Gone With the Wind

Chapter 9


Fu Cuo really didn't know where Sui Qingchi lived, but the strange thing was that he didn't think it was a problem at the first time. When he got to the side of the road, he realized that he didn't know how to find him at all. In the past, it was very easy to find Sui Qingchi. Even if he turned off his mobile phone, there were only a few places he could go. of the place. But today is not what it used to be, Sui Qingchi is a superstar that everyone is looking forward to, and it is impossible to find him.

On a cold and windy night in December, Fu Cuo searched aimlessly on his mobile phone while walking along the road, the light of the car lights drifted past him, the cold wind blew, his fingers were so cold that he typed wrong words several times, I don't know if it's luck or not, but he actually found Sui Qingchi's residence in a post about the residences of celebrities.

Putting the mobile phone away, he turned around and saw a taxi. Fu stopped the car by mistake, got into the back seat, wrapped up his coat, and greeted the driver: "Lantian County, thank you."

Only a general location was revealed on the Internet. It is said that besides Sui Qingchi, there are other celebrities living in Lantian County. The taxi was parked opposite the community, Fu Cuo got off and sent Sui Qingchi a text message: I've arrived at the gate of the community, and the guard won't let me in.

After a while, when I received a call from Sui Qingchi, my tone seemed to be a bit puzzled: "So fast?"

"I hung up the phone and went out." Fu Cuo said.

Sui Qingchi said "Yes" and said, "Give your phone to the guard, and I'll tell him."

Fu Cuo handed the mobile phone to the young security guard, saw that the security guard had a long conversation with Sui Qingchi, and at the end immediately turned around and returned the mobile phone to him with both hands, and said excitedly: "Are you Sui Qingchi's friend? !"

Fu Cuo didn't know what he was excited about. Sui Qingchi lived here. As a security guard, it should be easy for him to meet real people, so he said, "Can I go in?"

The young security guard was excited and dumbfounded: "He doesn't live here! It's all rumored on the Internet. He bought a house here, but it was for the musicians of the band. Others don't live here!"

Fu Cuo was stunned, and took back the phone in embarrassment. Just as he put it to his ear and said "Hello", he heard Sui Qingchi's very sullen voice: "Fu Cuo, are you stupid?!"

Fu Cuo looked back at the curious little security guard, walked quickly to the side of the road, and said, "Didn't you let me find it myself? I found it based on the paparazzi's revelations."

"...you can, I don't even know if you're playing with me on purpose."

Fu Cuo frowned and stared at the phone. In this situation, should I play you or you play me

Sui Qingchi hung up the phone, and sent him a location after a while. Fu Cuo looked at the place name and sighed. It was Fushan Villa, at least 40 kilometers away from Lantian County. Moreover, he looked up at the deserted avenue. This place was not even easy to call.

It was past eleven o'clock in the evening when we arrived at Fushan Villa. Fushan Villa, as the name suggests, the mansions are all built on the mountain, hidden in the forest, it is even colder here than Lantian County, the villas are far away from each other, and the helicopters fly over the top and can't take pictures. For Sui Qingchi's blood It couldn't be more suitable for a rainy star.

Sui Qingchi's residence could not be seen from the side of the road at all, and it was easy to miss it. Fu Cuo arrived at the destination according to the location. Standing in front of the gate, he hesitated for a moment, perhaps because the surrounding area was too quiet, like a dangerous jungle at night. He's like a fool who hunts lions in the middle of the night.

Ring the doorbell, and the door opens a moment later. The terrain of this villa is quite unique, it is built with its back against the ridge, so it cannot be seen from the side of the road, it is hidden and low-key, he walked down a row of steps illuminated by wall lamps, and gradually saw the whole picture of the villa , from the dove gray roof to the oversized terrace facing the foot of the mountain, the lines are concise and concise, but everywhere reveals the personality and taste of the owner—a man of taste but not too easy to mess with.

The door was not closed, and he was greeted by the not-so-white mixed-race Samoyed. When he saw him, the big dog gave a symbolic bark twice, and then lay motionless at the entrance, as if he knew it was a guest.

There is floor heating in the room, which alleviated the coldness of his running all the way. Through the entrance, he heard the sound of glass clinking, and at the same time Sui Qingchi's voice: "Come here?"

Fu Cuo immediately discovered that the sound insulation effect of the villa is quite good, and it should be specially designed.

Sui Qingchi was wearing a loose black V-neck sweater and gray sports trousers, with red wine and a wine glass in his hand, he glanced at him when he passed the entrance, turned his gaze away, and walked to the sofa.

After so many years, Fu Cuo can't help but admit that time has not taken away Sui Qingchi's charm. Most of him has been exercising for a long time, coupled with his handsome face, it is no wonder that even with such a poor reputation, he is still favored by countless women. good heart.

Sui Qingchi turned his back to him, bent down to put the wine glass on the tea table, and said, "Sit down."

Fu Cuo didn't want to stay for long, he hesitated when he saw the wine glasses on the table.

Sui Qingchi put down his wine glass, straightened his back and turned to look at him, frowning slightly: "Aren't you cold standing there?"

These words were rare and not offensive. Fu Cuo took off his shoes without saying a word, and didn't change his slippers. Anyway, the floor was clean and warm.

He went to sit down opposite Sui Qingchi, Sui Qingchi poured him a glass of red wine, said nothing, just pushed the glass in front of him, poured himself another glass, and then sat down on the sofa.

Fu Cuo was not in the mood to drink: "No need, let's get straight to the point."

Sui Qingchi lowered his head and casually stuffed the cork, and asked, "Why do you cut straight to the point?"

"Can you please don't target him in the future." Fu Cuo said.

Sui Qingchi pressed the cork's hand for a while, and said expressionlessly, "Who?"

"Clock Island."

The corner of Sui Qingchi's mouth curled up: "You care about this substitute very much, have you known each other for a long time?"

Fu Cuo didn't know what Sui Qingchi had misunderstood, and he didn't bother to explain. Anyway, he would only describe it more and more darkly: "I'm talking to you about this matter very seriously now."

Sui Qingchi leaned forward, put his elbows on his knees, clasped his hands and looked directly at the person opposite: "I am also very serious about asking you."

"He's just a boy with a talent for singing, and he's a nobody to you," Fu Cuo said, "You're the king of the sky, and he's just a rookie who isn't even an 18th-line artist. You really don't need to target him... "

"A newcomer who isn't even an 18th-line artist?" Sui Qingchi raised his body, with a sarcastic expression on his face, and patted his knee with his left hand firmly, "Which 18th-line artist dares to step on me every day on the news? Which 18th-line artist dares to step on me on the news every day? A line artist can ask for a song that I can't even ask for!"

So that's the case, Fu Cuo thought to himself, he couldn't get anything, so he was angry, right

"If you want a song, fine, I can write it for you. Zhong Dao is a student of Tangdu. I don't expect you to perform the duties of a mentor to guide him, as long as you regard him as an ordinary player in the competition and judge objectively and fairly. he."

Unexpectedly, Sui Qingchi glared at him with an incredulous expression after hearing his words.

Fu Cuo didn't understand his reaction: "What's wrong?"

Sui Qingchi didn't want to say anything, he suppressed his anger and stood up. When he got up, he suddenly blocked the light above his head. Fu Cuo immediately felt the oppressive feeling head-on, but Sui Qingchi just turned around and walked to the entrance. The mixed-race Samoyed He raised his head and wagged his tail at him. Fu Cuo was very familiar with Sui Qingchi like this. If it wasn't for his own home, he would have slammed the door and left in the next second. Sui Qingchi is flamboyant on the surface, but in fact he is very sensitive in his heart, and he often gets angry for no reason, he doesn't know what he said that angered him.

There's no need to give Sui Qingchi the chance to say "Get out", before Sui Qingchi could say that he had already got up, thinking that it was a waste of time, but at least he tried his best.

Sui Qingchi's back was stunned for a moment when he got up, and he looked back at him, frowning and asked: "Where are you going?"

"That's it," Fu Cuo closed his jacket and said, "I'm going back."

Passing by Sui Qingchi, she suddenly heard Sui Qingchi say behind her back: "Fu Cuo, did you mean to disgust me on purpose?"

Fu Cuo was baffled, but he still turned his head patiently: "Why do you hate you?"

"The last time I went to see you, didn't you say that you would no longer write songs for anyone? You compromised for a rookie who is not an eighteenth-line artist? Does he sing well? Why don't I think that among all the contestants If he can be ranked in the top three, he will be praised, what are you trying to do?!"

"If you don't write songs for you, you will hate me, and if you write songs for you, you will be unhappy. What do you really want?" If I write songs for you, I have to kneel down and beg you, or you still think the posture is ugly, don't you

Sui Qingchi looked at him for a long time, then twitched his throat, and said, "I don't want to do anything, I just don't think he deserves it, and I want you to wake up."

"I'm sober, and you are the one who is not sober." Fu Cuo couldn't bear it anymore, "Sui Qingchi, it's been so many years, you should be more mature, what's the use of giving up on yourself all day long? Smoking, drinking, playing NP and playing big names for a while I want to form a band, but I forgot for a while, and I have the energy to deal with a newcomer, can you take your life more seriously?"

Sui Qingchi's face became increasingly ugly: "Shut up!"

The fist hit the cabinet in the entrance, and there was a "bang", the mixed-race Samoyed jumped up in fright, and spun around the master's legs in fear. The wrought iron handle of the cabinet slammed on Sui Qingchi's hand hard, and the whole hand was in convulsive pain. The dog jumped up to please him, Sui Qingchi resisted the severe pain in his hand, bent down to pick up the frisbee on the ground, Flying directly towards the terrace, the frisbee fell into the swimming pool, and the mixed-race Samoyed rushed out foolishly, and jumped into the water with a "plop".

Fu Cuo saw the dog struggling to swim towards the red frisbee in the middle of the pool, but Sui Qingchi walked over and closed the French door with a "wow" and locked it. The big dog swam back with the frisbee in its mouth, squatting wet in front of the door, His paws scratched pitifully at the glass.

Fu Cuo couldn't stand it anymore: "It's not easy being your dog."

"It will be unlucky if you come, because I can't take it out on you."

"Then you come at me, don't lose your temper with irrelevant things." Fu Cuo walked over without thinking, and wanted to open the door to let the dog in, but Sui Qingchi held down his hand.

"That's what you said." Sui Qingchi looked at him and said coldly.

The hands of the two people were holding each other. For the first time after so many years, it was still the palm-to-palm grip. Fu Cuo suddenly regretted it. When he raised his hand vigorously, Sui Qingchi also let go at that moment. The two of them You look at me, I look at you, as if the accident of sticking to each other's palms never happened, there is still only hatred and disgust between them, nothing else. Facing Sui Qingchi like this, Fu Cuo felt extremely complicated. Sui Qingchi was no more than two centimeters taller than him, but the sense of oppression exuding from his body seemed to be worse than before. I don't know what he has experienced in these years. After meeting him a few times, the hostility he felt from him was increasing day by day. The pressure from his fingers in the grip just now was absolutely impolite, making the softness and warmth in his palm negligible.

Sui Qingchi opened the door, and the mixed-race Samoyed rushed in, splashing water all over his body. The cold water splashed on the two of them. Sui Qingchi took the Frisbee from the big dog's mouth, and raised his hand to Fu Cuo very maliciously. He raised his hand, then raised his hand and threw it towards the swimming pool outside.

The big dog wanted to rush to pick it up, but was grabbed by Sui Qingchi's collar, and both front feet were almost pulled up. Feeling the master's strong strength, the dog squatted down on the spot after struggling a bit. Dare to move. Sui Qingchi leaned over and dragged the dog, while looking up at Fu Cuo provocatively.

Fu took a wrong look at Sui Qingchi, raised his hand and took off his jacket without saying anything.

The black jacket was thrown on the ground, and the metal zipper slammed on the floor with a crisp sound. The big dog shook its ears and looked curiously at the person walking towards the swimming pool. He felt the hand behind him holding his collar loosen gradually.

In the early winter season, I felt bitingly cold when I stepped into the water. The Frisbee didn't fall very far, but Fu Cuo felt completely chilled after swimming for only such a short distance.

The red frisbee was floating in the middle of the swimming pool. Seeing the man swimming towards it, the big dog jumped forward anxiously and broke free from the shackles of its master, who was already weak.

When the mixed-race Samoyed jumped into the water, the boss splashed a lot. The dog swam over to catch the Frisbee first. Fu Cuo turned his head in the turbulent water to look at Sui Qingchi on the shore.

Sui Qingchi stood by the pool, looked down at him, and choked out a sentence: "Why?"

The mixed-race Samoyed jumped ashore with water all over his body, and Fu Cuo then jumped up from the water: "I want you to feel how much your demands are too much."

It was too cold, his teeth were chattering when he spoke, Sui Qingchi didn't make a sound after hearing that.

Fu Cuo walked aside, turned his back to Sui Qingchi, took off his wet T-shirt, and wanted to put on the sweater, but his body was covered in water, so he twisted the T-shirt, trying to dry off the water on his body. At that time, a towel was handed over from behind, and seeing that he didn't take it, it was hung on his shoulder—at a certain distance, he put it lightly.

Fu Cuo didn't look back, grabbed the towel and wiped his body silently.

Sui Qingchi asked from behind: "What's so special about that Zhongdao?"

This time it was in a calm and restrained tone. Fu Cuo put on a sweater and his chest warmed up a little before he was able to calm down his shortness of breath due to the cold: "... because he has a dream, and it is not easy for him to realize his dream." He turned his head sideways. , whispered, "I beg you, don't destroy other people's dreams like you destroyed mine."

Sui Qingchi stared at Fu Cuo's trembling back, hesitant to speak a few times, he couldn't get any advantage from a cold war with this person, hurt him, and finally hurt himself, just destroy his dream with one sentence. It made him unable to resist, he couldn't refute it if he wanted to refute it, he only seemed despicable if he wanted to clear it up, and there was nothing he could explain if he wanted to explain it:

"... I didn't destroy it, I never thought of destroying you, but I can also give you back your dream."

This is not the first time Sui Qingchi said such a thing, maybe he is a little ashamed. Fu Cuo smiled wryly and shook his head: "It's impossible, it's over."

"... Do you hate me very much?"

Fu Cuo closed his eyes, he didn't know, he might have hated him sincerely before, but now...

"I can't wait." He bent down and lowered his head, twisting his wet trousers.

"It's not that I can't promise you." Sui Qingchi said suddenly.

Fu Cuo looked back at him, the water in the swimming pool was still rippling, and the bright water flashed at the position of Sui Qingchi's eyes, those eyes that would make people crazy seemed to come back again, Sui Qingchi He understands what kind of fire and demons are like: "...do you have the conditions?"

"Will you agree?"

"I can write songs for you." Fu Cuo said.

"Except for this?"

Fu Cuo looked at Sui Qingchi: "Isn't that enough?"

The five words contained no negative emotions, but they were slow and powerful, and each word was distinct. Sui Qingchi couldn't say a single word.

Is it enough or not? Fu Cuo didn't want to ask him again. The pants had dried a little in the cold wind, but they were still sticking to his legs. He lowered his head and planned to wipe it with a towel. His nose became hot, and a drop of red smeared on the white. on the towel.

Sui Qingchi seemed to find out immediately: "What's wrong?"

Fu Cuo raised his hand and touched his nose. The nosebleed immediately stained the back of his hand. He shook his head and said, "It's okay, it's an old problem."

Sui Qingchi stared at the shocking red on the opponent's hand: "Why didn't I know you had this old problem?"

"People change."

"...did I make you jump into the pool?"

"No," Fu Cuo could only say, "Is there a tissue?"

Sui Qingchi touched his body, and it was naturally empty. He looked into the room, and his Adam's apple rolled: "I don't have any paper on me, come with me into the room and change clothes."

Fu Cuo didn't want to stay here with Sui Qingchi, but he had to do so right now, so he nodded.

As soon as he entered the door, nosebleeds dripped on the floor, Fu Cuo shook his head and said, "Forget it, I still won't go in."

"It's okay." Sui Qingchi looked down at the ground and said, "Come in."

Fu Cuo had no choice but to walk into the room, the ground was covered with watermarks he stepped on, Sui Qingchi asked him to sit on the sofa, he was covered in water now, sitting on the sofa was not comfortable, Sui Qingchi turned around and saw that he was just standing, Say, "Go and sit at the bar."

Fu Cuo sat down on the high stool. Sui Qingchi came over with a tissue, but instead of handing it to him, he walked around to the opposite side of the bar. Fu Cuo raised his hand to pick up the tissue. The box of tissues was brought under the bar, and holding a tissue in his hand, he easily lifted the other party's chin and said, "Let me see if there is still bleeding."

Before Sui Qingchi's hand came over, Fu Cuo tilted his head back, meaning that you can see it like this, there is no need to make extra movements, and Sui Qingchi's hand really didn't come closer.

The eyes of the two people are staggered from the beginning to the end. Embarrassed yet polite, Fu Cuo thought, probably that's it.

Sui Qingchi gave him the tissue, and Fu Cuo breathed a sigh of relief, took the tissue from him and wiped his nose. The nosebleeds always come and go quickly, but now they are gone.

Hearing Sui Qingchi's relaxed breathing, he raised his head subconsciously. Sui Qingchi had already turned around and walked out of the bar: "I'll go up and get you a change of clothes."

He went upstairs in two steps and one step at a time, and his back quickly disappeared on the stairs. He was worried that he would leave if he didn't hurry up, Fu Cuo thought.

When Sui Qingchi went upstairs, he got up and went to the sink to wash it. When he was drying his face with a towel, he looked down and saw the music paper and lyrics in the wastebasket below.

He pretended not to notice anything, turned around and took the suit, and said "thank you".

Sui Qingchi said: "Do you want to change here, or..."

Fu wrongly said that I should go to the bathroom to change, Sui Qingchi nodded and said it was over there.

Going into the bathroom and closing the door, without having to face Sui Qingchi, Fu Cuo just felt relieved from the heavy pressure. Sui Qingchi's clothes always fit him well, but he actually had a little impression of this dark blue fur collar jacket in the mirror, as if he saw Sui Qingchi passing through the airport, he didn't know how he recognized it, it seemed The more he intentionally avoided Sui Qingchi's news, the more he remembered every casual glimpse.

When Sui Qingchi came out, he was squatting on the ground to brush the dog's fur. Fu Cuo felt a little emotional when he saw such a scene. Not pure, but he must have a good temper. This is also very good, and he is a perfect match.

The nosebleed stopped, and the clothes were changed. Before leaving, Sui Qingchi suddenly called to him: "Fu Cuo."

He turned around tiredly.

Sui Qingchi put down the towel for wiping the dog, stood up, and said, "I promise you."

Fu Cuo froze for a moment, then opened his eyes in disbelief, thinking he had heard wrong.

"I promise you, I won't target him," Sui Qingchi walked over, "No conditions are required, you can write songs as you like, and I will pay you double if you write them. If you don't want to write for me, forget it."

Fu Cuo frowned and looked at the person in front of him: "...why?"

"For..." Sui Qingchi was in the middle of speaking, and forced himself to swallow it back, "You won't care if I say it," he said, without looking away from the surprised eyes of the other party, "or you can go back and think about it." Think it over."

You think about it, Fu Cuo.