Gone With the Wind

Chapter 84


When he got up and walked to the lake, there were not many people on campus. Sui Qingchi came to the lake, bent down to pick up a small stone, and threw it out with his hands. There was no light on the lake, and he heard the sound of water splashing six times.

It's not even close.

He simply took off his gloves and put them in his pockets, and picked up a handful of small stones with his bare hands, but no matter how he threw them, it seemed that he couldn't get past the hurdle of six.

Forget it, his hands were freezing cold, he lowered his head and rubbed the mud off his hands little by little, thinking that I must not play the guitar well enough.

But it didn't make me feel depressed. I'll never play the guitar better than he does, and he even smiles in relief when he turns around.

"Do you want to compare?"

A familiar voice came from behind, and Sui Qingchi turned around in astonishment, seeing Fu Cuo coming from under the street lamp, his already calm mood began to become uneasy again because of the appearance of this person.

"...how did you find me?" Shouldn't he still be singing in the bar right now? I was going back soon, why did you come to find me, I didn't want you to look for me like before. He watched Fu Cuo approaching, his mood was surging, and his eyes were hot.

"Is it strange that I found you?"

Fu Cuo walked up to him, bent down and picked up a stone and threw it out, but Sui Qingchi's eyes fell on the ring on Fu Cuo's left ring finger.

"How many times?" Fu Cuo clapped his hands and turned his head, seeing Sui Qingchi's dazed look.

Sui Qingchi looked at him as if lost in his soul: "... I forgot to count."

Fu Cuo caught a glimpse of his bare fingers: "Why haven't you put it on after I put it on?"

Sui Qingchi lowered his head and took out the ring from his jacket pocket. In a hurry, he only took out a pair of gloves. As soon as the black fingerless gloves were pulled out, the platinum ring wrapped in it almost fell off. Sui Qingchi reacted very quickly on the ring He held it before landing, and a glove fell to the ground. Fu Cuo shook his head and helped him pick it up.

Sui Qingchi had already put the ring on her finger, and explained: "When I was on the show, I was afraid of being asked, so I put it in my pocket..."

Fu Cuo got up and handed the glove to him, only to see that Sui Qingchi was wearing the ring finger of his left hand, a little speechless: "We can't wear the same hand..."

Sui Qingchi looked down at the ring on her hand, and then at Fu Cuo: "Aren't they all men, you are taking advantage of me."

"Although you are a man, I am ten times more patient and tolerant towards you than I am towards girls," Fu Cuo said.

Sui Qingchi was stuck when he heard the words, lowered his head and smiled shyly: "Okay, it makes sense." He reluctantly took off the ring, put it on the ring finger of his right hand, and said with emotion, "Good mother! …”

"I think it's pretty good." Fu Cuo laughed, and even couldn't help thinking mischievously, so that Sui Tianwang would be the wife of the Fu family in the future.

His mother, once loved the wrong person and regretted for life, and this name accompanied him all his life, but this time, Fu Cuo thought, I will no longer regret for life, even if I leave this world, he will replace her. I live.

I didn't love the wrong person, and I didn't give the wrong heart, so you in the sky, put all your future blessings on him, because this person is my other half.

Sui Qingchi glanced at Fu Cuo who was smiling contentedly, pursed his lips, and said with some embarrassment: "That photo..."

"I know." Fu Cuo interrupted him, "You are such a secondary school student, you have no interest in that kind of thing."

I actually knew it all along, and sometimes I just don't want to admit that I knew it all along...

"That's not true either," Sui Qingchi looked up at him, "It depends on who you are, and sometimes you are particularly interested."

"Sui Qingchi," Fu Cuo reminded him with a smile, "points will be deducted."

Sui Qingchi looked at the surrounding night: "No one heard it."

There is a faint temptation in his eyes, and he is telling vividly: No one will hear it, so you don’t have to pretend, admit that you just like me telling you these things, how much do you like me talking about love with you...

Fu Cuo couldn't laugh or cry: "I like purer ones."

Sui Qingchi showed a troubled expression, and said in a low voice: "But I'm not at the same place anymore, Brother Fu Cuo..."

Fu Cuo knew that he did it on purpose, but he couldn't blame him for speaking indiscriminately. This was the Sui Qingchi who he missed, who would only reveal his childish and boring side in front of him. He had no way to treat Sui Qingchi like this Come down.

At the right time, Sui Qingchi's stomach suddenly growled, Fu Cuo gave him a funny look, and said, "Go and eat something.

They didn't go to a crowded place. They saw a barbecue stall across the road. They thought they could just grill something. Before they could go there, a group of boys came out of the Internet cafe and occupied the barbecue stall. Sui Qingchi was helpless. He shook his head: "I don't even want to find a place where there is no one to eat."

"Don't think so," Fu Cuo said, "Congratulations to the barbecue boss for earning a lot of money."

"I can give him a lot of votes by myself." Sui Qingchi said.

"That's fostering unearthed gains."

Sui Qingchi laughed, and deliberately turned her head to look at him: "Fu Cuo, are you an angel in the world?"

Fu took a wrong look at him, and said in his heart that he just wanted to say something to make you happy.

Later, he found a 24-hour convenience store. Fu Cuo asked Sui Qingchi to wait outside, and went to the convenience store to buy two bowls of instant noodles. Sui Qingchi grabbed him and said, "I want the spicy one. The spiciest."

Fu Cuo nodded and said yes, and after a while came out with two bowls of soaked noodles, one was stewed chicken with mushrooms and the other was spicy beef. Sui Qingchi reached out to pick up the spicy beef, but Fu Cuo handed the stewed chicken noodles with mushrooms Give him: "This bowl is yours."

Sui Qingchi was stunned for a moment, and while taking it, she raised her head and said, "I want spicy ones."

Fu Cuo took his bowl of instant noodles and sat down next to him: "I know, there is only one bowl of spicy ones, let's eat it for my husband."

Sui Qingchi was very convinced, picked up the noodles with a fork, and smelled the smell of Fu Cuo's bowl of spicy noodles when he fed it to his mouth, he sighed helplessly, and said, "I don't even dare to be angry with you. " After saying that, he lowered his head and raised his face resignedly, and began to eat after puffing.

Fu Cuo laughed so much that he almost spit out his face, turned his head to look at Sui Qingchi, and said, "It's better for you to be cowardly in front of me, so that you don't cause trouble, and you can deduct less points."

The two of them just sat under a tall banyan tree outside the convenience store and ate noodles. Halfway through Fu Cuo's meal, he saw Sui Qingchi put the bowl of instant noodles on Erlang's raised legs, looking at the noodles in his hand, Reluctantly said: "Can I have a taste? For the sake of the newlyweds."

Fu Cuo felt amused, and looked down at the noodle bowl: "This is really spicy."

Sui Qingchi said: "Just one bite, it won't kill me if it's spicy."

"It doesn't matter if you die or not, it would be a pity if your voice is ruined."

Sui Qingchi stared at him speechlessly: "You talk too hard, can my dead body still sing to you?"

"If you die, I will die with you. As long as your voice is not broken, you can still be my lead singer in hell." Fu Cuo patted him on the shoulder, "So voice is really important."

Sui Qingchi looked at him, hesitant to speak for a long time: "Are you really going to hell with me?" His voice lowered in the wind, "... Then you might not see Tan Si and AK. "

Fu Cuo's hands that picked up the noodles paused, and he didn't speak. He ate the noodles in silence, and found that when he was about to finish eating, he finally left the last bite. He picked it up and said to Sui Qingchi, "Come on."

Sui Qingchi bowed his head and leaned over, and ate the noodles with Fu Cuo's hand, and immediately sweated and cried from the heat. Seeing that he was still so afraid of spicy food, Fu Cuo felt nostalgic and happy. Sui Qingchi looked at him enthusiastically, and said, "It's so cool."

When Sui Qingchi lowered his head to eat his stewed chicken noodles with mushrooms, Fu Cuo took out his mobile phone. With a mouthful of noodles in his mouth, Sui Qingchi looked sideways at him and asked a little concerned: "Who are you calling?"


Sui Qingchi was stunned for a moment, and when he dialed the phone, he heard Wang Xiaoou's voice from the other end of the phone: "Brother Fu Cuo, have you found him yet?!"

Fu Cuo handed the phone to Sui Qingchi and said, "Call her back, someone has been looking for you all night."

Sui Qingchi put down the instant noodles, took the phone and said "Hello", and heard a heart-rending cry from the other side: "Master—"

"Don't worry, you're alive, go back to sleep." Then, regardless of how the other party cried, he returned the phone to Fu Cuo.

Fu Cuo took it over, and said a few words to Wang Xiaoou: "...it's okay, he's eating instant noodles, thank you for your hard work..."

When Fu Cuo was talking, Sui Qingchi didn't eat noodles, he stopped and looked at him, and when he heard Fu Cuo, he asked Wang Xiaoou to tell the bodyguard and the driver, thank you for your hard work all night looking for him.

Fu hung up the phone by mistake, and heard Sui Qingchi say:

"Fu Cuo, the next few days may be bloody and stormy, don't care about what you see, no matter how they hack me, I will never be wrong to love you."

Seeing that he finished speaking, Fu Cuo took a fork and rubbed the noodles to eat again, and sighed: "Don't be so careless when confessing."

Sui Qingchi raised his head and blinked: "Didn't I say that before?"

Fu Cuo shook his head, and said that you express it with actions. There has never been a serious confession between us, but he himself is the same. He always feels that saying that sentence is too nasty. Whoever said it first Who is ashamed. And at that time... I always feel that it doesn't matter if I don't say it. Love is not a bbb that is spoken out. There are a lot of reasons. In fact, I obviously want to hear the other party say this sentence. On such an ordinary day.

Sui Qingchi opened his mouth and suddenly coughed, Fu wrongly patted him on the back, thinking that he was going to be twenty-eight years old, and he would always be dominated by impulse and live recklessly, just like when he was sixteen , he said silently in his heart: Sui Qingchi, loving you is really tiring.

Sui Qingchi swallowed, calmed down, looked at the people around him, and said seriously: "I love you."

Fu Cuo patted the hand on his back to stop, and his eyes were secretly hot. I heard it all, just like in my fantasy, better than my fantasy, I heard the collision of particles in his voice, heard the sparks of the air current rubbing against his vocal cords, and saw the affectionate gaze of those eyes that had amazed him in the lyrics . Feeling like Cassini orbiting Saturn, finally ending its long mission and being able to leap past its beautiful rings and plunge into its embrace without hesitation, burning to pieces.

"I love you too." He said, "If the noodles I ate were not too spicy and the taste was not very good, I would kiss you."

"How do you know it tastes bad if you don't try it?" Sui Qingchi said.

Fu Cuo smiled and nodded, tilted his head and kissed it. This kiss was really strange, so tender and compassionate. It should be the action when kissing a girl, but the person who wanted to kiss like this was Sui Qingchi, who was not a bird at all. Yiren, the existence that swept his world like a violent hurricane.

Sui Qingchi put his hand on his ear, spread his fingers, put his broad palm behind his head, and stroked back and forth in his hair like that, he felt that the hair had been caressed by him inch by inch, and finally it was like a bunch of hair. The flower, a stem, was firmly held by Sui Qingchi in the palm of his hand, as if he was about to pick it off uncontrollably, but he let it go gently at the last moment.

There was clearly a tumor in her brain, but at this moment, it seemed like a flower burst open.

The night was dark, and the noisy city finally quieted down, just like when they finished the performance in the Livehouse many years ago and the four of them walked home together. In the world at that time, there was no bloody heavenly king Sui Qingchi, no Xifeng who was falling apart, and only four teenagers chasing their dreams.

Dreams may not have to be realized, as long as they are chased, it is enough. After chasing the dream, this dreamlike journey is over.

Fu Cuo stood up and said, "Have you gone back?"

Sui Qingchi looked up, with a trace of fatigue in his eyes: "Can you walk with me again?"

Fu Cuo nodded and extended his hand to him: "Let's go."

Sui Qingchi held his hand and stood up, without asking anything, without asking where he was going, Fu Cuo turned around and walked forward, and he followed suit. This feeling has not passed for a long time. The large and small gaps created by the nuclear bombs were filled little by little. He even heard the sound of the dilapidated house being patched up in a funny way. Fu Cuo was the gentle and patient carpenter.

Fu Cuo pulled Sui Qingchi forward, but he didn't know where he was going. The world is so big, let alone the world, even this city is so big that there is no limit. He just led Sui Qingchi aimlessly. Wherever there is light, like the strips of light that once slid across the ceiling of their rental house, they will go wherever there is wind, like the wind that washed them when four people walked across the bridge together, they will go there, Wherever there is an aroma, like the aroma of jajangmyeon and fried rice cakes that we ate together, we will go there.

Just like this, I walked through the streets, passed through the cross streets, and passed through the tunnel. In front of me was the familiar bridge. The yellow street lights lit up this bridge full of memories. The wind from the bay was blowing the hair of the two people. No one else, except the speeding car, will notice them. Sui Qingchi was finally free, Fu Cuo thought, he felt his body relax, although this freedom was only for a moment.

"Is it cold?" Sui Qingchi said suddenly.

Walking on this bridge before, when he listened to AK and Tan Si chatting, when a gust of wind blew, Sui Qingchi would turn his head and ask him like this: "Is it cold?"

He said it was fine.

Sui Qingchi walked in front of him, held his hand behind his back, and said, "Let me go ahead, I said I would help you out of the wind."

Fu Cuo looked at Sui Qingchi's back, he almost couldn't tell the present from the past, dream from reality.