Good God, Stop!

Chapter 26


In this way, the members of the platoon were officially determined. As far as the lineup is concerned, Lin Xiao can be said to be very satisfied. Needless to say, Xiao Cangqiong's strength, after all, is the "King of Passersby", this title is not something everyone can get, as for Hello Katie - she just needs to lie down happily.

If Youxiao Cangqiong, the well-recognized thigh, is escorting him, and if it still can't bring a girl to a higher score, he's afraid that he won't have the face to continue messing around in the future.

To be on the safe side, regarding the true purpose of playing 3V3 team platoons, Lin Xiao confessed to the two very frankly first, and finally added a sentence sincerely: "If we can cooperate, the money from selling the video materials will be Absolutely split."

The first one to reply was Xiao Cangqiong. Although he just looked at the words in the message box, people could inexplicably make up the look of the other party's disdain for such small money: "Hit it, hit it, there are so many things. A video only How much is it worth, if you really sell it, you can keep it for yourself, I don’t need it anyway.”

What followed was Hello Katie's reply, which was concise and to the point: "Whatever."

Good teammates in the world! Feeling relieved, Lin Xiao swiftly created a new 3V3 team, added two people as team members, and then sent an invitation to the voice channel.

Xiao Cangqiong just entered the room, and as soon as he opened his mouth, he showed obvious dissatisfaction with the team name of the three-member team: "'Destroy you on behalf of the moon'? What the hell is this team name! Cos Sailor Moon?"

His voice makes people feel hearty and generous, with the heroic feeling of a northern man, and because of its unique magnetism, it is very comfortable and pleasant to the ears.

Lin Xiao smiled: "Even if it's the cosplay Sailor Moon Kung Doo, it must be a tuxedo mask."

Laughing sky: "..."

— It sounds like there is nothing wrong with it, but why do you always feel that something is wrong? However, he flirted with himself when he was wearing a tuxedo, finally nodded, and chose to accept it happily.

After placating the sky, Lin Xiao turned his attention to Hello Katie who hadn't spoken since entering the channel: "Is the girl there? Just say something."

Still no one responded, and two words appeared on the chat bar at the bottom of the screen: "No mic."

"It's okay, as long as you can hear it." Lin Xiao only thought that the girl was shy in front of strangers, so he didn't force it, "So, shall we start now?"

Laughing at the sky: "Idle is also idle, let's go."

Hello Katie: "On."

After the team mode was created, Lin Xiao invited two people to join.

Enter the queuing queue to start matching opponents.

Because it is a newly established team, according to the default basic ranks, the opponent on the opposite side is a seventh-tier opponent.

After the preparatory stage was over and the map was imported, Xiao Cangqiong asked in a black voice: "How are you going to fight later?"

Lin Xiao leaned on the chair with one leg crossed, his eyes closed for a nap, and he was a little too lazy to open them: "Hit whatever you want, it doesn't matter to anyone, anyway, when the time comes, we can each choose one to kill."

"..." Although this attitude of indifference is really unflattering, Xiao Cangqiong really can't refute it.

He is very clear that the opponent's level is not lower than his own. In this kind of seventh-level team competition, it does sound a bit ridiculous to have to care about tactics hypocritically with this kind of strength. After thinking about it, I suddenly had a suggestion: "Wouldn't Bibi get the blood first?"

Lin Xiao knew that he had been brooding over his defeat in the guild battle, so he was somewhat interested in this proposal: "It's much more interesting to play this way."

So, when all the characters were refreshed on the map, Gui Mengmeng and Xiao Cangqiong rushed out to the opposite camp without saying a word. At the same time, the whole channel echoed the heroic laughter of Laughing Sky: "Ahahahahaha, Cai Cai on the opposite side is waiting, grandpa, I'm here!"

The poor person on the opposite side has become a prop for the two guys who are trying to show their faces without knowing it.

When the two sides collided in the center of the map, they found that there were only two people, and each of them rushed up innocently and unsuspectingly... However, they soon found out with tears that the other party was here to play PVP. It's like fighting them one by one as mobs in the dungeon, not even small bosses blocking the way!

This time Lin Xiao did not take the route of cursing ghosts, but chose the direction of vampires, the violent output. In terms of equipment selection, it is the limit of the stack of spell damage, and it is also specially chosen to be the buff of the spell blood recovery attribute.

Facing this kind of low-end game, his idea is very simple, that is to make a quick decision, only in this way can the efficiency of scoring be better improved.

Contrasted with the aggressiveness of the two, Hello Katie stood at the resurrection point for a while, as if she had just come to her senses, and walked slowly outside the camp, with an attitude that had nothing to do with her.

In the player's dormitory of the Black Rose team, You Jing was wearing a loose T-shirt, and his hairline hadn't been completely dried after taking a shower. From time to time, drops of water slide from the side cheeks to the neck, and the delicate collarbone also has a little wet breath, which is extremely sexy and attractive.

His left hand lay motionless in front of his body, and because of the medicine that had just been applied, it exuded a faint medicinal fragrance. The right hand taps the mouse to control Hello Kitty's actions, without slowing down. Until the scene of the two sides fighting together finally appeared in the character's field of vision, he chose a bush that was not easy to be found, and then stopped and did not move on.

Although Gui Mengmeng's performance in the previous guild battle was indeed remarkable, but after all, the opponent's level was too uneven to meet the criteria for judging.

At that time, Manager Ye asked for this account, and You Jing originally wanted to use the cover-up of his identity to further observe this person.

If this platoon team can really go on all the way, after entering the second level, it will be a good opportunity to observe. Of course, in the eyes of others, whether it is possible to advance all the way to the second level without one person "absent" before asking him to make a grade, this kind of requirement is almost harsh in the eyes of others, but in You Jing's view, it is just an entry-level touchstone That's all.

The fighting scene seemed a bit dazzled, but his eyes were always lightly locked on the petite figure in black and red, with a bit of evaluation, and more of a silent examination of his every subtle operation. However, the strength gap is too large, even if it is two against three, it still presents a one-sided trend. To be precise, it can even be described as miserable.

After Gui Mengmeng took the first drop of blood, the battle was soon decided.

"It's really too weak, to die so fast." Xiao Cangqiong was obviously not convinced when he failed to forcefully kill the next blood, and began to complain about the level of the opposite party in the voice channel, "This kind of operation coordination needs to be practiced more. Come out to mess around again, shame, really shame!"

"It's better to be weak, and it's better to score higher in this way!" Lin Xiao smiled without revealing his subtext, and returned to the lobby interface again after the game ended, asking, "Continue?"

Laughing Cangqiong gritted his teeth: "Go on, I will definitely win you this time!"

Lin Xiao smiled, without delay, and soon entered the second round.

Gui Mengmeng got the first blood, Gui Mengmeng got the first blood, or Gui Mengmeng got the first blood... With the passage of time, the rank of the team has gone from the seventh rank to the fourth rank.

Laughing Cang Qiong's face was full of depression: "I really believed in your evil!"

Just as he was about to enter the queue again, a bell rang on the other end of the voice.

Lin Xiao heard Xiao Cangqiong say "wait a minute", and seeing that he was going to answer the phone, he stopped there and waited for him.

One after another, the content of the conversation can be heard: "What are you talking about, the land in City B doesn't want to be transferred anymore? Let me tell you that if you can't talk about this trivial matter, I can fire you tomorrow ... Alas, that's right... yes, yes, yes, let me emphasize to you one last time, you must remember when you talk to them... "

As the people walked away, the voice of talking on the phone gradually weakened.

Lin Xiaohan.

No wonder this person has always been indifferent to the invitation to join the professional league, and he doesn't like the video money mentioned just now. He is really a rich and powerful boss? But the boss is really a rare genius when he plays Zone so smoothly...

Xiao Cangqiong went outside to answer the phone, the entire voice channel was silent, and suddenly fell into a strange silence.

Lin Xiao really had nothing to do, looking at Hello Kitty's ID, he simply started to talk: "Sister, did you lie down comfortably tonight?"

You Jing glanced at the green record and reluctantly agreed: "It's not bad."

Lin Xiao: "Do you think the brothers are handsome?"

Brothers? You Jing raised his brows lightly: "Oh, first-tier and second-tier abusers, are you handsome?"

Lin Xiao smiled: "Don't say that, after all, it's two against three, and the opponent's victory lies in the number of people."

You Jing didn't pay the bill: "But the level is poor."

Lin Xiaomo: "How many steps does it take to be considered a high level?"

You Jing: "At least the second level."

Lin Xiao was speechless: "Sister, your requirements are a bit high, and ordinary people can't satisfy you."

You Jing: "Can you do it?"

Lin Xiao smiled: "That must! Lie down well, and make sure you score like a bazooka!"

You Jing's hands on the keyboard paused, his eyes flickered slightly, and the corners of his lips curled up shallowly: "It depends on your performance."

After Xiao Cangqiong came back, he glanced at the record of the chat channel, and asked what the two were talking about just now. However, although Lin Xiao looked in a good mood, he didn't answer his question, but hummed and entered again. in queue.

Victory, victory, victory again. However, for Laughing Sky, it has always been a failure, a failure, and a failure.

Just like a pre-arranged script, each game is a head-on confrontation after the sprint of the two, and then falls into a chaos. In less than five minutes, Gui Mengmeng and Xiao Cangqiong took two heads one after another, and finally set fire to the third person tragically, ending the whole battle smoothly.

The so-called abuse food is such that there is no suspense, so natural, so there is a feeling of boredom everywhere.

When he saw the emblem of victory appearing on the computer screen again, Lin Xiao couldn't remember how many times he yawned. He leaned back on the chair, stretched his waist and stretched his muscles.

Fifteen consecutive victories.

Because the Zone planner arranged extra points in the process of winning the ladder in the design, the formation team at this time has soared from the seventh level to the third level, and there is only one step left to break through the second level.

To a certain extent, this is already a proof of terrifying strength, not to mention that in this temporary team, there is a priest like Hello Kitty who has never done anything from the beginning to the end.

Facing the pastor girl who was lying down and winning all the way, Xiao Cangqiong obviously showed enough gentlemanly demeanor, instead of complaining at all, he asked positively, "Should we continue?"

Lin Xiao could hear the exhaustion in his voice, and looked at the time, it was already almost 2 o'clock in the morning: "There is only one game left to advance to the second level, why don't you just fight, it's uncomfortable to hang like this all the time. "

Laughing Cangqiong lifted his spirits: "Come on!"

Lin Xiao: "Sister, if you are sleepy, go to sleep. After entering the map, just register the number to the resurrection point."

You Jing: "Go ahead, don't worry about me."

Laughing Cang Qiong laughed loudly: "Good girl, you are cold enough, I like it! Anyway, I will take you to lie down all night, do you want to leave a contact information?"

You Jing ignored him.

Laughing Cang Qiong touched his nose, but inexplicably amused himself.

Just entering the match at this time, he accidentally glanced at the opposing lineup, and couldn't help but let out a "yo": "I almost fell asleep after playing all night, and finally started to meet interesting teams."

Lin Xiao glanced at the opposite side, seeing that the IDs were all unfamiliar, he couldn't help but ask, "Do you know each other?"

Laughing at Cangqiong: "Hehe, I'm familiar with the gang. The sound of the sea tide is chasing after my ass every day for a one-on-one fight. I'm envious of the title of the number one shadow swordsman in my club!"

From this tone of voice, Lin Xiao couldn't help smelling a bit of gossip, and Lin Xiao seemed to feel the drowsiness gradually drifting away.

Just when Xiao Cangqiong saw the opposite ID clearly, the opposite person naturally also noticed them.

The name of the team is "Beat me if you don't agree", and the three members are all from the Tianyu Guild where Xiao Cangqiong is located. However, in the voice channel of the team at this time, there is no pleasant atmosphere of encountering old acquaintances. On the contrary, the tone of the voice of the sea tide is full of weirdness: "Oh, look who we met? The famous passerby king !"

As the top 10 Shadow Swordsman on the ladder, Dahai Chaosheng lacked a sense of presence because of laughing at the sky, and he was dissatisfied in his heart, and naturally he was extremely hostile.

The rest of the team naturally knew what he was thinking, and they had long been used to it. Under such a tone, they didn't dare to respond too clearly, so they focused on the other two members of the opponent.

Ghost Mengmeng and Hello Kitty? Never seen it!

After calling out the personal information on the opposite side to take a look, the priest Ode to Joy suddenly became speechless: "When did the sky get involved with the people from Black Dawn?"

The sound of the sea tide didn't pay attention to it before. Hearing this, he said "hey" and laughed: "It has been said that this kid's heart has never been in the guild. Didn't I hear that he quit early during the guild battle? Now It seems that it will be sooner or later to quit the guild and change jobs."

Pastor Xuehu guessed: "Could it be a coincidence, it looks like you are taking a girl?"

The tide of the sea said happily: "Ha, it's a pity to bring a girl. If you want to show off in front of a girl, I'm afraid you can only stop here."

Starting this evening, their "dissatisfied" team has won five games in a row, and the momentum is quite good. If it continues like this, it is not impossible to directly advance to the first rank before dawn.

Although the ranking of the 3V3 ladder does not affect the personal ranking, the first rank is not something that anyone can get on. Usually, the five-game winning streak of the second rank is almost unthinkable, but today's good luck has made him Inevitably a little fluttering.

Laughing at the sky with a girl? Then beat him hard in front of the girl! Simply beat him to his knees, and then go to the president to accuse him of collaborating with the enemy, hehe... The sound of the sea tide is happily planning.

After entering the battle map after reading the article, he challenged the opposite side: "Kang Qiong, what a coincidence! I've been busy recently, are you taking a girl?"

Laughing Cangqiong gave him a "hehe" and said, "None of your business."

The tide of the sea: "Tsk tsk tsk, why are you so fierce, because you already know that this round is going to kneel?"

Lin Xiao found it interesting, and couldn't help but interjected: "Hey, the handsome guy on the other side, it's your fault for saying so."

The voice of the sea tide: "What's wrong? Don't you want to win us with your sister?"

Lin Xiao: "Kang Qiong Da Da is taking his sister, obviously I, a cute girl, is taking him to fly! Look at your team name, the idea of being beaten up so much is a bit perverted, be careful, we will destroy it on behalf of the moon You! ^_^~"

The sound of the sea tide: "..."

Xiao Cangqiong's voice on the voice channel was a bit painful: "...I suddenly feel like vomiting."

After a few seconds, the sound of the sea tide came back to his senses, forced himself to ignore the strange-toned creature just now, shifted his target to Hello Kitty, and began to poach the wall openly: "Sister pastor, if I If the team wins, add a friend after the end?"

There was no reply for a long time, so he simply wrote five identical words on the map.

Finally, You Jing replied with three words without emotion: "You are too weak."

Since then, there has been no sound at all.

What is a spike? This is!

"Treat them to death for me!" A loud roar came from the voice room of the dissatisfied team, "Hang up that nanny first!"

On the other hand, under the background sound of Xiao Tianqiong's extraordinarily heroic smile, Lin Xiao only felt that this kind of aura that can make people feel enough emotions no matter when and where is enough, he only felt a big convincing: "Sister, you The skill value of ridicule is simply higher than mine! I admire it! Thank you so much for your kindness!"

After taking a look at the individual ranks of the three opponents, You Jing finally turned off the tablet computer that had played the game video all night.

As for Lin Xiao's last sentence, he just raised his eyebrows slightly, noncommittal.