Good God, Stop!

Chapter 93


After Lin Xiao said that, he really never mentioned it again, not only asking about You Jing, but also not mentioning it to other teammates. He just called Shen Changyu into his bedroom as soon as he returned. Turning on the computer a couple of times brought up a video of the game and played it face to face.

This is the battle video of Team Apocalypse two days ago. Because the focus of the battle was on the battle against the Lightning Team before, there was no free time for other opponents to observe. At this time, it was hard to be vacant. Shen Chang and Shang were still immersed in the previous game, and they had already been defeated by Lin Lin. Xiao La came back to study, and immediately felt that one head and two were big: "Team Lin, can we rest for a while..."

Lin Xiao adjusted the playback mode of the video without raising his head: "There is no time."

Shen Changyu looked at his back in silence for a while, then pulled a chair beside him and sat down.

Time is running out? It stands to reason that although the schedule is really tight, for the sake of humanity, the league officials have made rational adjustments to the playing arrangements of each team. Basically every two games will have some appropriate intervals for each team. Adjustment of team tactics. But Lin Xiao's "no time" is not alarmist, because the next game of the Black Rose team will face the Apocalypse team.

If the Blitz team is known as the nemesis of the Black Rose team, then the Apocalypse team can undoubtedly be called the "old enemy", but since the old ghost left, the performance of the Black Rose team is really unsatisfactory, although it has not been reduced to the third rate The ranks of the clan, but there are very few people who will compare these two clans.

What Lin Xiao played at this time was the video of the match between Team Apocalypse and Team Liuyun. This was the first match between the teams in Group A and Group B. focus on. But what is surprising is that the performance of these two teams from the beginning to the end of the audience completely presented a one-sided situation.

"I don't know what kind of devil training Lao Yan has done. His performance is too strong and terrifying. If it weren't for his terrifying rhythm of one-to-three, the Liuyun team would not have lost so ugly." With a look of surprise on Shen Changyu's face, Lin Xiao hugged his body and slowly went to the quilt on the bed. Out of the corner of his eye, he glanced at the bloody murderer who was killing all directions in the center of the screen, "The state is so tense. Tight, it actually has a great impact on his future development, it seems that after this season is over, he is really planning to retire."

Shen Chang and Wen Yan looked back at him in surprise: "Have you studied these videos before?"

Lin Xiao shrugged: "You don't need to pay attention to other people, how can you not pay attention to Lao Yan, but fortunately, I have watched all his videos, otherwise, if we directly confront him according to the current situation I'm afraid I'll suffer a big loss in his hands."

Such words are rarely heard from Lin Xiao's mouth, Shen Changyu frowned: "Is the current Captain Yan really that scary?"

Lin Xiao raised his eyebrows: "It's not just terrifying, it's terrifying. Lao Yan's current state looks completely like a cosmic super invincible luminous body that burns itself to illuminate the entire domestic e-sports field. It's just like this with an old bone. It’s really hard for him.”

"..." Although Yan Duzhou is indeed an old man in e-sports, he is still just a young man on the outside. It would be too much to say that he is an old man. Shen Changyu slandered a few words silently in his heart, and didn't look for the problem in the words. He cleared his throat and asked the most critical question at the moment: "Then, how should we deploy in the next match against Team Apocalypse?"

Lin Xiao smiled: "Simple."

Shen Changhe listened intently.

Lin Xiao stretched his waist to refresh himself, and said with a smile, "Have you ever heard of an allusion called Tian Ji's horse racing?"

Shen Changyu tilted his body, almost fell off the chair, and managed to straighten himself up by holding on to the table, with a face full of tears and laughter: "Stop showing off your literary literacy at this time!"

Lin Xiao said "Oh": "To put it simply, it is - this game, we just give up."

Lin Xiao has played against Yan Duzhou more times than anyone else, otherwise how could he be said to be an old opponent. But the person who knows you best is not your teammate who was born and died with you, but your strongest opponent.

From these video materials, it is not difficult to see that Yan Duzhou is now at the peak of his state, which may not even be comparable to the heyday at that time. It is not difficult to imagine that he must have experienced some unknown but absolutely horrific inhuman training. For this self-destructive career improvement method, Lin Xiao cannot express support or disapproval. After all, this is Yan Duzhou's own choice. But he knew very well that if he wanted the team to go to the end, at least for now, he couldn't go crazy with Yan Duzhou, a reckless lunatic. He can actually retire after the end of this season. There are still many promising young people in the Black Rose team.

Of course, he won't admit that the current self really doesn't have the absolute confidence to beat this desperate man.

In a word, the best choice for this race is to wave the flag high and send some inferior horses to adapt to the rhythm of the game to do exercises and prepare for the breakout later.

Watching Shen Chang and leave, Lin Xiao's gaze on the computer screen became slightly deeper, and his tone of voice carried a little emotion: "This guy still likes to push himself so hard..."

Every player has the limit of every player, but there are also some players who seem to be unable to see the limit. Those players are often called "geniuses" by the major media or public supporters. However, what those people don't know is that every time it is necessary to break through the limit, the effort and training required are often beyond the imagination of ordinary people.

A player of Yan Duzhou's level has been at the top of domestic e-sports for so many years, and his skills and strength have always been sought after. On the other hand, he has also broken through the so-called "limit" many times. Some people may not be able to understand the zero-level position of the peak, and the current breakthrough again, but Lin Xiao knows very well that this will inevitably cause a big price in the future.

According to Lin Xiao's personality, facing the situation before him, he would choose to avoid without hesitation, but Yan Duzhou would not. Representatives of the field, the small performance of each game may become the status quo of domestic e-sports and feed back to the outside world.

"Tired, really tired!" Lin Xiao let out a long breath and shook his head.


The next day, the press release of Team Black Rose's victory over Team Blitz dominated the headlines of every page. This made the die-hard fans who have silently supported the Black Rose team feel elated, and it also added a bit of confidence to the next fierce battle against the Apocalypse team. After all, their own team played bravely, and of course they hoped to become more brave as they fought. Many people even used the slogan of fighting against their old enemies back then, and it was very lively for a while.

But soon, after watching the whole battle, it was as if a heavy slap made those enthusiastic fans completely silent again.

fiasco. Just like the Liuyun team that faced the Tianqi team in the previous game, the Black Rose team ushered in their first disastrous defeat in the playoffs, or to be more objective, it was even worse than the Liuyun team's loss at that time. Much more tragic.

"Manager Li, you have worked hard on public relations." After the match, Shen Changyu looked at Li Bochuan with a helpless face, and patted him on the shoulder expressing deep sympathy.

Li Bochuan could only reply with a wry smile.

In fact, when Shen Changyu talked to him about this decision, he instinctively rejected it, but unexpectedly, the next day, You Jing also came to him and made the same suggestion, which made him He had to face this problem head-on. At that time, the four words in You Jing's words made him hesitate and finally made this choice cruelly.

— The loss outweighs the gain.

He didn't analyze the pros and cons in his face in too much detail, but he heard these four words in the ears of his senior coach, and of course he quickly understood the meaning.

Now that he has figured out the link before, the fan's anger in front of him is of course expected. Li Bochuan sighed quietly, and his tone was quite vicissitudes: "No matter what, all the next games, We have to take it."

Yes, it must be taken. Otherwise, in this increasingly fierce standings competition, it is very likely that such a loss will directly lead to the inability to enter the final of the LPP.

While speaking, he turned his eyes around the lounge, and suddenly found that there was one person missing: "Where did Lin Xiao go?"

Shen Changyu: "... I don't know, I didn't see you this morning."

Li Bochuan frowned. Although it is true that he was not arranged to play in today's game, as a new player, he was absent for no reason, which really lacks a sense of team discipline.

Just as he was about to say something, he heard You Jing say, "He asked me for leave, three days."

Li Bochuan only felt that he was choked by saliva: "Three days? Why did you really approve it? There will be no competition in the future!"

"They're all small teams, it's enough for me to be here." You Jing's tone was not salty, obviously he didn't take it to heart.