Good luck with your wife, my husband

Chapter 103: Brothers have a tacit understanding


When Su Yan received Huo Yannian's call, he was holding a glass of wine and hugging him. But after hearing Huo Yannian's words, Mr. Su, who had always valued sex over his friend, actually left all the beauties behind, got up and left. go out.

"Young Master Su..."

He pretended not to hear the person calling him from behind. Su Yan indulged in nightclubs and played every night. He had a lot of friends with whom he had good friends. However, Su Yan knew that such an occasion was not suitable for Huo Yannian and he would not call him.

Every circle has its own rules of survival. For someone like Huo Yannian, whose passion is only for one woman, this place is not suitable.

Su Yan wouldn't ask him to come here. After walking out of the bar, Su Yan drove straight to the "Drunk Man". When he arrived, Huo Yannian already had an empty whiskey bottle in front of him.

Looking away, Su Yan smiled, with his usual cynicism on his face: "What? Young Master Huo is drinking to drown his sorrows? It's just right, come to my place to spend money, and the wealth will not go to outsiders."

Huo Yannian glanced at him and filled another empty glass with wine: "Drink!"

Su Yan sat down carelessly, took the cup and clinked it with Huo Yannian's cup: "Cheers!"

They are all grown men, and they are all men who make waves in the shopping mall. Although Su Yan does not agree with Huo Yannian's view of love, in fact, he is envious. He has a Yu Shengxia, a Yu Shengxia who he is willing to love throughout his life. , but what about himself

Just for fun, you come and go. His women always only want money and famous brands. He doesn't need to give his sincerity, and they don't need to be sincere. In fact, Su Yan doesn't even know whether he is sincere.

Looking at Huo Yannian like this now, he knew without thinking that it must have something to do with that Midsummer girl. Su Yan didn't ask any more questions and just drank with Huo Yannian. They have been brothers for many years and have a perfect understanding!

He didn't know how long he had been drinking. Huo Yannian leaned on the back of the sofa with a wine glass in his hand. He closed his eyes tightly and pursed his thin lips. After a moment, he said lightly: "Su Yan, what if she doesn't like me anymore?" ,what do I do?"

Su Yan almost spit out a mouthful of wine. Would Huo Yannian say such a thing to such a little girl

But when he looked at that man, he didn't look like he was joking at all. Su Yan also saw an inexplicable sadness in him. He was stunned and smiled at himself. How could this be possible

He is Huo Yannian. He will never let go of something he has determined. I still remember when he was famous in the business world. At that time, he had just taken over the Huocheng Group and wanted to acquire a certain electronics group that had fallen into decline despite everyone's opposition. For this reason, everyone was waiting to see this young man who was not afraid of tigers fail when he was born, but it only took him half a year to make Huo Cheng rise in this field.

In the United States at that time, this incident was a perfect reversal, and it also made the three words Huo Yannian a business myth.

Later, he defied all opinions and forcibly moved the focus of the Huocheng Group from the United States back to City X. This incident also caused an uproar, but no one dared to disobey him.

Only Su Yan knew that all of Huo Yannian's actions were for that woman. He wanted to make himself stronger and stronger, and then take her under his wings again.

Su Yan knew about Huo Yannian before he returned to China, so he helped him investigate all the information about Yu Shengxia in the past few years.