Good God, Stop!

Chapter 8


Without the computer, Lin Xiao looked a bit bored after returning home, smoking a cigarette on the balcony, buried deeply in the night, with a particularly melancholy manner: "This year's LPP, Black Rose The team seems to be on hold again..."

All the way back, he was thinking about You Jing's condition—this man's left hand was injured.

As a professional player, high-intensity and intensive training often leads to some joint injuries, so the arrangement of training plans is usually strictly controlled. But even so, there are still countless professional players who have retired due to injuries. Zhang Xuannian, the number one fighter in the league at the time, was forced to retire due to injuries. He changed jobs and continued to play for the original team as a coach.

Obviously, in today's match, the reason why Youjing was not sent to the field in the 3V3 team match was not simply to try a new output tactic, but to prevent his hands from adding more load, so as to ensure that he could play in the game. The best performance can be made in the team competition.

It is undeniable that You Jing played very well throughout the game, whether it was directing the battle or moving the whole game, it was perfect.

This person has excellent operational skills and a strong psychological quality in times of crisis, these are the conditions that are extremely needed to be the captain of the team. After seeing his on-site operation with his own eyes, even Lin Xiao couldn't help but be amazed by the simple and refined operation with almost no flaws.

Due to the importance of priests to a team, looking at the entire league from a distance, no team captain or even vice-team would choose a priest as a profession. The reason is very simple, it is entirely due to the unique particularity of this profession. In online games, there is a reason for saying that you should kill the milk first in a fight. Whether it is in the team competition or the team competition, priest players are always the core of a team's tactical system. Whether they are present or not is enough to affect the final outcome of the entire game.

In such an environment that is almost surviving in the cracks, You Jing, as the core of the team, has enough energy to pay attention to the overall situation and make rigorous and meticulous tactical arrangements for the team. Things that ordinary people can hardly imagine.

This person is terribly meticulous in both operations and overall situation.

Watching You Jing's performance, it is easy to be attracted by his unpredictable tactical moves and his subtle operations that often save people from the moment when their lives are hanging by a thread. Lin Xiao was once intoxicated by his magnificent technique today, if he hadn't been keenly aware of those few tiny mistakes, it would have been impossible to see that this man went into battle with injuries.

For a professional player, a hand injury can have a big or small impact. If it's just a minor injury, it's fine, but if it affects the muscles and bones, it will be a major event that will affect your career if you are not careful. There are not a few players who don't understand self-love like this, including Lin Xiao who has done such reckless and stupid things. Although You Jing is cold and impulsive, it is not easy to say, after all, the e-sports circle Here, the most indispensable thing is a lunatic.

Fortunately, no matter what, Hei Mei won this game.

Lin Xiao breathed out a puff of cigarette quietly, entered the room and silently extinguished the cigarette butt. In the darkness, he silently raised his right hand in front of him, looking at the blurred outline in a daze. It was the first time after being reborn that he came into contact with the professional league. Looking at the once-familiar combat stadium, there was always an uncontrollable urge to move in his heart.

After resting at home for two days, Lin Xiao ate and slept enough, went to the computer city to move the finally repaired computer home, assembled it with all his might and went straight into the game. As soon as I switched to the dungeon channel and was about to find a suitable room to brush the dungeon, I first received a message from a friend on red alert: "Dude, do you want to play 3V3 team ladders? It's urgent!"

Red Alert has seen his miserable equipment scores. Lin Xiao didn't think that his superb card boss skills at that time could let him see that he was a PVP master, so he typed a line back without thinking: "So anxious , there is no conspiracy, right?"

Red Alert didn't expect the other party to say it so bluntly, so he choked for a moment, and immediately sent a series of crying emoticons: "Brother, it's really an emergency! 3V3 team, sprint to the third step of the ladder, as long as you have enough time Make a name in the team, and I promise to lead you to lie down and win! This equipment is much better than ordinary dungeon equipment!"

Lin Xiao smiled: "So powerful? ^_^~"

Red Alert paused, his face distorted due to the pain under his smiling expression, and he finally made a move.

It turned out that in addition to playing games, he occasionally likes to take a few power leveling orders and earn some extra money with a few friends with similar interests. Because a large guild under an official team like Black Dawn needs to keep its appearance clean and does not allow this kind of power leveling, so these private orders have always been carried out secretly.

Exactly two days ago, Red Alert received another order with a good price, and needed to bring a 3V3 team to the third level.

Originally, the team had reached the fifth level under the sprint of three people. Unexpectedly, one of the friends had to stay with him in the hospital all day because his wife was in labor, and the team suddenly lost one person. Later, I also tried to recruit random passers-by to fight, but none of the people who came in did not play their cards according to the routine, and they went in and out of the team erratically, which made people collapse. At that time, I happened to see Lin Xiao online, and had no choice but to go to the doctor in a hurry.

As a person who was thrown into medical treatment indiscriminately when he had no other choice, Lin Xiao compared the output of the dungeon with the equipment rewards of the 3V3 ladder in two minutes, rolled his eyes in satisfaction, and immediately agreed readily: "deal .”

Red Alert exhorted anxiously: "Brother, I still have the last two days to hand in the bill. Since it's agreed, you have to prepare for the whole night in these two days!"

Lin Xiao glanced at the time on the computer screen: "It doesn't matter, it's just an all-night effort."

Red Alert was not in the mood to correct the question of whether to stay overnight for one day or for two days. For fear that Lin Xiao would regret it, he quickly pulled him into the 3V3 team, and then sent a voice invitation.

After Lin Xiao clicked accept, he entered the dark room, and then slowly went to find a wheat from the sundries piled up next to it. After putting it on, he sat down, and heard the impatient yelling from over there: "Hey Hello? Mengmeng are you there, are you Mengmeng?"

"... here." Lin Xiao was rarely speechless, and corrected, "My name is Guimengmeng."

"Oh okay, what genre do you play, curse ghost or auxiliary ghost? Let me see your equipment! Hey, you have gained a lot these days, and your equipment points have already reached 4800! I said you... ouch, I'll go !"

Red Alert gave a strange cry suddenly, which startled Kong Quan, another priest player in the room, and asked, "What's wrong?"

"Menggui, how did you organize your equipment? If you don't know how to make outfits, you can ask me! Why did you pile up all 6 pieces of equipment and reduce the cooldown? Can you use so many skills? Your attributes are wasted. Ah!" Red Alert was very speechless, but he had to reluctantly accept this fact, "Forget it, you can play Curse Ghost, the skill CD (that is, the cooldown time) should be shorter, and remember to put it on the opposite face once the cooldown time comes. It's fine."

No longer called "Mengmeng", but became "Mengmeng" again, why does it sound so awkward? But the cute ghost is just the cute ghost, no matter what, it is better than Mengmeng. Lin Xiao didn't bother to correct the addressing problem anymore, and said, "I was originally a curse ghost, but..."

Seeing that he didn't object, Red Alert heaved a sigh of relief, and asked along the way: "But what?"

Lin Xiaodao: "However, what I play is output."

"Output your sister!" I only heard a loud "bang" over there, and I don't know what kind of table the Red Alert used to hit the table. equipment, and then said that you want to play an output?"

Lin Xiao said: "Yes, that's right."

That's right, damn it! The red alert didn't go smoothly, and almost greeted the other party's family directly in the voice room.

Just when he was about to get rough, Kong Quan smoothed things over: "Okay, it's just a matter of calling out to a fixed person. When the time comes, Menggui can play however he wants, and we'll just fight hard."

After all, he was the one he called, so he had to bear with it no matter how unreliable he was. Who would have allowed himself to be so cheap and bragging just now that he wanted to lead the other party to lie down and win? At this time, the red alert can only mean, dear man, you just want to be happy... I recalled the skill of Guimengmeng's boss sneaking in the next dungeon, and finally didn't say anything.

No matter how broken the equipment is, how unreliable the collocation is, or if there is no function during the battle, at least when the opponent is chasing and hacking, he at least believes that this Little Red Riding Hood will be able to continue to live strong!

But the facts proved that Lin Xiao did not disappoint them.

Every time he enters the battle map, he decisively finds a jungle cat and doesn't come out even though the fight outside is turned upside down, making the red alert very crazy.

This side is fighting outside with blood all over his face. Occasionally, when he turns around, he can see his team's cute little red riding hood playing peek-a-boo with others in the bushes. Although he knows he is his teammate, he still can't help feeling This kind of hope that the other side wants to catch this guy out and beat him to death, the hatred value is simply higher than that of the enemy.

However, Lin Xiao knows every map too well, and the hiding place looks very simple, but he has never been found by anyone.

In this way, he went from the sixth-tier team to the fourth-tier team peacefully. Lin Xiao watched the video and ate melon seeds the whole time, so he shouldn't live too comfortably. Occasionally, he would say cheers on the screen with a smiling expression. Although his teammates always pretended to be dead and did not respond, they were also very satisfied with this simple and beautiful little happiness.

No wonder there are always people who like to find someone to lie down and win. This feeling is really, amazing!

The author has something to say: Yesterday, a little angel asked the origin of the nicknames of each character, and I can only say, um... basically according to the homophony

Here is a list of popular science nicknames for you:

You Jing (You Team, Queen You), Yan Lingjiang (Dayan, Yanlen River), Zhang Fengyu (Crazy Fish, Zhang Brain), Shen Changyu (Pomfret), Hou Hao (Little Monkey Lord), Lu Xing (Chef Lu)

So for the time being, all the teams that have appeared, including official and unofficial ones, are:

Monkey-raising combination (monkey X Lu), sinking fish and falling geese combination (yan X Zhang), double fish combination (Zhang X Shen), fish-scale combination (Lin X Shen), squid combination (You X Shen)

So that sums it all up for now. As for why there are so many fish, to be honest, I don't know... @( ̄- ̄)@