Gone With the Wind

Chapter 56


Fu Cuo had a dream. In the dream, he was sitting in Tan Si's white Chevrolet. Outside the window was the deep night. Two headlights turned around on the winding mountain road. Tan Si was sitting next to him, wearing that A dark green T-shirt with a hood, driving the car silently. It was very quiet in the carriage. He called out "Tan Si" softly, but there was no sound, and Tan Si did not respond to him.

He is very familiar with the detour in front of the windshield, that is the place where the driving recorder last took pictures.

When they left the studio that night, Fan Fan disappeared alone. Tan Si drove AK and him back. Usually when he got off the car, he would always say "drive slowly" or "see you tomorrow" to Tan Si, but I didn't say anything that day. After getting off the car, Tan Si suddenly called to him, he turned his head, Tan Si looked at him, and finally said: "It's nothing, go to bed early."

He didn't go to bed early, and sat alone by the window for a long time. Wechat messages on his phone kept popping up, some from Peng Shuai, some from He Bin, he didn't want to reply, he didn't want to take a bath, he didn't want to sleep, he just wanted to sit like this. When he accidentally looked downstairs, he found that the white Chevrolet was still parked by the side of the road. His mood was indescribable. He got up and turned off the lights, only then did he see the Chevrolet Cruze driving away slowly.

It is said on the Internet that Tan Si’s car accident was caused by a racing car. He did often go racing in that area, but in fact, his speed was less than 100 at that time. In the middle of the night, there were no cars on the mountain road, only the headlights on the mountain road alone. Turn, he knew how bad Tan Si was in a bad mood, so he drove a little fast, but he didn't vent, he didn't drive like crazy, and he was still steady.

His good brother is Qiu Mingshan Rider, how could it be difficult for him at such a speed and such a curve

Near the top of the mountain, the phone rang suddenly. Tan Si looked down at the screen of the phone. Fu Cuo remembered the call record on Tan Si's phone. At 10:59 p.m., it was Miao Jingjing who called.

The bell rang for a long time before Tan Sicai answered the phone, and the girl said cheerfully:

"Brother, I watched this episode of the game, the West Wind is so good!"

The car passed a corner smoothly, and Tan Si didn't reply for a while.

"Brother Tan Si?" Miao Jingjing asked, "Is it not convenient for you to talk over there?"

Tan Si then asked why he was still awake so late.

"Is it late? Tomorrow is Sunday. I called you after watching the show!" Miao Jingjing said.

Usually it was three or four o'clock in the morning when they finished recording the program and went back. They only recorded for less than two hours that day, and Tan Si, like him, forgot about it.

More than an hour ago, they were in the lounge behind the stage, ready to pack up and leave. Everyone packed the instruments one by one in silence, only Fan Fan stood in the middle of the room, he seemed to have been beaten with a stick, suppressed it several times, and finally asked: "It's not that you told me that there is no deep hatred. Is it? Why on earth?!"

Fu Cuo lowered his head, holding the effector in his hand, and winding a bunch of connecting wires. He was most afraid of Fan Fan asking this question, because he didn't know how to answer it.

AK threw the drum stick and yelled at Fan Fan: "Wouldn't it be better for you to ask your idol?!"

There was dead silence in the rest room, Fan Fan's eyes were red, he turned and opened the door and left.

"...Did you record the next round?" Miao Jingjing asked on the phone, "How's the result?"

Tan Si seemed not to hear clearly: "... what?"

"I asked if you recorded the next game? Did you advance?"

"...you'll know when the time comes."

"Brother! Then—"

"I'm driving, hang up first."

That was the last sentence Tan Si said before he was alive, and it was also the first time he voluntarily hung up Miao Jingjing's call.

The car drove all the way to the top of the mountain. Tan Si got out of the car and leaned on the front of the car to look at the lights below the mountain. Fu Cuo and Tan Si came here once. This place has a wide view, and you can see the bridge and the Ferris wheel at the head of the bridge. Tan Si stared at the direction of the Ferris wheel for a long time, and no one knew what he was thinking at that time.

And he was trapped in the car, and he could only look at Tan Si's back from behind the windshield, and saw him just sitting like this, and then the wind picked up, and the strong wind blew up his T-shirt behind his back , he saw Tan Si bowed his head, the time was 11:32, Tan Si sent him that message at this time, he must have struggled for a long time, deleted, deleted and revised it for a long time, because his neck has been bent for a long time. Didn't lift it up.

However, he did not receive this message. He saw it on Tan Si's cell phone later. The broken screen showed that the message was not sent successfully, probably because the signal on the mountain was not good.

The first drop of rain fell on the upper right side of the windshield. Tan Si was still leaning against the front of the car, lowering his head and writing. Pulling up the hood of the T-shirt, he lowered his head and continued writing for a while, until the rain fell, and then he got up and walked around the front of the car, opened the door and got in the car.

The footage of the driving recorder recorded Tan Si's final appearance, and the rain drenched his face and shoulders.

When he got in the car, he pulled down the hood, put his hands on the steering wheel, held the mobile phone in his hand, and looked at the message for a long time. The car hadn't started for a long time. Fu Cuo couldn't help it anymore, and hugged him. Stop him: Don't drive, don't go down, you can change it again, wait a little longer!

Tan Si finally pressed send, put down the phone, and started the car.

The car lights turned on, illuminating the magnificent rain curtain ahead, and Fu Cuo held down his right hand holding the handbrake with tears in his eyes: "Don't go... please! You look at your phone again, the message hasn't been sent yet, at least wait until it does." Go out and go!!"

No matter how much he begged and begged desperately, the car still backed up a little bit and turned around. Except for the sound of rain, there was only the sound of wipers scraping, back and forth, like a pendulum. Fu Cuo could only watch the car go down the mountain road and go.

About seven or eight minutes later, Tan Si met a large truck with high beams on. Because of this light, he did not see the motorcycle that jumped out from behind the large truck in time. In order to avoid the other party, the car skidded on the slippery mountain road. Because of the high speed, he fell off the cliff.

… why

Why did all this have to happen? !

The last image he could not get out of his mind was the violent vibration, rolling, and the mobile phone hitting the windshield and falling down. When the rolling stopped, the windshield cracked into white, and the rain continued to fall , as if nothing happened.

He always wondered whether Tan Si was still alive at this time, whether he just passed out in a coma, whether he was in pain, and none of them was by his side, everyone was immersed in their own emotions, and no one People were with him, in the last moments of his life...

It was two days later that someone found the Chevrolet under the cliff. When Fu Cuo saw Tan Si again, he was packed in a cold body bag. At this time, he still strongly hoped that the person lying inside was not Tan Si, but the zipper pulled Open, the last string in my brain broke slightly.

Tan Si's belongings returned by the police included the mobile phone with a broken screen. In order to verify the identity, the mobile phone had been charged. Although the touch screen was broken, it could still be used normally. On the chair, I slowly swipe a W on the lock screen, the screen lights up, and the wallpaper is still a group photo of four people, even though the biggest ones in the group photo are AK and Fan Fan, Tan Si only occupies a small corner, very smile softly. Today's weather is cloudy, a small cloud and half of the sun are hanging on his forehead.

Wechat reminders kept popping up. He clicked on Wechat and watched the conversation between Tan Si and his friends, as if he was still alive.

Finally he turned to the message that failed to send:

—Sorry Fu Cuo, I wanted to tell you face to face, but forgive me for not being able to say anything in front of you, so I sent you this message. I'm really sorry, I'm sorry for making everything like this, watching AK get angry, watching Fan Fan leave, I should stand up and bear everything, but you will definitely say that it has nothing to do with me, you will say that the person who makes the decision is you, You are the one who hides from Fan Fan, but I don't want to see you take all the responsibility on yourself, obviously you are the one who suffers the most. If I hadn't encouraged everyone to participate in the competition, you wouldn't be willing to participate in such a talent show, and AK wouldn't be willing either, it's all because of me. I thought we would be able to get back together again, but actually I didn't expect Sui Qingchi to come back, I just knew too well that he is not just the lead singer of Xifeng to you, but how important he is to you, so I thought, let's Give Xifeng another chance, give you and him another chance. Until today, I don't know how self righteous and smart I was, and that I killed us all. On the stage, I saw your expression at that time. You don’t know how heartbroken I am. For us, it’s just that Xifeng lost and our expectations fell through. At worst, we don’t go to the Xinghe Stadium to sing. At worst, we will always be like this, but It’s more than that for you, I seem to have done the stupidest and stupidest thing. I thought it was for your own good, but it caused you misery. You can’t even find someone to talk to. I've thought about it for a long time, and I don't know how to make up for what I have caused. Now I just hope that you will stop carrying this result on yourself, and let me carry it with you. Regardless of whether Fan Fan will leave or not, no matter whether others will leave or not, I just want to tell you that I will always be by your side, and AK, at least we will always be together, no matter what happens, we can face it together.

Tears dripped on the shattered screen, fainting a little bit on the word "forever". He lowered his head and clenched his phone tightly with both hands. The elevator door at the end of the corridor opened and closed, jingling, jingling, Another sound, at this moment, he finally fully realized that no one would run out of the elevator, hug him, and say "you and me" to him again.

The funeral was very simple. Miao Jingjing, who just entered the first year of high school, came with her mother, Fan Fan, handsome Peng, and even He Bin and Loki. The body was cremated locally, and the ashes were brought back to their hometown, where they were buried in the same cemetery as Tan Si's mother. On the day of the burial, it rained heavily again. Many fans of West Wind came that day. The sound of the rain was accompanied by the sobbing of girls. Everyone would pat him on the shoulder or say "sorry" to him when they passed by. Shunchang". How much he hoped that the people standing here listening to these words would be Tan Si's future wife and children.

The rain was heavy, the sky was getting darker, people came and went, he stood there, waiting, waiting, until everyone left, Tan Si's aunt also left with Miao Jingjing, the sky was so dark Depressed, surrounded by overwhelming rain and lightning that tore dark clouds, the cemetery seemed to be empty except for him.

"... What are you still doing here?" AK's voice suddenly came from behind. It turned out that he hadn't left, or he had left and came back.

His eyes were covered with water by the rainstorm, and he said without turning his head, "You go first, let me stay with him for a while."

"Do you really want to stay with him for a while?" AK suddenly became furious, completely forgetting that this is a cemetery, and roared, "Are you fucking waiting for that scum?!"

Those two words were harsher than thunder, and what was also harsher was the shameful truth that was suddenly exposed. Fu Cuo closed his eyes overwhelmed, and clenched his hands into fists by his sides. At the most disappointing moment, AK only scolded Sui Qingchi as a traitor, and the only one who was scolded by AK as a scumbag was Song Kai who threw a chair at him. He really didn't want to hear these two words. to that person.

But what else

AK roared in the sound of rain: "Fu Cuo, I don't care what you think, I will never forgive him in this life! I will never forgive him in this life!! If you want to wait, you can wait until he comes to see Tan Si, tomorrow I will go to the crematorium too!!"

After AK left, Fu Cuo looked at the photo of Tan Si on the tombstone, and his heart was chilled by the heavy rain.

During that time, he suffered from insomnia every night. If he couldn't fall asleep, he could only take sleeping pills, because he wanted to dream of Tan Si, even in the dream, and wanted to talk to him again, and wanted to say goodbye properly. But he still couldn't dream, and he didn't know how long he had been in such a state of ignorance, whether it was a week or a month, and finally one night, he got what he wanted.

That day he dreamed of Tan Si when he was a child. It was the scene when they first met. He lay on the window and watched the cat catching the mouse vigorously. When he looked up, he saw the boy lying on the window of the opposite building. Once, he saw Tan Si with a pale face, staring at him gloomyly. He lay on the window and shouted Tan Si's name, crying and saying, don't scare me, you are not like this! He woke up yelling and yelling, and he was still afraid of the scene in the dream when he woke up. He sat on the bed, his back was wet with cold sweat, he lowered his head and propped his forehead, lingering on that nightmare, tears unconsciously Just drop down.

The proprietress of the noodle restaurant that often ate noodles told him: "That's because you miss him so much, and your friend doesn't want you to miss him so much, so he made a dream to scare you. You have to move forward."

The white noodles were scooped into the noodle soup. Fu Cuo took the hot bowl of noodles, pulled out his chopsticks and broke it open. Suddenly someone sat in the empty seat beside him. He was stunned and looked up at the strange uncle who sat next to him.

There's someone here...

My friend is sitting here...

In this way, in the end, you can only say it in your heart.

He really didn't dare to think about Tan Si anymore, for fear of dreaming about such a terrible Tan Si again, his best friend in this life, he didn't want to forget his best appearance.

For more than a month, he turned off all contact methods, and on the day he restarted, he received a WeChat message from Peng Shuai: Are you okay? If it is convenient, come to the company.

He stared at the message, knowing that what should come will always come, and it's time to face it.

When I arrived at the company, I found the door of the rehearsal room was open. I thought it was used by other singers. When I passed by with my head down, the door suddenly opened from inside. .

Fu Cuo stopped, feeling ashamed and guilty for seeing Fan Fan but just pretending not to see him.

"...I haven't been able to contact you or Brother AK for more than a month," Fan Fan said first, "But I come to rehearse every day, and I log on to Xifeng's Weibo every day to reply to fans, Explain Tan Sige's situation."

Fu Cuo didn't know this, he didn't even read Weibo: "I'm sorry..."

Fan Fan lowered his head and smiled, then shrugged: "Forget it, what's the point of saying this."

There was an unbearable silence in the passage.

In the end, it was still Fan Fan who spoke first: "If I don't say something, you won't say anything?"

Fu Cuo really didn't know what to say. If anyone was the most innocent in this matter, it would be Fan Fan. He looked towards the rehearsal room and asked, "Are you rehearsing alone?"

This is nonsense at all, isn't it

"Brother Fu Cuo, during the game you said, 'It's not them, it's us'." Fan Fan stared at him with reddened eyes, "I was very moved at that time."

Fu Cuo heard a nasal sound in his voice.

"But I don't think you think so, none of you think so."

The last sentence hit his heart hard, what else can he say? How else to explain

"sorry… "

"No need."

Fan Fan finished speaking quickly, rubbed his shoulder and left. Fu Cuo looked back, and Fan Fan's back disappeared at the corner of the corridor. These three words were probably the hardest words this twenty-three-year-old boy had ever said.

Peng Shuai invited him here just to tell him that Fan Fan was going to terminate the contract with the company.

Fu Cuo nodded calmly after listening: "Is there any place he wants to go after the contract is terminated?"

"I heard that a company that runs an idol band wanted to sign him," Peng Shuai said.

Hearing the news, he actually felt half relieved: "That's good. How much liquidated damages does he need to pay?"

Peng Shuai sighed.

Fu Cuo looked at Peng Shuai, waiting for him to speak. Tan Si left, Fan Fan left the team, and AK lost contact until now, Xifeng was like a mirror, broken over and over again, every time he tried to stick it back together, but this time it was too broken .

The band was gone, and the company naturally saw it. The last thing Fu Cuo did for Xifeng was to negotiate with the company on the terms of the termination of the contract. Peng Shuai proposed that the company intends to purchase the copyrights of all of Xifeng's songs so far. A lot of money.

"Okay, take it away."

Peng Shuai looked at him in surprise, hesitated for a while, and finally said: "The company will find a good place for these songs, you can trust me, if you plan to form a band in the future, you can take them back and sing them... "

"It's not important." He took the coat on the sofa, stood up, and left the office after saying, "Send it to me when the contract is ready."

It's over, he doesn't want to be in a band anymore.

It's all over.