Gone With the Wind

Chapter 85


Wang Xiaoou came to the company after receiving a call from Liu Mei. What happened recently was terrible, and she didn't know what Liu Mei was looking for her to say. When she arrived at the company, she accidentally met Sui Qingchi's guitarist. No, it was the former guitarist Luo Bin, everyone in the company looked quite nervous, but he was the only one who came out of the elevator with a happy face and greeted people he knew well.

Wang Xiaoou dislikes Luo Bin very much, because Sui Qingchi has received several calls from the property management company to complain about this man. The outside world does not know that Sui Qingchi no longer lives in Lantian County, and that place is for musicians. I lived there. Before that, Luo Bin lived with the drummer Nick, and then Nick moved away. Luo Bin lived alone in that place for a long time. Luo Bin may play the guitar well, but his private life is dissolute, and he is said to secretly smoke marijuana. Fortunately, Sui Qingchi fired him, and Wang Xiaoou couldn't understand why he still appeared in the company.

Wang Xiaoou looked at Luo Bin wandering around triumphantly on the floor, and wanted to say that he should go farther away, not seeing is not seeing, and after a while the elevator door opened, Liu Mei came out, Luo Bin raised his eyebrows when he saw Liu Mei, Liu Mei Obviously, she didn't expect him to be here, so she walked straight towards him and immediately asked, "Where did you get the photo?"

Luo Bin looked indifferent, shrugged and said: "How do I know, didn't you check our mobile phones one by one at that time? After all, it's not that you are not careful enough."

Liu Mei took a step forward: "Let me tell you Luo Bin, you know what this party is about, and I advise you to be an individual. It was you who called to say that you were having a birthday party, and Sui Qingchi went there. That's how you are Treating people who are kind to you?"

"The kindness of knowing you?!" Luo Bin seemed to have heard a big joke, "How the hell can you say that?! Yes, he picked me out, but I've been good enough for all these years He's right, look what he did to me?! If he didn't pry me away from the band, what the hell would I break up with my brother now? But that's his style, didn't he just leave the band himself Did you fly alone?"

Liu Mei interrupted him: "Stop rambling on, I know that you definitely have a lot of knives behind your back, I advise you to be careful, you can sell Sui Qingchi for money, and others can do it for money." I sold you, I know what you have done yourself, Sui Qingchi was just set up by you, if one day someone reveals that you smoked marijuana with friends, you will never want to be here in this life It's messed up in circles."

Luo Bin snorted: "I'm an unknown pawn, so what if I'm exposed? Sui Qingchi is different. His fall has attracted a lot of attention, hahaha! Even if Huanyi doesn't hide him, can he still get up?"

Liu Mei looked at him coldly: "Sui Qingchi didn't do anything except drink. No one knew better than me what state he was in at that time, and you also knew in your heart that you partnered with others to frame him. Maybe you succeeded today. But there is no secret that can be kept forever in this circle, you remember what I said."

Luo Bin cut out: "Okay, don't frighten me, I'm not scared too much, besides, it's useless for you to scold me here, I, an insignificant guitarist, can't afford to make such a big wave, I Miss Liu Mei, you are so smart, you don’t know who is the man behind the scenes who wants Sui Qingchi to finish playing. It’s really meaningless for you to grab me, a little shrimp, and bite me. You don’t have to be so righteously indignant, yes, you managed to bring me Bringing out a phenomenal Uranus superstar can understand your grievances, but Sui Qingchi is over, why don't you bring out his manager, this qualification is enough for you to be successful in this circle for the rest of your life , so I want to open up a little bit, this circle has always been a star in the water, a solid company."

Liu Mei said: "Get lost."

"Okay," Luo Bin smiled and waved at her, "Anyway, I've finished my work, so I'm leaving~ Oh, by the way, say hello to King Sui for me!"

Luo Bin left, but Wang Xiaoou didn't dare to go there. She had never seen Sister Liu Mei lose her temper like this.

Liu Mei turned around and saw Wang Xiaoou, nodded to her from a distance, and said, "Come in."

Wang Xiaoou followed Liu Mei into the office, and Liu Mei took off her coat and sat down, saying, "Did Luo Bin say anything to you?"

Wang Xiaoou shook his head: "I saw him coming down the stairs, so I ignored him."

Wang Xiaoou's words confirmed Liu Mei's conjecture. In fact, there is no need to conjecture. There may be many people who wish Sui Qingchi would die, but there are really not many people in the world who are capable of making Sui Qingchi die. Now that Huanyi is on the right track, it is no longer a company supported by Sui Qingchi alone. Although Sui Qingchi still brings huge profits to Huanyi every year, the Meng family has long been jealous of him, and the outside world may be very concerned. It's hard to believe that a cash cow like Sui Qingchi hasn't received any preferential treatment in Huanyi over the years. Huanyi's resources are all for Anjie and Dam. The way to acquire part of Huanyi's equity and have a certain right to speak, not only Sui Qingchi herself, including her agent, will only struggle without sufficient capital support. The Meng family and his son must have been waiting for this day for a long time, the snow can't hide Sui Qingchi, and it can bring him down. And this is more in their interest, Sui Qingchi completely loses value, what they can't earn from him, others can't earn either.

Sui Qingchi's demise turned into a carnival in the entertainment industry. Those who Sui Qingchi had offended directly or indirectly before, from MV directors to show hosts, from comedians to contestants eliminated by him, all stood by him. On the opposite side, all kinds of plausible and old-fashioned materials were also turned out. For a while, people seemed to re-recognize this promiscuous, big-name, ungrateful, and unspoken rule-based king.

Sui Qingchi has always been an invulnerable image in the entertainment industry, with a lot of black material and black spots, and he still has the aura of a superstar. How many times he changed to another artist and might ruin his acting career, he survived the crisis without any danger. However, this time is different. This time there is a plan, there is a pusher behind him, and there is a national counterattack to follow suit and retaliate. He doesn't need to be hidden by the company, he has already been blocked by public opinion.

Some people say that although Sui Qingchi is finished, the king of heaven is worthy of being the king of heaven. I have never seen a star who can achieve such a grand occasion that everyone is black. It is really impossible to do it without him. Those who want to speak for him probably There are many, but they dare not speak up for him.

Some people said that if you walk too much at night, you will surely go to hell. If Sui Qingchi could restrain his arrogance and arrogance before, he would not be able to do so now.

Sitting on the sofa, Wang Xiaoou saw that Liu Mei hadn't talked to her for a long time, but she was alone in thought, so she couldn't help asking in a low voice, "Is the company not in crisis public relations?"

Liu Mei was brought back to her senses by her words, and sneered: "Where did the crisis public relations come from..."

Sui Qingchi hasn't used crisis public relations in the past few years since his debut. Now, what crisis public relations can be used

Fu Cuo woke up and saw Sui Qingchi leaning against the window talking to someone on the phone. He had obviously been up for a while. The heater was on in the room. Sui Qingchi was wearing a black shirt. The white light illuminated his sculptural side face. Seeing him get up, Sui Qingchi hung up the phone and turned around. Fu Cuo had the illusion that the face bathed in the white light returned to reality from heaven in a blink of an eye. Chi said to him, "I'll go to the company."

Fu Cuo got up and got out of bed while getting dressed: "Do you want me to accompany you there?"

"No need," Sui Qingchi leaned over and put the phone on the bed, pointing to the wardrobe with his eyes, "Do you have any clothes to lend me? It's a bit cold today."

Fu Cuo put on the sweater: "As long as it fits you, you can wear it whatever you want."

Sui Qingchi opened the closet. There were not many clothes in the closet. He saw the dark blue coat hanging on the innermost side at a glance.

Fu Cuo came over, pulled out the coat while Sui Qingchi was in a trance, and said, "Just this one, the only one I know will fit."

He lifted the coat to Sui Qingchi's shoulders, and for a moment he remembered Sui Qingchi's "vigorous" look when he came back wearing it that day.

Sui Qingchi looked at him, wrapped the coat on his chest with his right hand, looked down at the brand new collar label, put it on silently without saying anything.

Fu Cuo was washing his face in the bathroom. Seeing Sui Qingchi put on his coat, he came out with his head bowed and straightening his collar. In fact, his current appearance is more suitable for wearing this coat than a few years ago. After all, Sui Qingchi at that time did not have the aura of today. , At that time, it could only be regarded as a boy.

After Sui Qingchi went out, Fu went to the balcony by mistake. A few minutes later, a tall young man in a dark blue coat and sunglasses came out from downstairs. The lights of a black SUV flashed on the side of the road. Sui Qingchi walked over and pulled When he opened the door, he stopped and held the door to look upstairs.

Fu Cuo looked at him, and had an idea to shout at him: You need me, just call me and I will come down.

Sui Qingchi raised his face in his direction, he couldn't see the eyes behind the sunglasses, only the corners of his mouth were slightly raised, and then he got into the car sideways, and the Volvo drove slowly from the driveway and disappeared at the intersection of the street.

Fu Cuo knew that it was impossible for Sui Qingchi to be so peaceful deep in his heart, but it was his pride not to cry out in pain. Don't be embarrassed in front of him, it's the last middle school of the second king.

Back in the house, it was his turn to rest today. He didn’t need to go to the bar. After lunch, he went to the hospital for a re-examination as usual. When he came back, the subway was very empty. There was a boy’s mobile phone in the car. On a radio music program, Fu Cuo heard Zhong Dao’s voice out of the blue. This should be Zhong Dao’s first announcement. He was on this show with him, Tang, the only mentor who turned on the lights for him in "The Strongest Voice on the Surface" Du. When talking about the game, Zhong Dao thanked the two mentors in particular, because when Sui Qingchi's name was mentioned, the radio host said to Tang Du: "The outside world seems to often compare the two of you, a song god, A heavenly king, well, a former heavenly king..." Tang Du said at this moment: "Although people often compare me with him, I feel quite honored to be compared with him."

This is not a pre-recorded program, this is today's program, Tang Du said this a few seconds ago. Fu Cuo was very emotional. When everyone drew a clear line with Sui Qingchi, on the contrary, they never met each other. Tang Du, whom Sui Qingchi regarded as an imaginary enemy, actually expressed his appreciation for him in the program.

The boy in the subway car snorted dissatisfiedly: "Is Tang Du's brain burned out?"

Fu Cuo glanced at the boy, got up and walked to another carriage.

With such overwhelming malice, how long will it take Sui Qingchi to walk to the undisturbed carriage...

Sui Qingchi came to the company to make the final handover, but the car was recognized by the reporters squatting outside the company. Even with the sunglasses on, he was still blinded by the flashing lights on the front of the car and on both sides. He is alone now, there are no bodyguards or assistants in the car, and the car can't even move. From the gaps in the crowd, he saw a few security guards standing at the entrance of the company. They just stood watching the show from a distance. A man came and tried to drive the crowd away. In a fit of anger, Sui Qingchi called Meng An, but Meng An didn't answer, so he left a voice message: "Are all the security guards in your company poor?! I'm not an artist now, but a shareholder. The identity requires you, immediately, immediately, let your dog come over and clear the way for me!!"

After hanging up the phone, he threw the phone aside, turned on the high beams, and honked the horn continuously. The reporters squinted their eyes one by one, enduring the harsh noise but still did not move away. Only a few people changed positions. It wasn't because they couldn't stand the light, but because they found that they couldn't take pictures clearly under the interference of the light.

After about five or six minutes, the security guards watching the show in front of the building finally received instructions. Listening to the conversation on the walkie-talkie, a small group of people rushed over in a panic.

The security guards came one after another, and only then did they pull the crowd out of a gap. The scene was chaotic for a while, and Sui Qingchi didn't care who was still blocking him desperately, and rushed out through the gap in the crowd with a bang of the gas pedal.

There were reporters and paparazzi chasing after them, and those who ran in front were pushed to the ground one after another. The security guards maintaining order in front of the building yelled in agony: "Is this a f*cking film of Trip to Busan?" ?!"

After entering the garage, Sui Qingchi called Liu Mei, and finally got out of the car and walked into the elevator after four bodyguards cleared the way. Everyone entered the elevator. Sunglasses stood expressionlessly in the innermost part of the elevator, receiving the baptism of flashing lights like waves outside the elevator door. The bodyguard scolded the reporter while forcibly breaking the reporter's fingers. Finally, two bodyguards stopped the person outside and the elevator was able to escape.

The elevator that Sui Qingchi took stopped twice on the way. When the employees outside saw him, they all consciously let them go first. Without getting on the elevator, Sui Qingchi went all the way to the designated floor. Liu Mei was waiting for him in the office, seeing him coming in He went straight to the sofa and sat down, gathered his coat, raised his head and said to her: "Forget the polite words, let's get straight to the point, I have limited time."

Liu Mei didn't say anything superfluous, but explained everything to him about the lost endorsement, the liquidated damages to be paid, and this time, the company finally agreed to terminate the contract with him. After confirming everything, Sui Qingchi signed the necessary documents, finally picked up the termination contract, snorted "it's not easy", turned to the end and signed.

Liu Mei watched him put on the pen cap after signing her name, and finally couldn't help but said: "I'm sorry..."

Sui Qingchi closed the folder and looked at her: "I'm sorry for what?"

Liu Mei took a deep breath: "I indulged you too much..."

Sui Qingchi patted the folder, sat up straight, stuffed his hands into his pockets, and said, "I'm a little speechless when you say that."

Liu Mei said: "I was the one who signed you in at the beginning, I know you have such and other problems, but... do you know why I indulged your problems?"

Sui Qingchi looked at her, thought for a while and shook his head.

"Because I know that your rebellious, dandy, middle school two will only make you have endless topics, and will make you popular faster." Liu Mei said, "And I also think that you seem to be invincible. .”

Sui Qingchi stared at her for a while, and finally said calmly: "Why do you say it?"

"If I don't say it, I have a conscience, I'm afraid you will feel that you owe me." Liu Mei put away the contracts, stood up and looked down at Sui Qingchi who was on the sofa. He was wrapped in a dark blue coat, with soft black hair, The sky-defying plain makeup looks a little bit like when she first met him. She said, "Sui Qingchi, you don't owe me or anyone. As you wish, you are free now."

Sui Qingchi didn't leave the company immediately, and when he closed the door and walked out of Liu Mei's office, he saw Wang Xiaoou coming out of the elevator. The fat girl saw him, and he trotted towards him without saying anything.

Wang Xiaoou looked at Sui Qingchi, who was much taller than him, thinking about what to say to him now, and greeted him "Master, are you okay?" It seemed like nonsense, he couldn't be fine, and asked him "Sister Liu Mei and What did you say?" It seemed to be nonsense, the fool didn't know what they were talking about, and she couldn't even tell him about the next itinerary.

All of Sui Qingchi's announcements are over from today.

When Wang Xiaoou was at a loss for words, Sui Qingchi said, "Buy me a cup of coffee and bring it up."

Wang Xiaoou nodded and went downstairs without asking any questions.

Sui Qingchi walked into the empty rehearsal room. When he first came to Huanyi, the rehearsal room was only half the size it is now. Later, it was expanded at his request to accommodate his larger and larger band organization. Other artists, Angie and Dumtan, have also rehearsed here. Here he perfected his guitar playing skills and also learned to play the drums. During the loneliest and longest nights, he was only allowed to stay here. In Huanyi, this is the only place where he still has a little affection.

Wang Xiaoou bought a cappuccino sweating profusely, and heard the familiar sound of drums coming from the rehearsal room. For Sui Qingchi, drums are not an instrument that he must master. He uses them like sandbags in the boxing gym. Wang Xiaoou doesn't know how to play drums, but he can always hear the rampant, passionate and explosive emotions from the sound of his drums.

She pushed open the door carefully, and Sui Qingchi took off his coat, only wearing a black turtleneck sweater, and was playing the drums. He stepped on the drums twice, and the drums sounded dense and powerful. The drumming didn't stop until she got close, and Wang Xiaoou could still feel the bass drum making her chest tight and blunt. Sui Qingchi put down the drum stick, smoothed her hair back, took the coffee from Wang Xiaoou, and by the way He gave her a CD that was on the chair next to him.

"For you."

He gave it very casually, but Wang Xiaoou instinctively took it with both hands, wanting to say, "Master, I have your autographed CD, you forgot?" He swallowed it suddenly, this autographed CD is not Sui Qingchi It belonged to Tang Du, and her name was written on it, but it said "Wang Xiaoou". Sui Qingchi always misspelled her name, and always remembered that her name was "Ouhuang" from "Ou". In the past, after spending in restaurants, she would give her a lottery or something to scratch. It's frustrating.

The circles of her eyes were red, and the tears came up uncontrollably. Under the light of the rehearsal room, the four corners of the CD in her hand seemed to be shining.

Sui Qingchi took a sip of the coffee, put it on the speaker beside him, got up and put on his coat, bent over to lift his backpack and put it on his shoulders, walked out from behind the drum set, and said, "Go talk to a more promising star, Or pick something gentle."

Listening to the rustling of his packing, Wang Xiaoou cried until he could not make a sound: "Why?"

Sui Qingchi looked back at the girl's sobbing back for a while, then took the cappuccino over Wang Xiaoou, and left without saying anything.

When Sui Qingchi came to take the cup of coffee, she blocked the light on her left side. As soon as he left, the light shone in again. Wang Xiaoou turned his head crying and saw Sui Qingchi's back leaving with his backpack on his back. He bowed his head While drinking coffee, he walked around the half-open door without even pushing the door. He didn't look like a Uranus superstar at all, like a teenager who was loved by the world and then abandoned.

After returning from the hospital, Fu Cuo ate something on the side of the road, and leaned on the sofa for a while when he got home. Maybe he was too tired during this time, so he just fell asleep. It was early morning when the phone rang.

The call was from Yao Ke. He thought something was wrong in the bar. He picked up the phone and just said "Hello" when he heard Yao Ke anxiously say on the other end: "Fu Cuo, come quickly, I don't know what to do. Do, oops, he is so miserable, I want to cry..." As he spoke, there was already a cry in his voice.

Yao Ke spoke incoherently, and Fu Cuo understood immediately, without asking a word, just said: "I'll be right there."

It was already 2:30 in the morning when he arrived at the bar, Yao Ke opened the door for him, and said regretfully with red eyes: "I don't know who to call..."

Fu Cuo followed her gaze and looked at the only figure at the bar, and said to Yao Ke: "I'm sorry, please go back first."

Yao Ke took one last look at Sui Qingchi who was standing on the bar counter, sniffed, and left sadly.

The bar was quiet again, Fu Cuo walked over, Sui Qingchi turned around and saw him, put down his glass, under the flickering light at the bar, he squinted his eyes like a cat, and then seemed to see the person walking by clearly, His eyes let go of his guard.

"How did you come?"

"Yao Ke called me." Fu Cuo said.

Sui Qingchi frowned and snorted: "What a fuss, she's been crying next to me when I've had a drink... what's there to cry about, hasn't she ever seen someone else drink while she's the owner of a bar?"

Fu Cuo looked at him: "Maybe I haven't seen you drink it, which scared her."

Sui Qingchi also looked at him, and his tone softened: "...Don't act like this, I'm fine. It's a bit unlucky, but you're still there." He opened his arms towards him and smiled freely, " bring it on."

Fu Cuo didn't know what to say, so he walked up to his arm and let him hug him.

Sui Qingchi put his arms around his waist, and leaned his head on his chest. Fu Cuo pulled out his arms and wrapped them around his shoulders, rather than hugging Sui Qingchi, it was more like supporting him.

"If this is the price you have to pay to regain your possession, it's a good deal." Sui Qingchi took a deep breath on his chest, as if smelling him, "Don't run away again, Fu Cuo."

The arms around his waist were tightened, and the five words that seemed to be a sigh and a warning made Fu Cuo's heart suddenly lift up.

"... What if I run away?"

"Then I'll have nothing."

Fu Cuo's throat choked up, and he grasped Sui Qingchi's shoulder: "No."

You don't have nothing Sui Qingchi, you are born to be a superstar, you deserve to have it all, as long as you are singing, nothing can stop people from loving you, what they take from you, will come back one day …

"... Then I have to find you," Sui Qingchi said to himself, his voice was buried deep in his chest and became indistinct, "You don't want to just disappear from my world like this."

Sui Qingchi was so drunk that Fu Cuo had to carry him into the car, carried him out of the car, and carried Sui Qingchi upstairs. Now his physical condition is getting worse, and he doesn't know how many times he can carry him.

In the elevator, nosebleeds suddenly dripped down, such a bright red drop landed on the back of Sui Qingchi's hand hanging on his chest, fortunately, he had used blood clotting medicine, the blood didn't flow too much, it stopped soon, walked out of the elevator, Fu Cuo struggled to pull out a tissue from his pocket, and wiped Sui Qingchi's fingers clean. Sui Qingchi seemed to have woken up a bit, put his hand on his shoulder, patted him and said: "You put me down, I can walk by myself."

"It's already here, it's really time for you to wake up." Fu Cuo said.

Sui Qingchi realized that he had already reached the door of the house, and cursed: "*, is it so useless?"

Fu Cuo helped Sui Qingchi to lie on the bed, Sui Qingchi's hands were still restless, grabbing his wrist to take him to the bed for a while, grabbing his collar and trying to unbutton him, so he had to take the trouble to put him on the bed. Put your hand down and stuff it under the quilt.

Sui Qingchi pulled out his hand again, put it on his cheek, and said drunkenly: "You have lost a lot of weight recently, why are you so tired of singing in bars? Don't go, I have money now, I can support you... "

Fu Cuo heard it both funny and sad, he blocked Sui Qingchi's left hand and his right hand came up, as if he couldn't say a word without touching him: "Now you have no job, what do you support me with?"

"I have shares in Huanyi, and I will be poor if Huanyi collapses."

Fu mistakenly unbuttoned his black shirt and said, "They might really collapse if you're not here."

Sui Qingchi lowered her head and said, "Are you planning to strip me naked and stuff it under the quilt?"

"No plan," Fu Cuo said without raising his eyes, "Your clothes smell of alcohol, I'll change your clothes."

Sui Qingchi took his hand and said, "Why do you need to change clothes, I don't want to wear clothes."

Fu Cuo looked at him helplessly, Sui Qingchi squeezed his fingers into his fingers little by little, clasped them together, and said, "You don't want to wear them either."

Fu Cuo recalled the past and said, "This is a fine."

"Five hundred, right," Sui Qingchi said, "plus your share is one thousand and five, I haven't forgotten." He raised his body and hugged Fu Cuo's shoulders forcefully, pulling him down, and the two of them fell heavily into the ground. In the bed, "I'm not poor now, do you know how much money is on my card?" He shook his head bitterly, kissing Fu Cuo's cheek, "You don't know..."