Good God, Stop!

Chapter 112


"Boom—boom!" A series of loud noises suddenly spread throughout the venue. In the center of the big screen, you can see the scattered stones and dust after the bombing. , each of them flew past each other's characters, and landed a few steps away, the visual effect exploded.

The tense atmosphere immediately permeated the entire venue, and the audience felt their heartbeats stopped for a few seconds. However, the two characters Gui Mengmeng and Mu Luo Shenzhou did not move half a step on the field.


These two people obviously made a prediction in advance!

As long as anyone on the other side makes any dodge operation, the skill just now can hit directly. However, the result is that they didn't hurt each other's vitality.

The judgments of the two people are strangely accurate.

[Map] Mu Luo Shen Zhou: Very calm.

[Map] Ghost Mengmeng: Each other.

Before the commentary here had time to say anything, the two people in the field had already praised each other. Although it was not the first time to see the dialogue between the two, the audience who looked at these two lines couldn't help but have a subtle feeling in their hearts when they thought that it was that person who was playing on the field.

Although seemingly harmonious on the surface, Lin Xiao did not dare to slack off while entering the dialogue. He knew Yan Duzhou too well, and he absolutely did not allow any mistakes in the duel with this person, otherwise he would be defeated. You know, when I was still at my peak in the past, I already had a headache for this opponent, not to mention this body that is still not so satisfactory even in its best state.

After looking around at the surrounding terrain quickly from the corner of the eye, he had a judgment in his mind instantly, and at the same time he cast a void stab in the direction of Muluo Shenzhou, and at the same time began to manipulate Gui Mengmeng to move quickly .

At the same time, Yan Duzhou on the other side seemed to have the same thoughts. Mu Luo Shenzhou used his agile movements to avoid the thorns piercing under his feet, and also completed the movement in the first time.

The two people who were originally separated by a few giant trees stopped after a moment of shifting, but because of the opponent's movement, this round of tactical positioning seemed ineffective. At this moment, the two characters still lie Such a lush old tree, the only difference is that a few new ones have been replaced.

Although there was no expected effect from the line of sight, the two of them didn't seem to mind at all. As soon as they landed, the two staffs glowed with light again, and the brilliant skills fell again. This time, they both hit the opponent's front directly.

However, as if they had been prepared for a long time, after the reading of the chanting, the two of them pressed the leap step almost at the same time, passing the skill again, and the blood value was still full.

"The two players played very well. It's almost...indistinguishable..." Maodou was dumbfounded. Facing the almost identical synchronous operation of the two players, he wanted to praise Lin Xiao a few words in his heart, but when he said it, Even he himself felt a little bit questioning his life.

Where did this awesome rookie come out of, to be able to score like this in the individual competition of the finals, you know, the player on the opposite side is Yan Wang Yan Duzhou, who has dominated the league for many years!

At this time, as if in order to completely dispel his doubts, the two sides finally stopped testing each other after this collision, and formally launched a firepower confrontation. This kind of feeling, as if the beautiful scenery of the ends of the earth and the corners of the earth, which was especially suitable for the vows of the mountains and the seas one moment, turned into the end of the world with natural disasters and devastation in the next moment. The deep rainforest was completely shrouded by splendid skills, and the two figures were so blurred that it was almost impossible to see their whereabouts.

[Map] Gui Mengmeng: Don't struggle, no matter how fast your hands are, it's useless. Have you brought enough equipment to reduce CD? Will the cooling CD have time to fight against me

[Map] Twilight and sinking boat: I'll soon know if it's useful.

In such an extremely tense moment, there is still time to free up your hands to type? Everyone subconsciously glanced at the current APM statistics of the two, only to feel tears streaming down their faces. Forget about Yan Duzhou, even that rookie player, non-humans are really enough!

Although they are unbalanced in their hearts, the fans of the Tianqi team still have to admit the strength of their opponents this round. Lin Xiao's words on the public channel seem to be deliberately provocative, but everyone knows in their hearts that this is indeed the truth. If you don't have hand speed and strength, you can only pretend to be aggressive at best, but once you have the ability to control it, it is indeed enough to make people feel scary. At least for now, Yan Duzhou's skill cooldown time can clearly feel that he can't keep up.

The extremely thrilling scene made everyone hold their breath and concentrate for fear of missing any wonderful details.

In the battle room, if the camera pans over, you can see Yan Duzhou typing on the keyboard at a speed no less than that of Lin Xiao. Under his control, the black mage Mu Luo Shen Zhou moved rapidly, and every time he moved, he accurately avoided the large damage skills that hit him one after another.

As for Lin Xiao's obvious provocation? Of course, he can't take it to heart, you know, this kind of extreme cooling flow is very familiar to him.

This is indeed a very oppressive production mode, but naturally there are obvious shortcomings in this mode, that is-damage. The damage caused by each skill will inevitably lead to weakness in damage under such a build. If you can ensure an effective hit rate, it’s fine, but if you can’t achieve it perfectly, you will be in a very embarrassing situation.

Yan Duzhou's eyes, which were firmly locked on the screen, suddenly flashed, and the black mage Muluo Shenzhou completed a chant in a moment.

Dark magic. Dark cage.

As if he was fully aware of the opponent's moving route, after Gui Mengmeng took a step back, the black cage quietly rose from his feet, firmly imprisoning the short figure in the cloak of Little Red Riding Hood.

Draw the ground as a prison.

There was a thunderous applause at the scene.

Being able to keep calm enough at any time, and defeat the enemy in one fell swoop at a critical moment, is indeed their Hades!

Silence plus confinement, the double debuff effect made Guimengmeng completely fall into a passive situation.

Yan Duzhou has always liked high-explosive output equipment. Although he lost a lot of blood due to the previous bombing attack, since Gui Mengmeng has become a caged bird at this time, after a few black mages with high-damage skills , but instantly grasped the blood advantage in one fell swoop.

In Lin Xiao's stormy offensive before, the deprived blood value was not as high as Mu Luo Shen Zhou's two skills

The damage is too high!

Looking at Gui Mengmeng, who has only a layer of blood skin left after the two skills, everyone couldn't help being a little bit dumbfounded when they thought that although the two people on the field were in different directions, they were both completely limitless. If the two people on the field are both geniuses, then the crazy world of geniuses is really beyond their comprehension by ordinary people.

"Lin Xiao's situation is very bad now, can he escape the next attack of Hades!" Because of the tense atmosphere, Maodou couldn't help raising his tone.

In the previous match between the two, although Lin Xiao had a sufficient advantage due to his extremely short cooldown CD, he also suffered a certain degree of blood damage. With Shen Zhou's super high damage, only one skill is enough to take him away.

finished? Is that the end!

Everyone held their breath.

The time of confinement in the dark cage is about to pass. At the same time, Yan Duzhou's twilight sinking boat has already started singing the last skill.

0.3 seconds, 0.2 seconds, 0.1 seconds...

run! Maybe there's still time to run! The fans of the Black Rose team were so satisfied that they only heard such a voice, and almost forgot to breathe.

Almost at the same moment when the confinement time ended, Mu Luo Shen Zhou finished singing, and the dark flames, like a life-swallowing demon, attacked Gui Mengmeng head-on.

However, the latter seemed to be unconscious, only seeing a dazzling white light flashing past the staff he held up.

It's over!

Just when everyone subconsciously felt this way, the black flames had already fallen, and they were about to take away Gui Mengmeng's last life, when the red figure suddenly flashed and disappeared from the spot in full view. In an instant, he fell into the position of two outsiders.

There was no system notification of the end of the game as expected, the soil on the ground still smelled of burnt, and the short figure was waving his staff vigorously and brightly.

"Leap...step?" Maodou was about to be Spartan. If he were a normal person, he would have opened the distance at the first moment, but he chose to avoid it at the last moment when his skills fell. You know, As long as there is a drop of error, it is completely over.

In the end, how accurate the judgment and how strong the mental quality is to be able to do it

Of course, Lin Xiao didn't know that he was once considered a monster in such a match. At this time, he glanced at the position where Mu Luo was sinking, and laughed wantonly: "Escape? How is it possible! It doesn't exist at all, okay?"

After selling so much blood, it's time to get it back.

Almost instantly, the perfectly connected dazzling skills once again completely enveloped the screen.

But this time, Yan Duzhou was helpless.

Frost Curse.

The lowest-level control skill of the ghost priest was Lin Xiao's last operation before dodging.

Rather than saying it was a dying struggle, it was better to say that it was premeditated.

If he was able to predict Lin Xiao's position before because he was too familiar with it, then why was it not because Lin Xiao was able to sell him such a flaw so well because he knew him too well? To be deceived by his deliberate arrest like this, I really underestimated his insidiousness...

Without doing any other operations, Yan Duzhou let go of the mouse, watching the other party wantonly ravage the character he was fixed in place, but he couldn't help but curl his lips.

lost. However, it seems to be in a good mood.