Gone With the Wind

Chapter 76


Zhong Dao sat alone on the sofa in the office. When he arrived, everyone was in a meeting, and the front desk led him to this office to wait. The office is not too big, the decoration is simple, and the walls are glass walls partitioned by louvers. He sat on the sofa and waited for ten minutes, and turned on his phone in boredom.

The last episode of "The Strongest Voice on the Surface" was broadcast last night. Although the program crew cut out Sui Qingchi's last words to him, there are still many complete videos taken by netizens on the Internet. Someone picked up Sui Qingchi's words The studio was only established a few weeks ago, so there was another night of passionate discussions among netizens. Some people said that Sui Qingchi really loved him, some said that Sui Qingchi was narcissistic, some said that Sui Qingchi was messing around, and some said It was an insinuation that there was a shady scene in the program group, and people uncharacteristically did not doubt whether the program group had an shady scene, but they all agreed that Sui Qingchi's words were just irresponsible.

——I think the essence is because of the second grade. He has already made up the shady Zhongdao of the program group by himself, and then acted out a scene where you don’t praise him, I will praise him, and he is intoxicated by it. The program group has a face Black question mark.

— It’s not me who’s wrong, it’s the world, fuck the world!

——True King of the Two Heavens!

—Why is he so confident that Zhong Dao was shady? Because Zhong Dao looks like him

— There is a saying, I think Zhong Dao’s performance is also in the top three, I don’t understand why the vote is so low

——Sui Qingchi is just daring to say it, and it is thanks to him that he is Sui Qingchi. If another judge said such things, the current online public opinion would not react like this

—Another judge would never say such a thing, who has such a low EQ like him

—I actually hope that Zhong Dao will be promoted, so I have complicated feelings about Sui Qingchi. He dared to say such a thing on the show. You can say that he is a second-year student. The groups fought against each other, but the public opinion on the Internet was completely biased, and I felt a little distressed for no reason...

—Did he forget how he treated other players before, so he is the only one who is sorry for others, and others can't be sorry for him

—I think you really have too much double standards for him. You scold him for being bad to the players, and you also scold the players for being good. What do you want from him

— Wake up, Zhong Island is just a prop for his performance!

- I don't think he's acting, he's not acting at all

— Strange, why just refuse to believe what Sui Qingchi said? No matter how many problems he has, I have never seen him lie! Too many people are blinded by prejudice

—All right, I'll see if he wins Red Bell Island in three years

—He was going to form Xifeng before, but now there is no news, who knows how he will end up with this one

Zhong Dao sighed and put down his phone, Sui Tianwang's physique is really... The initial feeling was helpless, but after thinking about it again, Sui Qingchi seems to have been living in this world where everyone uses his words as lines. His life is like a drama. No one really takes what he says under the spotlight seriously. He can’t get rid of the spotlight wherever he goes. No matter how much he shouts and speaks the truth, the taste will change when he is illuminated by the spotlight. Think about it All suffocating.

After a while, the door of the meeting room opened. Through the glass wall, he could see that there were not many people in the meeting. Six or seven people filed out, and a young woman wearing glasses walked straight towards the office.

After the door opened, Zhong Dao got up from the sofa.

"Hello, I'm Luo Xue, sit down and don't be restrained."

After Luo Xue came in, she closed the partition shutters, took a tablet from the desk, walked over and sat down on the sofa, saw that the cup in front of Zhong Dao was empty, and said, "Do you want some more coffee? "

"no need."

"Okay then," Luo Xue turned on the tablet and said, "Then let's get straight to the point. I don't know if my boss has told you, but I will be your manager from today on."

"You?" Zhong Dao was surprised, "Aren't you the head of the studio?"

"That's right, but you are the only artist in our studio right now." Luo Xue smiled, "Unless the boss changes his mind, these three years will basically revolve around you."

Zhong Dao was dumbfounded, he was no longer flattered, even the meeting just now was held for him alone, he lived until he was eighteen years old, and always felt that he was out of tune with this world, suddenly one day so many people began to regard him as a Center, it feels so surreal, even a little stressful.

Then Luo Xue told him the details of the meeting, including some recent event arrangements. Zhong Dao could half understand the details, but he could understand the basic meaning. Now he was eliminated from "The Strongest Voice on the Surface", but The enthusiasm is still there for a short time, the studio decided to strike while the iron is hot, and the next priority is to record EP and appear on variety shows to increase exposure.

Zhong Dao lowered his head and stared at the tablet. It was undoubtedly a surprise to release the EP, but he was very repulsed to appear on variety shows.

Luo Xue seemed to see what he was thinking: "It will definitely not work if you don't increase the exposure rate. People will forget you soon after "The Strongest Voice on the Surface" is over."

“… I just need to be able to sing.”

"Then where do you want to sing? Do you want to sing in a live webcast, or do you want to sing like a boss in a venue with tens of thousands of people?"

Zhong Dao was silent, the answer to this question was self-evident.

"Sui Qingchi also appeared in a lot of variety shows when he first debuted, and he came here in the same way." Luo Xueyu said earnestly.

Zhong Dao finally nodded. In fact, there is no other way if he doesn’t nod. He can only gain if he gives up. With so many people working for him, he can’t just care about himself. He asked, "May I ask what variety show it is?"

"The King of Music." Luo Xue said.

Zhong Dao's eyes widened in embarrassment, thinking that he had heard it wrong, and it took him a long time to ask: "... DBS's "The King of Music"?"

Luo Xue nodded with a smile: "Are you surprised?"

More than a surprise, it was an earthquake, typhoon and tsunami-level surprise. He originally thought it would be an online variety show, a radio show, or an entertaining variety show, but he never expected it to be "Le Wang", which made Tang Du disappear overnight. The popular show is the show that established Sui Qingchi's status as the king of heaven. How can he compete with a singer of this level on the same stage

"Every issue of "The King of Music" will have new singers. Director Xie Yi also watched "The Strongest Voice on the Surface". She has an impression of you. When the time comes, Director Xie will come to inspect you. The opportunity is almost certainly yours."

Zhong Dao took a deep breath: "... just go on this kind of program, okay?"

"The boss told me that you definitely don't want to be on those messy variety shows, so let's try to find music-related shows, but there are few music-related shows, and most of them are for singers who have debuted, so it's a bit tricky to connect. At that time, I casually mentioned that it would be great if I could be on "The King of Music", but I didn't expect him to contact Director Xie in person. So this opportunity is really rare, you must seize it. Be confident."

After Luo Xue finished speaking, she patted Zhong Dao's shoulder lightly.

After confirming some key points, Zhong Dao left the studio before 11 o'clock. When he passed by the front desk, he saw a row of screens embedded in the display wall in the rest area, and the MV of Sui Qingchi's debut was played on it. There is no sound. Maybe it's because the studio was established, and there's nothing to show, so I put the MV of Mr. Boss here. After all, this is Sui Qing's well-known studio. Sui Qingchi on the screen is still very young, he looks not much older than himself, in the MV he is wearing a black vest, with an acoustic guitar in his arms, sitting by the window and looking out, the guitar is always with him. He felt that Sui Qingchi was lonelier than himself at that time. This was just a feeling, not necessarily true, but most of the people he met in the past 18 years reminded him repeatedly, "I am a lonely wretch." This fact, he did not expect that he would not be reminded of such a high-profile king. The one who can make lonely people forget their loneliness must be the loneliest one.

At that time, in order to be able to stand on the stage with tens of thousands of people, in order not to be alone anymore, how many messy variety shows did Sui Qingchi have to go on that he would never do? No matter from which point of view, Sui Qingchi is more talented, more perfect, and more popular than him, but he has experienced everything, growing up alone, but he can take shortcuts, if he still can't grasp the opportunity, then He was simply unworthy of a human being.

Wu Tian accompanied Sui Qingchi to choose songs in the small meeting room, but not for Sui Qingchi, but for "Little Sui Qingchi". The copyright company sent them demos of more than a dozen songs, and Sui Qingchi planned to pick six of them, and then asked Zhong Dao to choose three of the six.

Sui Qingchi was obviously not very energetic, his hair was pulled from his forehead to the back of his head again and again, trying to concentrate.

Seeing this, Wu Tian shrugged his shoulders: "If you are addicted to cigarettes, go smoke it, and there is no rush."

Sui Qingchi drew a stroke on the tablet and said, "I'm quitting smoking."

Wu Tian stared at him in astonishment, with a big "WHAT" written on his face: "...why do you want to quit smoking all of a sudden?"

"You can quit if you want to." Sui Qingchi said without raising her head.

"Then there must be a reason?" Wu Tian was very curious.

"Isn't it okay if I quit smoking?" Sui Qingchi raised his eyes to look at him, and his eyes blocked Wu Tian's words behind him.

Wu Tian had no choice but to bury his head in choosing songs again. A dozen demos were sent according to Sui Qingchi's request. The requirements were all POP and ROCK, so the style was relatively uniform, and it was a bit difficult to choose. The reason why Sui Qingchi Asking him to help is probably because he wants to select songs from the perspective of arrangement. These songs obviously need to be re-arranged. Sui Qingchi is not very satisfied with the current arrangement.

"Zhong Dao should be allowed to choose by himself," Wu Tian said.

"That kid..." Sui Qingchi shook his head, "I don't even know what I want."

"Doesn't he know what he wants?" Wu Tian squinted at him, thinking that you are really a second-year student, so don't deny it.

"When people are young, they don't know what they want." Sui Qingchi said lazily.

Wu Tian didn't say a word, it was a rare occasion, he was quite concerned about these words. Unexpectedly, Sui Qingchi could also say some chicken soup for the soul.

The Wechat notification beeped, and Wu Tian saw Sui Qingchi reach out and grab the charging phone next to him, and after reading it, he replied on Wechat with his fingers. He was a little amazed. In the past, Sui Qingchi never looked at his mobile phone during working hours. The point is that he seems to be in a good mood...

"Who is it?" Wu Tian asked, "I made you laugh when I typed a word?"

Sui Qingchi's expression immediately went back to the floor visible to the naked eye, and he finished replying to the WeChat message with his lips pursed into a slit. Wu Tian found it funny to see him pretending to be serious. Sui Qingchi put down his phone after sending, and looked up at him: "Since when did you become such a gossip?"

"Aren't you the king of heaven? People are curious about you."

"Heavenly King..." Sui Qingchi was in a bad mood when he mentioned this, and cursed casually, "God, you bastard..."

Wu Tian almost burst into laughter, but he held back his laughter but didn't hold back his trembling cheeks.

Sui Qingchi didn't mind, she moved the chair forward by herself and said, "Listen to the last song."

It was almost noon after the six songs were selected, and the two of them waited for the elevator to go downstairs together.

There were only the two of them in the elevator, Sui Qingchi asked Wu Tian: "Have you gone back and considered what I told you?"

Wu Tian was a little hesitant. Sui Qingchi called him a few days ago and asked him if he was interested in becoming Zhong Dao's producer. To be honest, he was quite embarrassed. He has been Sui Qingchi's queen producer for many years, and Zhong Dao's feeling is similar to Sui Qingchi's, even the style of music he likes is similar, so it's a bit boring to repeat himself all the time.

"I'll think about it," he said.

When the elevator arrived at the restaurant floor, Wu Tian stepped out, and there were more people on the restaurant floor. Sui Qingchi lowered his head, put on his sunglasses, and looked at Wu Tian's back as he walked forward. When the elevator door closed, he suddenly took a step forward. He reached out and pressed the elevator door: "Wu Tian!"

Wu Tian turned his head when he heard the sound, not knowing why.

Sui Qingchi said: "Maybe you won't get the honor you deserve from me in this life, but you may be able to from him. He is more obedient than me, not as ignorant as I am."

Wu Tian was stunned. He didn't expect Sui Qingchi to say such a thing. He really didn't expect it...

Sui Qingchi let go of the hand holding the elevator door and said, "You should think about it carefully." Then he lowered his head and pressed the door close button.

When the elevator doors closed, Wu Tian was still in shock.

Fu took the movie ticket by mistake. Before the movie started, he received a WeChat message from Sui Qingchi, asking him to go in first. He would come in after the movie started.

So at this moment, Fu Cuo was sitting alone in the theater, the seat on the right was empty, and there was a big cup of popcorn in the middle. It felt like a young couple in their early twenties, very stupid. It might feel even more stupid if someone found out that the person who walked up to him and sat down next to him was not his petite and lovely girlfriend, but his rebellious boyfriend.

The movie started soon, and the screening hall was very quiet. This is an unpopular literary film with a rock theme, and not many people are interested, so the number of films scheduled is very low, and the screening hall is very empty.

Pieces of cloud and mist appeared on the big screen. The opening of the movie was a song he was familiar with, "Fix You" by Coldpy. The camera moved forward, and the clouds and mist scattered in pieces, and the magnificent red Golden Gate Bridge appeared on the screen. But Fu Cuo's eyes slid from the big screen to the lower right, where a figure walked in silently, wearing a light-colored coat and black-framed mirror, standing by the sea surrounded by clouds and mist. Stand out from the crowd. Fu Cuo was a little nervous for no reason, afraid that other people in the auditorium would notice Sui Qingchi, he was too eye-catching, and the magnificent Golden Gate Bridge seemed to be just the stage background behind him. Without waiting for Fu Cuo to raise his hand, Sui Qingchi seemed to see him at a glance. He walked up the steps step by step with his head down, and walked past a couple sitting by the aisle. Fu Cuo watched him coming from the darkness, Came to the empty seat on his right, bent down and sat down, the rustling of his clothes made his heart beat faster, like the danger and peace of mind of a leopard walking into a small garden at midnight, leaning against him, and like There was a tilting scale, perfectly balanced the moment he sat down.

The city skyline on the screen was reflected on Sui Qingchi's plain glasses, and disappeared when he turned his head to look over, revealing amazingly beautiful eyes. Fu Cuo thought, did you come in after the movie started? Is it true that you have been waiting somewhere? The Sui Qingchi he knew didn't have much patience, and was even more afraid of losing his freedom. Now he has not only learned to be patient, he won't even complain about losing his freedom. Although this is the price of fame... He raised his hand and shook Sui Qingchi's hand.

Sui Qingchi held his hand back again, turned his face and smiled at him, sat up a little, and put his shoulders close to him: "Watch a movie," he leaned into his ear, and whispered, "You look at me like this I don't want to go to the movies anymore."

Fu Cuo: "..."

After Sui Qingchi finished speaking, he went back to watch the movie, but his hand was still held in his. This movie has many rock and roll episodes. When the music played, Fu Cuo felt Sui Qingchi's fingers caressing the back of his hand.

There is no need for redundant dialogue, or eye contact, so that it means that they are together.

The movie is about a group of young people playing rock and roll. The protagonists are a male guitarist and a female lead singer. Although the genders are different, everything in the rock world is the same. When the guitarist and the female lead singer sneaked in the dark alley behind the Livehouse When kissing, the camera gradually zoomed up in the episode "Paradise", and there was only a cold moon shining on the big screen, and finally the moon disappeared, leaving only a few lonely stars above the city. But these ordinary stars will always shine stubbornly, shining on every ordinary person, this is rock and roll.

In the heavenly chorus and the solo of the electric guitar, Fu Cuo looked at the people around him, and Sui Qingchi's silhouette also disappeared into the night with the disappearing moonlight, and the secret and sweet darkness fell. They were like two close to each other, leaning against each other The forehead animals, tacitly found each other's lips.

Fu Cuo felt Sui Qingchi's hand on his cheek, and the thick calluses on his fingertips made him feel sad. Sui Qingchi can play the guitar well now, and he no longer needs to accompany him. That's the best arrangement.

What kind of mood does it feel to embrace this person again, Fu Cuo thought, is it indescribable consummation, reckless sinking, or awakening regret? He closed his eyes, he just wanted to stay in the dark, hug this person's body tightly, and didn't want to think about anything.

Sui Qingchi's coat squeezed or touched the cup of popcorn in the middle, the paper cup fell to one side, and the popcorn as soft as cotton fell like pearls from their close legs and knees, he heard Sui Qingchi Qing Chi crushed one, and felt the corner of his mouth curl up.

Sui Qingchi backed away a moment before the screen turned on, and Fu Cuo saw some slyness in his eyes, and he didn't even know when he took off those plain glasses. Then he put on his glasses as if nothing had happened.

They left before the movie ended, because there were too many people after the movie ended. In order to stagger the peak of the movie, Fu Cuo also paid special attention to the end time of the screening in other halls. They didn't see the ending of the movie, but the rock band The best ending for a story is that there is no ending.

Sui Qingchi bought a new black Volvo SUV. This car is very low-key, and he can finally get rid of the pestering paparazzi and bastards for a while. It was almost six o'clock after watching the movie. Not long after the car drove out of the underground parking lot, Sui Qingchi's The phone rang, and he picked it up and glanced at the screen, his originally relaxed expression suddenly turned dark. Fu Cuo saw him hang up the phone directly, put the phone upside down in the palm of his hand, and carefully slipped it into the pocket of his coat.

But the bell rang again.

There was some traffic jam ahead, and the vehicles stopped one by one. Fu Cuo glanced at Sui Qingchi who was frowning tightly, and said, "Don't you want to pick it up?"

Sui Qingchi pressed his hands on the steering wheel, looked at the strings of flashing taillights ahead, and didn't make a sound.

The atmosphere in the car was a bit dull, Fu Cuo lowered the car window a little, and the noise of the busy traffic outside the window overwhelmed the persistent ringing of the mobile phone.

"I forgot to add it to the blacklist." Sui Qingchi said suddenly, and said in a cold voice, "It's okay, I'll pull it later."

His expression is too serious, Fu Cuo's intuition is wrong, even if he wants to pull the blacklist, the car is stuck in the middle of the road now, why not pull it now? He frowned and said, "Sui..."

"Leave it alone!" Sui Qingchi immediately interrupted him in a deep voice.

Here it comes again... Fu Cuo stared at Sui Qingchi's irritable side face, is this called Jiang Shan's easy-to-change nature? The twenty-seven-year-old Sui Qingchi is no different from the sixteen-year-old Sui Qingchi. He still makes mistakes out of impulse, still has so many secrets that he doesn't want to tell him, and still wants to handle everything alone, but he I can't figure it out.

Fu Cuo watched Sui Qingchi's side face trying to keep calm from the corner of his eye. He had only seen Sui Qingchi talk to someone so violently in the Central Building. If he guessed correctly, it should be the same person on the other end of the phone.