Gone With the Wind

Chapter 89


Since he moved here, Sui Qingchi no longer let the housekeeper come over every day. It is very inconvenient for Fushan Villa to order takeout. They occasionally cook by themselves according to the recipes on the Internet. Later, the ingredients in the refrigerator ran out and they had to go down the mountain to buy. , Fu Cuo wanted to say that I should drive to buy it back, but Sui Qingchi insisted that the two of them go together, Fu Cuo was puzzled: "Are you afraid that I will run away?"

"No." Sui Qingchi took the car keys, and he had already walked to the entrance, and said while putting on his shoes with his head down, "I just want to go to the supermarket with you."

Fu Cuo looked at him, Sui Qingchi was standing in the porch, wearing a long black coat, waiting for him to pass.

It seems that even if he sold the house, moved here on his own initiative, and the bar resigned, it would not give this person a sense of security. Sui Qingchi always gave him a feeling that no matter where he lived, whether it was a rented house of 30 square meters or such a luxurious villa, he was like a wild cat who never stopped.

When they arrived at the garage, Sui Qingchi opened the car door one step ahead of him, and said, "I'll drive, you sit behind me."

Fu Cuo had no objection. After Sui Qingchi got into the car, he sat behind the driver's seat. Except for the windshield, this Grand Cherokee has privacy glass that cannot be seen from the outside. Sui Qingchi is probably worried that there are paparazzi ambushing at the foot of the mountain. Although it has been a month since the incident, Sui Qingchi is the blood It's hard to say how long the entertainment circle will miss her with a rainy physique.

"Do you know where the nearest supermarket is?" Fu Cuo asked Sui Qingchi while wearing his seat belt after getting in the car.

"I don't know." Sui Qingchi turned her head in surprise, with an expression of "I thought you knew".

Fu Cuoxin said that I knew it, and turned on the mobile phone navigation: "The nearest is Wal-Mart, just under Fushan."

Sui Qingchi nodded, and drove down the mountain. When he arrived at the entrance of the villa, there was indeed a white van parked by the side of the road.

Fu Cuo saw the two reporters wandering outside the car, and asked Sui Qingchi, "Will they chase us when we're racing?"

"Yes." Sui Qingchi's tone was decisive and calm, and then he stopped and pulled the handbrake. While the two reporters were looking this way curiously, he took the sunglasses from the mirror box above and handed them to Fu Cuo in the back row, "Put them on." .”

The two paparazzi seemed very surprised that Sui Qingchi would stop and wait for them, and walked over suspiciously.

Sui Qingchi lowered half of the car window, and the paparazzi looked like they wanted to get close but didn't dare, Sui Qingchi said to the car window: "Why, I'm afraid I didn't pull the handbrake properly?"

The paparazzi who live in Fushan know this. When Sui Qingchi just bought the Cherokee, he drove down the mountain. When he put the car in neutral to let the paparazzi roll, he didn’t pull the handbrake. The man was almost rear-ended by a car. Everyone thought it was Sui Qingchi's intention.

Seeing that the car was indeed parked this time, the paparazzi leaned over.

Sui Qingchi didn't even wear sunglasses today, with his left hand on the steering wheel, he glanced at them up and down, and said lightly: "Didn't you say that if I'm not popular, I won't be here to guard me?"

The two paparazzi chattered for a long time, one of them just raised his phone to take a picture, Sui Qingchi raised his hand to block the car window, and frowned fiercely: "Still taking pictures?"

As soon as his throat became cold, Fu Cuo saw that the paparazzi immediately put down his phone and said that he would not take pictures. At this time, another paparazzi said: "Now it is rumored that the Meng family is messing with you. Is this true?"

"Nobody punished me." Sui Qingchi said expressionlessly.

"Aren't you going to explain those photos, isn't it like you?"

"No explanation."

Sui Qingchi looked like he was in love with something, and the two paparazzi were silent. Looking at this scene, Fu Cuo found it very strange. Sui Qingchi and the reporter paparazzi used to be so incompatible, but now they seem to be old The acquaintance is chatting.

Sui Qingchi looked at the two of them for the last time, and said, "I really quit the circle, don't follow me anymore." After speaking, he raised the car window.

I had quarreled with them before, raised my hand, and the situation was like fire and water, but at the end it was so calm. As the car drove away, Fu Cuo turned his head and looked at the backs of the two paparazzi turning around and leaving slowly outside the car window, feeling an indescribable feeling in his heart.

"What are you thinking?" Sui Qingchi asked.

Fu Cuo lowered his head and took off his sunglasses, saying, "I'm worried that they will lose their jobs."

Sui Qingchi turned the steering wheel to the right, and said with a smile, "Why? If I can't squat, I can still squat on your idol."

Fu Cuo was taken aback.

Sui Qingchi said, "Salinger."

... That's right, he just remembered that he and Sui Qingchi had mentioned Salinger, although only that one time.

"There were a lot of messy news about him afterwards." Sui Qingchi glanced back from the rearview mirror and asked, "Is he still your idol now?"

"I didn't take off the powder." Fu Cuo said.

Sui Qingchi's eyes in the mirror smiled.

For a while, Sui Qingchi felt that he really had a lot to say, and the urge to tell it came to his lips, but he found that there seemed to be no way to say it. He wanted to say that when he first debuted, I thought I would have the opportunity to meet your idol. , I was looking forward to and nervous at that time, and I typed countless times in my head. When I saw him, what should I say to him, saying that I have a very good friend who likes you very much. He is such a cool person. Take a photo with me, if you can successfully take a photo with him, should I post it on Weibo, can you see it, and what mood do you feel after seeing it... It turned out that someone posed. At that time, I felt that I was really stupid. I was just a newcomer who just debuted. What qualifications do I have to meet the idol you have liked for so many years

But I didn’t expect that I was really qualified, and I was even able to participate in the New Year’s Eve concert with LOTUS, but I didn’t go to see them once, because I don’t think your idol would want to meet me, he must not will like me. Whenever I think about it, it makes me sad.

There is only one supermarket nearby, which is big but deserted. It may not be because of the weekend, there are not many people in the supermarket. Unexpectedly, Fu Cuo ran to the instant food freezer as soon as he entered the door, and Sui Qingchi walked behind him pushing a shopping cart.

Then, as they walked, the people disappeared.

Fu Cuo turned around with a bag of Wan Chai Wharf in his hand, and wanted to ask the price teller next to him, where is such a big star here just now

Finally, in front of the instant noodle shelf, I found Sui Qingchi who was holding the trolley station and admiring the display of instant noodles.

They used to eat this stuff until they felt like throwing up, but they didn't expect to have a day of nostalgia. Fu Cuo walked over and said, "Want to buy a few bags to reminisce about the past?"

He raised his hand and took a pack of the flavors that the two of them used to eat, and found that the bread inside was broken, so he put it down and changed a pack, but this pack was also broken...

As a result, the row of instant noodles was all broken.

Fu Cuo turned his head to look at Sui Qingchi's hand in his coat, as if out of instinct. Sui Qingchi frowned blankly, as if he had just understood his eyes, blinked and said, "It's not me."

When they went out to check out that day, they saw the culprit, a black and thin boy who was caught by the supermarket tally staff and seemed to be discovered by surveillance. Sui Qingchi watched from a distance, and said, "You can be caught, aren't you stupid?"

"Have you never been caught?" Fu Cuo asked.

"What do you think, if I was caught too early, I would be picked up by the paparazzi and be on the trending searches."

"You are very experienced..."

Sui Qingchi wore flat black-rimmed eyes, watching the boy being ordered by the manager of the supermarket, he paused for a while before he heard what Fu Cuo said, and said, "What am I doing?"

He threw the shopping cart to Fu Cuo, and walked towards the little boy by himself. The supermarket manager and the tally clerk were halfway through the training of the boy. Suddenly, the two of them looked this way at the same time. Sui Qingchi walked in front of them and bowed his head. Glancing at the basket of instant noodles that had been counted out, he said, "I bought all of these." The staff and the boy recognized him at the same time, and were stunned. Sui Qingchi bent down and picked up the red basket to leave. The boy stared up at him dumbfounded, and gave the other party a rude look: "Don't do it in the future, lest others will take the blame for you."

Fu Cuo watched Sui Qingchi come over, put the basket of instant noodles on the shopping cart, and said, "Let's go."

There was a commotion at the checkout counter during the checkout. There were not many people in the supermarket, but suddenly there were more people. The other cashier channels were all empty. Men, women and children lined up here, and people kept coming in from the supermarket entrance. People held up their mobile phones to Sui Qingchi, including young people and aunts and uncles. Fu Cuo was amazed and said that Sui Qingchi's nationality is really good. The cashier is a little girl. After paying the bill for the customers in front, she holds the QR code scanner in both hands and waits for Sui Qingchi to push the shopping cart over. When she scans the QR code, her face turns red like a tomato, and her voice trembles when she quotes the price. Qing Chi handed over the phone to scan the QR code, picked up the basket full of instant noodles on the cashier counter, bent down and put it outside the cashier exit, and said to the people in the queue behind: "I'll send you off, take whatever you want."

The masses finally couldn't hold back and shouted:

"Sui Qingchi!"

"Sui Qingchi look this way!"

"Ah, so handsome!"

Then a man yelled abruptly: "The Second Heavenly King!"

Sui Qingchi, who was carrying two big sacks of quick-frozen food, stopped and turned around, and the buddy who called him the Second Heavenly King made his brows droop at a glance, and the crowd laughed.

Walking out of the supermarket, followed by the little girl excitedly chasing after her, Fu Cuo sighed: "It's going to be on the hot search again."

"Don't blame me if you're afraid of being popular." Sui Qingchi lifted the two pockets to the back seat and threw them against the car door.

Fu Cuo rested his forehead in his heart, got into the car, and glanced at Sui Qingchi who buckled up his seat belt and started the car. Qingchi might have a bad face, Fu Cuo thought to himself, I really don't know why, the first suspect is you...

But there is one thing that makes him very happy for Sui Qingchi, that is, seeing that people in reality still love him, even if there are criticisms and malice in his heart, in front of the real Sui Qingchi, he will lose to the trend Instinct of light. Such a luminous body, even if it is not a superstar, standing in front of you, you cannot deny its power.

Life is counting down, but for Fu Cuo, rather than being immersed in sadness, he wants to catch every spark of inspiration, and when he devotes himself to creation, it seems that he will really forget the pain unconsciously. Once in the middle of taking a shower, a refrain suddenly popped up in his mind. He didn't care about the foam on his head, opened the glass door of the shower room, and shouted outside: "Sui Qingchi! Sui Qingchi!"

Not long after, Sui Qingchi came up, opened the door and asked nervously, "What's wrong?!"

Fu Cuo held a head of foam that hadn't been rinsed off, and said, "Bring your phone, I just thought of a melody."

Sui Qingchi looked at him speechlessly at the door.

"hurry up."

Hot air kept coming out of the shower room, Sui Qingchi glanced at Fu Cuo who was still naked, and nodded without saying a word.

When the phone was brought, Fu turned off the water by mistake, hummed the chorus, and asked Sui Qingchi to record it.

When recording the chorus, Sui Qingchi was standing outside the shower room, with one hand propped on the glass, and the other hand holding the phone for Fu Cuo to record for him. Fu Cuo finished humming the melody to the phone, and Sui Qingchi took it to watch After looking at it, he said blankly, "Again."

Fu Cuo didn't know, so he thought it wasn't recorded well, so he hummed again. Sui Qingchi tapped his right hand on the glass with the rhythm of his humming, and the ring finger of his ring finger knocked lightly on the glass. And crisp.

After recording the sound, Sui Qingchi put away the phone and said, "You can finish washing in time."

"I'm afraid I'll forget it." Fu Cuo turned on the water again.

Sui Qingchi didn't go out again, walked to the toilet outside the separate shower room and sat down, hunched over and looked up at him: "It's not that easy to forget."

Fu Cuo said in the sound of water: "My brain is not as good as before."

"You've written enough for an album right now."

"You can choose again."

"All good, I like them all, so there's no need to choose." Sui Qingchi said.

Fu Cuo turned his head to look outside the shower room, the water vapor blurred Sui Qingchi's figure: "I'm too embarrassed to continue taking a shower while you sit here..."

Sui Qingchi raised his body and leaned back, squinting his eyes as if he wanted to see through the steaming mist, and said, "Don't worry, it's all water vapor, I can't see anything."

Fu Miss smiled: "Then what are you still looking at?"

Sui Qingchi said: "I didn't watch it, I was reminiscing about it." He hugged one leg and turned his head to look over, "I finished watching the recording for you just now."

The people in the shower room were silent.

"I didn't say anything when you came in to take this and that when I was taking a shower." Sui Qingchi said.

"Didn't you go in with my consent?" Fu Cuo said.

"May I disagree?"

Fu made a wrong statement.

"Fu Cuo, did you see me then?" Sui Qingchi asked suddenly.


"… real?"


After the voice fell, there was only the sound of rushing water in the bathroom. Fu Cuo thought that Sui Qingchi had gone out, but he heard Sui Qingchi ask again the next second:

"Want to see it then?"

Fu Cuo stood in the pouring hot water, and the sound of rushing water could not dispel Sui Qingchi's seductive and penetrating voice. Do we have to break the casserole and ask the end? The water dripped on his ears, getting hotter by the slightest.

Sui Qingchi stared at the shower room, the naked guitarist turned his back to him, lowered his head to rinse his hair, pretending not to hear.

This song was born in the bath, and after adding the verse, it became a light and chic punk style work. Sui Qingchi wrote a line called "Don't Call Me Monkfish", saying that it was written for AK.

Fu read the lyrics by mistake and couldn't help laughing.

At that time they were sitting in the workshop chatting about this song. There were two swivel chairs in the workshop, and Sui Qingchi's was always empty. Fu Cuo knew that maybe Sui Qingchi didn't want to disturb him, but he actually wanted him more Being able to sit here with me is like when Sui Qingchi sat on the old sofa behind him and played the guitar when he was writing songs in the rental house. Although the sound of the guitar occasionally got into his earphones, it never really disturbed him. When the music stopped, he could hear the sound of Sui Qingchi walking around behind him or simply doing nothing. A nineteen-year-old boy walking around with nothing to do, he was playing the guitar, playing with his mobile phone, changing clothes, going into the bathroom, and then with a toothbrush in his mouth, half of his body was leaning against the door of the bathroom and looking at himself... There are countless things that make him tempted The moment of inspiration, the moment of inspiration, but what satisfies him the most is the fact that Sui Qingchi has changed from a star in the universe to a billiard ball and hits it on his less than 30-square-meter desktop. Come and bump.

That day Sui Qingchi gave him the lyrics of the song, along with a cup of coffee.

The lyrics are neatly written, and the coffee is unexpectedly rich and mellow, completely different from the taste of instant coffee.

Sui Qingchi sat on another chair and drank his own cup, and said: "The coffee beans and the siphon pot were boiled, it tossed me for a long time, let me drink it with you, lest you drink half of it and let it cool down there. "

On the Internet, Sui Qingchi is often mocked for not having a tutor, but it is just to add a crime, just because Sui Qingchi always looks arrogant when sitting like this, and other male artists give people the impression of being elegant with their legs crossed Yes, only Sui Qingchi, even if he didn't put his legs up, but crossed his legs in a normal way, people would think he was crazy and arrogant. Fans say that it is because he has long legs, is tall, and is big, so when he sits on this relatively small single chair and sofa, he looks like a cat from the African grassland hanging himself on a branch.

When Fu Cuo thought of this description, he thought it was wonderful, as if everything about Sui Qingchi remained primitive and uneducated, so he didn't like being told that he had no tutor, and he would get angry when he said it, because it was actually the same. his sore spot.

Fu Cuo couldn't help laughing when he saw Sui Qingchi sipping his coffee thoughtfully.

Sui Qingchi looked up at him: "What are you laughing at?" He even licked his lips, thinking it was stained with something.

This is coffee and not milk, Fu Cuo thought, bowed his head and scanned the lyrics, and said, "How did you come up with the idea to write AK?"

Sui Qingchi shrugged: "I don't know, I suddenly thought of him after listening to the tracks you made last night. Speaking of which, he came to ask me to join your band alone, but I rejected it."

Fu Cuo knew about this, but he only knew the version of AK. He was curious about what Sui Qingchi's version was like: "How did he find you?"

Sui Qingchi took a sip of coffee, put down the cup, and said, "He followed me all the way and kept talking, kept talking, he walked with me for a while, I feel like he didn't stop for a second, I I wanted to say buddy, can you take a break, but when he turned around, he stared at me with glowing eyes."

The more Fu Cuo listened, the more amusing he became. Recalling this period of history, Sui Qingchi still had an annoyed look on his face, especially when he repeated "talking non-stop" twice, his brows almost frown. A sixteen-year-old boy with a bad temper can be seen faintly.

"At the time, I thought that this person might be sick, so I didn't say anything harsh, for fear of irritating him." Sui Qingchi said.

Fu Cuo was speechless, thinking that what you said at that time were not cruel? You made us so big don't play house wine...

"Didn't you think playing in a band wasn't a good job?" Fu Cuo held the coffee cup in both hands and said, "Then why did you want to join later?"

He has always been a little curious about this question, wondering if Sui Qingchi saw their performance somewhere and got infected? After all, Sui Qingchi had taken pictures of him at that time, but later rejected this idea. With Song Kai's level, he should not be able to infect Sui Qingchi, at most he would get Sui Tianwang's indifference.jpg. Besides, he and Tan Si AK were at the same level at that time.

Sui Qingchi put down his coffee cup and looked at Fu Cuo. He could see a little bit of curiosity in Fu Cuo's eyes, and finally he said, "Guess."

Fu Cuo seriously guessed: "...you don't really come to see our performance, do you?"

Sui Qingchi didn't answer, he leaned over without saying a word, reached out and took away the almost drunk coffee in Fu Cuo's hand: "Have you finished drinking? After you finish drinking, hurry up and compose a song, it's late."

Fu Cuo looked at the figure of Sui Qingchi getting up and leaving. For some reason, that figure still seemed to reveal the lonely appearance of his youth. He wanted him to stay, but he didn't know how to speak so as not to be nasty and hypocritical. When Sui Qingchi walked to the door, he suddenly said: "This word doesn't rhyme."

Sure enough, Sui Qingchi stopped in front of the door, turned around and walked back, asking, "Where?"

Fu mistakenly pointed to a section of the verse for him to read.

Sui Qingchi stood there and glanced down: "You don't need to rhyme everywhere."

Fu Cuo looked up at him and asked knowingly, "But does it sound good when you sing like this?"

Sui Qingchi raised his eyebrows as if questioned: "What's not good?"

Fu Cuo handed the lyrics to his chest: "Then sing it to me."

Sui Qingchi was wearing a casual shirt with black and white fine lines, the neckline was casually opened to the third button, so the page of lyrics lightly pressed against the skin of his chest, itching like a feather.

He glanced at Fu Cuo, put down his coffee cup, took the lyrics, and sat down on the chair behind him.

"Listen up," he leaned forward, put his elbows on his legs, and pointed straight at Fu Cuo. He held the page of lyrics in his hand and shook it conceitedly, making a "stab" sound, "It's not good, I will pay you with my life."

Fu Cuo just looked at Sui Qingchi sitting in front of him, and finished singing the lyrics like a young boy. It's nice, it doesn't rhyme, but he sings the rhyme.

With just a slight bow, he could see Sui Qingchi's two long legs striding forward. The knees of the two were very close, only about two fists away, and Sui Qingchi's right foot was still Aggressively step on the position between his feet.

After singing, Sui Qingchi looked up at him, put the lyrics on his lap helplessly, and said, "You lied to me again for a live song."

Fu took the lyrics over by mistake.

Sui Qingchi looked at the other party, feeling a little indescribably disappointed. Fu Cuo didn't know why he wanted to join Xifeng. He really thought he joined for the band and rock and roll.

why don't you know If you are not the captain of the band, but the captain of the basketball team, I will join the basketball team. If you are the captain of the volleyball team, I will join the volleyball team. If you are a rap player, I will be your rapper. This question is hard to think about. Understand

... In fact, I don't seem to understand it very well. If I hadn't been asked by you, I might not have noticed. It turns out that I had to rely on you at that time, Fu Cuo.

"It's a pity," Sui Qingchi said, "If you come to find me to form a band by yourself, you won't have to be knocked on that chair by Song Kai."

Fu Cuo touched the top of his head and nodded in sympathy. Because you are not familiar with AK, but you are familiar with me.

... Then I will be the first lead singer of Xifeng, Sui Qingchi thought to himself, he shrugged at Fu Cuo: "I just have a bad life."