Gone With the Wind

Chapter 80


"I can see that he regretted it very quickly," Liu Mei said, looking outside the coffee shop, "but once you step into this quagmire, it's impossible to get out again. He and Meng Jing have unilaterally broken up several times. But as long as he stays in Huanyi, it's not his decision alone. He also tried to terminate the contract with the company, but Meng Jing couldn't let him go. He had contacted several brokerage companies, and half of the talk I stopped talking. Before Meng Jing went to the United States to study for MBA, I felt that Sui Qingchi should have made everything clear to her. They hadn't contacted for a long time. I didn't expect Meng Jing to make a transoceanic phone call at the end of the year. Sui Qingchi has been in a very bad state for a while, I feel like he is going crazy," said with a shrug, "but who can blame this?"

Meng Jing got into a dead end. Even if she didn't know the motive of Sui Qingchi's relationship with her, Meng An and Meng Huanfeng couldn't help but tell her that Meng Huanfeng got a daughter when he was old, and Meng An was ten years old than Meng Jing. Meng Jing has been a princess held in the hands of the Meng family since she was a child. It is impossible for Meng An and Meng Huanfeng to agree to her dating with Sui Qingchi, and it was after the Xuezang incident that Sui Qingchi's motives were so obviously impure. Sui Qingchi himself must be aware that all this cannot be hidden from Meng Jing, he is betting on a knowingly committed crime by Meng Jing. At that time, Meng Jing might have had the mentality of a fan and a little girl, thinking that time could change everything, imagining that Sui Qingchi might really fall in love with her. The two of them acted tacitly in front of the Meng family and his son. Meng Jing may not be completely innocent in this matter, but she is still a victim, a victim dragged into the battlefield by Sui Qingchi. Meng Jing has been pampered and pampered since she was a child. She has never suffered a lot, and she has never failed to get what she wants. How could she just let it go

Sometimes in the nanny's car, she overheard Sui Qingchi and Meng Jing's phone calls. Sui Qingchi was really eager to end all of this, saying that he could make up for her with anything, as long as she was willing to make a condition, even in Huanyi these few days. In 2010, he could leave Huanyi without paying a penny, but who is Meng Jing? Will she appreciate the compensation that this young man who has climbed from the bottom of society can provide

After Sui Qingchi found out in despair that he might not be able to get out of Huanyi for ten years, he finally started to have some cities. He changed his method, so Huanyi now has a lot of his shares, so that he can finally Taking control of his own destiny, he is no longer the newborn calf that Huanyi can hide as long as he wants, and the Meng family can no longer control him with the company's resources, but he still can't get rid of Meng Jing. Liu Mei can see all this clearly, Sui Qingchi He knew the reason in his heart, because he did owe the other party, and Meng Jing's obsession with him was the result of his pursuit of benevolence. Unless the other party agreed to reconcile, this would be a demon that he could not shake off for the rest of his life.

Liu Mei raised her head and said to Fu Cuo who seemed to be distracted: "Fu Cuo, Sui Qingchi won't compromise, and Meng Jing won't."

Fu Cuo didn't speak.

Liu Mei said: "She also said..."

She got stuck in the middle of her words, as if she couldn't say anything.

Fu Cuo withdrew his thoughts and asked, "What else?"

Liu Mei had no choice but to say: "She said that she can accept Sui Qingchi doing whatever she wants outside, as long as she is still with her in name."

After hearing that, Fu Cuo smiled calmly, picked up the cold cup of coffee and drank it all in one gulp. It tasted very bitter when it was cold. He put down the cup and said: "Our life is not a bloody drama, you let me drink it. How do you tell Sui Qingchi this?"

Liu Mei looked at him, and found that this seemingly melancholy and gentle guitarist was actually stubborn: "I know it's ridiculous, but at least he's going to give in first. Does he have to get bloody? You don't want to Let’s see if he goes back to the trough and can’t get back up, besides, he has done something wrong, so he has to give an explanation to the people he hurt.”

"He did something wrong, and this wrong thing must end here today, and it can't continue to be wrong." Fu Cuo said, "Sister Liu Mei, you don't need to say any more, he won't go back, and you also think highly of me Now, if I could have influenced his decision, he wouldn't have signed with you. That's it." He lifted his things and stood up.

Liu Mei looked at him in a panic: "Have you thought about the consequences?"

"It's a mistake to be wrong. Do you still want to not suffer the consequences?" Fu Cuo turned around and said, "It's time to suffer the consequences."

"Fu Cuo!" Liu Mei got up.

The guitarist in the black jacket held the pocket and opened the wooden door. A gust of cool wind blew in, and the wind chime made a crisp ringing. Liu Mei watched the man leave without looking back.

In the afternoon, the sky was filled with clouds again. Fu Cuo walked slowly back to the apartment. The rain fell little by little, and the pedestrians on the road ran up and got into the buildings on both sides. He was the only one left on the straight road. , the rain is not heavy, but the scenery ahead is still hazy in the rain, as if blocking the road ahead.

With the sound of rain pattering, his mind was full of Sui Qingchi who sang "Wake me up wheember ends" alone in KTV. He sang about the seven years that passed by in a hurry, the innocence that never came back, and Looking at the rain falling from the stars and flowing into the wound, he was probably thinking, when will he wake up from this nightmare? When will the rain stop? In the group photo, his eyes are drunk, because the light in the box is not bright, so you can’t see it, if you take him out of the box, you will find that his eyes are red, because it happens when he drinks. He would take a photo with the passer-by who strayed in because he drank wine and became more talkative, because he remembered the past and his heart softened, and also because no one had heard him sing for a long time.

Sui Qingchi did something wrong, but you can't say that his initial choice was wrong, he just wanted to sing, in order to do the right thing, he did the wrong thing, and in order to make up for that mistake, he did other wrong things one after another , he made himself into a mess, even though he quickly realized that he was wrong, he was wrong, and wanted to stop, the mess was so entangled that he couldn't get out.

He has been thinking all the way, what should he do to restore the harm to Meng Jing, but he can't think of an answer, maybe he really can only bear the consequences calmly as Sui Qingchi said.

When the white BMW passed by the intersection, Liu Mei caught a glimpse of the back of the black jacket walking in the light rain from the car window. When the car passed by, the figure disappeared in an instant. Liu Mei looked at the wipers on the windshield. I remembered the first time I saw Fu Cuo on Xifeng's stage. He was a little more enthusiastic than now, and Sui Qingchi was also a little more enthusiastic. After that, they all changed, and they were no longer stunning at first glance. Got her rock boy now.

In the coffee shop, when she told Fu Cuo all the years he missed about Sui Qingchi, Fu Cuo once intervened and asked her: "Have you received the private message I sent you?"

She did receive Fu Cuo's private messages on Weibo, one was when Sui Qingchi first signed the contract, and the other was when she started taking An Jie with her. It's better to be thorough, besides, Sui Qingchi, who is just starting out, is in the limelight and has no time to take care of her studies. She thought that Fu Cuo would not send her any more messages, but she didn't expect that after such a long time, he didn't seem to give up.

He asked her: Is Sui Qingchi okay

Of course, she still didn't reply, but she couldn't remain indifferent, because when this private message was sent, she was guarding An Jie in the background, and Sui Qingchi had been forgotten by her somewhere. When she saw Fu Cuo's private message, she felt ashamed for the first time.

In the coffee shop, she was silent for a while, but still told him: "I showed him that private message later."

Fu Cuo opened his eyes wide, apparently unable to believe what he heard.

No wonder he was surprised, now he still asks about this matter, indicating that he may have waited four years for this response.

I didn't want to say this at first, but that private letter really tormented her conscience. Several times when she saw Sui Qingchi's dejected look, she wanted to tell him, but every time she backed off and comforted herself. So the private message sent to her must be because Sui Qingchi refused to accept his messages. If so, then what's wrong with ignoring this private message

The concert of Sui Qingchi’s comeback was held at Galaxy Stadium. Netizens are generally not optimistic about him, thinking that he will hold a concert just over two months after his comeback, and insist on challenging the Galaxy Stadium instead of choosing a safer small venue. , I have to learn from LOTUS to close the dome, because I can't tell how much I own. However, the audience was full that night, and the scalpers made a fortune. There were still fans outside the venue who could not enter the venue. In fact, the tickets were sold out within five minutes of the online sale. Sui Qingchi was also in very good condition during the performance. , The snow storage of nearly a year didn't seem to have any effect on him. People also began to believe that he was not hidden by the snow, but just went back to school for further studies.

That day she went to pick him up backstage, and there were piles of support items from fans outside the venue. She walked through the passage made of roses, and saw everyone in the team happily taking a group photo. She didn't see Sui Qingchi, so she asked : "Where is the protagonist?"

The guitarist said: "It seems to be in the dressing room."

She bypassed the lively crowd, walked into the deserted aisle, pushed open the door of the dressing room, and saw Sui Qingchi sitting alone on the black sofa with his guitar next to him, looking down at his phone, noticing her coming in Then quickly turned off the phone and stood up.

She asked him, "Where's Xiao Liu?"

Sui Qingchi said without energy: "Let him go back first."

Sui Qingchi put the electric guitar into a black guitar bag, lifted it up and put it on his shoulder, and said let's go.

He didn't look like he just had a successful concert, and she couldn't help but say, "Isn't it your dream to come here and have a concert? Why don't you seem happy?"

Sui Qingchi walked ahead without saying a word.

She saw the group of people taking photos in front of her and asked, "Aren't you going to take a photo with them?"

Sui Qingchi stopped in his tracks. The chief of the orchestra saw him, so he came over and asked him to take a group photo. Sui Qingchi didn't refuse. Everyone in the team took a photo together in front of the flower wall. After the photo was over, everyone was very happy. However, Sui Qingchi turned his face away, closed his eyes and closed his eyes when he pulled away from the crowd, his throat suddenly rolled, as if he took a sharp breath.

There was a celebration banquet in the middle of the night, and Liu Mei finally couldn't help but ask:

"Did you blackmail Fu Cuo?"

Sui Qingchi, who was leaning against the window, didn't move at all, and she couldn't see her expression when she was facing out of the window, but Liu Mei knew that he heard it, because his body was relaxed before, but now it's not.

"He later sent me two private messages." Liu Mei said.

Sui Qingchi turned her head in disbelief after hearing this.

Before he could say a word, Liu Mei felt as if she was being forced to question by those eyes, and explained: "I wanted to tell you, but..." She looked at him, "I thought you broke up with him."

Sui Qingchi was speechless for a long time, and finally rolled his throat: "... did he say anything?"

She heard his dry-mouthed tone, and felt deeply moved in her heart for a moment: "I didn't say anything, I just asked if you were okay."

Sui Qingchi was silent again: "How did you reply?"

"... I didn't reply."

Sui Qingchi raised his eyes to look at her, she couldn't describe that expression, it was like one contradiction nestled within another, wrapping his true expression layer upon layer inside, whether he wanted her to return, or hoped that she would not return, Sui Qingchi Qing Chi may not even know it.

"He asked why you didn't reply to CTR, how should I reply?" She said, "He asked you what happened during that time, how should I reply?"

As if agreeing with her words, Sui Qingchi didn't say anything in the end.

Liu Mei said: "But he still cares about you very much." After saying this, although it came a bit late, the heavy conscience finally took a breath.

Sui Qingchi was still silent, but there was restlessness in that silence, revealed in his brows that couldn't relax, and his subconsciously rubbing fingers that couldn't stop.

There was an unbearable silence in the nanny's car. When the car stopped at a red light, Sui Qingchi suddenly asked:

"Do you still keep those two private messages?"

Liu Mei was surprised, and nodded: "Not deleted."

"… let me see."

She glanced at him, his eyes were deep and calm, as if he had finally surrendered to his desire. She opened Weibo on her mobile phone and handed it over.

Sui Qingchi looked down at the two private messages without any expression, but he read them for a long time, and only returned the phone to her when the car restarted.

"If I receive another private message, how can I reply?" she asked.

"No need to go back." Sui Qingchi leaned back on the back of the chair, closed her eyes and said.

She was puzzled: "No reply?"

"I'm not worthy." Sui Qingchi said.

Fu Cuo walked out of the elevator with the medicine in hand, just in time to see the female neighbor who came out to throw out the trash. They nodded and smiled at each other as greetings.

Sui Qingchi was standing outside his door, wearing a gray and black loose sweater. When the female neighbor walked by, Sui Qingchi lowered her head and faced the door, pretending to be stupid. Actually, he shouldn't stand like this, because his jawline is too beautiful, like a carved stroke, it is easier to be recognized under the premise of wearing sunglasses than the front, and it is too strange to wear sunglasses on a rainy day...

If it weren't for the fact that the neighbors are short, it is difficult to see the faces of tall people at a glance, and they don't seem to like to stare at strangers, so they might have become suspicious long ago.

After the neighbor closed the door, Fu Cuo walked over, and Sui Qingchi glanced at the door next to him from behind the sunglasses, and said in a low voice, "I found out that your neighbor never looks up at me. It’s good to be kind.”

Fu Cuo looked at him: "Is rehearsal so early today?"

Sui Qingchi took off his sunglasses and smiled: "I'm efficient." Seeing the rain on his hair and shoulders again, he touched his shoulder with his hands, "Come back from the rain? That's cool."

Fu Cuo smiled cooperatively, took out something from his pocket and handed it to him: "I've given you a key."

Sui Qingchi raised his hand to take it, and held it in the palm of his hand. Fu opened the door by mistake and went in. He didn't feel Sui Qingchi who was always pushing him to enter the door behind him. When he turned around, he saw Sui Qingchi leaning against the entrance, lowering his head and putting the key on the keychain.

I'm not used to you not sticking behind me... Fu Cuo thought to himself, he put the key on the cabinet in the entrance, took off his rain-soaked coat, and said:

"Sui Qingchi, sometimes I really want to beat you up."

Sui Qingchi was lowering his head to change his shoes, when he heard this, he raised his head and blinked at him: "Why?"

Sui Qingchi had a look of innocence as if I had done something wrong, while Fu Cuo looked at him with nothing to worry about, but his mood was hard to calm down: "What if they avenge themselves publicly?"

"Are you still thinking about this?" Sui Qingchi lowered his head to change his shoes, hooked the corners of his mouth, and walked up after changing his slippers, "Don't worry, they have taught me a lot of rules of the game over the past few years, so I am rich now Now, I have my own studio, Huanyi still has my shares, I am not the Sui Qingchi I used to be."

But I'd rather you were the same you before. Fu Cuo thought to himself.

Sui Qingchi leaned over, propped his arms on the wall behind him, looked down at his lips, and said in a low voice: "They let the horse come over, so I won't just be pressed to the ground and rubbed... "

When the lips touched, there was a sound of thunder outside the window, but it was a gentle and long sound. The wind lifted the curtains of the balcony and rushed in to shake Sui Qingchi's hair. Boom, quiet and sweet.

Fu Cuo raised his hand and hugged Sui Qingchi's back. He was used to wearing a sweater naked again. Through the sweater, he could feel the muscles and temperature of his back, as well as the spine in the center of his back that might never bend. His hand moved along the concave line on his back, Sui Qingchi's back suddenly flinched.

"It's a little itchy..." Sui Qingchi laughed unbearably, turned his face away a little, looked at him and said, "Don't move around if you hold her..."

"Okay," Fu Cuo put his hands behind his shoulders, pressed the two slightly protruding shoulder blades, and said, "Let's go here. It's good to work hard."

Immediately, he felt that Sui Qingchi pushed him against the waist-high shoe cabinet, and the cabinet was bumped loudly, Sui Qingchi laughed: "Are you climbing rocks?"

Fu Cuo smiled wryly in his heart: "I'm afraid I won't be able to climb up to you."

While kissing him, Sui Qingchi pulled his left hand off his shoulder, put it on his waist, poked in from under the sweater, and said in a hoarse voice: "Climb inside, and you will soon conquer the universe." The highest peak... ”

How can someone grab someone else's hand and try to lift his clothes? Fu Cuo thought with a smile. After kissing for a while, Sui Qingchi's lips were already hot and moist, even the inside of his mouth was wet. He thought to himself, are you a water maker, Sui Qingchi? Why are you still the same...

The more you kiss, the more you miss.

His left hand climbed up the back along Sui Qingchi's waist, that back was still the same, smooth and strong, and there was a spine buried in the center of the back, only when Sui Qingchi arched his back, he could feel a little bit, Fu Cuo has always felt that Sui Qingchi's back is more attractive and sexier than others, because it is supported by the most rebellious backbone in the world.

The sweater was forced up, and most of Sui Qingchi's back was exposed to the air. There was a painting on the wall behind him, which was Van Gogh's "Starry Night Over the Rhone", but the glass of the frame What was reflected was Sui Qingchi's back, the gray and black sweater piled up on his shoulders, the bare back exposed under the sweater, blended with the dark blue starry sky and the river, there was a strange sense of impact, and then Fu The wrong line of sight fell on the edge of the picture frame, and was suddenly caught by something.

It was a Chinese character, which was his name. It was reflected on the surface of the Rhone River, and there were some slightly curved arcs, but of course it was not painted by Van Gogh.

Sui Qingchi hugged him tightly again, the word moved in the painting with his movements, Fu Cuo's nose suddenly felt sore, he hugged Sui Qingchi passionately, and put his hands on his back The upper part slid to the waist again, stroking the Chinese character upside down.

The sweater fell from Sui Qingchi's back, covering his back. Sui Qingchi kissed his ear and whispered: "I'm not cold..."

It's been a long time since this tattoo was done, and he even forgot that he had done it, Fu Cuo thought sadly.

I've been climbing on you, Sui Qingchi, don't let me fall, let's not let each other fall.