Gone With the Wind

Chapter 94


Zhong Dao didn't wait for Sui Qingchi's reply. Seeing that the time to enter the studio for recording was approaching day by day, not to mention the lyrics of the song, even the title of the song was not known yet.

Yesterday, he ran three announcements in a row, and he only slept for four hours when he got home. He came to the studio for a meeting early the next morning, because he is the only artist in the studio now. There were only four people in the room. After the meeting, everyone left the meeting room. When he walked out, Luo Xue came up and asked him about the chorus if Sui Qingchi agreed.

Zhong Dao sighed in frustration: "I will go to Fushan Villa again today."

Luo Xue nodded and walked towards the office, turning her head while walking and said, "Wait for me, I'll go with you."

Zhong Dao watched the capable female agent enter the office vigorously, picked up the coat and put it on, a little puzzled, didn't he not support him before, he thought that everyone in the studio was waiting for him to be overwhelmed by his own strength Slap in the face, why did your attitude become so positive all of a sudden

Luo Xue put on her coat, lowered her head, turned up her collar and walked out, raising her eyebrows to look at him: "Don't you know?"

"what do you know?"

Luo Xue didn't answer him, but supported his back to walk towards the elevator, and said, "I'll talk to you slowly when I get in the car."

They didn't take the nanny car, Luo Xue drove the car herself, and it was only after getting into the car that Zhongdao learned what happened yesterday from Luo Xue's mouth, it was hard to bear the surprise. Everything happened too fast in the Internet age, and earthquake-like news could reach everyone at the speed of light overnight, but he didn't read much on Weibo yesterday because he was too busy, as if he was out of touch with everyone.

Sitting in the co-pilot, he lowered his head and scrolled through Weibo, his exhaustion and burnout were immediately wiped away by the explosive revelations in front of him.

One of the female parties involved in Sui Qingchi's pornographic photos incident suddenly posted on Weibo yesterday, revealing the truth of the matter, including all the circumstances of Sui Qingchi's birthday party that night. The girl's Weibo ID is "Memories of Dying with the Wind". It can be seen that her intention of posting this Weibo is not to help Sui Qingchi clarify. In order to get revenge on the man named Luo Bin who played with her feelings, that is Sui Qingchi's former guitarist and the host of the party that day. But what the public is most concerned about is only the content related to Sui Qingchi. This part of the content has been transferred everywhere by screenshots of countless gossip marketing accounts:

—… We were still in the villa at the time. Luo Bin told us that Sui Qingchi was coming and we were very excited. He came around one o'clock. As soon as he entered the door, he asked Luo Bin if he had any wine. I felt that he was in a bad mood anyway. , Sui Qingchi didn't bring Luo Bin a birthday present, and at a glance, he knew that he was not here to celebrate his birthday. Luo Bin's face was very embarrassed. Later, Sui Qingchi walked to the sofa by himself, and he took all the garbage on the sofa and coffee table. They were all thrown to the ground and kicked to the ground, and then we were asked to go out, where we poured wine and drank by ourselves. Luo Bin even said to Sui Qingchi, "Sui Qingchi, this is my birthday party", but Sui Qingchi ignored him at all, It's also funny, this house belongs to Sui Qingchi, he really has the nerve to talk to Sui Qingchi like that. Anyway, everyone in the house was driven to the swimming pool later, we played until late, Luo Bin kept drinking me, and asked me if I wanted to take a photo with Sui Qingchi, of course I did, who wouldn't? Later, when we were playing Truth or Dare, Luo Bin and his group encouraged me and my best friend to take pictures with Sui Qingchi. Sui Qingchi was already drunk at the time and was sleeping on the sofa. Luo Bin said that Sui Qingchi would not Wake up, in order to prove it's true, he actually unbuttoned Sui Qingchi's shirt. I didn't know why I did it when my brain got hot, and now I really regret it so much that my intestines are green! The photos they took were all collected by them. The next morning Sui Qingchi's agent came to him and asked to check all of our mobile phones. We deleted them all. I swear I deleted them. I don't know. Why is there another copy in Luo Bin? After Sui Qingchi's accident, I asked him if he had posted the photos. He admitted and told me a lot about Sui Qingchi, saying that Sui Qingchi didn't treat them as human beings. Said that Sui Qingchi played the guitar very badly, and he taught him later, and also said that Sui Qingchi was unspoken by the high-level, I knew at that time that his words could not be trusted...

Luo Bin's Weibo was besieged by Sui Qingchi's fans and many passers-by. He didn't post a response until this morning, saying that "memory dying with the wind" was slandering him because of love and hatred, and the photos were nothing like his. It doesn't matter, it was they who messed around while Sui Qingchi was drunk, "Memories to Die with the Wind" immediately forwarded and replied: "Is it you who made us drink?" Was it you who played Truth or Dare and encouraged us to take a photo with Sui Qingchi? Was it you who assured us that Sui Qingchi would be as good as dead if he was drunk? ! When the photos were released, we were raped by Sui Qingchi's fans. You hide behind your back and count the money. You don't have any fucking skills. You also said that Sui Qingchi doesn't treat you as a human being, so you don't deserve to be a human being!

The scolding battle between the two is still going on, and most people are on the side of the girl with a more rigid attitude, but many people think that these two are dog eat dog, but the revelation at least indirectly confirms that Sui Qingchi's true sex It has nothing to do with lying, and there is no real NP hammer.

Sui Qingchi's fans retweeted hundreds of thousands of microblogs to ask Huanyi to apologize to Sui Qingchi. Although the trending searches for "Huanyi Apology" were constantly withdrawn, the public opinion was too uproarious, and related keywords continued to become popular The search made Capital panic for the first time. Sui Qingchi's gangsters still firmly believe in the rumors of Sui Qingchi's promiscuity. The reason is that if he is innocent, why doesn't he come out to clarify for himself. However, this time even many passers-by couldn't stand it, and asked: Will you believe his clarification

Looking at this comment, Zhong Dao felt indescribable. He didn't know if Sui Qingchi knew about this, or if he was completely disappointed in this impetuous circle and didn't care.

I also understand why Luo Xue's attitude has changed 180 degrees. Before yesterday, Sui Qingchi was a virus that everyone could avoid. Today, God has cleared him and he has become the king of heaven again. Help him hype the most powerful gimmick of the album.

How ironic.

When the car arrived at the villa in the middle of the mountain, Luo Xue got out of the car and was about to ring the doorbell. Zhong Dao pushed the door directly, but this time the door couldn't be pushed open because it was locked. did not hear it.

At ten o'clock in the morning, Sui Qingchi sat on the sofa in the consulting room of the pet hospital, looked at his mobile phone for a while, then put the mobile phone back into the pocket of his coat silently, the dog obediently lay at his feet and looked up at him, Sui Qingchi was tired Lowering his head, he met the big dog's dark and innocent eyes.

This morning he found blood in the dog's stool, which he accidentally stepped on when he entered the bathroom in a daze. He was about to blame the dog for pulling it at the bathroom door, but when he moved his foot away, he found that the stool was red, and he didn't even have time to wear his clothes Instead, I drove him to the pet hospital at the foot of the mountain. I checked on the Internet, and the dog's stool was bloody, but nothing I found was good news.

He leaned over and rubbed the dog's ears, and whispered:

"Don't die."

It had been 20 minutes to wait for the results of the blood test. After 20 minutes of suffering, the door opened, but it was not a doctor who came in, but a nurse who brought a glass of water.

Sui Qingchi didn't answer, looked down at the dog, and said, "Give it a drink."

The nurse knelt down and handed the paper cup to the big dog's mouth, and said softly, "Good boy..."

Sui Qingchi watched this scene, but remained silent.

The dog was probably really thirsty, and the water spilled all over the floor. After it finished drinking, the nurse got up with the paper cup, and she still held the mobile phone in the other hand. She stood by and looked at Sui Qingchi, and asked carefully: "I'm your fan, I like you very much, can I take a photo with you?"

Sui Qingchi raised her head to look at her, thinking, don't you see that I'm not in the mood now? "Didn't we have a picture together?" he said, "I did with all of you the last time I brought him in for neutering."

The dog went in, put on anesthesia, and was taken all over the place. In that hour, he took pictures countless times. He was very impatient and wanted to refuse, but there was always a kind of dog's egg in the hands of others, who was caught. The handle has to be taken from the feeling.

The little nurse hurriedly explained: "No, I just came here, so..."

At this time, the door opened, and the doctor walked in with the test sheet, and asked the nurse to vaccinate a cat outside.

Sui Qingchi watched the doctor approach, sat up straight unconsciously, and waited for the doctor to speak.

"It's okay, it's not tiny and it's not pancreatitis. Has it eaten a chicken bone or swallowed something sharp?" the doctor asked.

Sui Qingchi glanced at the big dog at his feet: "I haven't fed it before."

"Its indicators are quite healthy. It may be just enteritis. I will prescribe some medicine and prescription food for it to regulate the stomach."

Sui Qingchi's body finally relaxed, and she leaned back on the sofa.

Even the doctor can tell that this king is really nervous, and he looks really bad. Although he is still the kind of shining star that makes people unable to move his eyes away when he enters the door, he is haggard because of a dog. It's too embarrassing to be like this.

Sui Qingchi took the dog and left the clinic. The white Grand Cherokee was parked in the parking space outside the clinic. When he came, it was deserted and there was no one there, but now there were many reporters around him. Sui Qingchi didn't know why they were there. He suddenly appeared here again, and he didn't have any interest in knowing. He led the dog and walked straight to the parking space. When the paparazzi reporters saw him coming out, they all surrounded him. Sui Qingchi didn't listen to what they were talking about, and opened the rear door to let him The dog thing jumped on it.

The reporters all raised their cameras one by one, and the SLR cameras snapped at Sui Qingchi's back, because they saw that Sui Qingchi was actually fastening the dog's seat belt.

Sui Qingchi closed the car door, walked around the front of the car and opened the driver's door. At this moment, a reporter rushed over and pressed on the car door, asking him what he said loudly.

Sui Qingchi glanced at the other party's hand on the car door, and said, "Let go."

The reporter immediately softened and let go of his hand, and had the illusion that if he held on, Sui Qingchi would smash the door on his finger in the next second.

Sui Qingchi got into the car, closed the door, and left the paparazzi behind.

Back at the villa, before backing the car into the garage, he suddenly spotted a suspicious yellow patch on the gate, got out of the car and walked over to see, it turned out to be a post-it note.

—Teacher, the time to enter the studio for recording is on the 30th of the end of the month. Teacher Wu Tian and I will be waiting for you.

Sui Qingchi tore off the post-it note, crumpled it and threw it in the grass.

After entering the room, he laid himself down on the sofa, very tired, took out his mobile phone after lying down for a while, sat up, clicked on the profile picture of Fu Cuo on WeChat, raised his mobile phone, thought for a while, and said: " I took the dog to the hospital today, I thought it would be small, but it’s okay, it’s just that the stomach is not good, and it’s better to have a cheap name.” He paused, swallowed his throat, and said in a low voice, “You’ve played enough No, when will you be back

Letting go, he leaned back heavily on the sofa and closed his eyes.

One morning a week later, Zhong Dao discovered that Sui Qingchi had posted another Weibo:

- what do you live on

This Weibo was posted at three o'clock in the middle of the night. It was just such a vague question without even a punctuation mark, but it almost paralyzed the server.

The fans seemed to have sensed something was wrong with him, and left comments one after another, reposted 90,000, and commented 900,000.

They say we live by you, by your songs, by dreams, by family, by faith, by hope...

Sui Qingchi didn't respond, and deleted Weibo the next morning, as if it was just his ramblings when he was drunk, he accidentally revealed the tragedy after quitting the circle, and when he woke up, he found that his proud self-esteem was hurt , regretfully deleted it. Various media and marketing accounts began to speculate whether he had fallen into depression, but Heizi said maliciously that he was either drunk or a fan, or that he was planning to come back to build momentum, and that Sui Qingchi was no longer the same as before. The old Sui Qingchi has degenerated to the point of relying on selling misery to build momentum.

Huanyi's official website continued to be attacked by angry fans, and the traffic was overloaded. The website has been paralyzed for several days, and the official Weibo was also forced to close comments.

Many programs also seemed to be deliberately or unintentionally rubbing hot spots. After keeping the name Sui Qingchi secret for so long, they started talking about him again.

Sky Entertainment released a brand-new topical discussion program called "Kan Kan". The topic of the first episode was: Is Sui Qingchi considered a heavenly king

Those invited were seniors with considerable status in the entertainment industry. Senior musician Mr. Qu Xiangbo said: "I remember that he was called the Heavenly King because in the two years since his debut, a music critic said he would He is the king of the future, and later... Because of Xiao Sui, he really has a special personality, and then everyone started calling him the king of the second, and I learned the word "secondary" from him. I didn't know what it meant before, but now I get it. Some people say that they are in the second grade, and I thought, oh, Sui Qingchi is so intuitive. But anyway, I really feel like a king of heaven now. You can see that people have disappeared for so long. Flap your wings, we're still in a hurricane here."

Concubine Concubine also participated in the first episode of the program. When Sui Qingchi was mentioned, she was still very emotional: "I think I have an intuition for superstars. When LOTUS first debuted, I told Lao Bai that they must be popular. Lao Bai didn't believe it. Me, he thought I was just looking at the face, what happened? The first time I saw Sui Qingchi, I thought this kid was amazing, he was so good-looking, but I didn’t just look at the face, to be honest, I saw a lot of good-looking people, I've been numb for a long time. Most people are good-looking on the surface, but Sui Qingchi is good-looking on the inside. He has a contradictory temperament in his bones. As soon as he enters our studio, the whole studio is illuminated by him... "

Cue to Sui Qingchi's programs increased, and the sunspots became more and more sure that Sui Qingchi would come back, but almost a month passed, and there was no movement at all, and even passers-by couldn't help but wonder whether he really won't come out again . Because the world is not worth it.

Only Zhong Dao knew that Sui Qingchi hadn't shown the slightest interest in singing with him from the beginning to the end. Maybe he was really depressed, really drunk, and really wanted to sing with him when he posted that Weibo. Know what people do to survive.

He felt that there was no one to help him, and this once dazzling superstar might really be a thing of the past.

On March 30th, the day of the official recording, I entered the studio in the morning, and before ten o'clock in the evening, seven of the eight songs were recorded, and only the last one remained.

Zhong Dao shook his head and came out of the recording room. He wanted to say that the album should be released like this. We will not record that song and save it for later.

Just as Wu Tian was about to speak, his cell phone rang. He looked down and saw the number, his eyes wide open in disbelief.

"Wu Tian," said Sui Qingchi's voice on the other end of the phone, "Is Zhong Dao with you? No one answered my phone call."

Zhong Dao has already heard it here, and excitedly leaned in front of the phone and said, "I'm here, we're in the recording studio!"

Sui Qingchi was quiet for a long time, and finally said: "... Let me try."

Zhong Dao and Wu Tian looked at each other, Wu Tian picked up the phone and said, "Okay, we will wait for you according to your time."

He hung up the phone, and everyone in the recording studio was a little excited. What Sui Qingchi said was to give it a try, but Zhong Dao knew in his heart that what Sui Qingchi wanted to try was not this song, he just wanted to try it. Can you still hear him sing.

The next night, Zhong Dao received the lyrics from Sui Qingchi, and the indescribable pain in Yufei's song was finally clearly displayed before his eyes. That wound was dripping, pain-like, and I didn't dare to say it, I licked it alone. Sui Qingchi's lyrics understood the tune thoroughly. He put down the lyrics, deeply impressed. I don't know what Teacher Yufei will think when he sees this word.

Sui Qingchi agreed to the chorus. On the day of the recording, everyone was waiting anxiously. Zhong Dao was afraid that Sui Qingchi would not come at the last moment. No one could say for sure his current state. The sound engineer asked his assistant to go up and wait for Sui Qingchi on the side of the road. Afraid that reporters and paparazzi would follow, Zhong Dao sat down and waited. It was an hour before the agreed time, and everyone was a little discouraged, thinking that Sui Qingchi would not Here, the sound engineer came out of the studio and called to ask the assistant to come down, the phone connected, but the assistant said: "... Hey wait! Is his car a white Cherokee? Ah, I think I saw him... It was him ! It's Sui Qingchi!"

The originally dull atmosphere in the recording studio suddenly cheered up.

A moment later, Sui Qingchi was wearing a black hooded sweater and walked down the stairs behind his assistant. The entrance to the basement was a bit short. At that time, he pushed up his sleeves, exposing his forearms, and looked very casual. As soon as he appeared, Zhong Dao and the other three present stood up involuntarily. Sui Qingchi stopped and glanced at them, nodded perfunctorily, walked to the recording studio, and said, "I misremembered the time. Let's start."

Sui Qingchi came alone, without a manager or assistant to accompany him. Although he lost the aura he used to embrace, his appearance without makeup was still very eye-catching, tall and handsome, even if he was a little decadent, when he walked in Still able to gather everyone's attention. Everyone's eyes were on him, but he didn't care like he was used to it.

Wu Tian asked if he wanted to prepare, and opened his voice, Sui Qingchi said "no need", opened the door and walked directly into the glass room.

Wu Tian is too familiar with Sui Qingchi like this. Even though he has been decadent for so long, he still looks the same when he stands in front of the microphone. He can start at any time without any preparation.

Zhong Dao has been practicing this song with a metronome for the past few days, and he is already familiar with the song, but he is still a little apprehensive about recording with Sui Qingchi. Before coming here, he was more excited than apprehensive. After he came in, he was more apprehensive than excited. . He watched Sui Qingchi go behind the microphone without looking at him, just put the lyrics on and put on the earphones. To him, these actions are like a painter picking up a paintbrush, or a surgeon holding a scalpel so skillfully. At that moment, Sui Qingchi looked at him and frowned slightly, only then did Zhong Dao realize that the sound engineer was asking him if he needed to adjust the headphones.

During the production of his debut album, Wu Tian told him a lot about Sui Qingchi, and he gradually got in touch with some teachers in the industry. He knew that Sui Qingchi's recordings were all done once. The only time he recorded twice was because Hypoglycemia occurred, and I took the initiative to stop. His wide sound field and high sound pressure are well known in the industry. It is a very enjoyable thing to record for Sui Qingchi. The sound engineer often gives Sui Qingchi some small gifts, they love his voice. Sui Qingchi would not refuse to take a photo with any sound engineer or sound mixer. In the eyes of the public, Sui Qingchi is a black and red king with countless black spots, but in front of musicians, he is a genius, he has no shortcomings. From a certain point of view, he is brave enough to dare to sing with Sui Qingchi.

The recording is ready, the prelude is over, Zhong Dao sang the first verse first, he couldn't help paying attention to Sui Qingchi's expression, wondering what Sui Qingchi thought of his singing, but Sui Qingchi kept his hands in his pockets, Just looking at the lyrics, not him. After the interlude, when he came to Sui Qingchi's Part, he stood a little closer. When he sang the first line into the microphone, Zhong Dao's heart skipped a beat, and the sound engineer outside the glass also Looking back at Wu Tian subtly in his eyes. They all recognized that Sui Qingchi's voice was slightly hoarse, it was not the familiar Sui Qingchi's voice.

Wu Tian patted the sound engineer on the shoulder, signaling that it's okay, and let him continue singing.

Zhong Dao could hear Sui Qingchi's voice through the earphones. His timbre was obviously not as good as before, but they all got used to it soon, because Sui Qingchi still controlled this song perfectly. The song was quite difficult to sing. In the middle part of the chorus, Sui Qingchi had a fourth-degree modulation. There was no foreshadowing at all. Even experienced singers would get stuck here and would ask to record in sections. Sui Qingchi directly Turned, the pitch is not bad, and there are passages with different speeds, Zhong Dao can only master them with the metronome training in the early stage, Sui Qingchi is like a fish swimming in waters with different speeds.

His voice is no longer as clear as it used to be, but his feeling of singing has not changed. His voice and his seemingly indifferent expression seem to be different. In his singing, he sounds so self-deprecating and sad. Zhong Dao looked at Sui Qingchi, and felt convinced. The emotion of this song was controlled by Sui Qingchi. He is the real king. I am not half as good as him now, he thought.

The recording was over once, and Zhong Dao and Ren's chorus had never been OK once. Sui Qingchi cooperated with him with his super musical intuition, so that they didn't have to keep tossing until both of them collapsed.

After the recording was over, Zhong Dao and the sound engineer listened to the effect in the shed, while Sui Qingchi sat on the sofa in the tea area outside the recording room, looking down at the photos on the phone. No one stepped forward to bother.

The photo was taken of the score Fu Cuo left behind on Christmas Eve. In addition to the guitar score on the coffee table, he later found the piano chord score of the same song in the workshop on the second floor.

The melody kept spinning in his mind, and he clutched his forehead in discomfort, as if the light above his head could hurt him.

… Let me write words that are not so sad, how do you let me write them

Zhong Dao came out and saw Sui Qingchi keeping his head down and propping his forehead motionless, not approaching.

It wasn't until Wu Tian came out that Sui Qingchi stood up and called him to stop.

Wu Tian turned his head, saw Sui Qingchi's eyes were red, and asked, "Are you okay?"

"I want to release an album." Sui Qingchi said, "The demos are all ready, if you have time, please help me."

Wu Tian was very surprised, he was stunned for a long time before he said: "...Okay, of course there is no problem."

Sui Qingchi nodded, pulled the zipper of the black sweater to the highest point, and looked back to find the guitar bag on his back, only to realize that he came here empty-handed.

Wu Tian looked at the back of Sui Qingchi who was about to leave without saying anything, and asked, "Have you talked to your studio? Do you want to announce it?"

Sui Qingchi's back paused for a moment, and he said wearily: "No need." Finally, he seemed to think of something again, "... Xuanfa is also fine, they can do whatever they want."

Wu Tian nodded, and asked again: "Why did you figure it out again?"

Sui Qingchi turned to look at him, and saw Zhong Dao behind Wu Tian, and said: "I thought about keeping these songs to myself, but this shouldn't be their end, the songs still have to be heard to feel Be happy."

He walked up the steps and left the recording studio. The afternoon sun shone on him without warmth, and he saw the cherry blossom trees across the road turn pink.

He decided to make these songs. After all, those were Fu Cuo's works, and he had no right to detain them. He didn't know why Fu Cuo left, but he knew that these songs were gifts from that person.

It is the intersection of their dreams.