking around the microphone stand and standing with legs apart made people's blood boil. From the auditorium to the preparation room, countless people shouted and sang along. Sui Qingchi's voice kept suppressing the audience. The sense of oppressiveness filled all directions, making one's scalp tingle. After he sang the last line, people Still immersed in the embers of the flames.

The band players in the preparation room slowly sat back. After the opening performance of Burning, the competition officially began. The order of the bands on stage will be decided by the judges on the judging table. They all have a list of bands in their hands. Qingchi's expression when he looked down at the list, he must have known that Xifeng would come to "Band Frenzy" from the chance meeting outside the elevator that day, or he might have known it before that.

Sui Qingchi looked expressionless, but she didn't intend to speak either.

Pharaoh stepped over Sasha and said to Sui Qingchi: "Let's give priority to ladies."

Sui Qingchi nodded, and Sasha smiled and said, "Then I'm not welcome." She looked down at the list, and the atmosphere in the preparation room suddenly became tense, "The first band, I think we have to blow up a little bit. In the lounge, he recommended several bands that he is optimistic about, how about I blindly spy on one of them?"

The male host said, "Are you ready to spy blindly?"

Sasha raised her head and said "Okay", Pharaoh leaned over and glanced at the band she had chosen, and let out a long "Oh".

"The band you chose is—" the male host asked.

"I like a poem very much," Sasha recited with a pure American accent, "if winter es, spring be far behind?"

Everyone in the preparation room looked at them, Fu Cuo never expected their luck to be so bad.

On the screen, Sui Qingchi's expression tensed visibly to the naked eye.