Good God, Stop!

Chapter 16


When they heard this order, the other members of the team were stunned for a moment, and while they immediately left the envoy BOSS and rushed to Xiao Cangqiong's position, someone asked in the channel: "Kangqiong, there were only two people on the other side just now. What? Why, reinforcements are here?"

Laughing Cangqiong: "There are two, both are masters."

Others were terrified when they heard the words. It is not so easy to make the captain of his fixed team voluntarily confess his love.

After the 3S in-situ confinement time, Xiao Cangqiong swung his epee against the blood poison effect on his body and slashed at Gui Mengmeng, immediately hitting the opposite side with a stun effect.

Relying on the advantage of melee combat after getting close, he suddenly burst into a burst of hand speed, suppressing the ghost priest and not giving the opponent the slightest chance to cast spells.

There are many private passers-by masters in the first level of the ladder. Among them, there are many top players who are beyond the professional level. It is only because they are not interested in professional players that they have not accepted the recruitment of various clubs and are active in the major guilds of ordinary games.

Laughing Cangqiong, as the hottest passer-by king at the moment, is definitely a first-class player in terms of challenges alone. At this time, under the burst of hand speed, he interrupted Lin Xiao's subsequent skill reads one after another, and then posted In front of him, there was a biting attack.

He glanced at the position of the priest next to him, confirmed that the other party was not within the range of the spell, and took a deep breath.

Holding his breath and concentrating, the operation on his hand suddenly became faster, and he accurately controlled all the movements and intentions of Gui Mengmeng, preparing to take away the remaining blood bars of the other party in one fell swoop.

At this time, seeing Gui Mengmeng trying to distance himself to create a skill chant, Xiao Cangqiong immediately threw a shadow slash to interrupt him, but the opponent's movements suddenly changed inexplicably, and suddenly a blue light came out. .

A feeling of uneasiness rose up, and he immediately wanted to step back, but it was already too late.

The distance of Little Red Riding Hood's wife suddenly approached, almost face-to-face, and directly slapped him with the Frost Curse. The oncoming Gui Mengmeng passed him at the moment when his whole body was completely stiff, and in a blink of an eye, he had already kept a safe distance and exited all the skills of the magic swordsman. Offensive blocking.

Gui Mengmeng's state at this time is a bit miserable. After all, he has been suppressed and beaten by a melee for so long, and his blood is half left. But thanks to Lin Xiao's position, he eliminated most of the damage. If it was someone else, he would have been on the street long ago. It has to be said that there are indeed two talents who can be named the king of passers-by. Just talking about this hand speed, even if you look at the league, you can be regarded as ranked high.

This person is really talented in terms of operation. If he has received professional training, he will be even more terrifying. It is a pity not to be a professional player.

Lin Xiao felt an inexplicable pity for talent, and he stepped back while paying attention to the surrounding environment. I saw Hello Katie standing not far away and stopped moving again, as if the operation of the glimpse just now was just out of his own reverie. Looking back, you can see a figure running towards this side in the distance.

Realizing that the other party had called for support, Lin Xiao immediately made a quick decision. After running for a few steps, he stopped, turned around and began to release his skills.

Laughing Cangqiong has also pressed forward at this time, using his position to avoid several Shura blood curses rising from his feet one after another, just when he saw that he was about to get close again, his vision suddenly became dark.

This is, blinding! His heart skipped a beat, but the operation in his hand didn't stop, he continued to sprint while manipulating the character in a dark screen.

Lin Xiao looked at the other party rushing towards him unscrupulously, and couldn't help admiring him, but the corner of his mouth hooked up slightly at this moment.

The magic staff in his hand was suddenly enveloped in a strange black and red aura, and one skill after another was read almost seamlessly.

Although they are all predictive skills that need to be chanted, almost every one of them can be accurately landed on Xiao Cangqiong's body, as if two parties are playing with each other tacitly with scripts, and they all hit.

However, the difference in the equipment was short of a sliver of damage, and Xiao Cangqiong's blood bar was still 1/4 left. The moment his vision became clear, he saw the lady with the little red riding hood standing close at hand. Not to mention, suddenly a sweeping Wanjun approached.

At this time, Guimengmeng's blood poisoning skill just finished singing, and a red light flashed on the magic swordsman's body, and the blood bar began to slowly decline under the devouring.

In this regard, Xiao Cangqiong didn't hesitate for a moment, and directly started the big move Wu Ting Jianying, preparing to completely empty the remaining blood bars of the opponent in one fell swoop.

At this moment, a barrier suddenly rose in front of him.

This barrier was impartially blocking the position of less than 1 yard between the two.

—The ghost priest's ultimate defensive skill "Buddha Gate", which can absorb all damage from the front within 5 seconds.

After the overwhelming flash of swords and swords, Gui Mengmeng's blood seemed to freeze without any drop.

This is a skill that can be seen in almost every game with ghost priests, but Xiao Cangqiong has seen it used to block feathered archers, black mages, and bullet blockers, but this skill is so accurate that it can almost It's the first time in my life that I have completely blocked every close combat skill!

Watching helplessly that the ultimate move ended without causing any damage to the opponent, Xiao Cangqiong couldn't help being a little dazed, and a feeling that he didn't want to admit but was very clear immediately flooded his mind-this person on the opposite side, he can't win.

Lin Xiao has keenly taken back the opportunity, and a series of skills once again confused the magic swordsman's face.

Laughing Cangqiong was very depressed. It had been a long time since he had been so aggrieved in a duel.

If it was said that he was still afraid of the existence of the opposite priest at the beginning, he almost played his full level afterwards. Aside from the little consumption when playing the messenger, his initial state is almost perfect. However, even in such a perfect state, under the opponent's unpredictable skills and precise calculations, the hand speed he has always been proud of seems to have become meaningless.

Looking at the dark screen, Xiao Cangqiong silently remembered the name Gui Mengmeng, and chose to return to the camp to revive.

As soon as the others ran up to them, they happened to see the scene of Xiao Cangqiong lying on the ground and disappearing from view, and stopped involuntarily. Someone yelled a few times in the voice channel but got no response, only heard another person say helplessly: "Stop shouting, the sky has already exited the voice room."

Everyone was dumbfounded: "Then should we still fight?"

The pastor, the slob, glanced at Gui Mengmeng's blood volume, and made a decision: "There are only two people on the opposite side, and we have a lot of people, so we hang them up to avenge the sky. Black Jack, you also come here, and the guardian messenger is not needed. Let’s talk about the people who killed the Black Dawn!”

Lin Xiao just finished hanging up and laughed at the sky, watching the people on the opposite side rushing towards him like wolves and tigers, and roughly judged the average ladder rank of the second to third rank from the appearance of the equipment. He turned around and looked back, guessing in his heart that the battle on the other side had basically given up fighting the guardian envoy. Now that the goal had been achieved, the hero should retire if he didn't suffer the immediate loss.

At this moment, a white light flashed on Guimengmeng's body, and the blood bar that was almost bottomed out in the empty space immediately recovered a large space. At the same time, he picked out Hello Kitty's words in the team channel: "Fight them."

Since the death of Rourourourou, this channel has been quiet for a long time. At this time, such a sentence suddenly popped up. Others in the team who hadn't noticed the change in the blood bars of the two people suddenly noticed the strangeness, and asked in succession: "What's going on, have you been found? Where are you fighting?"

Lin Xiao didn't pay attention to those people's one-on-one questions, but laughed when he saw Hello Kitty's nonsensical words. Anyway, this girl watched the good show for a long time, is she finally ready to show mercy and fight side by side with him

As if to confirm his conjecture, Hello Kaidi was covered with Guimengmeng's blood in two or three strokes, and stood silently behind him.

Lin Xiao looked at the figure who was much taller than himself, and then stood still.

Those people were looking at the other party who was about to run and were about to chase after them, but they didn't know why they suddenly stayed calmly when they saw the other party, as if they wanted to confront them head-on. For a moment, I felt a feeling of being underestimated spontaneously, and suddenly I became angry, and immediately rushed forward with all my teeth and claws.

Unexpectedly, when several people approached, the two turned around and ran away at the same time.

"Chasing!" Someone yelled in the channel, and immediately chased after him. Seeing that the other side got into the bushes, he rushed in without saying a word, and the others followed closely, not to be outdone. However, after a while, the voice room of the entire team was filled with roars one after another.

"There are so many people chasing other girls, are you ashamed or not? ^_^~" Following a sentence from the current channel, the ghost priest's big move, Ten Thousand Ghosts Void, surrounded the entire bush and everyone in the middle , suddenly turned upside down and turned into a mess.

As for Gui Mengmeng, standing behind a tree not far away, she began to chant skills without haste.

The skills were released one after another, not as compact as when they were laughing at the sky, but the landing points were extremely accurate. When the debuff time was over, the priest in the sky team had officially announced that he was on the street.

The remaining two were furious, and immediately rushed forward with a loud roar. However, when he found that no matter how he attacked, he couldn't make the opponent lose a drop of blood, he felt a strong sense of frustration, and finally silently chose to give up struggling.

The ghost priests and priests in front of them stood there one tall and one short. The people in front had crazy output, and the people behind continued to continue calmly. They tacitly formed an insurmountable barrier, and there was no chance of breaking it.

Without any suspense, destroy the team.

When the blue sky is not blue and Shooting You Ya found it according to the small map, Guimengmeng and Hello Kaidi were sitting side by side on the lawn, and the Guardian Messenger Li was walking quietly and leisurely not far away. .

The peaceful scene with no armed disputes made them look at each other in blank dismay, and asked blankly, "Where are the members of Tianyu Guild?"

Lin Xiao was in a good mood: "They all went home. ^_^~"