Good luck with your wife, my husband

Chapter 140: Sakura bracelet


Although Huo Yannian was fine, he had been in a car accident, so he still had to go to bed early. After eating and resting for a while, he went back to the bedroom. He didn't work, so he didn't go into the study. The money he put on the desk in Shengxia, Huo Yannian didn't see it either.

Yu Shengxia was taking a bath in the bathroom. Huo Yannian thought that he had not given the gift to Yu Shengxia before, so he took it out in a good mood, as if the previous quarrel had never happened at all.

Opening the small box with one hand, there was a bracelet with a cherry blossom pendant inside. The pink diamonds shone brightly. Compared with white diamonds, pink diamonds were a little softer. Huo Yannian looked at it quietly.

In his mind, he couldn't help but recall the scene when he first saw Yu in midsummer. She was sitting quietly under the cherry blossom tree, with pink cherry blossoms falling on her black hair and white skirt.

This bracelet was something Huo Yannian accidentally saw in the mall when he went to buy something for Huo Yanyue that day. Taking a liking to it, Mr. Huo bought it without hesitation.

He could imagine Yu Shengxia's slender and white wrist wearing it!

While he was in a trance, Yu Shengxia had already come out, wiping his hair with a towel in one hand, his wet hair sticking to his cheeks, water droplets falling down his cheeks and neck, coupled with his beautiful face, it was indescribably tempting.

Huo Yannian's eyes darkened, his Adam's apple moved up and down, and there was a fire beating in his heart. Huo Yannian swallowed and looked away. He would never swallow this little woman down right now. Yes, absolutely not.

How could Huo Yannian's first time happen under such circumstances? He wanted her to be willing, and he wanted him to have no worries. Looking at his arm in plaster, Mr. Huo felt a little irritated.

After Yu Shengxia wiped her hair, she happened to see Huo Yannian staring at his arm, thinking that his arm hurt. Yu Shengxia threw away the towel and walked over quickly: "Are you feeling uncomfortable?"

Huo Yannian heard her voice and shook his head. Just as she came over, he handed her the small box in his hand: "Open it and take a look!"

Yu Shengxia took it doubtfully, and as soon as she opened it, she was attracted by the cherry blossom. She liked cherry blossoms because Huo Yannian once told her that the first time he saw her was under the cherry blossom tree. Gradually, she became familiar with it. This little pink flower also produces a different kind of emotion.

There was a smile in Yu Shengxia's eyes, Huo Yannian clearly caught it, and he also smiled: "Do you like it?"


When Yu Shengxia confessed, Huo Yannian raised his eyebrows: "Put it on and let me see!"

The thin bracelet was worn on Shengxia's wrist. The white wrist, paired with pink cherry blossoms, was indescribably soft. Huo Yannian felt that it was even more beautiful than he had imagined, and his heart felt so tender.

Yu Shengxia also thought it was very beautiful. For a moment, she only focused on admiring it and forgot an important question. After a long while, she asked aloud: "For me?"

Huo Yannian gave her a "contemptuous" expression without mercy: "Nonsense!"

Obviously, Miss Shengxia asked a stupid question.

"Did you... buy it for me?"

When Yu Shengxia asked this question, she was a little cautious. If Huo Yannian bought it, could she not want it? But don't seem to be disrespecting him too much, but... her wallet! ! !